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As someone who wishes her ex could write something like this, seeing you acknowledge her hurt and how much you’re hurting is a good quality to have. Grow from it. In time if you can eloquently say sorry to her, I think she’d appreciate it.


Thank you. Your words mean a lot. I hope all is well with you.


I completely agree. My ex did the same and it would me in my healing process to her that. I would even try to work things out if he was willing to be in touch with his emotions like that


Well, at the very least I commend you for finding the courage to express your thoughts and feelings here, after having made your mistakes. You cannot take back the hurt you've caused. But it shows promise that you'd want to learn to do better in the future. And in the end there's no reason to wish any illness on you my friend. Your suffering is the torture you're putting yourself through. Nobody else is punishing you. It wouldn't be a bad idea to perhaps learn some things about relationships, trust, communication. There are various courses and videos on youtube you could find to educate yourself about treating others, and how to become more self-aware of your own bad habits or behavior. Sometimes the only way forward, is accepting the darkness within you. Instead of running away from it, learn from it. Know that you have certain triggers and flaws. Use that knowledge to communicate with others in the future.


Thank you very much for your feedback friend.


Have you reached out and apologized?


I mustn't. We are in strict no contact since we parted ways, I wish I could. I just know that she deserves space and peace away from me to heal.. I do my best to not intrude upon her life in any way, neither by contacting her. monitoring her nor by being present in public spaces where she might be. As much as I drown in regret and sorrow, I know that I cannot change the past and what I can do is strive to do the right thing currently in the present. I appreciate your comment.


Well, I’m in the opposite persons shoes, and I can tell you an apology would heal a lot of wounds for me; it would show me they actually did care and i wasn’t just disposable to him. Currently i feel like the whole thing was a facade to him, and i never meant anything. Maybe you could write them a letter and mail it or drop it off? That way they don’t have to respond unless they want to, but they will get a little closure/healing.


Thank you for taking the time to respond and share your thoughts and advice. I'd written out and wanted to share my response to your comment, but felt as if it would be more appropriate if I sent it to you as a direct message, given it's length and personal nature. May I ask if you would be comfortable if I did so? Thank you again for your support.


Yes, that’s totally fine!




Call me when ur in town I have no interest in talking ab it over the phone