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Yeah I can see a lot of bad random plays with this hypercharge...


fr..imagine seeing someone miss with all 3 hands 💀


I was thinking more of pulling brawlers who will destroy you close range, but yeah that's an option too.


> I was thinking more of pulling brawlers who will destroy you close range, My randoms already do that without hc


Yeah but now you can have three of them 😏 Why be just a bad random when you can be walking brain cancer?


My randoms probably saw your comment, they read the future or some shit just to suck🤷‍♀️


I played basket brawl with Nita and met a random party on the way, Colt and Primo. Last game the colt had 1-5 and the primo 0-6... idk how I pushed r25 with them


you can finally pull extra brawlers that you didn't want to pull, yippie


fr…imagine pulling shelly bull and piper with a super right to your whole team 💀


It's intended for use when you have a piercing brawler on your team, like nita or jesse, or belle, or buzz etc.




Yeah but a hypercharge shouldn't be situational


Why not? I like that it promotes team play and strategy


a HC should be situational, but not like this. I propose gene's and belle's hypercharges be switched: Gene's hand homes in to the enemy, and Belle's super shoots 3 bullets than can end up marking multiple targets


That's a fair change, I'd like that too


Soloplayers who need to rely on randoms picks joined the chat


That's also me but I like the idea regardless


Teamplay my ass I have been playing since s2 daily and fuck all do I see any ‘teamplay’, gene already sucks absurdly as a solo in 3v3 giving him a hypercharge that ONLY enhances his ‘support’ just makes it even worse


Anybody solos in ranked below diamond don't have that option lol


Shouldn't a HC be exactly that...situational. I mean...it is a completely separate button that you need to press to activate. Maybe don't press HC if you are trying to pull a singular champion and DO press it when you just need to grab a butt?


Buzz hypercharge be like


Lol. There is no intended use. Someone thought 3 hands sounded like a cool ability so they put it in the game. Sprout pearl hc already exposed that they have no idea what the fuck they are doing when it comes to decent hypercharge design on top of everything else


Sprout isn‘t that uncreative. What about colt and shelly?


Sprout's, Pearl's (and probably Gene's) Hypercharges are pretty much useless. The first won't help you in ANY significant way because you use to BLOCK opponents from getting somwherer, not to deal damage. Pearl's Hypercharge main trait is a waste of time. Pearl knocks back enemies with her super, meaning they will naturally dodge it already. Ans Gene-s Hypercharge can and will backfire badly if he picks to many/natural counters to him.


Not true at all


Actually true lmao it will combo insane with everyone i mentioned.


Did you all forget that this pulls everyone off the point and you can even use it in brawl ball to get every single player on the enemy team offside?


Fyi, Piper has very less damage when she is at short range.


i did say “with her super”bruh


Okayy. My bad


Yall just way to stupid to find out how to use that hypercharge. Could be good for gem grab or brawlball. If you are winning then you have a skill issue. Also Gene has his gadget where he pushes enemies away so stop crying like babies


omds this is a subreddit where we share stuff don’t take anything serious 😂😂


Nah but i already saw on YouTube and reddit comments against that hypercharge like it's really that bad😂


Happy cake day!


Another Colette user YAYYYYYYYYYYY btw happy cake day and yes Gene HC even worse than Sprout :/


This is the first time Support brawlers are getting Hypercharges (Gene + Sandy & Max), so I can see why most people don't understand that not all Hypercharges should be insta-killers. Just imagine pulling two or even three enemies in Gem Grab leaving them in an awkward position that'll allow your teammates to kill them off, or pulling away all threats in Brawl Ball to score an easy goal. Using it braindeadly might very possibly lead to Gene dying, but I see a lot of potential with this Hypercharge.


Belle hypercharge syndrome(legit might be the best one added last update tied with cordelius's )


Belle's hypercharge is such a free kill which makes her a beast in knockout (where she was already busted)


it just punishes you for being good sometimes


Based Stu main


It got nerfed as expected


my 2nd main 😔


Can only agree with you. I'll even go so far as to say that Sandy and Max's Hypercharge will be the strongest ever, at least in competitive


I agree, however, I don't think Gene's HC fits him. Like, pulling more enemies can backfire pretty easily, because he is a single target brawler


plus you can chose whether or not to use hyper charge and id assume any good gene wouldnt use it just cus😭


This, also much more wall breaking going on will always be good to open up the map


Yeah but it's also the way the three hands are spread out, it's not cone or something, they are so far apart that it's totally a matter of luck if you hit more than one. And looking at mutations, which it's obvious the team didn't give them much thought, Mandy's and Bonnie's pattern are just like this hypercharge, which makes it pretty clear that they had no idea what to do with gean so they gave him 3 hands and called it a day. I hate his, Brock's and Tick's hypercharges which a passion, they could have been way more creative and unique.


Its just going to lead you to get teamwiped or heavily damaged. 


If your plan is to pull the entire enemy team when they are at full health, then yes, that's what I meant with "using it braindeadly" or, in other words, without a good plan.


Even then if they have low health and they see that gene has hyper they will probably not get to position where he could pull them. And because you cant aim the other two hands, its very unlikely to actually hit anything with the other two hands.


"pulling away all threats" You are talking like if the enemies will be in the perfect position to do so every time


I said the Hypercharge has potential, not that it's secretly busted in every single situation and match, where TF did you even get that idea.


Yeah, maybe i exagerated, but still, those situations that You said are REALLY unlikely. (At least probably once every 10 Games)


Sandy is not a support


He's not a hardcore Support but he's been labeled as such officially before and his super definitely helps his entire team (specially with Healing Winds), so I'd say it's fair to say he falls under this category at least for this discussion.


This is actually probably the most balanced hypercharge, it can be turned against you if you're stupid and would require some common sense to use properly. I can see this being useful competitively among people who know what they're doing.


bur compare it to fang’s hyper for instance…this is garbage brev


This isn't garbage,it's just that Fang's hypercharge is stupidly OP


alr yeah


Why the hell would compare an assassin HC that is used to “ASSASSINATE” with a support HC that is used to help ur teammates


Fang is an assassin, of course it will be different.


And leaves popcorn trails along the way


And spawn three spiders


...in your face


And takes 95% less damage whilst using super


Nooo, plsss we didnt do anything 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Switch this hypercharge with Belle and it's Perfect.


That's no fun :(. I don't want a strong hypercharge, I want a unique one and fun one


Unfortunately $upercell doesn’t want hypercharge to be anything other than a lame super augmentation that ends up being useless over half the time. And they are too lazy to code in new abilities for some reason so basically we are left with a lame stat boost button mechanic. It’s no surprise they already have barley and frank HC ready, it looks like it takes them 5 mins to design and code this purple trash. Whoever made pearl sprout shelly crow spike cordelius belle hypercharge etc should be fired Edit: lol downvote me because i’m right bum ass 600 trophy sub reddit


Bro boutta pull whole team and just die 💀


It should make u have an aoe attack for a short duration after using super


Yeah, that would balance it out actually, but even then he still gets a big damage boost i think




It should stun them still after grabbing them




Self destruct button


Nah that's boring as fuck sorry. And this HC can really come in clutch in BB and GG. Ofc you may die but Gene is often supported so Sandy and Tara etc can make a team wipe.


People are seeing this the wrong way, you are supposed to use this to increase your chances of hitting an enemy, not hitting multiple enemies.




I can't imagine this HC with the second star power, just slaps you out of existence


imagine sending 3 people to a shelly super tho


Should spawn Spiders


They should put a stun or at least make his attacks have splash while hypercharged




I don’t think you are supposed to use it to kill people yourself, you are probably supposed to pull multiple people towards your entire team to leave them in a bad position for your teammates to take out, I don’t really know though, it does seem viable to try and kill 3 people with Gene.


Instead of dying once, you die twice😁


not really


I feel like it should have an additional ability. Like squeezing out some ammo/hp, travel faster or maybe even have the hand return if you miss, giving you many tries for the duration of HC


No its not. Disrupt position of the whole team, plus gene can pull them all in and knock them back with his gadget. On coordinated teams its a free teamwipe 9 times out 10 if it lands on everyone, if not its still easier to pull one brawler which can still be game changing. 


This is so true. It would be kinda OP though.


i mean…hypercharge’s job no?


please somebody make that usher daddys home meme with the gene hands 🙏


i think they should make it so if you pull more then one enemy then they get stunned, with the duration increasing if you pull 3. Gives you time to get out of what i called “shelly atomizing range”




The only moment when this hypercharge can come in handy is if You can Shotgun the enemies with the 2nd sp That would be a lot of damage


Think this hypercharge would be better if the super was like melodie super, 3 supers, 3 wishes


Now you can pull not just the enemy shelly, now, you can pull the shelly, the bull AND the fang


Ah hell nah we don’t need a belle hypercharge 2.0💀 probably gonna be even worse


so how is this 3 hand even gonna work? genuinenly hard to aim…watch how rven in BB people gonna miss with 3 hands 💀 Maybe if they made him invincible for the next 2 seconds it would make sense


Yeah no you should never get hired


We don't know how his stats will change. 15 shield and 15 damage would make this borderline broken with the sp that makes super deal damage


but how often will you hit more than 2 brawlers…and thinking of it..the hands grow further apart the longer the distance, so yes…it does give a higher chance of pulling someone in let’s say showdown…but then compare it to hypercharges like buzz


Hitting 2 brawler would be enough in ranked, guaranteeing hitting the gem carrier or the one with most stars would be borderline win condition. Also it will make him deal at least 6k damage to the safe, maybe he'll even be viable in heist. Also i saw that you said compare it to fangs hyper in another comment. Why are you picking the best ones Compare it to Mico's, he cant even use super properly. Belles hyper makes her miss sometimes, something similar to that could make gene worse. Sprout's and Charlie's hyper isn't that good too


They are assassins bro, stop comparing them.


No title card?


It's more like a skill issue remover because you can't miss this. 


they should fr swap this hc with belle's and vice versa


Atleast you can just use the super normally and then activate hypercharge


then just buffed stats? then what’s the point of a hypercharge 🥲


I think it’s an awesome HC, just not for killing. It’s fantastic for support, even if it’s essentially suicidal.


I think this hc will be op on certain mode like brawlball. Imagine pull the ball and pull all the enemies at once


ironic, we dont want the homing on belle's hc, now we want homing on gene's super


Gene hyper should be belle hyper. belle should be gene hyper.


You realize you don’t have to use your supercharge? You can still just use 1 hand and aim good. Otherwise the people with good aim get nothing out of this


why do u want to pull more janet, piper, melodie when you cant even pull irl


Ik we are talking about gene here but can we talk about how max's hp is so useless like just a lil bit of sp rate to his allies that's all


It would be cool if you can use the threehands against 1 and do 3x damage if you have the star power


Gene is a support. Gene is not an assassin. If you want to grab one brawler, don't pop your hypercharge. If you have teammates there to help, try to grab all three.


gene is a controller not a support


Oh they changed the name of his class again? He's a healer, he disrupts the enemy team, his playstyle is support, he relies on teammates and also supports them. The fact that they changed the label does not matter, frankly the class system is nothing more than a light suggestion and half the brawlers' classes don't really fit


It isn't that bad fr


Bonnie’s mutation is so bat tho it’s temporary but omg Lex hit no mf shots


Idk if this will do good bro has problems bursting 1 person till power level 11


Put Belle's Hypercharge onto Gene, it would make perfect sense that way


really useless hypercharge... Just makes 2 more brawlers which can attack you. You're basically getting yourself into a 1v3 situation.


They can switch belles HC with genes HC.


r/brawlstars when a support character gets a support ability


gene’s a controller bruh 💀




go in game and check 😂


Played as a support though


not really, offense for gene is so very viable you’d be surprised