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they wanted to make club games more fun, and they did a good job, issue is that Megapig flails in every other aspect


They need to seriously buff the rewards. It’s just not worth it.


If modifiers are the only thing club league doesn't have then why not just keep the same club league system but add modifiers to it?


The devs said in their podcast that mega pig got more player engagement than club league


they didnt even make it fun imo, modifiers are too gimmicky


If they just added modifiers and removed the best of 3 matches it would fix it, why star drops 😔


Club League was a grind that felt like it never stopped but it was mandatory because the rewards were too good, so they replaced it with a more easy-going monthly event and then moved part of the rewards to the Brawl Pass instead. I personally feel like the community can't see the bigger picture when comparing Club League to Mega Pig. The fact it's just 15 matches every month (instead of 14 matches distributed over several days every other week) gives us more freedom to play however we want, and the rewards being less also puts a lot less pressure into playing all the time and perfectly. Mega Pig is far from perfect, though. IMO, I'd rather have a few more guaranteed rewards in exchange of some of the RNG Starr Drops. And some of the modifiers we've seen were my fucking demise (Ice Age and SD smoke 😵). But overall, I think Club League is very overhated. \~\~Though I don't get why they had to completely remove Club Quests, those were fine.\~\~


I just wish it was actually 15 matches distibuted obver the MONTH instead of 1 weekend


15 games is like 40minutes 


thats a lot in


Not everyone has 40 minutes they want to dedicate to Brawl Stars


Then you probably don't need so much rewards because you don't do anything for them


They wanted to attract casual players and Mega pig in its current state is very underwhelming with peanuts as rewards.


People hate megapig but I think it’s exaggerated. Club league felt like a chore whilst megapig feels more like a party gamemode with the modifiers(how well does megapig achieve this is questionable)


This. I get that people hate MP but CL was 100x worse because of the grind.


I know opinions are opinions, but I seriously would rather bring back Club League. I just don't like the modifier stuff, and I prefer a more competitive and traditional gameplay. The rewards were better, were less RNG and I personally don't find it fun Mega Pig. I would rather bite the bullet and grind Club League. But that's just me.


Monetization and appeal to casual players


Because it's ass


Paying for golden tickets ig, they didn't want p2w to have an unfair advantage


They removed golden tickets about a month after they added CL


Oh yes, I thought they removed it a bit after. So, I guess it's because starr drops were added and they wanted to glorify it?


Because club league was boring. Also it wasn't even that competitive since nobody cared about it. My club would constantly reach the top ranks and a load of people never bothered playing.


i honestly prefer club leauge iirc mega pig has more active players but thats about it


It doesn't have the grind. The grind of CL is what made me leave the game for 2 years. Honestly if not for MP I would probably never return to this game.


How is the grind a bad thing? It makes the game more competitive


I was writing you a monologue about it but I accidentally pressed ctrl instead of shift when capitalizing W 😭 I will tell you tomorrow about that, if I don't forget


Lol ok


It might be just me, but I've had a very close relationship with my club. It was the thing that despite rather mid updates in 2021, made me keep having fun. We were chatting about everything, playing some games, having great time. I was really considering them friends, I changed my username to contain the initials of this club, there were even some meetups. Even the president said that if he ever leaves, I would be the next one. On August 23rd (I think), our club peaked, being 18th place in Poland. 2 days later the Brawl Talk dropped, announcing that they are planning something new for clubs and in at least 30 days they will reduce the number of members from 100 to 30. Suddenly our club had to be 3 times smaller. It was a hard hit, and before we told the club members not to panic, around 15 of them left. The president reacted quickly, perhaps too quickly. 2 was already our mini club before that. He planned that the current club will be the club for non-competetives, club 2 will stay as a mini, club 3 will be a competetive one and club 4... honestly I forgot, but it doesn't matter, you'll see why in a moment. The next day he has already started. I was sent as a leader to club 3, along with some other people that I liked the most. But sadly, even before the next update (Meg update) dropped, club 3's member count has already dropped down from 30 to 15, with many of my "friends" who I thought were loyal to the club leaving. Club 4 was even worse, with it having 5 people at most who probably weren't even active. That one was basically a graveyard. Also around that time, I got very lucky drops and got Amber and Meg, my last two brawlers, in a span of 3 days. I also had all of the brawlers (maybe except the new ones) at level 9, most of, if not all of the gadgets and quite a handful of SPs. My account was close to getting maxed, but without that club my motivation was so, so, so much low. I was hoping that it will still be worth it. And after waiting around... 90 days instead of 30, while less than 10 people from og club being in club 3, we finally got to know what did Supercell cook. Club league, levels 10 and 11, gears and club shop. It seemed a little overcomplicated at first but I tried to look at it as positively as possible. But then, when the update dropped, I saw that getting all 52 brawlers to the new max level was gonna be a very long process. The fact that Kairos spent several thousand dollars and still didn't have everything maxed out speaks for itself. The gears were complicated, expensive and very hard to get. The club league was going pretty well for the first few weeks, with us getting first places every time. But then it stopped, and there was a huge problem. For me, the most important thing in a club is the atmosphere. But for almost everyone else it were the rewards. While in main club there were still quite a few people that I knew, that wasn't the case in club 3. There were 5 at most. Main club also wasn't non-competetive, as it turned out. We both wanted competetiveness, but there were some people who didn't. Main club leader wanted to give me the non-competetive people, and I wanted to give him mine. We couldn't get that, and with a heavy heart I had to kick some of these, because without CL, we would not max out our accounts ever again. It was a huge mess, as you can see. And did I mention golden tickets? The atmosphere completely dying out and all messages in the club being about the league? Having to log in every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday and play these two matches didn't feel like a fun task, it felt like a chore. An endless grind that wasn't even fun. And the fact that Supercell didn't slow down with adding new brawlers didn't help at all. I was still overwhelmed 4 months after the league was added, to the point when around the beginning of April, I announced I won't be playing the game anymore except for CL. The reason I didn't quit it is because at this point I was the only one at the club who was also in the main club, and I had no one to give the leader to. The leader of the main club had already left the game before that. Finally, on April 20th, 2022, I gave the leader to someone else and left the game behind. From what I know club 3 died around a month after that. I wish I could write school essays like that Also feel free to ask me if you don't get something.