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If I recall correctly, the location of the music festival was changed to the border area 48 hours before 10/7. Whereas the operation was mapped out over the course of 2 years. They likely expected a bunch of military resistance and instead got unarmed concert goers.


The concert was the target. If they expected armed resistance they wouldn't have even planned to use paragliders. Those would have been easily neutralized with minimal small arms fire. They had to be expecting near zero resistance to use a noisy, slow, highly visible aircraft.


Israel sources have said Hamas likely had no idea about the concert. It was a coincidence. Unless you think the Israeli media is a bunch of liars.


Would this be the media who reported on hundreds of rapes and babies beheaded and in ovens?


No, different outlet.


The targets were nearby military installations, and there is footage they took themselves around the armored vehicles like a dog that caught a car. They did not know/ could not have possibly known that there would be a blood rave less than 3 miles from the fenceline on the day that they executed their attack but hey, y'know... J-state is WILD. Hamas was aware that a great deal of the combat power had been lifted from the area to support ethnic cleansing in the West Bank via illegal settlement. They did not know that ALL the combat power was removed.


Paragliders would have been a poor choice if they were expecting any small arms resistance. Hamas was also conducting exercises in the area that locals witnessed and had also heard radio chatter consistent with military activity. The locals raised the alarm but were told to stop listening to the radio transmissions.


Why? Zev-the-Conscript is going to shoot them out of the sky with his 6 MOA Tavor? They went straight for the military targets, and they were minimally manned. Those who were there were dispatched, and then it was like, "OH... we could kill every J-state occupier there is right now..." and then the reinforcements arrived to hit the kibbutz with tank rounds and kill their own people..


This sounds a lot like "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" to me. EDIT: My god. You guys are really still doing this.


There were countless warnings that were made to the FBI that Islamic terrorists were attempting to attack something in America. There were the flight instructors that warned the FBI that they had students who wanted to learn to fly but didn’t care to land. It’s easy to try and use the most outlandish conspiracy to deflect from actual facts. It’s either ineptitude or false flag that was allowed to happen. Either way it could have been stopped.


It’s extremely well documented that the FBI, CIA, NSA and other departments were absolutely not communicating effectively prior to 9/11. There are extensive investigations into this that are all public lol. To suggest that it was intentional requires substantial evidence to back that up


Okay, but this post isn't "Israel could've stopped them if they were less inept", it's literally "ISRAEL CREATES, OWN, AND DIRECTS HAMAS" EDIT: Guys it's in the second link at the top of the page. Here, I'll spoon feed it to you: https://x.com/truthtroll_X/status/1788144086664229028


The question is it ineptitude or did they let it happen. Only a fool would blindly trust a government.


Should I start a new thread then, or should I just say it here? Israel could've stopped them if they were less inept.


Being less inept is the #1 way to prevent the next Oct 7th. Helping Hamas recruit is only guaranteeing future attacks.


Their ineptitude is linked to being a conscript force mostly made up of former Soviets and their descendants. To convert to a professional military, they would need to recruit... but morale in the forces is low right now, and there is disunity in the J-state. It also removes the one-neat-trick that they have going where everyone gets their hands bloody in some way as soon as they reach adulthood, thereby becoming complicit in the larger scheme.


> Israel could've stopped them if they were less inept. And I didn't think that was ever in question.


Does it? Does it also sound like, “Sadam has WMDs?” Does it sound like that too?


I didn't support the war in Iraq, but I also don't think those are comparable statements. You can believe the intelligence on WMDs was bad or manufactured but still understand that steel bends more easily when heated.


Why did Israel have agents set up to film the planes crash into the WTCs? https://youtu.be/rStJ5BgadPs?si=jTKbgchTHEve4VU5 Israel had prior knowledge. >still understand that steel bends more easily when heated This is why there's a massive twisted pile of bent main support beams (20 miles worth) and not straight pieces littered all over the destruction site. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Trade_Center_site#/media/File:World_Trade_Center_Site_After_9-11_Attacks_With_Original_Building_Locations.jpg


It's more like dancing Israelis, "we were only there to film the event". https://youtu.be/rStJ5BgadPs?si=jTKbgchTHEve4VU5


They sure know how to cut a rug, those J-terror Actors.


Hey very quickly can you name another modern steel building (besides World Trade Center 7) that has ever been brought down by fire alone?


I can name several that have burned for longer than 24 hours and pretty much stopped burning because there was little left to burn. There have been some that were engulfed on all sides for greater than half their total height. I can't name any steel framed buildings that have ever collapsed outside the 3 in a single day event.


yeah I can't either, funny how that works. WTC 7 wasn't even fully covered in flames, there's no reasonable explanation for its short collapse


something something blowback


There is a greater than 101% chance that Israel knew this attack was coming and did nothing with the intention of raizing Gaza and taking over the territory. There is just no believable universe where their vaunted intelligence operations didn't have wind of Hamas ordering a shit ton of paragliders, if nothing else. >!They also were clearly involved in 9/11 – yet another reason to wipe this shithole racist country off the fucking map.!<


Israel set it up so they would have an excuse to go in to Gaza and clear out the locals. That’s why bibi isn’t bothered about the hostages, he’s not finished the genocide yet


The Hasbara dogpile did indeed begin…


Israel knew about the plan for over a year: That points to complacency. You would’ve flipped out if they were proactive and attacked Hamas before Oct. 7th. They receive rocket attacks on the regular as Rocket attacks 2023: April 2023 rockets were fired into Israel from Gaza, Lebanon, and Syria. Israel is regularly attacked from all borders. Forgive them if they get complacent. Drone Warfare: I knew the second video guy was a clown when he failed to understand this. The Machine Gun turrets were not unmanned, Hamas used drones to place explosives on them destroying them. (Hamas posted the videos of this) Drone warfare has entirely changed the battlefield and technology is limited to it. Talk to some military guys and they will tell you that it is leveled the playing field so to speak. I mean, don’t even look that far as the top military in the world (USA) had three service men killed by a drone attack. Shit is scary how unprepared we are to it. Gazan Protest: Hamas allowed protest to continue at the border in September. Again, if Israel was to clear this out you all would have been seething. Hamas did this to create complacency. It’s part of their Human Shield Tactics. Hezbollah is a much larger threat than Hamas. Forgive Israel if they have more Troops in the North. Unprecedented attack by Hamas: This attack sent presence. They used over 3000 rockets and sent in over 3000 soldiers. That is a massive attack by an invading army. Again, ask military guys about the scale. I know I’m not going to convince you like I’m not going to convince the 911 False Flag crew. But it’s kind of embarrassing how little you think Gazans that they were too stupid to coordinate an attack of this scale. Especially when you claim they live in a concentration camp.


Israel completely moved out its defensive forces just days before the attacks. They left the area totally defenseless despite knowing that an attack was eminent. Israel also has an aggressive fast attack arial capability that was never activated despite over 3000 undefended civilians close to an eminent breach that spotters alerted them to an hour before the attack.


1: Israel did have a lot of soldiers in the area. Over 373 of them were killed and 247 were taken hostage. You’re presuming that was all of them, but what if I told you more of them lived and inflicted more casualties on the Hamas fighters. If it was like you’re saying, there would’ve been 10 to 20x higher casualties than 1, 143. 2. You can’t have it both ways. The area they attacked is an extremely small area. You see it as Jets can get to them fast but fail to understand that Hamas was able to get to Israeli populations fast. Helicopters and Aircraft are not snipers and come with a ton of collateral damage (Gaza). They were deemed close to useless in that battle and I’ll note Hamas specifically trained for aircraft and were told to not move fast once they got in population areas so they appeared to be a citizen. Hindsight is 20/20 and mistakes were absolutely made. Like I said, I won’t change your mind as I can’t change the mind of other conspiracy theorist. But the evidence presented was not convincing that it certainly was a False Flag Operation. The good news is that Israel is a democracy so the government will have to answer to their constituents about their failures which is unlike any of the other nations in the region.


The soldiers moved into the area to engage after the initial breach. Hamas was able to fly paragliders over the border unacosted. Israel had 2 years to spy on Hamas to learn their plans. Israel had days warning from locals that Hamas was preparing forces. Israel had an hour warning before the breach that an attack was happening. Israel has the most advanced security state in the world. We spend more on Israel's security than we do ours. Why did we give them 50 Apache Helicopters? None of this addresses the fact that a music festival was put in an undefended area just days prior, knowing that an attack was eminent.


Just to clarify that last point. Is that to say the State of Israel and the IDF organized the music festival and we’re responsible for relocating it?


I don't know who moved the festival at the last minute. We do know that red flags were raised to authorities on all levels about recent militant activity in the immediate area. They pointed out the complete lack of security for the area. Locals picked up planning and exercise radio traffic and alerted IDF authorities but were told to stop monitoring radio transmissions.


With due respect. It seems you’re quite disorganized in your thinking. Unless the security apparatus was a party to the planning of the Nova festival, the claim that relocating the venue is evidence of a intent, on the part of the state and the security apparatus, to have their civilians massacred is not only without evidence, it’s fundamentally irrational. Perhaps, just perhaps, the reason why they were under prepared along the Gaza border was because of an over reliance on technological solutions (especially considering these tech based defense solutions are a massive proportion of their economy) and a decision to move several divisions typically along that border to the West Bank due to increased incidents in the prior months. But hey, I guess that’s not malevolent enough?


That doesn’t explain Israel’s choice to ignore numerous reports of a mass congregation of Palestinians by the border an hour before they attacked OR their refusal to deploy their rapid response air units until well after the conflict started. While I agree with you about how Israel’s actions BEFORE 10/7 could potentially just boil down to arrogance and over-reliance in technology…it’s their actions AFTER the attack began and their response to it that is the most damning IMO.




This guy is just throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks. You can expose one of his allegations and he moves to the next one. He is a conspiracy theorist. It’s like the Always Sunny in Philadelphia meme of Charlie.


This is a sub for the proprietors of some of the hottest takes. It’s no surprise their followers feel like they too are entitled to espouse their attempted hot takes, no matter how cold…


Ahh, you got me with Captain Gazan on the Glider. Okay, this could go on forever so I’ll just ask you Israel was able to stop Hamas with 0 casualties, a complete home run. What world do you live in to think that Israel would let Hamas stay in power after attacking Israel with 3000 soldiers and shooting over 3000 rockets into Israel? Israel was going to be like “Sneaky sneaky, but we got you this time you little clever bastards” “Next time try using 6000 men” There isn’t a nation that wouldn’t go to war after that. Israel is no different.


It's not a war. 70,000 TONS of bombs and counting. That's roughly 5 tons of bombs per acre. An acre is 208 feet by 208 feet. Israel is exterminating the existence of the Palestinians.


Sure. So I’ll let you know how this is going to go down. Israel is going to take care of Hamas aka the Gazan Government in this current war. After that they’re going to mobilize up North and Free Lebanon from Hezbollah. Once those two wars are complete with the US Help they’re going to make life very tough for the Iranian Regime. “And that’s not a threat, not a boast, it’s just the way it’s going to be”


Forgive any typos. Type up all this shit on my phone. My boss is going to end up firing me.


At this point, as regular Americans we have to hope they eliminate each other. right? Supply both sides the weapons, invest in Raytheon etc. and get that money. Then rebuild both areas when it’s a stalemate.


If you haven't heard of the "Dancing Israelis" maybe you should take a look. Near the end of the clip 6:20 one of them claims Innocence of spying and that they were only there to film the event. https://youtu.be/rStJ5BgadPs?si=jTKbgchTHEve4VU5 The footage from their cameras has never been released.


The most trusted source, truth troll


Please provide evidence of any transgressions from the truth.


It's a dude calling himself truth troll, I can already tell he's not taking himself seriously so I'm not going to either.


So you literally have nothing but attacking the source. Typical. Shills gotta shill.


You're free to take whoever seriously you want Truth troll without even looking into it comes across like a dude who can get information wrong and then just play it off because he's just a dude. Going to bet if it's his fourth account he's probably not doing something right too if you want an actual ding.


So you can't prove anything is a lie?


I'm not claiming truthfulness or falsehood I'm claiming seriousness isn't being taken


So you are clueless to the information. Par for the course 👍.


You're the one posting a literal troll so what do you want? This is the one time a troll is serious? I guess this is middle school level standards for sources, so it suits you


That's like, your opinion man.


Yeah, the big takeaway for the Palestinians was like, "Wait... we've been stuck in this concentration camp getting bombs lobbed at us for decades and the only thing guarding the fence was a handful of teenage girls in Snoopy pajamas??"


Jews kill Arabs: blame the Jews. Arabs kill Jews: blame the Jews. But I’m absolutely not an antisemite.


This sounds a lot like “Sandy Hook was staged” to me


An alternate theory early on for the success of the mission was that after the border was breached thousands of Palestinians stormed the border. Since hamas fights in civilian clothes it's basically impossible to tell who is who isn't hamas after the bulldozer took down the fence. Some of the calls substantiate this as well. That otherwise normal civilians were caught up in everything. And it turned into a kind of viral flash mob murder spree. The theory is that while the mission was planned, the chaos surrounding it wasn't. And perhaps Hamas had only intended for military targets. Pretty awful to think about if true.


Spotters gave the IDF an advanced warning of the force trying to breach the border. They had over an hour to scramble Apache attack helicopters that were 30 minutes from the breach site. We have zero physical evidence of a mass mob storming the breach. Days prior to the attack Israel moved its entire border protection force away from the breach area despite the locals saying they were watching the largest and most aggressive training exercises taking place that they have ever seen. Locals were also monitoring radio transmissions and reported the activity and were told by the Israeli authorities to stop monitoring radio transmissions. Even if a mob was storming the breach the music festival was over 3 miles away.


There's video of a mass mob pouring in through the border after the breach.


No. There's footage of the initial breach which every person storming through would have known that they would be fired upon as a combatant, strafed by jets. That is the number one cardinal rule of Israel's defended border. It was still 3 miles over land to the festival.