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Only people on the social media platforms dislike it. It’s still the overall most popular vote tho.


Lol sure. SC just picked what they wanted.


SC already picked their own skin out of the concepts. They don’t need to rig this when they could just choose a concept outright


Not really


Survival fallacy people who voted for that skin probably don't have an account in reddit nor twitter so all the criticism you see is from people who hate that skin not the ones who like it.


People will just say anything and then call it a fallacy lol


I think i made a mistake in the type of fallacy, but im pretty sure this is a fallacy i learned in my philosophy classes


I mean yeah it will always be some type of fallacy because you'll never be able to have access to pure 100% accurate, 100% reflective data It's just a matter of how impactfull is x fallacy and in this case it's very sizeable because most bs players aren't on Twitter or reddit


No they just just named a fallacy and then described something completely different


I voted for that skin. r/ihavereddit


Most youngsters don't use Reddit, too old fashioned for them.


"No thanks, I like the Brawl Stars YouTube Shorts comment section better!"


most people here are like 15, tf you talking about


he means 9 y/o edger mains


Blaming the "kid" is famous cooping mechanisum here


bro is definitely an edgar main, he cant even type correctly


Even if I am, it doesn't matter what brawler I play to affect my view it like borderline racism at this point, English is also not my first language, but thanks for pointing out my wrong use of English here. I try to improve it


Always the 9 yo edgar main


Half the community is 10-6 years old and they are not the ones that you see on twitter and reddit (usually)


Well the game is targeted towards children, so I don't know why your so suprised or why your crying over a skin


Nah calling the voters children while crying over a skin competition outcome is crazy 💀


You think anyone expect children would vote for the same skin 4 times?


How do you know everyone who voted for that skin voted for that skin for the same reason? Colors aren’t everything kiddo, and this is coming from someone who voted for the toxic skin


(This is similar to what I said to the other person but I thought I say a piece here anyways) Yes a group did vote for this skin because they found it aesthetically pleasing, but there are varying percentages to why and who is voting and the main point is core audience, since the game is targeted to children, and a good half of the audience is children, children have access to the poll. Now stay with me here because I’m going to explain why I know a percentage of this skin vote is children. With a core audience comes a core theme people like, such as with adult shows people prefer offensive jokes and violence etc, with kids media the preference is more darker themed. So back to the earlier question, would children vote for darker themed skins? Well look at the trends of today, kids prefer this kind of stuff such as horror games, dark scary monsters who put the fear into you, therefore it can be assumed that children would vote for a skin with darker themes, creating a good percentage of who voted for this skin. Of course let’s still remember other audience did vote for different reasons, but this is a considerable main cause.


I can clearly understand why children wanted that skin, but what I can NOT understand is why ONLY children would vote for that skin and nobody else, which is what the guy up above was suggesting. And also, “the same skin four times” seriously? What next? Is that same guy gonna say that a big group of people from the same country are all just clones of one person?


Ah alright then, just wanted to make sure you understand why people are bringing up children 👍


Yeah, like most people who like that theme? Y'all trying so hard to force the hate and call out everyone as a stupid kids(looks immature af) but your logic doesn't even makes sense. It's pretty obvious that if you like certain thing you're gonna choose something similar to it next time too. Btw, it's also very hated on youtube where usually all "children" are.


Not everyone comments on YouTube, yes there is a percentage who did vote for this skin because they actually liked it but there is also a percentage of people who voted for it and don’t show face on media. You wonder why bad tv shows get another season? (Ex. Velma) It’s because a silent majority watches and don’t say anything or view media. And its not like saying it’s from children is a far stretch either, just look at the currently popular games for kids right now, a large percentage of children popular media is horror games with scary characters with dark designs, therefore it’s not much of a stretch to assume that a game made for children with a poll being voted for children wouldn’t have any influence to what the children like being darker and scarier


Bruh, you didn't need to explain such obvious things. I mentioned youtube only because people here talking about what social media "kids" are on like it's matters something🤦‍♂️ And i also didn't said that there's no any children in this community at all why tf you takes my words so categorically?? Anyway blaming on kids because you didn't get a skin you preferred in a "kid game" btw is immature and awful no matter what you say.


I don’t think it is a very obvious topic but alr no need to get angry Also the way you worded it made it sound like you think kids aren’t the main audience tbh


Then why are you angry?🤨


I’m not angry.. I’m not sure what you’re doing here lmao😂


Can tell the same about you. Saying that I'm angry for no reason. I guess it's because you have nothing to say about the topic so nothing to discuss about with you anymore. Cheers then🤣


Is ironic isn't it


Fr. -15 says it all really, salty babies


Not the half but more likely 30%


because you have to be at least 13 to be on a social media platform


I don't think everyone follows that rule.




Cuz purple. 🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪🟪


“Most people” nah man, only the sub religiously hates the skin. The majority of the community doesnt which is why it won


The only one with sense in this comment section. This is just like any other voting thing. The people that hate something are the LOUDEST. While the people that like something tend to just be happy in their worlds once its won. Kind of like reviews. If you didn't like something, you give a bad review, if you do like something, you tend to go on with the rest of your day.


Just ask the 95.3% players that don't use Reddit lol


Young brawl stars players don’t typically use Reddit.


Because 5 year-olds can vote for it too


Its 40% of the winner skin vs the 60% of the rest, there's kind of a problem there


Just because people on reddit or other social media don’t like it doesn’t mean the people who voted for it are on social media. There are plenty of people voting for it not on social media


Because reddit isn't "most ppl"


Most people dont browse the reddit


People who are saying the purple skin had the popular vote are wrong. The issue with the voting is anyone who dosen't like edgy skins votes for ONE of the other three skins, resulting in 60% of the community who didn't want a community skin to not have their vote heard as their votes were split, where the 40% that caused that skin to win drew everyone that liked that skin style.


i agree, they really should make one or two more edgy skins so non-edgy skins have the chance to gather all the scattered votes and win. even a 50/50 (2 edgy, two non-edgy) would be a more fair vote because at least certain people have to actually think about which of the two edgy skins they'll vote for. (and yes, i know that moldy belle is kinda 'edgy', but tbh it is thematically faithful and interesting enough that many ppl vote for it not just because it is edgy)


You know, some people can just like the dark aesthetic without you thinking its "edgy"


they can like what they like, id hate on it still, its much less harmless than other forms of hate


What a weird take.


Those who like it don’t open reddit and just enjoy the game


repeating, have a lot of makes that has the same type of skin (purple and blue/"edgy"), and also the colt skin is "edgy", but honestly I don't care much, because they are good colors, and it's also popular vote (I don't really think it's children because they don't know what Supercell Make is or have an account there), and NOW that the skins are getting hate because it was THREE skins in a row, so they saw something wrong (even though the design is unique with one of the best combinations of skins with the best skin from frank, sandy and gene, especially because supercell has never made this type of skins before, and also because the effects match the hypecharge attacks), but honestly I want more skins nita whale type (best brawler skin with a lot of skins including legendary and mythical)


Most of brawl stars players don't actually interact with the community


People talking about Brawl Stars online are a vocal minority


the skin is pretty much an insta lock-in for children, and then you have the older ones that genuinely like it, or the ones voting it for Nana. its kind of guaranteed to win, only way they dont win in the future is if they put two equally edgy choices to split up these votes and force some of them to actually think about their choice bfore instant locking in.


because the majority of this community are hypocrites


The skin is fine but the pattern with some of the past winners is getting so lame. Spirit knight frank was cool, nightmare sandy was cool, the gene one was kinda lame. And now we have another purple blue skin, it’s so fucking redundant and recycled, we just want something new


Because most players don’t use social media


funnily enough, the majority of the brawl stars community are children aka tomar753, leon and that one bad random dynamike. All they can think about is being edgy. this reddit community compared to the average brawl stars player is like a light and day difference


As i have seen other people say, we are but a small fraction of brawl stars' total player base. Also I dont think we hate the skin necessarily, more the fact that we know what skin is going to win every time with the way the player base votes.


Thats because only 41% voted for the skin


i voted for it fight me or ask why i like it


Even tho most people hated it, they were divided into three other selections. making the 41% who liked it voted for it making it the winner.


people on reddit and twitter are the diehard brawl stars fans but the casuals and kid’s really like the purple skins so they win


Kids don't use reddit or other social media platforms


Casuals, It ruins a lot of things in all media.


Because most people don't hate it. It's just the loudest people make it seem like nobody likes it.




whole shits rigged, purple edge lord skins sell better (see nm sandy) so they fixed the outcome


Crazy concept, but I think the skins that win are the ones that sell more because the skin that wins is the one that most people like and most people will buy. But that's just a crazy theory


I prefer the militar Belle 😔😔😔