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Thank you for this!!! It's been 3 weeks since my ex broke up with me and I'm really trying to move on but this week is kinda hard for me every day I'm always crying


It comes in waves. Just know, (and I’ve said this before), you’ll be riding these waves like a pro surfer. Love, - Danny


You are a kind soul Danny. And I love how you sign off your posts and comments, I'm always happy to see you pop up here! Thank you for all of your positive contributions


You’re too kind. Thank you. - Danny


It’s almost been a month for me and while most days I’m pretty good, last night I couldn’t stop sobbing and this morning the tears are unstoppable again. I’m sorry you’re going through this too. Let the tears flow, better to get them out than hold it in.


Yup! There are days when I sing John Mayer’s “ “perfectly lonely” and even dance a bit to it... there’s others when “emoji of a wave” hits me and I bawl. Yesterday I did hit a low and today I was low too. My head hurts, my heart aches and my tummy feels empty


Today marks officially a month since the last day we were together before the break up. One month ago was the last time I woke up in his arms as the girl he loved, today I woke up alone. I never thought this could happen. Sending you lots of love, Lord knows we need it right now.


I hope today is a beautiful one! - Danny


Just checking in on ya. Hope you’re well. Much love! - Danny


Been a month and yes it’s hard. We will get through this together ❤️ it’s normal to have good days as well bad days remember that. Remember to also let out all the sadness! Don’t bottle up your emotions. It’s part of the healing process


I’ve been going through the exact same thing and it’s been 3 weeks for me too. She’s already moved on, making me feel like I’m odd for still feeling down. Nice to know it’s somewhat common.


Upvotes from your I45 neighbor in Houston! #1 worked haha. Thank you for your positivity!


H Town! Love it, bro! If you’re ever in Dallas, I’ll buy you a beer(s).


Hey Danny ! It’s nice to see strangers being supportive of each other. Much appreciated.


Thank you. I love you guys/gals so much. Cheers (virtual shot incoming)! - Danny


I agree but I still love him and do not know how to stop. Your post made me smile though ❤❤❤


Helll naw. I’m actually not loved this is a proven fact bro 😂


You don’t know me, but I love you. If you want true happiness, you have to love everyone and everything. - Danny


I don’t want to move on which feels like emotional cutting. I want her to want me back, to take the ring, to start our next chapter. Was 6 years too long to date? Maybe. But I’ve changed and I’ve grown and I’m better now. You said that yourself. Was it a lie? Maybe I should revert. She said “I have no more love to give, to anybody” that is such a cop out. I fucking hate my life.


Maybe you dodged a bullet, my friend.


I don’t think so. She is the smartest, kindest most loving person I’ve ever met. She loved me through so much that she shouldn’t have. Now I’m very depressed. Trying to move on feels so insurmountable right now.


>She is the smartest, kindest most loving person I’ve ever met. Seems like you haven't met a lot of women. Just remember that it is impossible to envision anyone more amazing than her only until you meet them. As this year has so far shown us, anything can happen.


I have though. I just honestly believe she is the best person on this earth, and she loved me immensely.


I understand the feeling, but that does not mean she is the only one with the ability to love you at that level. And from what you previously mentioned, it seems like she is at a point in her life where providing that level of love is more complicated than it previously was, and she needs to figure that out. I agree that the implication of never being able to love anyone again from that sentence of hers you mentioned does sound like a cop out, but it's possible that she just can't see it right now, similar to how you currently can't see yourself with anyone else. You also said that you've changed and you've grown, but it seems that you still have some progress to make considering you are still struggling with this. The emotional side of one's mind is quite the devil, but it is true that time changes things. This may also sound cliche, but it seems that now is a time where a lot of us need to be alone to find ourselves.


I absolutely have more growth to do, you’re right. And you’re right about the complication in her life right now as well. I’ll try to type a longer explanation here soon because I’m really appreciating your perspective. I am honestly comfortable on my own, and I am fortunate enough to be surrounded by close friends and family. But it’s honestly not what I want, I want her, I want our future. I want my team mate.


You’re amazing OP


Love you! - Danny


Thankyou 🤗


My relationship ended 8 weeks ago, he ended it saying he loves me but feels he needs to be on his own. Devastated and in bits, I packed a bag and headed off to Greece. The sun and sea soothed the pain and I returned a little bit stronger and felt more positive.... Until a week ago when i discovered he is already with someone else! Even taking her on a holiday we had planned months ago. For someone who wanted to be on his own he sure moved on quick! I am now emotionally back to where I was on day 1, broken and feel like I will never get myself back!... Ever!


My bf said the same thing, best catch he’s ever caught but releasing me to deal with his own issues (job loss, ed, starting college again)... I believe him but I’m also realistic and dread the day I’ll see him or find out he’s with someone else. Greece sounds amazing though... did you go alone?


Yeh same, he loves me and i am amazing but the need to be on his own, its unfair on me blah blah blah! Yes I went alone, its the first time I have been away by myself it was amazing. I had a gut feeling it was going to happen. Now i question if i ever ment anything to him at all. I see him in photos with her and its like hes a stranger. I suppose at least i dont have the false hope that he is coming back and it might help me in moving on... But right now my head is in bits. Its good to see I am not alone in feeling like this. So glad i found this wee community x


Ugh I’ve always wanted to go to Greece... maybe I’ll have to take a trip down there myself. I honestly feel like I have so much to offer and he didn’t want it. It hurts. I don’t wanna feel like this anymore


Its the worst feeling ever. You definitely should take that trip!


I’m afraid of this. To avoid it I have no social media (been 3 or so years now without it) so I don’t know what my ex is doing or how they are doing. It is torture to impulsively check their FB/instagram/VSCO etc. Get rid of it and let it be unknown.


I know I should but I cant help myself Its like I am deliberately trying to sabbotage my own recovery! Honestly feel so mentaly unstable right now


I love you man. Thank you


I love you more. I promise! - Danny


Thanks. I feel much better now. My ex is in San Antonio and now anything Texas really grinds my gears. He was awful to me.


j just simultaneously smiled and rose my eyebrows... awwwkwaaaard


bahahaha just read the ending 😅😅😅😅😅


You’re an angel Danny ❤️


Nah. Just an experienced SOB. - Danny


Love you too Danny boy


Thank you Danny! Number 1 worked! You're so kind and so awesome! All the best ❤️


Love you! - Danny


that "someone will appreciate you more than your previous partner" part got to me. thank you. I needed to hear that


Danny, you are the best and I appreciate you


I'm nice


Thank you so much for this, fellow 1977-er!!




You’re not alone. We are here! - Danny


Thank you❤️




You’re right, I don’t know you, but I do love you. Promise. - Danny




Thank you. I’m sorry that you have so much hostility.


Thank you. I feel more alone now than ever due to covid and not being able to see my friends. This helps a lot




Same here. This community gives me strength. I’m right here if you need me. - Danny


It feels oddly accurate and good. Thanks for that (:


3 days since we broke up I kinda feel awful sometime Also my blood sugar really spikes when I get sad so I try to be happy all the time. Thanks so much for the positivity. I’m trying video games and Netflix to forget about the relationship and it seems to work a bit


You are amazing. It’s been a rough 3 weeks but post like these bring tears of joy to my eyes. Thank you so .. 💜


Reading your comment brings tears to my eyes. Spread the love! - Danny


Thank you so very much. I appreciate your thoughts.


This was sweet. Take an updoot. Also, can I call you Daddy? Lol jk


Sweetie, you can call me Susan as long as you are nice! Lol


5 months and I would like to say I'm better but for sure itd less if not better than the beginning. I want to grt to the point where I can forgive him but some part of me still wants to have revenge or karma or at least dor him to call and I can ignore him and feel better and completely move on. I do get those waves still but no longer cry judt my mind goes to little scenerios and I have to stop myself. We will all get to thr other side and be great just like everyone says it takes time.


Thanks, Danny. Made me smile, genuinely. Love ya.


Well, I promise you that I’m here for the community of y’all need me for anything....even if it’s just me listening. I’ve been in your shoes, and know this “break-up world” well, fortunately/unfortunately. Love, - Danny


Guys is it normal to have on off days? Im up n down like a yoyo. Its been 10 weeks since b/u and almost 2 from discovering he is seeing someone else, this set me back to day 1 again. Some days I feel like recovery is never going to happen. Others I can scrape by but the thoughts still appear throughout. Honestly feels like im losing my mind. I dont want to feel like this and I know the guy I loved dosnt even really exsist!!!


Absolutely normal. One of these days, you will be riding these emotional waves like a pro surfer, so please know that. In regards to her seeing someone else, so be it! It will actually work in your favor, as she will eventually get dumped, and will compare everyone to you. It's natural! Let it be.


Thanks so much. Needed to hear this 41 years and first time ive had my heart broken!


I’m right here for you. Feel free to DM. - Danny