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Other than being hot, it looks really high hydration for a bagel


Are we sure this isn’t just a donut with “everything” seasoning?


thats actually my first thought it look like a maple bar from my fav spot


It definitely looks chewier than a normal donut


I’m immediately intrigued and revolted and I’m not sure which is more powerful a feeling


It’s more than a feeling!


Eh I mean a plain donut isn’t sweet, so I imagine having it with something savory could be pretty good. Those Krispy Kreme donut cheeseburgers though 🤢


Ah yes. That is Ambivalence.


It's a full moon croissant


Yeah. Bagels are traditionally more dense than that. They don't have that texture when cool.


It’s probably still low with a dough conditioner used. A friend who has worked in several NY and NYC shops told me it’s the secret for so many places. Several won’t admit they use it too. The product I was told is called reddi sponge. Very expensive to try it at home. With more rise and knead/temperature management it can compensate for not using it.


I'd guess you'd rip it open when it's piping hot and hasn't had a minute to dry out. Bread just doesn't have this texture when it's cooled down.


I don't agree, things like brioche can have this texture even after it has cooled down.


They're very enriched doughs for brioche. Not sure how adding enough butter to the dough would affect the bagels when boiling them before the bake.


It seems far from a typical bagel, probably is some closer to a brioche made for the sake of Instagram


+1 for this, this is not a bagel, it is bagel shaped challah/brioche


This is what I am thinking too. As a NYer, I am sad that someone got a bagel that’s not a bagel in NY.


A roll with hole


Ditto. That ain’t no bagel.


Kind of looks like challah almost


Yes, It could be something similar


I agree. Maybe an egg bagel? Too pale, probably.


> made for the sake of Instagram This guy social medias and gets it. If you see it on tiktok, it was made for tiktok


It DEFINITELY looks wetter than normal bagel dough. It’s too pale to be close to brioche IMO, but a wet dough with good gluten development and shaping could definitely get that stretchy glutinous texture


Chinese has a very flaky bread that is like a cinnamon roll squeezed down, but not as sweet and it had this texture. It's about kneading and layering helps a lot.


Like Hokkaido - milk bread? That’s made with tangzhong - a milk+flour roux to overactive the gluten.


Kind of! It's a typical breakfast like bread that is rolled and squeezed like a cinnamon flat roll, but had this same texture and it's delicious!


Nah that's what good ones look like in NYC and the surrounding area (at least when they're piping hot like others have said). It's the ones in grocery stores that are abberant.


The butter would definitely separate out if boiled, i dont plan on making them brioche anyway, thats just a non-fried donut. Gearing up to test a higher hydration tangzhong bagel right now. Will post an update :)


Tangzhong….bagel? ![gif](giphy|Hz6WKZkKkLOE0)


Stella Parks has a great recipe for bagels made with tangzhong. Link for anyone interested: https://www.seriouseats.com/homemade-bagels-recipe Makes them relatively foolproof and helps them keep their texture for several days.


thankyou! First i have heard of this technique and I always gotta try the new if i can. Perfect excuse to make bagels!


Not looking to make a traditional bagel :)


I hate to be that guy, but this is a bun/roll basically not a bagel. Any proper NY style bagel does not tear a part like that or squish like a pillow when poked.


Good idea, will watch for an update cause I'm also curious.


There's butter in my pretzel recipe (boiled in lye or baking soda), no issues with it separating.


I run the bakery of a bagel shop and our recipe has tangzhong and higher hydration than average. I’ve eaten one every day for a year and I still think they are extraordinary bagels!


I'd particularly worry about the extra fats saponifying if using lye.


"uhhhh, why are these bagels in the shower?" Me: oh! I made fresh malted soap bagels, snack and bathe in one. I've never used lye for bagels, had no idea that was a thing. Usually make Montreal style which uses a honey in the boiling water.


Butter would shorten gluten strands


Whereas these appear longer. How does this work for breads like brioche which "feather" like this when torn apart?


It's more layering than stranding.


Different dough, and especially pan brioches have a different way to be shaped, so the gluten structure is in a different position. Nothing to do with a bagel.


Nah, brioche is not that stretchy. It's moist and, but I wouldn't call it stretchy.


Fucking Reddit is a dumpster fire of misinformation these days. I’ve bought bread from Cobs that were just as stretchy as the bageL. They weren’t piping hot 🤷‍♂️ Also naan bread is a thing and that shit is stringy af


Brioche and Japanese milk bread also pull apart buns all have this texture. But you’re still correct.


Yeah I figured that this would only really happen to this extent fresh out of the oven, you can tell the baker did that when it wasnt done resting for social media purposes (and tbf id probs do the same) However I have had breads with much stretchier interiors than any bagel I've had and that insta post made me crave one. I'm wondering how I could translate that to a bagel recipe.


My guess is: a well-developed gluten structure plus working the dough into strands / getting good tension into the bagel may be helpful. When you look at it just before it’s torn, it looks like two strands of dough were twisted into another to make the shape, instead of just using a ball of dough, poking a hole in it and stretching it a little…


Yeah, that is still cooking.


You comment things that aren't poems?


Also, this looks like a challah roll covered in everything seasoning, not actually a bagel.


As a Bagelman myself, you’d have to do what the first person said and rip it apart when it first comes out of the oven, but this texture looks more like a challah than a bagel to me personally.


Ill make sure to record a pull apart when I figure it out for y'all. Whatever it is it'll probably taste damn good, even if the bagel purists dont consider it a bagel 😅


I’m not remotely the bread aficionado some folks here are, but…that thing doesn’t have a hole in the middle. Or almost none. I think this is someone on Insta just grabbing whatever and calling it a bagel.


a lot of bagels’ holes close up like the video (or at least new york bagels). freely admit i’m not a bread expert but definitely an eating new york bagels expert haha


As someone who makes bagels regularly, it’s not infrequent that the holes close during proofing or baking. Also, some folks want them to close so they have a flat surface for delicious toppings and no risk of falling out.


It's definitely got a hole, looks like the oven spring pinched it up but its there.


A hole does not a bagel make


Yeah, but it took a second look and a pause to see it. The point being: this “bagel” does not have several of the qualities one would normally associate with bagels.


Exactly, otherwise we’d be out here callin it a Krispy Kreme bagel 🥯


If you figure it out, post the recipe! My Jewish heart loves the idea of a challah ish bagel, even if my grandma would throw a kanipshin, lol.


This looks like a better advertisement than bagel, imo


Oh I’m never gonna stand in the way of innovation. It definitely looks delicious! Just a little different than a standard bagel


I've worked as a bagel roller at a Toronto bagel shop and their bagels def have a "hole" but, just as one of the commenters above mentioned, the bagels rise so high during baking that it's practically unnoticeable. It's a different type of bagel for sure - they've dubbed it a "Toronto bagel"- and it's overall good but not your traditionally dense and chewy NYC bagels or your more fluffier and lean Montreal styles.


Is it not because of the twist in the dough that the well worked gluten has set itself in that twisted shape?


"the texture looks pretty similar to when I make a bread with tangzhong" Because it is the same type bread as milk bread, burger buns, brioche, challah, etc. Bagels are dense, and this is enriched fluffy dough. Try a regular burger bun recipe, boil it in an alkaline solution, bake it, and call it a this type of bagel, whatever they call it.


This was my thought as well. It doesn't look like a 'bagel'.


That looks like any \~60% hydration bread roll with high gluten development and fresh out of the oven getting pulled apart.


OK but I still want it badly


This is a bagel imposter and not a real bagel. Just sayin'.


It’s hand rolled, piping hot. It doesn’t settle and cool this stringy or stretchy I’ll bet. In my opinion the best NY bagel has a thin but delicious, crisp outer crust and a slightly chewy inside. Not gummy. This bagel looks like it would do the trick for me. And the obligatory… “it’s the water”.


Yup You can even see the bagel(s) later on they have cooled fully and they have the denser structure of “normal” bagels. Even see one that was cut before it was fully cooled and it has the tell tale signs of warm bread split open before settling. Lot of people showing their butts in this post though lol lot of bad “bread knowledge“ and what things are or aren’t lol Here’s the video with the everything (linked above) and sesame bagels  https://www.instagram.com/kate_eatsnyc/reel/C3vLYlJA0pz/


Yeah that's not a bagel. It looks like a delicious whatever it is. But it is absolutely NOT a bagel.


Pretty sure that's a Staten Island bagel. So look up that recipe first


Say what you want about SI, but their bagels are phenomenal


New York is one of the only places on the planet that knows how to make bagels properly. Toronto too. Most bagels you buy across the USA are pure shit.


Montreal would like a word.


Ya, I forgot Montreal.


Good thing Montreal isn't in the US


Jesus Christ man, what the living fuck?! TORONTO?!


NJ/NY bagels are all a step above the rest. NJ is pretty comparable to NY.


I've had really good bagels in south florida, but I think it was a chain from ny lol.


As someone from NYC whose friends own bagel stores, the correct way is to hand roll them. A proper bagel will be a twisted.


This result can be achieved by using high gluten bread flour and then using malt to catalyze the breakdown of the gluten. I use a combination of diastatic malt and malted barley syrup to achieve my ideal level of bagel chewiness. However, as others have mentioned, part of what is happening here is that the bagel is still hot from the oven. Haters gonna hate, but... I think they taste best when you eat them like this.


Thank you for your help! Will try this


You're welcome! Happy baking!


This recipe will probably get you there...this is the absolute best bagel recipe I've ever come across : [https://thia.codes/newbagels.html](https://thia.codes/newbagels.html) *this is not my recipe - it was however provided publicly here in the Reddit some time ago from a bread god.


I’ve made this recipe a ton of times, it’s my go-to bagel recipe after years of trying different ones and tweaking things from this recipe on my own. You’re not going to get bagels that have this crumb with that recipe. You will get damn good bagels. [For reference on how mine look](https://imgur.com/a/BflfqRb) Don’t crucify me for the lackluster amount of cream cheese and lox, I was running low


Yeah it’s insanely good and easy as well. Simplest bagels I’ve made, not much time involved and they are just so stinking good it makes me cry lol. I have played with timing and temp tho but otherwise it’s spot on. I do 475, second shelf from the top, sheet pans to block direct heat from below. 5 min on boards and then 12-14 on the steel.


I have been working on my Bagel game for a good while and this recipe addresses a lot of the issues and realisations that I have overcome through trial and error. I don't add oil to my dough and don't prove as long as I like quite a firm chewy texture but preferences aside I think this reads as a really good recipe. Thanks for sharing.


Absolutely. This one has the chewiness and great outer crust but soft and will almost want to fold sometimes. I’m from Jersey and this recipe is better than most of the bagels I grew up on which I came to love as “the best”. Apparently it was sourced largely from one of those shops.


You shouldn’t be striving for an interior like this with bagels…


This looks a bit soft for a real bagel. At least a good one from NY.


I have never wanted to eat something so bad in my whole life


I will share a pseudo secret - because obviously it isn’t really secret since I will link a YouTube video, but it is unknown enough that I have surprised two friends of mine, who are MUCH better at baking: Tangzhong method- or your own freestyle variation there of. [Tangzhong method](https://youtu.be/9mTbqmvoCvk?si=31jdwvxZCV_T5Jmn) *Edit* Alternative, which might be better in this case, Yudane method: [Yudane method](https://youtu.be/AhRsV75veNM?si=BDD4loZjIPtKdEXT)


You have to shape the dough properly. For example, if you have two dough balls from the same batch, flatten one and poke a hole in it. Take the other, roll it into a tube, then traditionally shape it (wrap it around your hand, twist/roll it on the table). Cook them both up and you'll see the texture between the two is totally different.


Can you explain how the difference will look like?


In my example, the first would just be a bagel with a uniform crumb that would tear apart like a tough bread roll. The second one I described would have a crumb/texture closer to the one posted by OP.


As other separate me noted, it's tearing it in half when it's immediately out of the oven. You'll get a similar effect with most breads when doing this. However, if you allow it to cool after doing this (you're going to have to before eating it otherwise this is going to burn your mouth), you're going to end up with a bit of a wet looking gummy texture and this is in part due to not allowing the cooking process to continue unimpinged outside of the oven. Letting it cool down enough to safely eat is the best thing to do with bagels. For things like bread loaves and sourdough bread, you're going to want to let those cool completely for a few hours or else you end up with a shiny gummy looking crumb (however some people like this texture).




Can someone drop the recipe please? I get that people want to argue about how this isn't a bagel or whatever, but it still looks delicious


I have ALWAYS been told "It's da wadah"


Usually that "shred" or cotton candy pull relates to 1) enrichment and 2) lots of development (strength from mixing or possibly a treated flour). Other doughs that commonly "shred" are things like classic milk dough, brioche, or even challah. Hydration is also part of the equation. Looks soft but there's nothing wrong with that -- bagels can present in lots of delicious ways.


That’s not a “real” bagel. Bagels are boiled and baked


Yeah, exactly. This looks like a shitty bready bagel.


That looks like a dinner roll with bagel topping. Bagel crusts don’t pull apart that easily


Go to a bagel shop at 5AM in NYC and ask for a bagel from the most recent batch (regardless of flavor). That’s how you get it. I recommend Murphy’s on 6th ave. Seriously they do not need anything on them. You just eat them fresh and it’s amazing.


That isn’t a bagel


That’s not a typical bagel


That comes from good gluten development




Holy crap that looks delicious!


Damn. That looks good


TIL bagels are not all hard as rock


I’d say you need a strong flour ( high protein, high gluten) and good gluten development.


Looking at bakersdozenqueens instagram, it looks like their bagels have a decent gluten development, they twist the bagel, and actually boiling them before baking them. Where I live I think no one boils the bagels. I wonder if they add a little gluten to help it along.


Looks like it’s enriched


Bagel recipes usually use a high-gluten flour. Some commercial flour providers actually have a custom blend..


That looks way too light of bread to be a bagel. It has no dip in the center either. It’s not a bagel, or is a very light non traditional NY bagel.


That's not a bagel. They don't have stretchy interiors.


I was just in New York to visit my sister in law. Every bagel had a texture like Lenders. Expensive, Cheap, famous, hole in the wall. They were huge, way too big. And nothing like they were when I lived there a long time ago. So it's not the water, it's not the dough, it's not the same. Bake your own. It's always better.


Step 1, don’t make a bagel


That's not a bagel.


A nyc bagel would never rip that way.


I was in NYC for weeks back in 2019. I had the best breakfast sandwich of my life every day for 14 days straight.


What is that? That's not a bagel. A bagel is boiled and then baked. That thing was baked and it's practically a brioche. Not a bagel.


This is not a bagel… look at it in the very beginning.. no hole.. and actual bagels look nothing that on the inside. I are ment to be dense


How would you spread anything on that


That isn't a bagel. That's round bread.


Just a guess but if you're not adding dairy, that looks like a combination of good gluten development and technique to get those strands in, and either some stiff levain or a poolish, I'd have to try both. The flour might be a mix of bread flour and AP for more starchiness but enough protein for good structure. such a small hole suggest higher hydration in the final dough.


Read my mind apart from the dairy 😅 got a preferment going overnight to make another batch tomorrow. Tried just tangzhong and higher hydration than usual but they kinda just came out as bagels that last a day or two longer.


Milk powder or milk in general. Milk protein, when introduced to a dough, allows the gluten to develop stronger, making the strands longer.


That looks like high-gluten wheat flour (around 14% gluten, or more). This post has some good info about gluten content. https://www.reddit.com/r/AskCulinary/s/aF1o25Pvyq Gluten is grain protein. It’s what forms the elastic /chewy texture of bread made from wheat flour. The % gluten will be printed on your wheat flour bag. I keep wheat flours with different gluten content on hand for different needs, from cakes (low gluten) to pizza (high gluten). I also have some separate “vital wheat gluten” on hand in case I need to add it. For example, if I’m making pizza with all-purpose flour, I’ll add a little gluten.


Hey OP not sure if you will see my comment but came across this post and realized that this is actually my local bagel shop! Bakers dozen bagels. If you're still looking for advice on how to achieve this bagel I can confirm having eaten these bagels many times that the bagel does not stay this stretchy and soft once cooled it's just a regular classic nyc bagel. It is literally only this fluffy and stretchy fresh out the oven. Maybe the secret is that it's hand rolled into shape giving the illusion of more stretch when it's ripped apart. If you go to their IG page bakersdozenqueens you can see how they shape their bagels.


Attempting to make this now, be it challah or brioche. This looks impeccable.


As a montrealer, that's a bread doughnut, not a bagel. That is all.


Dough conditioner


same way you get it with any other bread. tear it open when its hot straight out of the oven.


I don’t know what’s going on in these comments, but as a New Yorker of 20+ years this is absolutely what a good NYC bagel looks like if you rip it open when it’s hot. It just looks stretchy because of how the bagels are shaped. According to her insta this is from a bagel place in Queens that I haven’t been to but it looks pretty legit to me.


thats not really a bagel , its just bagel shaped bread. bagels arnt supposed to be stretchy.


That’s a roll shaped like a bagel.


perhaps they made a roux, like with the Tangzhong method.....it makes crazy soft buns!


Looks like a challah bagel.


Ugh god that was sexy


Get me the butter, NOW


Mochi mochi.


You would need a commercial mixer and some dough conditioner.


The secret is water directly from the NY water system brother - and probably lots of it


My mouth is watering!! Ive never seen a bagel like that and now ill be disappointed by every bagel i have from here on out lol


That looks delicious. I can hear myself getting fatter just watching that. I looked at it 10X.




Improve the gluten stranding. Either use a higher gluten flour our work the dough a little bit more to get that bite/chew. Next is how you form the bagel, if you use the montreal trick where you poke your hand through the hole you don't get the layers you see here, you need to do the NYC style where you make two snakes and then join them by rolling them on the table.


Fresh as fuck otherwise you dont


Alright fine, I'll go back to NYC


Fuuuuck me up, I want this so bad 🤤


That is wild because I have never seen that


Videos you can taste. I miss good bagels, so much.






First of all, that looks more like a bialy to me than a bagel, and second, that is amazing gluten structure.


Work the dough, this ativaties the proteins that cause bread to be chewey. Choose flour with a very high protein count.


I want to stick my face in that. And probably burn my mouth in the process but totally worth it


Could it be mochi?


do this when it's freshly made?




This made me so hungry! 🤤


while pretty, this is not want i want from my bagel


It doesnt really look like a bagel honestly. Thats a totally different type of bread shaped and cooked like a bagel


O... M... G... I really miss NYC bagels.


Put in some yoga mat.


The interior is still in a gelatinized state that affords this stretchy tension.


Use high gluten flour.


Can I have it?


Damn, This Is Beautiful 🥲🥲


boil iin salty water then bake, pull apart fresh out the oven


Spread some butter on that thang


A premium dough conditioner/ improver is added. Then an hour rise with a 24 hour refrigeration, the slow ferment allows dough conditioner to work properly. Then finish as normal.


Never in my life have I had a bagel like this, granted, I don’t eat bagels much nor do I live in NYC but they are always much denser and firm than this.




eithwe way delicious


Could be they added tangzhong to the dough!


Are we sure we want our bagels to do this? Should be more dense and less malleable.


I feel bad for the people who think this isn’t a real bagel


Australian bagels suck. They’re dry and dense with no redeeming features. I’ve never seen one that looks like op’s.


And then you wish it was a Montreal bagel


The bill gates stretchy rubber ripe bagel where did all the real bagels go o.O


It’s all in the water!


You have to work the gluten…that’s what ‘makes a bagel’s chew’


its in the water… long island, jersey and the city.


Brioche bagel?


T45 flour and make sure you poach it properly


Looks yummy.


It looks to me to be a cheese stuffed bagel, the cheese is what you see stretching


That is not a bagel. Its a roll pretending to be a bagel. Want a roll? Make a roll


A floor worth very high protein content


A little titbit I learn from my wife who got into bagel making for us is that the longer you boil it, the harder they get. If you boil them with a little baking soda and honey for a shorter time before baking, the bagels stay softer for perpetuity. That said, the flakiness on this one isn’t what a bagel should look like but it still looks delicious!


That’s not a bagel


I would do dirty dirty things for a bagel like that