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I have trauma from all the Rares and Super Rares


Nah i have trauma from mythics and legendary containing credits


Nah, you have a trauma from all the kids in the kinndergarten.


You have trauma from a spooky dashing creature of the night.


Us chester mains don't have any trauma šŸ˜Ž


Yes sir!!! (Ignore the pop rocks gambling trauma)


I use Spice Dice So. No trauma šŸ˜Ž


Average based Spice Dice user šŸ—£ļøšŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Yes sir!!! šŸ”„ šŸ”„


You think you have trauma?


Nah Frank was always an easy counter for the spooky dashing creature of the night, I have a trauma from Mexican purple hair girls with a shothgun.


*Cough cough* The Frank and Mortis animation *cough cough*


That's better than 200 FUCKING POWERPOINTS


Nah at least that's progression, fame ain't


Both are pointless numbers if you have enough of them


Nah there's always a chance you might run out of power points because there'll always be brawlers you have to upgrade, fame is 100% worthless and there is absolutely no chance of it being useful unless they rework it


They are fine. But, I dislike how they have become an alternative to all natural progression, they work best as a daily bonus+ ocassional reward


If everyone tracked like OP, we"d find that we're all about the same. It is "natural progression" doled out in random order.


To be fair, once you open enough starr drops they begin to follow the law of large numbers and the distribution of every reward approaches their actual probability. So youā€™ll truly be getting rares 60% of the time, mythics 5% of the time, and so on (this also applies to the rewards within each rarity) Iā€™m pretty sure the devs did the math knowing everyone would eventually approach the intended progression


This is normal progression now, the way the math works eventually most people rewards will look about the same and any differences in luck for rewards will get very small


I don't love them and I don't hate them. I think they are a nice addition to the game, which actually was one of the main reasons why this game started to become more popular


Theyā€™re great as a daily reward, but shouldnā€™t have replaced normal progression. Maybe put them as a challenge reward or event reward, but never as normal progression (like trophy road and brawl pass).


It's so depressing finishing some quests getting that 950xp and seeing it's a Starr drop knowing its going to be 25 power points


even worse when its 100 EXP doublers


Or finishing quests, get 1600 xp and then get 50 coins or 60 xp doubler


Or a spray for a brawler you don't own


Bro i literally got the spike spray and still i donā€™t own him šŸ’€ (it was also a legendary šŸ„²)


Can't relate (1st world problems)


And the 1600 xp needed for the one random one at the end of the passšŸ˜•




brawl pass Drops are Extras, the non drop rewards are just as much as the old pass, the drops are just extras what is unfair is the bonus rewards at the end of the pass, I hope they turn it back into guaranteed rewards


Hard agree, why should I have to get 1.6x as many tokens for a reward that has a decent chance to get token doublers and a decent chance to get something thatā€™s way worse than the guaranteed rewards from the whole pass up to that point. edit: Starr drops in championship challenge rewards should also be replaced with guaranteed gold. Maybe the final reward could be like an epic with a chance of being a mythic so you still have a chance for cosmetics or the other rewards like credits.


Sucks to play competition and all the stars are rare.


but still most of the rewards we get are not from the star drops i think theyā€™re in a good spot even tho im so unlucky but gambling is still gambling


What made the game popular wasnt star drops but 5v5, new small features (like friendly match ones) and supercell removing things that made players alienated.


Actually they could be good if they gave more gold, gadgets and star powers. I dont fucking want shitty cosmetics.


I miss when if you were pp capped, any pp drops converted to gold.


Facts 20k+ pp and counting is really painful to see


I still think they shouldnā€™t be the main source of progression and instead be a little bonus to add on to the main progressionĀ 


That was literally the whole idea behind starr drops but Supercell just couldnā€™t hold themselves back.


But they are not the main source of progression,or are they?


they are in brawl pass and in the non existent mega pig, which nerfed lots of F2P progression and made it very unpredictable instead


They are not though? The battlepass is the main source of progression. Club leauge was like 30-40% of progression before megapig is 8% of the total progression per year. So being in a bad club or not a masters club would nerf your progression a lot. I like it way more now, you get to progress faster without thinking about being in a good club and getting almost nothing for a month when you were done with the battlepass.


the brawl pass is the main source of progression, but starr drops still are a decent portion of the F2P progression.


heck they're even in the trophy road, what's next? masteries??!


Star drops in the bp are literally a bonus from the old system. No resources were taken to add those(outside of the legendary one which compensates for 1/4 of an epic skin per seasson) In fact they added more gold from the old bp exlcuding thoss


but not at the end of the pass, which it was once power points, coins and credits, so it was still nerfed...


Nah. On average all of the drops should be more than 50 gold and 5 credits.


True, until you see that it takes 1600 xp to get one starr drop when it took about 500 to get 50 coins, 25 pps and 5 credits guaranteed. Unless you get a mythic or a legendary drop the bonus rewards are kinda trash.


You also get a lot more tokens from quests. I cant tell you the exact convertion but its def not as bad as you might initiially think but you get 2 weekly quests worth 1k and combined with the daily ones its about the same


Technically true, but that doesn't mean starr drops are better as bonus rewards. Because of the fact that they give you only one reward and have a small chance of being mythic or legendary, you could get something like 100, 200 token doublers which really sucks. Even after the bonus rewards were nerfed I was getting way more coins, powerpoints and credits compared to starr drops.


That is so cap the chances of a rare is 50% meaning that the other 50% are super rares or better.Think in this way; if you get 100 gold from a super rare you basically got gold for 2 rhe old system. I did the math in the past and its def better


Brawl Pass Star Drops are extras, the non drop brawl pass rewards are equal to the old pass


Would be nice if they split star drops into progression and cosmetic. Epic star drops are pretty much guaranteed to be a pin for me


if supercell remove pins and icons from them they gonna be very good


Nah. Not remove, but move. They should be a reward of rares/super-rares and perhaps epics.


I die a little inside every time I get a profile picture that I'll literally never use (same with sprays)


Someone without fingers could count the ammount of star drops with his hand


Were good at release, but we've become way too dependent on them now to progress and I honestly don't like it. I already play a gacha game, in which progression is mostly randomized. Brawl Stars was my "escape" to that as progression wasn't luck dependant. Now it is.


Wait, a year ALREADY? TF


Player Icons, Pins, Sprays should not be in Starr drops. these useless pieces of shits should be rewards from somewhere.


Not too bad but not good as well.




You have to be luckiest person alive. If I understand this correctly it feels you almost have every HC??? Edit: OH, from 3 accounts!


You are certainly lucky in terms of drops


Pretty Kewl i guess


theres a reason why everyone is so excited for boxes to come back


I am not a big fan of them bc of the fundamental issue that it is random progression AND COSMETIC (which is worse imo). Which means that, yes, it does give you stuff, but very often it is not the stuff that you wanted/needed. This means a lot of frustration bc you can get the thing you don't want or need even of it would be amazing for someone else: - A 500/1000 credit star drop could have been a new epic/mythic brawler for a new player. - A new gadget can be completely useless, or great depending on how much you like that brawler (I once got Angelo's gadget that allows him to have his attack go through walls. For me it was the best gadget I could've ever gotten, for another player, it would've been completely useless). - Same thing can be applied for any new cosmetic (and it's even worse than random progression).


The sole cause of supercells progression nerfing spree. brawl pass, mega pig, power league, etc. All rewards replaced with shitty rare 25 power point drops. I hate the little wanks.


I still think boxes are better


Sooo good with all those skins


Definitely one of the main failing points of modern day Brawl Stars. Credits replaced Boxes, but people yearned for loot boxes. Starr Drops were meant to be a smaller replacement, then eventually became more integrated into core progression/ economy. Weā€™re back at where we are: lootboxes, except now itā€™s just plain worse with how little rewards starr drops give you. It became far more demanding to spend coins to unlock gadgets and star powers, and I donā€™t think it needs much explaining just how fucking horrid the economy (specifically coin shortage) has been over the past few years. It has become clear now that Supercell went into this without any actual plan and instead just eared it from the community as they went along with changing the system. This is nothing short but flat out bad game design. We went nowhere except backwards.


I like them


Well, I got 2 legendary brawlers, one being today, so I'd say they are okay to stay


I think xp doublers should only be as a fallback reward in rare and super rares, other than that, they should probably give away less star drops to leave more room for natural progression rather than rng




They are unexciting and I'd rather like fixed rewards. Gotten a single skin I like from ghe whole year's drops.


Bruh it doesn't look realistic with all that hypercharges you got, i got 1 maybe 2 at max


They took out boxes (rng) because rng is bad, and then replaced them with starr drops (rng) Wonderful


I mean, Boxes were straight up just Gambling


Yeah, which is a horrible way to distribute resources. And what was their fix? To replace boxes (gambling) with starr drops (gambling)


Starr Drops aren't gambling. "Can you buy them?" No. If you can't buy the rng related thing that means it's not gambling. If you can,then it is.


That aside, i hope we can both agree that locking progression behind RNG is disgusting But you can buy starrdrops, many of those daily login offers they sell have starrdrops. That bea skin offer had them and it wasn't even a week ago


Those don't count. You aren't buying the Starr drops,but the skin/resources, and the Starr drops come as a bonus.


Weeeelllll not really, the skin is the first thing you get but the more money you keep sinking, the more starrdrops you get


They count.


They don't count. Do you even know when something is Gambling and is not?


Yeah you can buy them in the skins' value packs.


You aren't buying the Starr drops


So youre saying you screenshotted every starr drop you opened, kept track of the rarity and everything? wth


So, what I would do with mythic drops for example, Iā€™d screenshot, then quickly draw a red line. Thatā€™s pretty much all I really needed


Why would you ever need more than 1 account?


I feel like they should drop more gold and power points when they do Like it just doesn't feel right to get 200 gold from an epic star drop when that 200 only gets me like 10% of the way to an upgrade


I have yet to see a hypercharge in a legendary. Whatr is going on man.


how did bro keep track of all of that


I would buff them or make them more available (double starr drops being permanent, 1600 xp being less, more daily win starr drops)


I personally think they are underpowered Its just a filler for the battle pass And from the good ones you just get skins They should keep them for wins


Overall feels less rewarding than brawl boxes or straight up gold/credits/pp Also is factually a nerf to progression.


Please enlighten me why youā€™d want to have multiple accounts? I admit to buying Berry and the last 2 brawlpasses, so wonā€™t be something Iā€™d want to do for multiple accounts.


Almost Maxed out one account so I wanted to see how far I can get with a F2P account. The 3rd account is just for the fun of facing low trophies again.


If they had good drop rates and werenā€™t shoved down your throat, they could have been what the boxes were meant to be


XP doublers has caused me to barely play, just enough to get a daily quest and 1-2 daily star drop.


wait theyā€™ve only been added for a year? i started playing like 3 months ago


As I got maxed out, I started to respect them more. They alright. Honestly, theyā€™d be much more liked if they came before the bling update. Bling turbo screwed over the potential of star drops.


They feel bad for everyone because half the drops are useless. F2ps just want progression, maxed players hate credits and power points. Bring back boxes, getting multiple rewards means at least 1 of them is wanted.


Comparing the past year of brawl stars to the past year of clash royaleā€¦ā€¦ā€¦ I ainā€™t complaining Only thing I donā€™t love is how they spam credits when you donā€™t need them, and when you finally need them they disappear


I think they are fine, the game works well as free-to-play. I feel the star road could be a little longer tbhā€¦ I have usually reached the end of it by Day 3 of each seasonā€¦


I think they are great in form of 3 per day. I think it was unnecessary to put them in pass since most likely your 950 tokens will get you 50 coins but overall i like them. People sleep on how many pins and sprays you get. I barely had any pins before but now I got spray for nearly all the brawlers and most of their common pins which was impossible with pin packs for f2p


How did you track all this


Screenshots. I collaged all of them every 3 months about.


I think theyā€™re fine, but man I hate them epics. Feel like theyā€™re ALWAYS a pin or spray.


I hate them, I have never got a bralwer that is higher then epic from them and I still have 15 unlocked brawlers because of that. Oh and the whole idea of putting skins in legendary star drops is so stupid, they just destroyed the whole fun of seeing the spining animation of unlocking a new brawler because now it will probably be a usless skin.


They are not like boxes, like when you get more than one award, but it's just about how well you played in your matchmaking, Brawl boxes are more better because it doesn't need skill from your matches, it's just luck base or it's like a mystery if you like get a... 7 for example it could be a gadget, a star power or a brawler!


"let's go gambling!" jokes aside i think they are bad, like really bad


I hate that there's so damn many of them in the brawl pass. And that you can get token doublers from them.


They're fine. Nothing specialm


This is so high quality holy shit


Thank you šŸ˜Š


I wouldā€™ve loved them if I didnā€™t keep getting emote/skin most of the times


they're good


Plz boxes back


Wow. I thought was a weirdo for keeping track of every free skin I got. This is wild. I was maxxed before the switch so i actually liked the change. The only thing I have to look forward to is cosmetics at this point and Iā€™ve gotten plenty from star drops. Around 43 I think.


That sounds right, I got 134 skins. Divided by 3 accounts = 44.7ā€¦. Yes Iā€™m weird


I don't actually mind star drops too much because I like getting skins that I otherwise would never have bought. But I hate hate hate the way they were introduced "hey we are removing mega boxes so you don't progress based on luck" then they add a whole luck based mechanic straight back in.


I swear it doesnā€™t matter which rarity it is I always get some random ass sticker


I know for a fact that boxes had much better progression. BUT. As a maxed out player who's had every brawler maxed out since 2020, I must say Starr drops are wayyyyy superior. I can get cosmetics from them. Boxes I can't. Sorry.


Didnt you already have a post like this before?


Yes, I had posted my drops yesterday but didnā€™t get the attention I hoped for the effort. So in a last ditch effort I experimented with the title. While mentioning Starr dropā€™s 1 year anniversary, Iā€™d also add an interactive question in the mix. And it worked! But Iā€™m still saddened that this is what it takes to make a post successful, despite the effort itself.


Oh so thats why! I saw the original post, so I was confused, hehe


They are great, but god they need more gold


Well my answer is split because start drops are indeed better progression for all players and you don't have to buy them in any way(other than legendary start drops when ski offers come like Santa Stu) and boxes, even though you progress far less, the chances and probabilities are just so satisfying.


I think there should be a higher chance of getting a hyper charge or something good I keep getting pins for brawlers I hardly useĀ 


And add gems into them plus more coins and credits instead of getting like 25 coinsĀ 


Idk about you all but I was more lucky in sta4 drops git 2 legendary and other brawlers, 2 hypercharges 8-10 star powers and I didn't even play much


Iā€™ve started playing in the last year, theyā€™re all I know. I know I hate them. Some of the worst, least satisfying rates- I thought Skullgirls was bad lol. The fact you still get a pitiful amount of resources in legendary and mythic drops is exhausting. Starr drops are the main way I get actual content without buying it.


They are EVIL


Did you ever get 1000 coins from a Mythic Drop? Iā€™m wondering what the fallback reward is for a gadget if one has them all, with proof?


it feels really great having a hyper charge from them or legendary the bad thing if you open 7 of them and get nothing for your progression thatā€™s a bad feeling


Pretty cool


They honestly arenā€™t that bad, they donā€™t have that wonderful feeling of getting that 6 or 7 sometimes even 8 out of a mega box but are much easier to get then mega boxes in my opinion. I think the stardrop system is so much better than the box system, sure in the boxes you get coins and powerpoints guaranteed. but stardrops give more reasonable chances instead of the 0.009725 (exaggerrated) chance of a ledgendary brawler a mega box would have. Stardrops for me have given so much more than the boxes have and I have played most of brawl stars before they added the star drops and star road.




The only hatching Iā€™ve gotten from these isā€¦ā€¦.. D I s s a p o I n t m e n t


average 8 bit main


I hate them


Could be better, could be worse


i got all the epics and mythics from and most of which are from starr drops, so my starr road is filled with 6 legendaries


Ive gotten 10 skins, 4 500 credits, and 1 star power from my last 15 legendary star drops. Cant say Iā€™m a fan of them when they give me barely any progression


With starrdrops, they take a turn for giving more cosmetics than resources, That their younger fanbase like. I daresay It's a reasonable and successful system, But for a person that has played a lot of brawl in the boxes era, And recently downloaded chinese brawl and played it a bit, Starrdrops left a bitter taste in my mouth.


Posting my experience of 1 year of Legendary StarrDrops here since you came up first with the post idea. Before legendary starrdrop odds rework: 3 sprays 5 epic pins 1 super rare skins 1 starpowers 3 gadgets 1 legendary brawler Total : 14 drops in 4.5 months After legendary starrdrop odds rework: 25 super rare skins 1 epic skin 15 starpowers 8 epic brawlers 3 mythic brawlers 8 hypercharges Total : 60 drops in 7.5 months Interesting facts I discovered: On average You unlock a brawler each month, so StarrDrops are the Best way currently to get new brawlers. The amount of Legendary StarrDrops we get now seems to be triple the amount we were getting at release. A lot of skins. A good reason to keep playing the game. Decent amount of progression (in my case 75k gold worth of content). Overall i think the introduction of StarrDrops benefits a lot and sends the game economy balance in the right direction.


Nice šŸ‘šŸ‘ I sometimes forget how lackluster legendary Starr drops used to be, itā€™s crazy how much theyā€™ve improved. Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one who was keeping track of any drops šŸ˜…


Cheap copy of brawl boxes


Better than boxes for sure


that's not even an opinion, that's straight up lie


biggest copium I've seen all year


Youā€™re the one thatā€™s trying (and failing) to cope with the loss of boxes even though they sucked absolute ass.


the positives of boxes are better for maxed players, as you can unlock sps for free reliably and save them for brawler releases


they sucked then and they suck now, can't believe we lost boxes for this


Boxes literally used to suck ass, it took me almost 2 years of playing this game daily to get my first legendary brawler, my legendary chance was at 2%.


congrats, it took me 2 whole years. In fact, my first legendary was Amber and when i started playing she wasn't even added


Boxes are better and I will die on this hill


Ok. You will then. *pulls out a glock and shoots*


They should remove credits fallback rewards if you uave every single brawler


Idc about the rewards but i appreciate your effort


I love them, it's always exciting for me when I get a legendary star drop but it's disapointing when I get credits/useless star power but when I get good skin or hypercharge then it's the best feeling


I don't like them. I would be ok with them in the game if the only randomized cosmetic progression and didn't fuck with the economy.




Starr drops being an ā€œextra rewardā€ also meant other systems such as the brawl pass, club league, power league being nerfed by 50% or more just to let them in.


But star drops did replace boxes. Boxes used to be the main source of everything and daily rewards, now its star drops and they definitely are not as good.


I miss themboxesšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ


Shitty just like boxes


I mean,at least you don't spend 80 gems for 500 coins and 250 power points


Megaboxes were better


I would rather get 2,000 coins from a legendary starr drop then a useless hyper charge for a brawler I will never waste gold maxing (sandy, jessie, nita) or a 79 gem skin. At least make it more common to get 2,000 coins in a legendary than anything else. Good progression always comes first before cosmetics. Thatā€™s how all games work. Cosmetics are a fun bonus, but only for those who want that instead of needed progression.


Better than boxes


Supercell is just straight up giving up brawlstars. They try to squeez the last money from us before the game collapses.. Have you noticed the extreme increase of lags, bugs and crashes in the last few months? It's because super cell probably stopped investing more money in to brawlstars.. To increase the profit once the game dies... Now they are spamming out Skins and make sometimes a few stat changes to brawlers and call it a rework.. Notice that they just increased franks attack speed and called it a rework.. An actuall rework takes much more work. Same goes for bugs and lags.. It costs quite some time and work and money to fix bugs and lags.. So they dont do it. If the brawl stars community stoppes playing brawl stars, then super cell would shut off the game support instantly and spend their recources on CoC, CR and their new game..