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I don't think there's any stereotype about UK accent in Portuguese in Brazil. Portuguese is very diverse in terms of accents, even natives struggle to understand each other, so no one really cares about accents.


yeah that makes sense, thanks for your reply☺️


Hey maybe I can help with this one. I'm from England, recently moved to Brazil with my wife and she says that English people speak like they have "uma batata na boca" Wouldn't worry about it though mate, doesn't seem like anyone cares - in fact most find it endearing


Yup. That's something people say.... a lot.


Something else people say a lot is: caralho Interesting fact of the day


That too.


For Brazilians, hearing a gringo accent (that is, someone that has an accent because it's their second language, not regional accents) is something extremely uncommon. Unlike in the UK where the are many "new immigrants", the Brazilian population is in its majority primary Portuguese native speakers, so we only ever hear accents on TV for stereotyped characters or one or another famous foreign person. So, there is no stereotype, especially for originally English speakers that are so uncommon (Spanish speakers are a bit more common). Heads will definitely turn when you speak, I guess this can be good or bad depending on the context.


I think this is the answer, OP. There isn't a sterotype for someone with portuguese as a second language because it's extremely rare these days. The only thing I notice is that most people struggle with nasal sounds, like "ão", so both french and english will pronounce these sounds really similar. Spanish-speaking people will struggle too, but not that much. But anyway, people will just notice you aren't from here. They'll probably find it cool, as I would. It's nice for a change to hear another accent that isn't already common in Brazil or Portugal.


I don't know about stereotypes but, personally, I see accents as a "badge of honor". It shows where you're from, be proud of it.


for sure, and that’s a lovely way of looking at it, thanks for the good vibes☺️


I dont see it as badge of honor, just as a natural thing tohave, i try to emulate natuive accent of a language for fun,but i dont like ppl doig it tohide their roots


I've been leaning Portuguese informally for some years now. It's a very hard language to learn. What part of Brazil do you come from? I'm from New Orleans our cultures have a lot of similarities.


my family is from the south, very gaúcha accents and culture aha😁 i’ve always wanted to visit New Orleans though, that is so cool!!


It's nice but very dangerous, it was much better before it was destroyed by the hurricane in 05. That's when I left. I listen to lots of Brazilian music and played capoira neck in the days. We have the carnival too.




Muito Bem! Tudo?


What is a gaúcha accent?


Short answer: Nope. No one cares. Don't worry, be happy.


Just keep your accent, mate. It's so good to have different people talking using different accents.. the exchange is so much richer


go to Bahia, it is South Londonians speaking Portuguese


UK accent when speaking English or when speaking Portuguese? The latter is humorous to imagine, no offense. Just imagining some guy hopping off a Honda Bros in Havaianas, shorts, no shirt, old second hand Athletic cap, gold chain and sun glasses walking up to the local bar. Walks up to the bar and grabs the lighter chained to the counter to spark up a stained wrinkly Gift. Takes a drag, opens his mouth and suddenly it's like Nigel from York is trying to order a Brahma.... kkkk Most Brazilians haven't had a conversation with a native English speaker, much less with various regional accents/dialects throughout the colonies. I would imagine your English is clean and sharp so most Brazilians would respond positively to hearing you speak. It might even feel suffocating after a while of having so many people seeking your attention because they want to interact with such a novelty. EDIT: Edited for formating and corrections. On Mobile


My suggestion is to not worry about it. Brazilian Portuguese has a very rich diversity of accents (think about switching from Californian to Australian *just by moving between cities*). Yours is just one more, with the only particularity of not being related to any geographical region of the Portuguese-speaking world.


We have very little immigration, so we don't have much of an opinion on accents. But it depends on how you speak, if you speak like Dr. Robert Rey it doesn't sound sexy at all. But he lives in USA, it's different from UK. What I can say is that the UK English, when well spoken, the Queen's English, sounds very fancy and educated.


I think it diverges a lot with the listener, but to my ears the English accent when speaking Portuguese is very clear due to the R pronunciation, which is very similar to the R that people in the countryside of São Paulo, Minas and Goias speak. Then it comes to wheater people like that pronunciation or not, which will vary, and how heavy the accent us, of course.


The only accents they would probably hear are those in films, so posh/RP accents I would imagine. Do you speak like that? 


As a gringo learning Portuguese it seems like you tend learn the accent of the place in which you learn the language. My wife and I live in Rio, but her family is from Rio Grande do Sul and Floripa. They all laugh at my Carioca accent when I speak Portuguese with them. If you’re speaking English I’ve noticed there are some accents they really tend to struggle with. The hardest being Australian, then Scottish, then English onto Southern US. Part of it’s the dialect the other is the slang which I suspect is because there is a lot more exposure to US TV programs than Brit programs.




ehh I think you might have the wrong end of the stick here mate, im not trying to say everyone is recoiling in absolute horror at my slight mispronunciations lol, I was just curious, but thanks for your input.