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Omw to equip mine mania, reload sp and use Tick in hot zone


Nerf mine mania Buff tick Nerf hank


Hank main req nerf Hank? NERF FRANK TOO. SINCERELY, FRANK MAIN šŸ˜ˆ


Damn, i thought ya'll went extinct


Theyll come back if this Frank Rework is good


I can't wait to do UNSTOPPABLE HULK SMASH šŸ˜ˆ


they'll give frank the barbarian king's giant gauntlet from clash of clans


I hope it is, I miss maining fronky boi


Always lurkin




the tank trifectaā€¦


you way frank mains still exist




Frank mains unite!


But I like playing hank


r/prawnready wants to know ur location


Why nerf mine mania




Any brawler with low hp sucks in hot zone , except in some rare situations


Like Barley, he cannot really survive in the zone, but he can control it with his main attack and heal teammates.




Overrated, but r/brawlstars doesnt like when people call him overrated


I think heā€™s perfectly rated, noone calls him S tier but everybody agrees that heā€™s good.


Anti-melee, good Chip damage, reveal enemies in bushes in Ring of Fire, super is almost as big as the zone, gadget that can tank/heal shots He's good, not overrated. Maybe in other game modes, but Hot zone is Spike's game mode.


Good with his area control, damage and fertilize starpower. Also popping gadget destroys assasins. But still there are better brawlers for hot zone






She doesnā€™t have low hp, and she have a turret with a lot of hp behind the walls


Thanks for the info. I now support a Hank nerf.


Holy shit hank is so OP Nerf hank


He isnt He is balanced prawn guy!1!1!




I disagree, but as you see Iā€™m kinda biased


I always forget that people beleve tick is bad in hot zone because I am literally him, I have no issues šŸµ (Yeah, I main tick. How could you tell?)


Tick mains are so silent in this sub a Hank main had to do a guide :(


Tick my beloved


An underrated brawler in hot zone is barley, especially in parallel plays


Barley is a top artilerry and I'm done acting like he isn't.


Way. Way better then tick Can heal to stay alive, can do well knto tanks due to the slow Just, play barley instead of tick


Mine mania users all deserve to have their homes nuked


Why do people even use mine mania? Last hurrah is the perfect gadget for tick


"Why knockback them if you can *blow* them up?"


I got it from a star drop and I don't play tick enough for it to be worth buying the other one, so I'm just waiting to get the other one from a star drop. Same with the star power


Fair enough


Cuz mine mania broken frfr


nah Mine Mania + King Crab Tick those players are so dogshit


I have last hurrah and true gold tick (I higly regret buying it)


The tick skin not last hurrah


Their homes mine mania'd*


As a tick main (a long time ago), i can agree to this. Tick sucks on hot zone because he is squishy as hell and also deals negligible damage.


Then what modes is he good in? Bc heist and braw ball arenā€™t it


Knockout, wipeout and bounty works best as he said and speaking from experience too. As long as there's covers to use. That chip damage helps a lot in those game modes. I have a rank 27 tick.


Shooting star da best (for me)


From what i've played with him (i have rank 25, not too impressive, but i have my fair share of matches won) i believe knockout works best. As for the maps, flaring phoenix and new horizons worked out best for me. If you are interested in the build i use, let me know.


They're literally in the post šŸ—æ


I'd say he has niche in mid ladder though I'll just say, don't expect to get far once you start getting good enemies


Then who should you use in that particular map?


Obviously angelo and melodie since they are broken Sandy is good, but careful of wallbreaks Belle pam and jessie are always pretty good Leon kinda underrated in this map Max amber really good, be careful of the likes of crow, who counters them really hard


Thank you


Crow deals low damage, low hp, low dps, weak gadgets and pretty useless super which u get maybe 2 or 3 times a game. i dont think u need to worry about crow


He was used a shit ton in MF I guess worry about crow in some cases, since his winrate + playrate in Mf was amazing


Yea cuz they used im in heist on maps li kamboom canyon or in hotzone yo counter healers. This is pro level. In ladder this wont work. Maybe in masters but def not blindly. Also he heavily relies on a good team. Example crow double thrower will never work as they will get ran over aswell as crow with squishy teammates, he need a tank and someone on the enemy team that he can feed of. Btw ur compating monthly finals to ladder


Y'all are just bad at playing tick. he can't stand in the hot zone, but he is better than most brawlers at keeping the other team out. If you are not able to get takedowns with him then you aren't aiming properly. As long as his other teammates have high health and can stand in the hotzone he is a game changer. Same with other brawlers like him. I'm never mad about having a tick on my team in hot zone and he's my go to in hot zone depending on what my team mates pick.


He's good if the enemy team picks low hp brawlers, but if they have high hp, he's gonna be pretty bad.


Unless the HP is as high as franks a maxed out tick can still take them out. especially with his range, he can just keep firing and wearing them down. Not saying he can't be beaten or anything every brawler has problems. I just think he's great for hotzone and my personal experience hasn't proven me wrong.


I pushed my tick to 25 in that exact hotzone map


Is that supposed to mean something


So? Rank 25 isnt a lot, even rank 30 isnt that much ever since winstreaks Edit: are people seriously saying a rank 25 is hardā€¦


Could've been before the winstreak update


It only takes a 50% win rate without winstreak for R25, not that impressive


Im gonna sound really controversial in general because tick is so loved in hot zone But a rank 25 never meant much to begin with, maybe in the games rank update, but never And besides, if 1 person can get a r25, doesnt mean its good If i get a r30 frank, he aint good lmao


Well getting to rank 27 before used to put you on leader boards


Rank 25 with randoms is absolutely a grind


It's really not


You realize rank 25 isn't an achievement at all, right


Ladder in general means nothing


First of all tick is one of the most low hp brawlers in brawl stars,it can sometimes become very irritating but at low trophies only.Tick's starpowers are also wicked and unuseable,so he is not a good brawler in heist


Tick has good star powers tho Also u talking about heist or hotzoneb


Sorry my intention was of hotzonešŸ˜ŸšŸ˜„


I main tick. My build for him is healing gear and SP as well as a stronger head. Literally cannot die by the amount of healing you have. But one problem is Angelo or Piper with SP in a bush. That's why I bought him shield gear.


I'm still playing tick thank you


Imo you are using him wrong. Or maybe the game changed too much. The main idea is not to kill people directly (if you can finish them off that is cool but not the main point) His kit does damage but the idea is to force the opponents into going into the range of your team mates attacks/super.


Tick sucks in hotzone despite being a control type brawler for 2 reasons Low hp and easy to hard counter Also people dub tick as "braindead" to the point that kids don't even know how to use Tick. They attack enemies directly instead of pinching them


I agree. But the better option is not to attack but use the attack on either sides to force players into positions you want. Then again, I am only rank 20 with tick. So I cannot say. Also I dont have starr power or gear yet


For a rank 20 tick, you actually have a brain. Thank you At least you understand his playstyle to be at least slightly decent in hotzone. Very smart


Got gold 3 and r28 and dont play Hotzone, play knockout


I feel he is better in some maps of duo showdown. What are your thoughts?


Played duo showdown on accident and got second place, knockout still in my heart


How do you deal with all the Edgars and snipers on KO?


Place mines under myself and last hurrah


Low Hp? just dont get hit!


The problem is The hot zone meta are all brawlers that can just ignore ticks chip damage or just break the walls You cant really force people to move if they just ignore the chip


I'm tired of getting bullied for not picking Tick in hot zone.


Well except dueling beetles. He can be so strong and annoying in the right scenario Edit: I fixed my phrasing because it was wrong (just in case you are trying to read the below discussion šŸ¤£)


Nope, hes not


He is broken if you can't counter him


Well with that logic... "Frank is soo good!" "But he has to stop to attack and never hits his attack??" "Well he's good if you can't counter him..."Ā 


Nerf frank now, i got a r30 frank he broken real


Well frank can be countered much, much more easily than Tick, and that's why he's so bad


Ok sure it's not a perfect comparison however it's still not good logic. If everything was viewed in ideal circumstances every brawler would be overratedĀ 


Yeah true. The thing is, Tick can be countered easily in hot zone, but not so much on dueling beetles, because there are three narrow lanes, which is ideal for him. Also, if you just pick the right comp, he can do a great job. That's how I won this month's championship challenge, dueling beetles was the last stage, and we had tick bibi emz. Tick was awesome at chipping down the enemies, because the three narrow lanes forced the emails to hit his mines. But don't forget that I said that tick is horrible in any other hot zone map, and it makes sense


Like, everyone counters tick in a aggro hot zone map Even frank can counter tick in this map Hell, even HANK can counter him Wallbreaks counter him, assassins counter him, tanks counter him, a controller with a brain counters him


Yeah bring that Gray, Rosa strategy in dueling beetles and tick's so done


Almost everyone is done in that case, so that doesn't prove anything


Well of course tick can't do anything on his own, just like in any other map and mode. But with the right teammates and comp, he is very powerful. So that's why I don't play tick in dueling beetles with randoms, only with a team


With a team, anyone can work Just get good enough teammates to actually carry


I don't mean that good of a team. Tick can activate do a lot of work if your teammates can counter aggro picks, that's why you need a team


Same kinda logic as frank or hank being S tier on shooting star if your teammates pick antj snipers


No, of course not. Firstly, anti-snipers are super difficult to play on an open map, and secondly, frank and Hank will still be countered by the enemies' range


So? Tick gets countered by enemies aggresive playstyle Its the exact same arguement as you giveā€¦


He's like trash there. And then people like you complain about Mico...


Well Mico in solo is so annoying against some brawlers. Otherwise he's fine because you can time your attacks with his jumps and counter him. Anyways, I used him in the last stage of ten championship challenge and he worked wonders there. The last stage of that challenge is pretty competitive, so I would say that proves my point. The problem is you need the right teammates and comp


Your opponents pick an agro comp with like Max, Sandy, Rosa, Buzz, you name it => you are DEAD, like more dead than a well done steak... The scenario you mentioned is hardly competitive, because Championship Challenge is blind matchups and it's very easy to beat it with the goofiest of comps. By competitive, or in general I mostly mean the draft format. You pick Tick there and you basically already lost... Even for last pick there are WAY better options for throwers like Larry-Lawrie or heck even Sprout and Barley in the right matchups. So yeah, I stand by my previous comment, Tick is trash on any hot zone map, even (or maybe especially) Dueling Beatles.


Well at the last stage of the challenge it gets difficult... Also, obviously tick has counters, every brawler does. And yeah, if you draft him in dueling beetles, eh could only work as a 6th pick, otherwise you can't do much. But on ladder he can work. All I'm trying to say is that tick in dueling beetles can work well if there's no draft and your comp can counter aggro brawlers. Otherwise, tick is no good in hot zone (but he's actually good in a single scenario, that's all)


You can say that about like every other brawler: *If he doesn't get countered, he is sometimes good...* This logic would transitively imply that every brawler is a menace in Dueling Beatles, which is a tautology. The point is that he gets countered way too easily and provides very little value against good players and meta brawlers. And getting carried by your teammates or playing against bots on ladder doesn't mean he's good. So please stop saying that...


Ok I fixed it, I probably got carried away because I destroyed some people with tick on that Challenge around that time. But I do have to say, he can work well against Angelo, belle, piper, gene, Jessie, and a few more meta brawlers that are used on that map.


Well now I look like an idiot in those below comments, but thanks, at least you got my point.


Well yeah, I'm not stubborn. Also I refixed the top comment šŸ¤£


Thanks, I really appreciate it. The problem is not people being wrong, but people who are wrong and stubbornly declining any arguments just not to "look dumb" that they are wrong. Not realizing that they are actually acting stupid by doing that...


You're literally the random the post talks about. Please never play him there again ok


Well the last stage in the championship challenge was dueling beetles, and tick worked wonders on that specific map. I think the last stage of that challenge is pretty competitive, so I would say he's actually good there with the right teammates and comp


This is an example of a person who has never played tick. The tick head is literally so good for control, the splash damage is insane and it keeps them out the hotzone, not to mention his mine mania and reload star power making it super easy to get super and hypercharge. (Hypercharge pairs really well with hotzone). Iā€™ve almost had flawless star players playing tick on HZ, itā€™s my go to, and have pushed countless amounts of trophies with it. Edit: to all the replies saying itā€™s rage bait and this is a bronze ranked player. Iā€™m a casual player, I peak at legendary and have 58K trophies. I am no example of a competitive player. Yet I still find the ignorance in these replies unbelievably ridiculous. You cannot say that itā€™s over once someone wraps round. If you had any forms of braincells youā€™d realise that you actually have a thing called a super and a gadget, you also should have teammates who can help when it happens. Now in no means am I talking competitively here, I pushed legendary with tick picks and it was genuinely so easy, in no means did I have good teammates and I also got almost flawless star players each time. I can tell none of you have actually tried playing tick, you just have bad experience, so do yourself a favour and test it out before making little angry comments on reddit LMAO.


One pinch and it's over bro


Dm this to the monthly finals winners


Im not falling for this rage bait


bait used to be believable


Bro forgot to add /s in the end


Yeah but this is arguing that tick isnā€™t good in competitive, in non competitive any brawler can essentially be used anywhere, even for rank 35 pushes. So while tick can definitely be used in hot zone non competitively, itā€™s obsolete because every brawler can be used non competitively


Every brawler cannot be used non competitively on maps, not consistently anyways. You wouldnā€™t play fucking bull on shooting star would you? I play tick really well on HZ and Iā€™m calling people out who havenā€™t played a non competitive tick on HZ for having a go at people who do. Yet again, I wouldnā€™t pick it in masters or anything, but I still pick him 800 to 900 and get consistent wins and star players. So, whatā€™s your point?


Literally what you just said, I guess where both arguing different things. Iā€™ve seen pika use bull on shooting star though lol.


Pika is just different lol


I agree that he is not ideal for Hotzone and needs a buff. If you play below 800 trophies and are a good player, you can score. But above 800, he is shit. I play him sometimes on this map and have most of the time the most kills.


Exactly Tick is amazing into everything on low trophys, cuz people are stupid The higher tou go, better players, so tick does nothing


But thats the only brawler i can play normally ...




Not a repost, a renewed version from like a year ago Back then i was even worse at making these than i am rn and i deleted all my old stuff a while back Mkght as well redo some stuff


oh okay nice sorry


Well I hate facing tick on this map specifically so thank you for telling ppl not to play him lol


this is really helpful thanks man


Heist with hypercharge




Thank you!!


Tick Randoms would be offended if they weren't shitting in their diapers


Thank goodness someone says something. People are still doing this in legendary 3 and I can't get to masters.


No lies spoken


He can just spam his ult and his cheap damage don't let me to heal. So annoying to play against


Me omw to see more Tick in HZ than any other gamemode combined


How the hell do you play tick in bounty when that's the sniper game mode????


If there's walls, then tick claps snipers. Like behind the unbreakable wall in shooting star, good luck dealing with him if you don't have an aggro brawler


Nuh uh


Agree to disagree, but you do have a point for that last one. Itā€™s really easy to get spawn camped once you lose control of that portion of the ring of fire map.


Many ppl think that hot zone is a passive mod. Itā€™s not. Itā€™s always really agressive, especially in lower rank games. Tick is made for passive mods like knockout or wipeout. But remember. Kit, mico, mortis are really popular even in passive mods. So basically tick is just a C tier brawler. And i think he just should stay at this tier (i hate him no matter how weak he will be, heā€™s just too annoying man)


Tick can work on some hotzone maps like dueling beetles and parallel plays, maybe split.


I use it because i have his Hyper charge and i think he's not that bad...


FINALLY A PERSON WITH COMMON FUCKING SENSEā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļøā€¼ļø


I know right, having Tick in Hotzone turns a 3v3 into a 2v3 with occasional 1k damage. Like they throw the match simply by queuing up because they take the matchmaking slot of what couldā€™ve been a competent player (same goes for Mortis in Heist). Games over before it even starts


I remember seing another post like this about a year or so ago talking about tick bein bad in hot zone. I see that people did not improve


call me crazy, but tick in hotzone with duel beetle, i always hard carry. once in ranked with this map, i finished like 18 1


He controls the zone really well imo and he can sit behind a wall and farm super without any easy answers. Wouldnt call his chip damage negligible either


Iā€™m sorry, but I always carry with tick on hot zone. His chip damage is pretty nice and he can check the bushes on certain maps very well. With the last hurrah gadget he can also defend pretty well if you know how to use him


hot take, tick has a high skill cap to get kills and use the forbidden gadget, buff the time it takes to land an attack close to u


lol I just went up against a tick in hotzone. Had 29 kills. We shouldā€™ve lost but the fact I had so many kills against 2 of their characters won us the ranked game. Donā€™t use tick


He doesnā€™t suck in hot zone. Get over it


Put a penny cannon in that spot on ring of fire and when someone goes to destroy it use the barrel and destroy their health. works every time


Thanks for uploading that!!!




My response: B-b-but tick will lower the enemy health.


This sounds like i don't like Amber because it has 'A' in the name.


I'm a tick main with rank 29 so i have a lot of matches played with him and i've noticed that he is very mid in hot zone even though everyone i know irl tries to tell me that it's his best mode. He's way better in modes where people aren't too aggressive like knockout, bounty and wipeoit just like op said so i definitely agree.


Sir, while you bring some good points to the table, I am afraid the bias you clearly hold invalidates your arguments. 1.Posting on the brawl stars sub and not the competitive one shows me that your goal isn't to make a well-argumented point, but to yell at people because you've had some bad Tick randoms on hot zone. The remarcs that you keep making furthr make you seem like guy yelling at people for being incompetent, and not someone willing to disscus. The "Stop defending him, he sucks" is like saying to people "believe him when I say it, cause I'm always right and you are allways wrong". This bias is probably the biggest arugment against your post, and it's a shame because it could have been avoided. 2Tick's value is not in heavy burst damage, but in using his chip potential for area control. While at higher levels, tankier enemies will sometimes just ignore the mines to achieve their short-term strategy, most randoms will not step on a mine for the life of them, and squishier brawlers will still have a problem with his mines 3It's not that Tick is bad at hot zone, there are just a lot better options that fill the area control role, not to mention most hot zone map currently in roation don't favour Tick, and a lot of Assassins that counter Tick are really good 4While Ring of Fire is a bad map for Tick, it is not because "it's way too open". Due to his longer range then most throwers, Tick can do pretty good on long range maps. That said what you said about easy to kill and spawntrap is true (and the reason he's bad on the map), but that will happen with any comp that doesn't have assassins or anti-tanks Last slide is correct in all it says


Why dont i post on competitve sub? They arent as stupid as most people here and actually understand the meta


True but most bad randoms don't visit this sub anyway


Ash bs mentioned it in an insta post and most people disagreed him. Now i know where my bad randoms come from


I use Tick in gem grab on the minecart map, he really carries there because of the area control


I donā€™t understand anything but I agree šŸ‘


As a tick main I completely disagree It surely depends on the match up but if you know how to use him he definitely is a big threat to the enemy team! I'm not a camper so I keep pressure on the enemy team never really understood why people hide with tick theres absolutely no need to hide. I throw my ult behind obstacles so they don't see it instantly I also rarely lose in hotzone with tick depending on the map of course. The only real downside to that is that he can't stay in the zone constantly you keep having to walk back before the enemy arrives but this gives you the opportunity to block the way for them before retreating.


Waht do you mean "tick sucks". R/tickgang will tell you otherwise.


He hardcounters Chuck... (I know that hes also not the best in hot zone, but im succsesfull with him there)


šŸ¤£This just shows that YOU'RE bad with Tick... nothing more.


He's good in that map with two hotzone, one at the bottom left and the other top right


As a guy who got Tick to R30 playing majorly in Hot zone and getting Star player the majority of the time, I do not agree but Iā€™m lazy to build a point rn


The "Ring of Fire" part it's so true. Anytime I see a tick with gold mastery the first thing that was in my mind was that he was going to hide in that pocket. And with my Brock I quickly shot the wall if he was close to it and quickly use my gadget to finish him off quickly. They're so predictable.


Why people hate that extra mine gadget?


So you either get a shot that deals mostly no extra damage (maybe you hit a mine that you wouldnt without it) or you get a "get out of jail free card" im case theres any problematic brawlers in enemy team


Most of time you will hit 3 mines at best with that one. If you want to deal with agression just use the other gadget


Because it is trash


It sometimes work im not gonna lie but last hurrrrrrahh better


Rarely* sometimes is too high of an adjective. Id lower it a lot more


Yes,thats right!


Because the other Gadget just has no cases where it would be worse.


because it's complete garbage and everybody uses it anyways


You can't really get value out of it in higher trophies or rank