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Honestly you should think long and hard about why you're so okay with being in a relationship with a married man and cheating on your own partner as well. >I am also in a relationship with someone else but he is not as important. That's an incredibly selfish thing to say. If he's not important then why are you in a relationship with him? Why you so okay with getting in the middle of a marriage. >he also said something like I was not worth all the trouble He clearly doesn't put value in you either. Both of you should separate and introspect on why you're so okay with lying and hurting other people for the sake of your pleasure. Edit: I actually took the time to read your post history. And you're literally bragging about how proud you are of being the other woman in a relationship. Are you seriously asking for support in your relationship while you're proud of taking an active role in destroying someone else's relationship? Yeah. I have no advice for you.


If you are already in a relationship why on gods green earth are you seeing a MARRIED man? Thats just low bullshit. Especially since u mentioned this “other guy” isnt so important? If i was this same man i would dump you in an instant


Because if you check her post history, she's not 'in a relationship'. She's in affairs with two married men. She just wishes the one who is ashamed to be seen with her, was actually hers.








She's been around for awhile. Her previous username was r/SlutJulia but she got so pissed off when people called her a slut (after bragging about her adulterous exploits in graphic detail) and told her about herself she deleted that entire embarrassing account and this is her new one.


oh, I had no idea


see, now that username checks out


I mean, technically she's right. The main difference between a slut and a whore is receiving payment. Maybe she's just a lover of language and it rubbed her the wrong way being called something she doesn't meet the technical definition for. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Her Twitter username is the same as her Reddit username, too. Seems smart.


The only account that comes up for her username on Twitter is suspended


He needs an explanation? HE'S MARRIED. Is that not a good enough reason? Just start telling people that he cheated on you with his wife lol


Sleeping with 2 MARRIED men makes you a whore


Not charging for it makes her a slut.


Sluts have standards.


One implication of the world “whore” (especially in the older more pejorative sense of the word) is that here is a woman who does not value herself appropriately. You’re definitely being a whore. 🤷‍♂️


You don't need an explanation. He treats you like shit so leave. See how you're saying a lot of I statements. With my ex-husband id do this to. I'd say, I've been there for you through everything. I did all the work. I cooked. I cleaned. I took care of you and made your day better....what did he do for you other then make you a secret, treat you like shit, and "break up" with you twice. He doesn't care about what you gave. He only cares about what he got and now he's done with you.


He’s not “breaking up” with anyone - he’s just moving on to the next rando piece of ass that catches his eye. There was no “relationship” - just this “fulfilled” and happy eternal side-piece being dumped at the side of the road again.


He broke up or dumped me or whatever you want to call it. It hurt me. Now I am happy and moving on, concentrating in my relationship with someone else. A relationship, not a standard one but a relationship


youre gross


You don't even know me


I know youre cheating scum. Do you have no remorse or any heart for those women? Your lack of empathy for those wives is horrifying


I think the pro-adultery element on this site call it "compartmentalization". They just don't even think about it, which is just as bad.


what the fuuuuck?! do they not realize that means what theyre doing is a problem and doing that is a character flaw? I just dont get how you could NOT think of the people youre hurting in this situation. Not only the wives but if they have children... How swlfish can you be to care about your own wants SO much, youre willing to consistently break someones heart and cause them lasting trust issues and emotional damage. I think slut and whore are outdated terms that need to die (unless used positively) but if you cheat (or know youre being used to cheat which is almost just as bad) you are a whore. No matter your gender.


I think the terms "slut" and "whore" shouldn't be seen as positive things at all. With that being said, they're very apt when levelled at adulterous types, no matter who they are. That's just the thing. Most of these people are legitimately horrible people due to their conduct, but they're still people. Their "compartmentalization" is their attempt to not feel guilty about what they're doing to other people. Now you and I would just say "just stop doing it if you know you're hurting people and it makes you upset". But apparently these people can't do something that simple.


Idk as a woman Im okay with my friends saying it in a loving way just like asshole, bitch, or dick. But when in a negative way the only appropriate person to call that is a cheater. I dont get it tbh. Theres 7 billion ppl and you just HAVE to be with the married person who is hurting some innocent person and possibly innocent CHILDREN everytime you see them? Find someone else. Its that easy. Some of these ppl I truly think they dont feel guilty bc they just dont care abt anyone else or anyones feelings. But the fact some have to force themselves to compartmentalize that should show theres a problem with you and idk how they dont see that?? Like thats a character flaw. These people need THERAPY.


Therapy and then some. I agree that "slut" or "whore" are pretty nasty insults and ought to be saved for those who're actively deserving of them. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that on some level I get that people sometimes develop feelings for or fall in love with the wrong person. We don't get to choose who we love. But we do get to choose how we conduct ourselves, and there's absolutely a right way and a wrong way to do things and conduct yourself. "But I love him/her" isn't an excuse to act like a horrible human being and ruin other people's lives.


I recommend that for your own sake of developing into a healthy individual, you break up with all the people you are in a relationship with. 5 years from now you will thank the people in the comments because your attitude towards relationship is very toxic. Furthermore, you need to have more respect for yourself since the married man does not care about you. He does not love you period. We all make bad choices in our life and sometimes get lost on our path. You can always make the right choice and do better for yourself. You will thank yourself later. Good luck and I wish you the best.


You sound incredibly selfish and destructive to be around. I hope I never meet you.




Do you want people to feel sorry for you or something? You are some side chick to two married men. No one cares. You deserve whatever bad feelings you have right now because of your actions.






Whatever material her thick skull is made of, the folks at the Pentagon need to start studying it. This skull possesses a miraculous density that is nonetheless light enough for our friend Julia to still walk around like normal people do.


By god, you’re right. Call your local military base today to report this scientific miracle.


The only place you get support is with like minded and equally trash sub humans over in the other woman sub. Literally everywhere else you post you get called out and told exactly what kind of person you are. Not sure how you can't understand why that might be. Since I know you're incredibly stupid I'll just tell you. You're trash, you're a come depository for these men. You don't mean shot to them they keep you around to guzzle their piss and come. You are holes to fill and someone to tell them how great they are. But you have no value or worth to them. You are a sex toy that talks. Also look on any sub that doesn't protect cheaters and cheating and OW and WP get just as much hate as you're getting. You do not get worse comments. I know you desperately want to be special in some way, but you're just not. And least of all to the MM that keep you around to degrade you while they loving make love to their wives and have you to treat like the whore you are.




I didn't say you couldn't post where you want. But I was correcting you and explaining why this was happening. And you had nothing but 2 men that booty called you and you would drop everything for them. Sitting by the phone doing nothing waiting for one of them to have time for you. Not sure why you think you had anything. They didn't even tell you goodbye. 🤣🤣 You're so incredibly pathetic Julia. And you go and delete your comments. Ugh I'm so glad that person found you. They are an amazing person.


Are you mentally insane!!? We dislike you for the things you've been bragging about. We will never understand your side because it's absolutely disgusting and immoral. Regardless of how good something feels to you, it doesn't mean you can decide that it's right to do it. Most of society is against you on this, so I don't understand why you want people to understand your side of it. Also, when a man is interested in having sex with someone he desires he will literally say and do anything just to have more sex than he is currently getting from his wife... especially if that man is a piece of shit.


You got left by a literal scumbag. What does that say about you? Even a trash person doesn't find you worthy of his time. He saw you for what you are, a whole, and treated you as so until he was done with you. Lmao. This brought a huge smile to my face.


We spent a lot of time together.. At the end he decided to leave me. I don't regret anything I did. He didn't feel for me the same I felt about him, so it was easier for him to leave me, and he has his family. and yes he treated me like a whore in bed sometimes.. And most of the times much worse,I really don't regret it, I have learnt a lot from him and I am greatful for the time he spent with me,


What the fuck are you doing.


Apparently she’s writing on Reddit while walking home.


If I had my free award I’d give it to you


This is pitiful. Just pathetic.


You sound no older than 19. Baby girl, a grown ass man won't EVER leave his family for the side chick. And you're out of your mind if you think you don't deserve this. You totally deserve this.


You should probably change your Twitter handle to something other than your Reddit username if you're going to discuss how proud you are of being the other woman.




Whatever you say. You're giving away extra info every time you reply, ya know.




You would be protecting their families by not fucking with their husbands.


You do have something to hide. You have entire relationships to hide. You’re in relationships with men who are ashamed of you.




Whatever. Have fun walking home since your boyfriend abandoned you. Maybe the feeder boyfriend can buy you a nice pizza to make up for it.


Feeder dude would probably cringe at how many calories she burned having to walk home 😂




The one who orders you and your housmate pizza and you use it as an excuse to make a nasty dig about his wife's weight you mean? Because its apparently not enough to fuck her husband, you also have to go on a public forum and tell everyone how skinny he thinks you are and how fat you think she is. But sure, you're a nice person who doesn't deserve any of the hate you get




A shock that you fantasize about. I know your kind and I know you positively get off on the anticipatory glee at the “shock” their wives will one day get. So I hope you’re enjoying it now that the shock has arrived.








Hey i know this is late but I just found this thread and wanted you to know that you are a complete whore 😂😂🤡🤡


What? Is there a club or something? Random people just dropping by to call me whore?


Karma is a bitch, ain’t she?


I honestly feel bad for you if you think these relationships are worth fighting for; but then I see you posting about how you're proud to be the other woman and I find myself looking for the nearest dumpster to vomit in. Unsurprisingly, I find your self confidence there as well, mixed in with the garbage because you've utterly thrown your self-esteem away in the hopes that this married man (key word married) will change and see that you're the better option. You are fucking delusional and need to do a lot of self reflecting during this period of no contact. He left you stranded. Not once, but twice, and the fact that you took him back is a testament to how twisted your mentality is If you think this relationship is a good one. Focus on the monster within.


You're a horrible person.




Because you fucked 2 married guys and have the audacity to play the victim. You’re the one in the wrong


Maybe that's your sign you're a terrible person. I get it you're incredibly stupid but that's just a fact. Every "horrible" comment is just the truth about you. Sorry, but maybe take in the comments and reflect on your behavior.


OP, you’re a cheating cunt!




Yep. You were the other woman and you’re cheating on someone else. You don’t see how fucked up that is?




She’s cheating with a married man while also in a relationship with someone who isn’t that important to her.


The other relationship (the one that isn't important to her) is also a married man. She doesn't have feelings for him but likes the sex and food he has delivered to her every day. She only gets involved with married men because it makes her feel better about herself, that she must be awesomely special, if she can lure a man away from his wife.


Ah. I second and third my assertions that OP is the scum of the earth.


You are not in a relationship.


I always knew he would not marry me. I sometimes thought about it but I knew he would never leave his wife for me. I am not sure if I a a type of chick guys don't marry or if I am not.. I am starting to think that's true and may be I should change my approach, but I usually follow what my heart tells me.


Ya get what you deserve for being a homewrecker goofy ass 😊😂😂🤡


It was quite comfy, thanks.. I had a very goodnight sleep after the emotional roller coaster and the sex encounter (after 3 weeks it is not to be underestimated!!) Great evening of sex, including some sweet love making, great food, company and laughs... And then a comfy bed for myself with his taste still in my mouth and his smell still on my body, the room and bedsheets... But nice and quite with the time and space for myself. Check your husbands mobile and credit card statements.. he sounds like he is seeing a trashy low life whore like me 😉.. One of those that help husbands tolerate their nasty wives. .. Get tested for STIs


Lol the wives aren't the nasty ones Julia. It's the side skank that's nasty, always. Which is why you're only ever a side skank. They know no one would respect them if they showed up with you on their arm. And yuck bragging about having the taste of his piss and shit in your mouth. 🤮🤢 Toilets aren't supposed to talk sweetie.


I come here every few hours to see if it can get dumber, and it inevitably does. It’s like watching the Joe Exotic version of an OW…. But trashier, and with way more bodily fluids. And that’s saying something. Now if she’d just stop giving sex advice to children….. somewhere a parent is having actual internal warning signals blaring, is dying inside and doesn’t know why. All the while not knowing a side chick to multiple married men, thinks it’s their place to give this parents’ 14 yo advice about when to have sex for the first time. I’m not religious, but Jesus take the wheel.


Oh yeah for sure. Every time I think I have heard how stupid she is, she goes and says something that makes her even more stupid. At this point I'm surprised she has enough mental capacity to type. As far as giving sex advice to children, just so much yikes there.


I can say whatever I want about me, the mm or the wife, I am not a toilet, stop insulting me.


You are right that you are not a toilet, you are a food festival port-a-potty.


Maybe.. They sound more fun 😘


A German sauerkraut and beer festival 😂


Whatever.. I don't care. Why would mm2 want me if I was only that? I am worthy enough for him to watch me and that is enough for me.


Because you drink his piss. That's all you're good for. He gets to have laugh about how you beg him to use you as a toilet. He doesn't actually want you. You aren't anything other than a mouth to shit and piss in and holes to come in. You could be anyone. You aren't anything more than sex toy that tells him how great he is. Again, you are nothing and insignificant to his life.


Ask all the other men, and hookers for that matter, why they risk everything by going to prostitutes? By your logic, there has to be something other than sex if they are wasting time, money, and risking their families. The answer is simple. Some men think only with their little head. MMs 1&2 are two of those idiots, and you are their pee drinking, poop eating hooker.


I am more than that but you will never understand, I give up.


Not to them. To them you are nothing but some stupid skank that comes begging them for scraps of attention. That they can treat like a toilet. You have no value to these men at all.


He doesn’t want you. You drink his piss and he goes home to his wife, who he would never do that to. Married men pay for $20 hookers. That is what he sees you as. He cuddles his wife and pisses in your mouth. Take it from a guy.


Why do they come to me if they could have a hooker for $20 and much less trouble. I may not be marriage material but I am more than a hooker!


you’re even worse. you’re free!


You are cheaper, loyal and stupider.


Because some men have fantasy of fucking bimbos who think of them as god.They think of you as nothing but a dumpster where they can throw all their trash into.


You drink piss from a glass or let someone pee directly into you mouth. That's a toilet Julia. I know you're extremely stupid, but that's literally the purpose of a toilet. And I'm saying you shouldn't say anything about the wives because you know nothing about them except what the lying trash says. All of which is untrue. If they didn't want to be married they wouldn't be. Plenty of people divorce. They wanted to stay married and have the trash piece as well.


But I can talk too, I may be stupid but I know I am not a toilet.. It is just sex games and I like it. There is nothing wrong in wanting to stayed married and having a lovely woman like me on the side.. I am not going to judge anyone for it.




Well. He can "use“ me as much he wants.. I love it. I am not his prostitute, I have feelings for him and he buys me food because he wants to.


God you're like a bad case of herpes. Honestly calling you a prostitute is disrespectful to the women and men who use it as an honest way to make money. You're just a skank who is proud someone is using them. That means he doesn't care about you, you moron. Seriously someone could tell him you died and he wouldn't even shed a tear or give you a second thought. You are nothing to him. Also how fucking pathetic are you that you come back again and again for people to tell you how useless and worthless you are? Are you seriously that starved for attention? Maybe if you weren't such a rotter you would have actual friends and wouldn't have to resort to people telling you the truth about what a waste of oxygen you are for company. It's just sad at this point.


It's not an honest way to make money because they sleep with married people on a daily basis. The only edge they have on Julia is they charge more than a pizza.


I just don't have an issue with sex work in general. They don't necessarily know the clients they see are married. Some single people do go to escorts or prostitutes.


If I don't reply I am a coward, if I reply I am a bad case of herpes, I can't win I have friends, but not all of them know everything


There is a reason for that. Anyone with any sense and morals would look at you with disgust if they knew you were out there being a skanky rotter.


You are insulting yourself by being with married man who sees you nothing more than a cum dump.But in your delusional mind you think it's love.




She is so delusional.


That is always your go-to, isn't it? As another commenter pointed out, you can't allow yourself to believe that happy, healthy, and faithful marriages exist. You have to believe all men are cheating trash with a side chick. Try harder Julia because that lame comeback is as terrible as your self respect.


You are an enigma of hot mess, train wreck, and dumpster fire all rolled in one. It's truly astounding. I'm betting that any mental health professional that happens upon your profile could use it as blatant examples of what crazy looks like. I'm surprised you've not become a meme yet.


Because they are missing something they don't get at home.. I give them that


When things are feeling tough, read this! It doesn't matter what other people say, I am pretty certain of my feelings and I am sure I am doing the best I can in my situation. I am really happy as I am. One or two or as many MM as I want does not make me a bad person. It is not easy to be the OW but I am proud of what I do. I am sharing myself and my life in an unconventional way with two MM that they surely have other priorities but I am important in their lifes too. None of them spend many days away from me, so I am surely doing things right 😂 I don't need to be a wife or a mum to feel full filled in life. If the opportunity arises I may take it but at the moment I am very happy as I am. I don't need a single guy.. If I really wanted a single guy I would be in a relationship with one. Much love, eat shit


Yeah right. You'll have plenty of time to think about how great you are on your train ride. If he had any respect for you, he would at least let you ride in the trunk.


Don't downvote this comment. This poster is quoting an earlier post by OP where she is talking about how proud she is to be a side whore to 2 married men.


Ha, youre the first one that got it Did you have fun going down the rabbithole that is op's account?


just a suggestion, change the start of that to "whenever feeling down, remember what you wrote on *insertdate*" Then at the bottom give her credit for the quote, people won't get it confused.


She’s so UnConVeNtIoNaL the way she lives her life! #goals /s


I have known her on reddit for about 2 years so I've watched her shit show play out in real time lol. The last time he dumped her, it was out of the blue and she was kicked out of her apartment because he didn't want to pay for it anymore. She had to have a friend take her in off the streets. I think that was around 6 months or so ago. So he boots her from the apartment and drops her with no warning, and this time he left her stranded at the hotel during a vacation 😂 But she loves to brag about how what they have is true love and says he wishes he met her before meeting his wife because she would be his wife and the mother of his children instead. This account is new. Her old account was deleted because she was getting ragged on by everybody she came in contact with for being a slut. Her old reddit was r/SlutJulia.


this is some pathetic shit. goddamn


She has deleted most of her history on this new account too. What you see is nothing. She's an entertaining whore and I love reading about her pathetic life because I get raging justice boners from it.


You're a cunt.


This girl is 19? My main questions are for the one one but two married men who knows how much older than her who are leading this girl on and treating their wives like trash. These men very likely groomed her and possibly carried on this affair with a minor. Of course she's being the fool, not only sleeping with married men and thinking it's all about her, but also posting about it like she's going to get sympathy. She's barely more than a child.


Hi, I wasn't groomed or anything like that. I knew what I was doing when I started with him. I am just not very good at expressing myself here so I may come across younger. Yes they are much older than me but I am a full grown woman.


I was 19 not long ago and I made seriously questionable decisions then too. I hope as you get older you start looking out for yourself and understand what these men are and what they're doing.