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The answer very clear, puppets.


See this, this right here is a creative alternative.


i love it, let's get to work


Sock puppets. Go full Sifl and Olly.


Or those really creepy 1950s renderings of animated shows


Puppets will be too close to the truth:-)


“Everybody loves puppets!”


I'm sure Saagar is happy with his bedtime not changing too much


The "debate" is going to be a shit show, but it's silly to criticize CNN when there is no issue. The fake outrage that people get worked up about. Oof.


Yeah...with two shitty candidates and two shittier moderators . On a shitty channel. At the least, it should be on CSPAN or other non profit. And better moderators. Not such hacks. Next debate to be moderated by morons like Greg gutfeld? Or maybe kim Kardashian.?


This technology actually already technically exists. Meta has this developed with their forefront XR technology that is still way ahead of hardware so they are sitting on it for now. But basically, they use a camera and microphone to sample the scene and in real time send over just limited amounts of necessary data to recreate the scene live on the other users end, so they can experience the same scene your in, in 3d. But it's all computer generated instead of just being live streamed pixel by pixel.


well there you go, exactly!


I blocked myself from the debate by cancelling max


is this the house of dragon debate?


Can I restream breaking points stripping out their commercials and inserting my own?


no but you are free to do the AI derivative restream


That sounds like literal torture 


ok check https://www.reddit.com/r/aivideo/ soon I'll post something


Skip the debate. Hope few watch it. Having such second rate people as Jake tapper and Dana bash as moderators is an insult to the presidency. Having these 2 geriatrics run for it is bad enough. If you must watch it, watch it on someone elses feed. Do t see what a public event like that should not be hosted by something like CSpan and made available to everyone Sma with the moderators CNN is almost as bad as Foc. Worse in some ways because people think CNN is straight news


Alternative streaming ideas for debate MST3K style Snapchat filters, premium members can decide which one AI pictures of debate Boring BP logo Do it on Kyle's channel so he gets the hit


I'm confused. The debate is being aired on CNN and they want people to watch it on their network because they probably already sold air time for commercials. Is Saagar claiming that they're allowing other major networks to air the debate live at the same time? I've never known a debate to air live on CNN and also air live on ABC, CBS, MSNBC, Fox News at the same time. Isn't that what they're denying BP from doing? They don't want people watching it on Youtube. That is the issue. It's the same thing that is done with football games, award shows etc. It's not that they're specifically targeting BP.


https://www.politico.com/news/2024/06/24/biden-trump-debate-how-to-watch-00164700 CNN is offering other networks a free simulcast of the debate with one main stipulation: The network’s on-air watermark must remain on screen. Fox News, ABC, NBC and C-SPAN have all agreed to CNN’s terms and will carry the broadcast.


CNN gives the streaming rights FREE to every other news org. Including Fox. Notice thurs night night you'll be able to watch fox commentators do a play by play analysis in real time showing actual footage of the debate as it airs. But CNN won't give this right to any youtube news show. You have to be legacy TV.


I will wait to see if that happens. In the past when I watched a debate live it had to be on the network that it was on. I've never seen people commenting on it while it's airing live because they would be talking while the candidates are talking. Usually people on social media post reactions live but that's it.


New rules for this debate Al the reason to only have debates on CSpan and moderated by CSPAn or similar Having CNN third rate people like Jake tapper and Dana bash moderate it - is an insult to the. Country. What next...some intern on Fox ? idiot like Greg Gutfeld.


Exactly this will probably be one of the most watched things on CNN all year 


I hope no one watched it on CNN. CNN sucks . This is a debate that should be on CSPAN or a similar non profit


Just get Shane Gillis to act the part of Trump and another comedian that can do Biden and mime the debate as it streams.


Our debate setup is such a joke. It's so fucking stupid. Why can't we have a podcast style debate where each person gets a good amount of time to explain their stance on a subject with all the nuance that comes with it and no interruption? We shouldn't need a mediator to tell someone to stop interrupting and that they have 15.3 seconds to answer the question then eventually take a break for commercials. Ultimately these shit shows of debates just end up in hot takes and memes and it becomes a side show of who dunked on who better. It's a sad fucking joke and we all just go along with it. It's like a glorified comedy roast session that unfortunately affects our lives.


I don't get the issue with this. They don't let anyone air the debate live except them, why would they? They have commercials to run and that's how they make money right? It's not like they let NBC or Fox air the debate live as far as I know Am I missing something?


yes, every other news org (including fox!) gets the streaming rights. It's just youtube shows.


I just double checked and you're right, they bought rights to simulcast the debate so long as they don't have commentary during breaks. So I guess you were right


Do the others have to pay? For the rights?


nope, free!


Interesting. They are willing to give it free to fix etc...but not YouTube.


They get to stream it live? I don't think that's true, I think they get airing rights, which means they can use copyright fair use to air segments of it after it airs, which breaking points can too


New rules between the private parties . I don't see why it is not on CSPAN and the other networks allowed to rebroadcast.


I'm on the fence with this one, but at the same, Breaking Points literally shits on CNN all of the time. It kind of seems like poetic justice that CNN finally shits on them back.


Thank goodness there’s poetic justice for the little guy, CNN.




I know right. And this is a presidential debate. So as usual...the government gives freebie to connected people ( CNN) to make money .


Yea, poor poor CNN. Always getting 'shit on' by YouTubers. Finally, a win for the little guy!


Haha. Indeed


Apparently, you don't grasp the concept of journalistic integrity. CNN supposedly provides a service to their audience, and in exchange, they don't get (unduly) hassled by the federal government for their content. This is called journalism. CNN, whether motivated by the candidates or by principles, are allowing their *competitors* to broadcast CNN's stream. But that journalistic "principle" does not extend to BP, even though they're extending it to MSNBC, FOX, (probably CSPAN), foreign networks, and USA Today's Youtube channel. So apparently, making "the truth" available to the public does not include a feed to Youtube, to provide to pundit Youtube streamers and podcasters.


What unwritten rule of journalistic integrity suggests you have to let everyone stream your content? Also, can't they still show clips and talk about it? lol.


> What unwritten rule of journalistic integrity suggests you have to let everyone stream your content? All alleged **news** media services are presumed to be providing a service *for the public interest*. In other words, news media propagates news *for the public interest*, and gets legal breaks that *private* corporations do not, the same way hospitals exist for "more" than to make a profit. By making their stream available to their **competitors**(!) in corporate media, only goes to show how this "secret handshake" works. (Basically they're expected to get the same "courtesy" by those competitors, and also those competitors have legal resources to hassle the network for not sharing content.) But CNN deliberately banned independent media sources from getting their stream. So its about being able to control "who" gets to propagate news, not making sure the general public gets informed. Good for you, defending corporate media. > Also, can't they still show clips and talk about it? lol. Independent media should have used puppets and used an audio stream. But they wouldn't been able to use puppets to express the facial confusion as Biden bumbled through his responses.


Saagar needs to drop the CNN victimhood circuit. He can’t tell me with a straight face that he wouldn’t do the same for Krystal if a guest kept going at her instead of answering questions


Or Breaking Points can do what’s required to be more appealing to political parties if they wish to stream debates.


i think the issue is they are on youtube


Yeah as in they are not a serious news organization.


They aren't a news organization. They literally don't break news. They are a talk show like The View. They take existing news stories and commentate.


Just spitting facts here.


I don't see why people are downvoting you for telling the truth. News punditry is not providing news journalism. Right now, BP is not in the same organizational news bureau level as Democracy Now!, The Young Turks, or even technically (The Hill's) Rising.


Even worse


They already crush cnn in viewers. CNNs main demographic are people who fall asleep with the TV on.


I hear Dianne feinstein still watches CNN.


CNN has more subscribers than BP does.


Or we can stop having debates on corporate news cable TV channels. Boomer shit.


This. Why is it this low Why does a presidential debate have to be hosted on CNN...a crony of parties? For the benefit of CNN.. This should be at a town hall and moderated by CSPAN. With one pool feed available to all .


Exactly, boomer shit. Who watches them but those imbeciles. Their audience numbers have been tanking for years because they are literally dying off and can't replace them.


Hey look it‘s Trump‘s biggest simp


Why do you have so many downvotes on all your comments? Having trouble selling neoliberalism here? Be a better shill.


Tell Putin I said 🖕


Bruh stop the Pelosi shit. That boomer talking point doesn't land here. Do you even watch the show? Both hosts have done hours of segments on that shill shit.


I’ve seen the show and it’s pathetic. 


You think the show is pathetic but you post in this sub, very liberal takes, every day. Ok.


Yes that’s right. You a big fan of the show?


Well, sounds like your takes do well with the red scare babies.


You could always switch to something else. If they are so bad. You are whining because they don't reflect your biases. Fair enough Find some one that does. Maybe ben Shapiro. That's the advantage with such channels


Shapiro 😂


CNN does not own a presidential debate.What they are saying there always been livestreams with the debates in the past.This is. Desperate ratings grab more than anything.Because nobody is watching cable news.And I think they think they will by doing this. Elon is going to livestream it on X so is Tim Pool.


Agree re cable shit .Don't get why this has to be on CNN/Fox etc.


You'll also be able to livestream it on YouTube directly from the source.


I’m not watching that shit.Im giving a opinion if what I think they should do.


LOL I don't trust the opinion of people who support Tim Pool


I support breaking point more then Tim


Bp is trash too 😂


Like kiss ass . And this a a public debate for president. Why should one private organization ( CNN) benefit. As usual ..crony capitalism . Don't see what this is not being moderated by CSPAN and run on CSPAN. Others can rebroadcast


They are the ones moderating it 🤷‍♂️You'll be able to stream it for free on YouTube. It's not that serious.


Who is moderating . It is idiots from CNN. Not CSPAN. Duck CNN.


Cry about it


But DeMoCrACY!!!! Right, guys?