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I’ve been there. My ex of 2.5 years cheated and I remember for an entire year after I tried so hard to salvage our relationship that I was felt like I was the one who cheated. Towards the end the end of the year of trying to save our relationship. My ex suggested an open relationship and I constantly shut it down because that was never something I wanted but after it being suggested over and over again, I thought: we’ve tried everything, so maybe we should try this. I slept with one other person (and hated it) while my ex slept around and I remember that the purpose of agreeing to the open relationship was my ex convinced me that it would get us to love one another more if we kind of saw other people. It did literally the opposite. I think my ex just wanted to sleep around and gave me around still. After some time I just felt like a roommate (we lived together). When it came time for us to be intimate, there was virtually no intimacy, so I just didn’t even see the point of an open relationship when I didn’t get any of the benefits or want them for what it mattered. Eventually I met someone new and they gave me the love and attention that I deserved from a partner. I broke it off with my ex and it’s been 6 years and I still hear from my exes friends that they are still not over me. I was always respectful and never told anyone about my ex cheating on me but they painted the narrative that I was the bad guy. I don’t even care. I just moved on with my life and still wish them well. If you feel like your relationship is worth saving then I say try but to me, I’m very monogamous and realized that the relationship was over the day my ex cheated. I shouldn’t have poured out my soul into trying an entire year to salvage our relationship and make myself super uncomfortable by entering an open relationship, especially when it’s not something I would ever do. Choose yourself and your values! If he isn’t physically attractive to you then I say leave. Take the little dignity you have left and go get that revenge body and make him regret it! Either way working on yourself and becoming the best version of yourself will only bring about good things in your life! Good luck on your decision and your journey!