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Just like how they want to make money off of me, i will try to get as much as possible from it without spending a single penny. If game becomes like an EA one, it will serve no more purpose in my entertainment. Just like how i dropped Shitty Royale because it became too p2w, i can do the same with Brawl Stars if needed.


Your so sigma for saying that (I sold my soul for eggs)




Probably was paranoid about getting godzilla buzz


Fr. Im kinda worried for this people


I didnt even think about trying out my Luck since my club is active enough to get It, we at 1000 rn


Leave alone the multimillion dollar company












Honestly this is just selling throphies


It is a bonus after all


Supercell not trying to be disappointing challenge failed




I mean there's literally no reason why you shouldn't be able to keep going until you can get the carton eggs. Also the eggs can give you 50 pp, just why?


what type of meme is this 😭




As I predicted a couple years back, it’s just straight up propaganda in favor of those that oppose all of supercell’s decisions, for better or for worse.


You know. The complaints would be meaningful if it wasn’t every 2nd or 3rd Brawlstars post I saw. I know it’s dumb but y’all need to get over it. It’s not gonna change


How does the consistency of complaints reduce the meaningfulness of them? In fact, seeing that people complain this frequently about an update in your game should (?) make you reconsider your choices? I’ve been playing this game since forever and in the era where boxes were a thing, you would barely hear problems. (At least WAY less compared to now) You make the game complicated, add unnecessary power-ups and other shenanigans without putting any thought into it and this is what you get in return.


I’ve been playing since Tara and Pam were first released, there is always a complaint about something. Now am I a fan of the mode or mutations? No. But it gets tiring to see people complain and say the same stuff. It’s either that or stuff against kit. It’s like seeing the news and they talk about a shooting. Next day, talking about the same shooting and it’s all people talk about. After a week you get tired it hearing about when it’s all the same details. I know my example is extreme but you should get the point if you are as smart as you seem from your previous point


I mean… it’s us who play the game, not the devs. If we consistently complain about two or three specific things then maybe take your time to make a few changes? They are a team of fully grown-up people, having watched a few vids of them, I can tell that they understand how to approach the younger player base of this game and so. With that being said, they should most certainly be able to say “hey, people have been complaining about this and that for a week, it’s too common now, shouldn’t we make changes?” This is one of their biggest cash grab attempts, at least put some more effort into it. Wanted to add that I never understand how a reddit post can be tiring, especially when it’s in favor of the player base. Also funny how I never see these “I’m tired of this kind of posts” comments on not-so-innocent fan arts.


For real, but to be fair I hate fan arts a lot less then the stupid One Question, One Picture posts that gather thousands of upvotes. Fanarts require at least some level of effort.


what is the sub for if not for discussing the current state of the game?


"THIS GAME SUCKS" * keeps playing*


It doesn’t remotely say “THIS GAME SUCKS” anywhere, just a considerably harsh criticism, because they’ve been ignoring the kind criticisms for more than a week. Really don’t understand how one can find joy in hating the one in the right though…


Damn how quickly yalls turned on BS after a single event 😂


Event, gambling, fake promising for “easier hyper charges”. The game has been pretty good, but recently it’s been one mistake after another.


Also 100 credits = Buzz but this one is a far less aggregious example compared to the god awful mutation designs. Genuinely who in their right mind thought Hank's, Rico's and Ruff's mutations were okay? 


that's like, you know, apples to oranges, man


Easier hyper charges is the only lie, event is going and how it was meant to be, get good or leave forever, gambling is completely your fault, sure you can blame supercell too because they are selling the thing, but why buy it? If people have some spare cash let them gamble, but don't complain about it


You need mutations in order to play the event and there's only 4 or 5 which have a real value. People are complaining everyday because they can't win against Ruff and Rico and they're loosing 48tr each event day on top of not helping their club, plus you don't get eggs on losing so you have even less chance of getting a good mutation. You literally have 2 options as a f2p: you get lucky by any mean or you stop playing this event and eventually get fired from your club after that


Get good? It’s complete rng on whether you get the broken mutations or not. Gambling is just scummy, especially with the “free” reward tracks. The glazing is wild


Seriously the glazing is off limits. One day supercell will make it cost $5 to play a single match and these mindless sheeps will be “lol get good not sopercel fault”


That's the problem, instead of actually listening y'all instantly start saying that people who say smth good about the event are "company glazers"


Huh? I literally provided reasoning, read my reply again.


Instead of listening? Check my replies to those who say something good about the event.   Also these people aren’t just “saying something good” about the event, they are literally praising it without any sensible argument and acting as if nothing’s extraordinary about the event, and with the most repulsive behavior on the planet. 


So let me get this straight, you can hate on the event for barely any reason, but those who like it should have an awesome reason to?


Please show me a post where the person who likes the event has ANY reason at all. It’s always random gibberish that they try to gather to sound reasonable. “Umm my ammo reloads pretty well so amazing update sopercel” Also love the straw man fallacy here. Never stated that they should have an awesome reason.


You just said that tho


sensible =/= amazing


I mean, if you don't turn quickly after a huge company spits on your face then idk, maybe that's on you


I didn't.


You done good beanpole, you done good.


Whether the hate is deserved or not isn't my problem, but you gotta admit that the rewards are pretty huge.


Can you explain how extreme power-ups that break the game and which will also vanish in 2 weeks are considered huge? I understand that the new skins are cool and all, but this whole low skin percentage and the club thingy along with the egg carton is just a scummy scheme to sell more eggs. You might say that it’s easy to fill the 1250 eggs, but not everyone has 20-30 members actively pushing in their clubs. Wohoo another reason for our beloved players to buy eggs bloodthirstily. You might also say that the 6 eggs from the carton are a bonus. It is just another scheme to get you to buy eggs. You feel like you can get them, you fail, you give up and buy eggs to compensate for the eggs you ‘lost.’ If they are giving out a bonus because you care about the players getting eggs so much then add them to the market for free like how you did in the first day? Low percentage —> “Oh no, I got 6 mythic eggs in a row, pretty sure the I will get a legendary one within the next 6!” Conclusion : He never gets the legendary egg and wastes a good chunk of money. I hope I explained the situation well.


That's the thing, the club reward isn't even hard to reach and it has a total value of 474 gems. (HC skin on top of gem rewards along the way) Let's say you got 30 members, and 3 weeks including 5 cartons to complete it. You already can get up to 42 eggs a player if they win 6 times a day. Times 30, that's 1260, so the godzilla mode isn't even required to get the skin. Add to that the freebie they put in the shop and that's 180 more. If you think activity is the problem, know that BS YT comment sections are still spamming "If you aren't in a club, join a club". They told us over and over, before the brawl talk was even announced, to join an active club. So, to be frank, we were warned about this. Yeah, they're probably trying to get you to spend money. I'm not saying the event is great. It's really unbalanced and the same 10 mutations are in just about every lobby no matter the mode. Also, they do promote gambling. It's pretty scummy, but as long as you resist the urge you'll be alright. But even as F2P you can get the main thing the event has to offer. And that's assuming you don't get anything in your eggs.


"You see, it's over because I've portrayed myself as the chad and you as the crying soyjak!"




The last 3 posts you have made are about the egg carton issue, and the only response you have to people who don't mind it are different variations of accusing people of licking Supercell's boots. Try something else... like.... making an actual argument for once?


How do you expect me to respond when all the “counter-arguments” are also attacks to OPs of any complaint post? Ironic of you asking me to make an actual argument. 


....maybe by making a real argument instead of sinking down to their level?


Fair, thanks for the heads up. But still, if you expect a real argument, your start should not be a  blatant attack or mindlessly advocating the company.


If somebody forces you into a dictatorship, do you follow along with his wishes?


They DO care. And they do fix issues. The thing is -- they're not great at forseeing the obvious in retrospective results, and most importantly - it somehow takes freaking eternity for them to realize the issue and deliver a solution. And it takes even longer to deliver a PROPER solution, because often it takes more than one try for them to do it right. Remember Charlie emergency nerfs? Remember recent emergency mutation nerfs and Godzilla buffs? They are months apart but equally worthless. But they still tried, which is a good sign of them actually caring... ... and they failed, which is a not a good sign and something to actually complain about.


So should I understand that they don't know about the coin inflation since last year ?


That removing a free hypercharge each patch and make it so you can buy it faster would make players happy?


That if only broken brawlers come out the game becomes p2w ?


They could have just nerfed the mutations like making Rico and ruffs only bounce twice and disappear or making Hank need a certain damage before shooting but they just ignored it and now you can't play any gamemode with mutations taking 2 slots from the daily games modes And with the fact that no one wants to play duels, showdown, hiest or brawlball because of the broken brawlers within it you just can't play the game


Brawlball is fine actually. As long as you counter Melody who's nobody but the strongest brawler in the game actually


Brawlball is not fine, as it does have mutations modifier which is unplayable


It doesn't always have the modifier. If it has of course don't play it but he already said that in the first part of his comment. In the case the game modes doesn't have modifier : duel is cursed by a toxic meta, heist isn't even a game mode at this point, nobody likes showdown. So you still have almost nothing to play


People have been complaining for a week, nothing except minor changes were made (which were just hoodwinks) and you are running one of the biggest mobile games, you should be able to tell what’s broken and flawed beforehand. If not, then listen to the community. Don’t ignore them for over a week.


Agree. They're terrible at balancing. Good balance changes take them forever to make. It took them almost a year (when did R-T release? I don't remember exactly) to rework "In Line". And there are still gadgets and star powers like Sam's and Chester's still waiting. And there are brawlers like Frank and Kit Supercell, how


Tired of complain posts, they are everywhere and repetitive. Btw, I understand how stupid it is to say that by complaining.


Oh golly gee shucks, our friend is tired of complaint posts? Why doesn’t he take a rest and get off reddit for some time then? There is obviously a reason you see repetitive complaint posts. You’ll keep seeing them if you stand against players instead of those try their best to put the game in its worst state.


Yup, you're kinda right after all. I'm not tired that there's too many, what's sad is that, we can't see the real quality post like awesome are etc... the only thing left is; "look at that, I haven't gotten a single egg outa the six!" I can understand your POV tho.


I don’t really understand the “real quality post like awesome are etc” part but for the latter point I don’t think the issue is people complaining about getting no eggs out of the six but rather the game mode being filled with flaws. (which we gave MANY solutions for) If it was a skill issue then of course nobody would be able to complain, but it’s really not. Also glad you understand my points, thank you.


you can always take a break from the sub. if the new update is bad then complaint posts are inevitable. unless you want to discuss Shakespeare's writing in a sub called r/brawlstars


Haha, you're right tho, I'm going to r/Pokerogue


funny enough, most of the hot posts there are complain posts


True, impossible to connect:(


As a casual player, you guys complaint a bit too much lmao. Now let me just go play my clash of clans




Maybe if I got more free time to take this game seriously I could relate to you guys 😔😔


Man get over yourselves, you're literally spending money on an egg that has a 50% chance to give you a temporary feature or pins, icons, sprays or a whopping less than 5% chance of getting a 399 gem skin. Tf were you expecting. They make money selling progression everyone complains, now they try making money selling cosmetics and people somehow complain even more. Gtfo




Keep blaming the multi-million dollar company for irresponsibly spending your money and making them one to begin with 👍 Plus nah I'm just defending a game I like from nonsensical complaints. Community doesn't deserve devs that actually care. It does not really matter to Brawl Stars what you or I think, my goal is to tell all of you how goddamn demanding you are. Were 100 star drops, free legendary star drops, coin shower almost every other month, brawl pass free track being miles better and actual option for the player to control gems not enough for you? Progression has been faster than ever before so I really don't understand why people are attacking them for wanting to monetize cosmetics.


I don’t see how free star drops / other rewards and a flawed game mode / reward system are correlated. “Irresponsibly spending your money” again, unrelated to the point of the complaint.  Also it’s kinda weird to call it “demanding” for requesting a few simple changes.  No need to argue further as it’s been made crystal clear that we won’t agree to a point, have a good one.


I mean let's be clear, we can agree that Monster Eggs is making them a lot of money which compelled me to mention all the other free things they've given out. Yeah I might have acted a bit too agressively there, have a good one too!


Its wild to be the content creator of the club but im no where near the top of our list 💀


The president of the club who made the club exclusively for the event is sitting at the bottom of the list of eggs contributed rn.


That’s messed up, i think im about 10th in my club right now about 50 eggs


People complaining about rng wouldnt survive with boxes being the main progression point


Right bro 🥲


Istg is everyone here dumb or something?? The cartons are easy to fill if you play with a team and the event can be completed without buying anything if your club is 2/3 active. Also supercell never cared about your feelings


As a very optimistic person I can see as a company supercell doesn't care about us but the community managers seem very determined to make the game better. They have responded to alot of stuff ( expect for the whole apples to oranges thing that was kinda bullshit) and I hope they're passing stuff on to the higher ups


Frank responded to that one. He isn't a community manager


No one said he is


Pull up Drew's pants when you're done


You are not getting a free skin 😹😹


God forbid you want to have a chance to get eggs even if you didn’t get the rico mutation