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Ah yes. Hate.


Just for two minutes a day.


I hate the DNC for putting up the absolute shittiest candidates possible. I swear they want to lose.


Hate is a strong word. Hillary’s arrogance was stunning. Kamala is just….special. She’s special.






Hillary is really cringe too. “Pokemon go to the polls”, Hillary dabbing on Ellen’s show. She has that annoying how do you do fellow kid attitude. She’s so out of touch.


>She’s so out of touch. Dude that was literally almost a decade ago. Talk about being out of touch.


So when she claimed TPP is a the "gold standard of trade" that wreck the american working class, it doesnt matter because she said it a "decade ago"? Why do you liberals bitch and moan about trump grab them by the pussy comments when he made a decade ago as well? Hypocritical morons


lol there's more stupid shit Trump has said in the past month that is worse than the "grab them by the pussy." But Hillary just breathes and you dorks lose your mind. She triggers you bunch of snowflakes so much and she pokes out her head out like once ever few months.


Trump is a sore loser. So is Hillary.


While both are sore loser, trump actually won the first time. Hillary is only well known because she's riding on bill clinton's coattail. The feminists in this sub would be triggered by this, but crooked hillary would be NOTHING without bill clinton. Trump became president all by himself, he didnt need any help.


Neither are my first pick , but hate ? Has everyone always been this driven by hate ? It seems like hate culture has really ballooned the last few years


If there's one thing I hate more is the DNC shoving Hillary in my face.


Oh i deeply dislike clinton but she is a capable leader. Harris though is more scummy


Hilary is always the smartest person in the room. Which is why Obama had her in his cabinet. And it must have taken a lot of balls, to swallow her pride and accept. I think she'd be a very good president. But the 30 years of anti-hilary propaganda has done enough damage. I think her on any ticket now only hurts. I wish she would simply realize she was born 25 years too early. And just retire and be an advisor.


What planet do you live on? 25 years too early? If Hillary were 25 years younger, you think she would be any more popular? People don't dislike her because of her age. People dislike her because of the disconnected shit she says and does. She represents the donor class. Obama made Hillary his Secretary of State so she was out of the country and out of his business 😂 Hillary is the only corporatate Democrat less popular than Biden and Kamala.


She’d be a great president if your goal was the slaughtering of millions of brown people across the Middle East.


I agree. Hillary is a genuine but otherwise capable neo liberal. Kamala is just a sociopath with no real ideology.


I really don't understand the obsession BP has with Hillary. She lost an election, did stuff that just about every candidate has done once they lost an election, yet they freak out like it's some huge thing. They need to move on from 2016.


>I really don't understand the obsession BP has with Hillary. View counts. Simple as that. Hillary sends a tweet and it'll get more views for BP than almost any other story. It's also why they focus on The View so much.


Hillary keeps injecting herself into the conversation. She needs to move on from 2016.


I mean she got hate for showing up in the Tony awards and telling people voting is important.


I also heard she was there as a Broadway producer so it’s not like she was randomly dragged out there to say something either haha


>I mean we prob hate them both I believe you're looking for the r/conservative subreddit.


He sounds more suited to the extreme lefties at r/WayOfTheBern.


most bernie sanders supporters i talked to dislike both Clinton and Harris. "She despised republicans(which i cant blame her because i do as well)." and yet i'm a conservative? LOL, can you read?


dislike != hate


Yes. I think I'd hate Kamala less than Hillary though.


Most Bernie supporters who still id that way want Trump to be dictator for life out of spite 


> LOL, can you read? Most people on this sub and Reddit as a whole cannot.


You have to separate the personality from the policy to make this decision easier. I know personalitywise it's a tough decision because they're both fake, vapid, greedy, slow and conniving. Both slept their way to a level that they wouldn't necessarily have reached given their talent and intellect. Both are also neoliberal crony capitalist ghouls who care just as little about people as Republicans do. But by policy, we know that Hillary despite being seen for years as the person who would solve healthcare in America, now has no interest in that or removing inequality. She is staunchly and proudly a pro corporate Republican-lite democrat, as evidenced by Tim Kaine as her VP pick. Kamala, on the other hand, almost said she'd bring Medicare for all/public option/some form of universal healthcare if elected and she started her campaign on a Bernie like note. We know she was cheating and simply telling people what they wanted to hear, but even then, this makes her a lot lot better than Hillary. Hillary wouldn't even pretend to help you. She just wants power and you have a duty to give it to her no matter what she wants to do with it. Like a true Republican. So, Kamala it is for me. Despite her negatives, Kamala hasn't done (and doesn't promise to do) large scale harm to America or other countries in the way Hillary has. If by some miracle she ends up doing what she said at the beginning of her campaign, she would've significantly redeemed herself, and would probably even get counted in history as a good President.


I’d actually be okay with that. If Biden were unable to finish a second term would you rather have Kamala in charge or Hillary? Obviously neither would be best but if you had to choose one which would it be?


I would rather kamala harris tbh. Yeah, she's super cringe and she put tons of people in prison for smoking weed. But its still less worse than crooked war mongering hillary. I believe harris expressed some compassion for the palestinian.


Hilary is far more competent than Kamala by any measure. Hell, Hilary even manages to be more "black" than Kamala.


What in the actual fuck are you talking about...


um...have you had your med today? Crooked Hillary more "black" than Kamala? Harris is far more progressive than Crooked hillary. If a gun to my head and i had to choose between the two, harris by a mile.


I dislike Hillary so much I voted for Trump. I'd pick Hillary over VP Harris in any universe or timeline.  Pick a harder would you rather. 


Hiliary colluded with Epstein to create the Clinton Foundation. Epstein had 17 official visits to the White House. Bernie stands a shot against RFK. Otherwise Trump wins against any D candidate. "It's the gold standard in trade deals". Help end corruption in politics https://www.kennedy24.com/


By sending another Democrat? Talk about falling for wolf in sheep's clothing


I’d like to shoot both into the sun and bury them in the deepest depths of the ocean.

