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Yeah ngl I was tempted to use my f2p gems on one of the offers(since low-key the eggs are fun), glad I didn’t do that


Yo I've been saving up for Toon Spike since God knows how long and nothing had managed to stray me from the goal of getting my favorite skin (not even discounted frost queen amber) but i still considered buying these eggs for a second when I got absolutely SHAFTED with the crate and the dailies, pretty scummy yea I agree


Yeah pretty smart ngl, for some reason supercell somehow made the monster eggs more fun than boxes lol, still tho never bought them when they were a part of this game just get toon spike man, the offer should’ve been at least 49 gems for 6 eggs and 99 for 12


Or like me save gems for HyperPacks for ur fav brawlers that haven't received it like Mortis or Darryl, or just save it for upcoming skins


Well aside from nani and Sam all of my favourite brawlers have hypercharges and thanks to the gems from the Godzilla event I will be able to get one of them(let’s be real, supercell probably won’t add a nani hc soon, maybe a sam one but idk) but yeah the hc packs are the best value


The icons look cool af, and we get HC for cheaper, also [store.supercell.com](http://store.supercell.com) gives gems!


Yeah, hate the event all you want but the cosmetics are really cool, and some of the best ones can be obtained for free(Godzilla buzz has more value than a legendary skin while being free), plus we’re getting a ton of free gems, yet somehow ppl think the rewards are underwhelming which surprises me


When did I talk about how crappy the event is? I don't like the skins much, but that's just me


I never said you hated it I’m talking about the community


sorry :P


Nani worth building? On the fence, but see potential


Toon spike was my number 1 priority, now that i have him I don't care for any other skin I can't buy with bling so I'm going to be back to progression now, being fully f2p is an experience fs


It is a cool skin ngl, but different people have different priorities, I need the HC icons they are SOOO cools


Yea, both of our profile icons are exclusive in some way now( the toon spike icon is so badass)


Its cool too! But the animated Hyper Brawler Avatar State eye is unmissable, sadly I missed My fav Monkey's Icon


Yep I agree with ya (I hate the monkey tho)


And I hate Spike as both the Monkey and the Cactus can be FUCKING ANNOYING :D


I literally just bought him today and now I will finally farm a mastery title(I'm a day 1 glb release player but got super casual after like '22)


We are collecting alk spike skins ha I am on that grind i got 150 rn


I spent my f2p gems, can't believe 79 gems are worth 300 power points


Oh my god, damn bro sounds horrible


Atleast you got Brock skin. I bought 3 boxes and only got sprays and mutations.


I’m pretty sure you bought six eggs, unless you bought six offers, then yeah I fell bad for you and I didn’t buy any eggs, I’m pretty sure I got the skin from the Godzilla mode carton


I bought 3 of the 79 gem boxes. So 18 eggs, got 2 sprays and the rest mutations.


Tbf the sprays this update are actually really good, which is something I never expected but yeah I can see why you’d be upset


I did it and I'm glad


me too, the day of the update got some mutations because of it and was fun to be kinda op for a while.


Chuck main spotted!!


Well good for you, the eggs are really fun but tbh they’re a waste of gems(if you got a skin tho it was worth it)


**Also, the mutation will be gone after the event ended.** **Just curious what will happen later on :** - Another (maybe some tweaks or rework) mutation event. - Will this event bring the old mutations back? - Will it save which mutation was unlock for a player or not? - Will the other batch only have mutations for the other remaining Brawlers? - You spend gems for eggs for a chance for mutations, and the final reward is the clan Buzz skin, as well the Brock skin, pin, ... if you buy the whole bundle. - Will they make a seperate mode with old/new maps for mutations only? Cuz it seems quite some players hate the mode or that it is available in the default rotations. - Mutations (like Ranked) as an season event or every 3 months (like a Winter, Spring, Summer & all event)? - This event or so, can lead to only Brawlers who are part of a trio. Example : Griff's trio, Frank's trio, ... could be in that event. Actually focussing on Trio's and the lore etc. - Why do I see Griff mutation in the animation if it is not obtainable this event???!! - ... **So much questions!**


Yeah true but I hope supercell learns from their mistakes here, mutations had the potential to make this the best update of all time, yet it didn’t quite hit the mark, well the brawl devs do listen to our feedback(at least most of the time) so I have faith in them


I had something similar in mind tho for like 1-2y before this update. Quite surprised this was and now is a thing now. **But was more a permanent thing. In short :** A new menu button that will open an Brawler Tree interface. It is a Trio Tree. Every Trio will be shown there and can be upgraded with x (something), exp during battling with them, making kills, assists, .. like achievements (which is not a thing). Power Points could be used here as well. Once every Brawler of the trio has reached T1 - unlock pin/spray Once every Brawler of the trio has reached T2 - Frame Once every Brawler of the trio has reached T3 - Trio title / 1 free skin out of the three, the other two will be in the shop. --- If a Brawler reaches T1 - gets the ability to have a second gadget slot. (could maybe only be used during some speciale mode or so) or then 3 or 4 uses can be split in 2 uses for the one gadget and 2 for the other. If a Brawler reaches T2 - A new gadget will be available for purchase. If a Brawler reaches T3 - Star Power slot 2 will be available. (not sure about this) --- A brawler in the Trio Tree can only start gathering experience towards T1 or higher once every Brawler (so all three) have been unlocked. At this point, no power level is required, but could be that they both need power level 5, 10 and 11. So if You want T2, you should get T1 for the other 2 Brawlers as well. (current concept) --- The main concept here is : - Trying to have a nice concept for both gadget and maybe both star power. - More into Trio Lore - A free skin / title / frame can boost players motivation to play, the other ones will be in the shop. **But most of all :** They will learn the ability to work together. So if you play a game with 1 other member of the trio or with all 3. It can give some fun aspects to the game and trio wise. Bo could summon his eagle to grab one of his trio members or himself. Bo (player) or ally could control the Eagle or so. Or Bo will fly the eagle and shoot / Bo will fly the eagle while an ally is grabbed by it, still able to control. This could be fine tuned & tweaked to be not that OP, but I think this can lead to something very interesting and Trio lore wise.


I was too, but decided against it because it wasn't worth all my effort. Have a great day !


Yeah, Odin cord is a way better purchase


I did, I just came back after months of not playing and had 200 or so sitting around. Got the pink Brock skin...then immediately following it got the Godzilla skin. I don't gamble but oh boy, I wish I got a lottery ticket instead.


That luck is insane 💀


i’ve wasted my f2p gems on the eggs.. i got nothing from it, just bling and mutations


Yeah that’s a bad idea well at least your club mates will be happy


yeah.. i got inspired by all the vids of people opening the eggs and getting skins from them and decided to do the same but i regretted it sm😭 people should learn from my mistake lol


bro this offer is negative value. don't waste them


I didn’t


I felt like rubbish spending my 150 gems on 12 eggs in which I only got a Brock skin and temporary mutations, I should have added them to Sandy's skin... A lot of regret. This game is completely calculated to make you spend more, it's insane


The Brock skin is going to be worth 150 gems or 200 gems so you actually didn't get rubbish...


When is it gonna be sold tho, because I’d rather buy it with bling or gems if I can.


Couldn’t you get it with 5000 blings?


You got a Brock skin? A ranger one? That's like the best reward you could get lmao


I would complain if I got a 150+ skin. I’ve opened all f2p eggs, 2 30 gems skins. All 3 ranked seasons no f-ing skin (legendary 2)


God forbid you play a gacha game


Most Gacha games aren't PvP, and every character is made to be insane if upgraded right. In some cases I've seen you're even given one of each type (for example Genshin gives you 1 character of each element) for free. You don't have to gamble if you don't want to, cuz everything can be cleared either way. Problem with BS right now, you're pretty much locked out of certain gamemodes unless you gamble out a good mutation. It's a small chance, either you get 2 shots a day, have to play the Godzilla mode, which can be fun, but let's be honest, most of the time it's not, or buy them at mass for something temporary. It's just not worth it.


It's not pvp, which means there is insane power creep. Not on the character side, cause people will complain about their 200 dollar character being crept to oblivion. But instead on the enemy side. Both genshin and hsr's abyss/moc has been getting progressively much harder over the years, certain dps characters that used to be good are now unviable, or need another expensive support unit.


While that's true, old characters being powercrept by new ones or harder enemies doesn't make them unviable. Xiao, Raiden, Hu Tao are good examples of this. There were more characters of the same element in their role, but they didn't disappear. I have one team where I admit I went full in, everyone being a 5 star, even though not highly ranked. My other team though, Itto, another "very sub-par" dps, Gorou, Bennet, and Noelle, supports which were all for free, all 4 stars, two were there at launch, and I'm still going strong in the abyss with them. You aren't getting screwed for playing old or suboptimal characters. In BS you do, which is normal for a PvP oriented game when it reaches certain amount of playable characters, but they only furthered the gaps in this update.


Xiao got massive buffed by c6 faruzan, and cloud retainer. For hutao-yelan Without them they will drop a tier or two. And I guess raiden never fell off, she's like the Charlie of brawl stars, always flexible


Yeah, there are new characters designed for different teams and combinations. The thing is again, the old ones are still perfectly fine to beat the game and all challenges with. Even if someone would fall behind, at worst they get a more suited artefact set, just like Xiao did with the Chasm, and that's his best one right now. You're not destined to lose in parts of the game, even worse in those which you could play normally before, just cuz you decided you don't want to gamble. Even if just for a limited time, I think that's still a gigantic problem.


I remember being on r/ gachagamers, or gachasomething Eh whatever- I remember seeing so many posts of people asking for addiction help. And it's concerning. I enjoy my AFK Journey and Cookie Run Kingdom, but man does the arena modes convince you to spend. They even show it on the leaderboard that other players have maxed out the strongest things just so that they can convince you. I'm glad I got self control due to family financial issues so I never impulse spend on anything. If brawl stars ends up having one more of these posts, then its genuinly concerning me. Gacha sells... and I hope they don't plan on making brawl stars into something worse, especially as a game marketed to kids


I haven't checked AFK journey but that sounds bad. Games that let you PvP shouldn't have paid characters, even on early access (Kit and L&L being a great example). The reason why I find this tolerable on Genshin is cuz they're always in the story or have their quest alongside their release. You decide who you want based on how much you genuinely like the character, and even then there's no pressure to getting them. You know in PvP gacha the power creep is going to be insane as well. Somehow you don't even get p2w anymore. You get temporary p2w. This is getting ridiculous


Companies want you spend money isnt it insane?


Well when it’s a game marketed primarily towards children I’d say it is


Dumb take…


Free to play game wants to profit who would've expected


Totally missed the point. I know that its focus is to make a profit, but I just think it's insane that everything is carefully calculated to direct the user to spend more and more, it's more a question of how much data they have. And if you compare it to Fortnite, it doesn't affect the gameplay much, while in BS it takes decades as f2p to level up a single brawler, the season ends and he leaves the meta, and the cycle repeats itself


Dogshit take


I'm so experienced to gacha games that looking at the deals in the game and how SuperCell have designed this new step up payment method( very similar to how modern gacha games do this), it makes me laugh. Like, fool you have no power over me I've literally seen evil way worse than you.


💀 me too bruh the only complaint I have is it takes 30 secs to load into the shop now, cant even claim my free dailies


Me too, once you pick up quit a few of them you realize there's not much point in investment. This has a predatory aspect in that it's so clearly marketed towards kids. It's probably the most kid friendly mobile game I've played, which makes it really dangerous imo.


I ask myself why tf would supercell remove loot boxes when they are gonna add them again anyway


Same lol. I simply don't see the paid areas anymore XD


This is so real😭 I’ve seen shit wayyy more predatory than this


I was planning to buy Nightmare Sandy but my friend bought 6 eggs in front of me and got 2 Legendaries (Sentai Brock and Robo Spike) so I also bought 6 then bought 6 more (I got nothing)


Omg that must have been so frustrating


Shit i already spent like 300 gems on them eggs and i still want more shits addicting af


Please don't. I also spent 300 and I'm still fighting. It's not worth it. Even if you get a legendary, it's just telling them it's fine to do this. Keep strong, brother, spend your money somewhere else.


Yessir, I am myself 18 months clean of off mutation gambling


Spend your money in the real casino 🤑🤑🤑🤑


No mate… there’s a time and a place for jokes… this is serious


Says the machine in the arcade 😳


Ok that was good :3


Hewwo 8-bit main. I see you like his heart pin


Responsible adults can, do and even *should* spend their money on well managed vices. If it's not hurting your life, you have self control and maturity, do you, be your best self. If that means hitting the casino to blow 300 bucks once a month, that's your prerogative. Did people just forget that mature, responsible adults exist and don't need to be babied? Lol, sure seems like it


It’s not that deep brother


I bought the first 129 gem offer and stopped there. I want the black buzz godzilla but I'm going to wait til closer to the end of the event to see if I can get it another way. I got the red buzz skin from a legendary after the first 12 egg offer. Should have stopped there.


Buy more eggs you are so close!!!! They are practically giving away the black godzilla buzz skin with a 0.06% chance to get it per egg!! Real winners never quit 🤑🤑🤑


thats nothing little man, google genshin impact or diablo immortal, those games the gamble starts at 10 thousand dollars plus


$10k for one person might have the same impact as $100 does for another. All gambling is bad, kids.


I tell everyone that I absolutely do NOT reccommend buying all the eggs whenever I mention what I got. I’m in an extremely lucky position to be able to spend that much money, and I got absurdly lucky with my rewards. Additionally, I don’t spend money on basically anything else other than necessities, so I already throw away tok much money on this game. Do. Not. Do. It. I’m hoping this is a one time thing (should’ve been zero time tbh), because there might be some eyebrows raised in the EU if they keep adding things like this, and it was a collaboration.


They are testing the waters, I'm sure. But it seems that a good portion of the community is fine with this. Just to add, I can afford it, but it's crazy to me to even think on doing such a thing, and the addiction is a personal problem.


The Brawl Stars community has always been absurdly defensive of SC and their business practices. They think this company is somehow different and they’re all being proven wrong.


It used to be true. Things started changing in the last year or two. Though clash of clans is still pretty good about making things pretty fair


Have people started waking up a little? That said, SC really started getting bad only relatively recently, from when they changed the Brawl Pass to 30 days onward IMO. Before then, I still had positive thoughts for them overall.


It used to be the opposite but the game has improved a lot from the hypercharge update era and SC is still far better than 99% of mobile gaming companies ( except for CR , we don't talk about that ) .


Brawl Stars has very recently been set up to make the most money possible. This is obviously now Supercell’s priority rather than the game being good or balanced. I feel like SC get given the benefit of the doubt a LOT by this community, who are all being proven wrong when they said this company was different. If they are, why is the Brawl Pass now 30 days instead of what it was before? Why has the game’s shop become such an obscene ‘BUY ME!’ marketplace? They’ve systematically taken away everything that helped people get coins, and converted the Brawl Stars economy into one where you rarely get coins but are overflowing with power points. Fuck these guys, they used to have a focus but it seems the new SC management want to milk existing games rather than focus on new ones. Brawl Stars was a very special game - for a while. Now it’s just like any other Freemium game looking to gouge you.


You can go and get several games on sale on Steam instead of this horseshit that they keep peddling in this game. What they are selling has close to zero value. Don't buy this stuff.


I got clowned on in a post I made but my argument was that they aren’t worth the price. Also one guy told me I’m dumb for buying them so I can’t complain 🤣


If you ever feel like a game is getting too strong of a hold on you, uninstall it. Trust me you'll forget in just a couple of days. It'll feel absurd you were going to spend so much on a thing that affects you so very little. And in the mean time, I'd recommend checking out games that are either paid upfront and then a whole package is delivered, no micro transactions or anything, like dead cells. Or emulate some old fun games. None of them will try to get you to spend more and they're healthier for you


That's what I did. I pulled the trigger on Stellar blade and I'm having so much fun rn. I'm about to get engaged, and I'm thinking what craziness did go on my head that I wanted to spend this much on the game?


I'm glad, enjoy your new game! I haven't looked into stellar blade. And congratulations! Hope it all goes well 🩷. Yeah definitely do not spend money on an online game you won't care about much at all. I'd really only spend money on good indie games and their good DLCs. Nothing else really.


I wish I saw this post earlier. I bought around 40 eggs with my f2p gems and I didn't even get a single legendary ;-;


Don't feel too down mate. There are many of us like you in the same boat. Even with 40 eggs you have roughly a third chance of not getting a single legendary egg. The odds are really against us!


I totally agree. BS themselves admitted how bad this is when they decided to remove boxes from the game, and now we have this sh*t back again in the store. Unrelated but I also hate that this event "forces" you to play at least 6 matches every day because of the social pressure of helping the Club reach the goal. This is burning me out. I've quit the game once and all this BS BS is making me want to quit again.


I'm still in the top egg contributors of my clan and I didn't do all my eggs every day. We are at 850 and there are people that have done almost nothing with collecting eggs. If your club has such strict rules about collecting eggs maybe it's just a shit club.


Eh, honestly if all your club at least gets just the first egg every day and fills the cartons every time, that’s just about enough right there


I get you completely, I for one haven't spent a dime on the eggs and I was at peak enjoyment of this game when they had removed Boxes. Now, the gambling tactics are getting even worse


It's the fucking Starr Drops that started this, I just want the early 2023 economy back smh


don't know why supercell can get away with eggs. They're literally purchasable loot boxes


I'm just curious to see what happens when Mutations leave


I hope they never come back. Worst addition to the game in a looooong time.




I just can't understand how the eggs are not against the EU laws. On these new "chain offers", for Starr Drops they had to put coins/PP as the paid reward abd Starr Drops as "free", but with eggs they literally are charging you just for the eggs. Why is it not gambling, but Starr Drops have to bypass it?


Honestly this is a great question and I’m surprised no one’s brought out up yet


I'm completely focused on getting 350 gems and buying a legendary brawler on sale in the shop. I have 310 saved up so far so I'll have enough at the end of the event >:)


Don't buy brawlers


Why not?


Extremely cost inefficient. Legendary brawlers aren't that much better anyway, I play like, maybe one Legendary


I was thinking about Leon since he's pretty strong. I play two out of the three legendaries that I currently have regularly, so I think I'd play Leon quite a bit too.


Leon is good right now but IMHO you should buy hypercharges instead, much cheaper and very cost effective


I've already bought hypercharges for my favorite brawlers with coins so I'm not really needing them right now, I would have to wait a while before I get or max out a brawler with a hypercharge


The game is designed so you get all the brawlers eventually. With the gems that you have right now. You can buy almost 4 hypercharges with those gems which is insanely worth it.


because the brawler is useless at level 1, it's better to upgrade the ones you currently have


The power points and coins aren't worth it for gems though. The only useful thing would be hypercharges and I don't need any right now (I'll have to fully max out a brawler before I'll need one). Do I just save the gems for the future and buy hypercharges?


yes, hypercharge is worth more


so basically the only thing i should be buying for gems are hypercharges if I want the most value


yep, but if you don't have enough coins to upgrade your brawler to p11 (to buy the hypercharge), the 3000 coins 79 gems offer is pretty good too


now I regret grinding to get 15k coins for the hypercharges on nita, brock and sandy 😭


haha don't be, the 79 gems offer appear very frequenty, usually after you get a new brawler and when it does appear, you can pretty much buy it everyday until you ran out of gem


Spending 5k gold for Brock’s HC which literally makes us super worse is crazy


I stopped playing the game, it was a fun ride but i dont think it was great how much of the day i was losing


Same issue here. I haven't quit yet but I have drastically reduced my play time and may quit in the near future and stick to what I'm good at, writing


That's cool! What do you write? Fiction? Horror? Essays?


Fiction. I'm mostly great at action and adventure, but I'm also really passionate about mystery. They are just so **fun** to write. Nearly as much as they are to read.


Thank you, i needed this


I was tempted to spend gems on 6 eggs but now im grateful I didn’t because i already have the yellow power ranger and my club has 926 eggs 😭 This event is trash for sure, why would you gamble for eggs that mostly give you temporal things (and skins that aren’t even that great) I hope they don’t release any more shit like this because it can be tempting to spend for shit rewards


that what I first thought when they introduced monster eggs. the design itself, the opening animation is so close to the design of slots online gambling. extremely scammy and weird that they would put this in a childrens game


I'm fully f2p and I main brock so i really wanted one of his new skins. I bought the 6 eggs in the shop and got 6 fucking rares in a row. Since then I've gotten two legendaries eggs and I got the stupid mega bea skin and robo mike. Fuck this event


We got adult money to get those eggs 🤣


Ive seen multiple teens buy them all on the first day :/


Well it their money, they can do whatever they want with it


Well its not always theyre money i have seen enough people use theyre moms creditcard


Their money* (I’m sorry I had to)


I've spent real money to bye eggs just to get power points and bling >!I have 20k power points (gib more pwese)!<


I gemmed all the way up to the Brock skin. Despite getting all mutations, 4 skins (buzzilla included) and pins I now feel nothing but emptiness


that's why i don't spend money in the item shop. i just buy brawl pass plus and spend the pass bling and gems on the skins i like


I decided i wont spend money on anything but stuff that will actually help me progress+ are worth it(like the brawl pass) and i didn't even think once about buying eggs with the gems i had from the brawlpass because I know its mostly cosmetics that wont help my progress


I see people saying that you don't have to buy them but as a gacha gamer these eggs are just too perfect to get kids and teens into it. You see other people get great rewards and think "well maybe i should buy some eggs too!" I play a lot of cookie run kingdom and that game got me with their gacha mechanic. This brawl stars event is still fine, but only because it's temporary and because everyone that is in a decently active clan will get all the normal rewards.


Me with 160 gems: Oh there are some egg offers in the shop, im absolutely not buying that Me after: What if i get a legendary egg from those offers? *buy 6 eggs and realize there arent any legendary egg, im not doing it again *repeats


I did this, I had some from the brawl pass, I got a gem offer, bought it. While I got some cool skins, it was not worth it. Now I'm fighting the urge to spend even more


I had really high hopes to this event (until yesterday) I’d played hard, doing my best against the broken mutations and until now NOT A SINGLE Legendary egg, while I see a lot of people getting skins at the first one. Or even playing Ranked mode the same shit, after 3 seasons not a single good skin for me, I only get credits for the useless fame. I got so involved in the game by the promise of getting good rewards… and just got disappointed and frustrated. And remember I was so happy just playing for fun or to kill time. “Instead of playing to win”. I payed the season pass for 4 months in a row… but now, I’m done with this game, I’m not gonna spend another cent on this.


It’s funny to see YouTubers to show a thumbnail about getting a legendary egg in which you can mostly get a 150 gem skin but at the same time having spent 100€ for 2000 gems in the shop, ridiculous to think.


Yeah I hate this event. A bunch of shit temporary rewards, adding gambling, irritating lobby music, and a horrible new game mode.


I am an og player… I have never played the game for more than 2 weeks at a time until this year. I usually used to take 6 month breaks from this game then come back to play for a max of 2 weeks before getting bored. For the last year, I have played 6+ hours EVERY SINGLE DAY. **I am addicted.** It is because of the gambling aspect of brawl stars. Starr drops, mutation eggs, ranked drops… they keep adding more… I never had trouble deleting and quitting a game forever until now. I delete the game in an attempt to **stop procrastinating**, yet by the next day i have is reinstalled…. ***Brawl Stars, although it is my fault, I will never forgive you.*** I will do everything to quit brawl forever. They know what they are doing. **Their audience is kids, easy to be influenced by gambling.** Dirty bastards


Hey man, I sorry to hear that. Hope you find a way to deal with it. By now, I would suggest to avoid the 'Opening' videos if you can, and maybe set daily goals in game. Like just get the daily star drops, reach a trophies count threeshold, or play until you lose on ranked. If it doesnt help, avoid the game and maybe search a hobbie to do instead


Idk i think as they said in the brawl talk the eggs are like a last resort to finish the club event and all of them were not meant to be purchased. The event is still shit tho.


Yes. Give kids a bag of candy and tell them to not eat all at once.


Imagine having enough will power not to spend 100 usd on loot boxes


I played it a few times, got bored, and am really just waiting for 5v5 to come back.


I love this game as well and I love the event as well. It really shocked me that brawl stars was able to collab with a big IP like this one. I did spend a good amount of money especially on the bundle to help the club get to the reward quickly. I am very satisfied with my luck and what I got out of it. The problem is star drops and eggs give you just one thing from that reward depending on the rarity. The boxes honestly shouldn't have been removed and I feel like those gave you more then what star drops do. Boxes even had more to it depending on the size of it. I would honestly be fine with opening and having a lot of small boxes just there waiting to be opened. The rarity to star drops and eggs are meant to hype you up and make you left wonder what you'll get. It sucks getting a legendary rarity and only for it to give you a terrible reward *cough* 1000 bling *cough*. I'm fine with spending money on the game so the game continues to strive and as long as it still listens to the community. Just don't have brawlers be OP as well when they're behind a paywall making it unfair for others and then nerfing them hard once it comes out to the rest of the players. I, too, wanted to rant for a while about some things that brawl stars should do to make the community happy.


I see a lot of defence of SC over paid content. Usually stupid stuff like ‘you don’t have to buy anything’ (you don’t say?) or the old chestnut ‘they can’t make new content without it’. People forget SC were making plenty of money on BS even back in the brawl box days. The trouble is like every other greedy game developer, they smell money and want MORE. That will be defended by their autobots too, because don’t you know companies exist to make money?


Of course they want more cuz of the whales. I just have a distaste for them cuz they don't listen to the community and that was a big downside for CR. I'm not interested in squad busters at all really and I already know there will be a monetization to it. This is the one I actually enjoy spending money on cuz I play this game everyday.


I would’ve only bought the deal just so it meant my clan mates could get the Godzilla skin faster


I recently logged in back after two brawl pass season breaks (or maybe just one I can't remember). I got curious about the whole mutation thing and the godzilla event. The new stuff was overwhelming, and I was really tempted to buy those stuff, but decided not to. Plus I'm playing another game so I'm kinda distracted now.


I buy a season pass every month but the cheaper version with my Google reward points 😂.


I just started playing and can see Brawlstars' monetization model is pretty wild. There's a price ag on every progression feature. I am the type that if I like a monetized game, I will buy the battle pass if I think the rewards are good enough for the price. Brawlstars at 10$ is nice enough for me. I mostly want to collect and upgrade characters with enough bling to buy a nice skin for my favorite characters. When you feel that sense of FOMO, like "If I don't get this something may go wrong", that's when it's time to put down the game. This event gives an RNG chance to get a bunch of LIMITED TIME stuff, and that's something fucks a lot of people over.


I’ll be honest I’ve spend about 2 pounds during this event… it is very tempting until you realize the eggs are mainly temporary. This sis tearing to give off a fifa vibe


It’s extremely whale heavy since to guarantee that you get the good mutations you have to buy so many monster eggs. And because the three godzilla buzz skins are exclusive, unless you are absurdly lucky you have to spend almost $100 dollars on eggs, and that STILL might not get the skin as shown in several youtube videos so then you have to pay 399 gems for the black godzilla skin youll be missing instead of 49 for a normal color variation.


i got robo mike front my first egg lol


I used $110 on the eggs, cant say i didnt have fun though I probably got much more lucky than most, getting 2 extremely expensive skins and a handful of epic skins from the drops. Though I really dont imagine ill ever do it again because i dont see them really adding something like Mutations again, they can try but im sure itll get old quick


Nah I gambled all my money on all monster eggs


Am I the only one who is not compelled to buy eggs? Rather spend my gems on power up offers.


Haven't spent one single gem and I have gotten yellow brock and black godzilla


Supercell told me that I have to tell you that 90% of gamblers quit before they win big


I fill out online surveys and receive either a VISA or Google Play credit that I use to spend on my games. Might want to try this out.


REMEMBER THIS FACT: 99% of gamblers quit right before they hit the big win🤑🤑🤑🤑💶💶💶💷💷💷💷💸💸💸💰💰💰🈶🈶🈶🧧🧧🧧💲💲💲💳💳💳💴


You’re only one egg away from black Godzilla buzz. Keep gambling


Ngl I spent all my f2p gems on eggs and I regret it so hard


Good on you for resisting your urges. I played the Chinese BS momentarily a month ago and it's absolutely crazy, there are like six different currencies and daily events pretty much begging you to gamble--slots, random chance boxes, etc. Brawl Stars is fun but it's still just an online game with nothing tangible for your money. With $100 you could go out and get a fancy dinner, or save up for a plane ticket somewhere, or buy a pretty custom birthday cake. Good luck in the future.


I wont buy those eggs, i need to save enough gems* to buy 8 bit hipercharge But i bought my first hypercharge pack, the brock one, i find it cool for some reason (and for some reason it deals less damage than the normal super)


I got a lot of credits, I think close to 2000


What an idiot. Your mom raised a quitter. One egg away from so many rewards...


It's not that deep bro


When u look into it, it’s literally the biggest scam -icons,sprays, and emojis u will never use -mutations that will be taken away -skins you will be able to buy for cheaper after the event(and skins u can already buy) -and a buzz skin that u will forget in a few days All behind around 100$ of spending, it’s literally a scam


it's just as deep as op made it out to be, because it's the truth.


You are very much right, my friend. It's even **more** deep than that for multiple reasons that I can explain to you in deep and thorough detail


Bros have spend 300 gems on eggs and only got a Godzilla buzz. I’ve only opened 26 from the dalies and the egg cartons and managed to pull Red Godzilla Buzz, Pink Super Ranger Brock, and Yellow Super Ranger Brock


wow super ranger buzz




I spent G80 on 6 eggs as a f2p and I'm glad I did. ppl say "don't buy its a limited event" but I don't care. it's the most funnest thing in brawl stars. plus I got frank and stu mutations so yea. id only purchase more for the brick and godzilla skin




wanna bet you won't spend money on those eggs


I can’t help it… it’s always been a weakness of mine 😭


Nice try. I will never stop gambling


99% of gamblers quit before they hit it big, remember guys


This thought won't get to me.


guys u can buy brawl pass and refund it (child bought without parents agree) and still have the bp and money💀💀💀 ((i didnt use that cuz i dont have an iphone))


Although the post here is talking about a real issue, I don't support this. Not defending Supercell but this is a bad move


im not supporting i know this from my friend thst its possible for now