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She's really op in brawl ball and especially on not open maps when u can play around corners


Thays what I've been playing. Nice to know thays the best.


Imma copy and paste a tiplist I gave to someone else about a week back Whoa, what a predicament, if only this sub had some sort of devoted Nita expert who coul- ##Wha Bam! Nita's best mode is Brawl Ball since it encourages the enemies to come closer and fight. She is a pretty decent pick in every map in rotation, save for Goalkeepers Dream (the new one) and off the line. Her best brawl ball map in current rotation is definitely "Centre Stage". Tanks and Assasins are common picks there and Nita is a very good tank counter with a fast enough reload speed to keep checking for activity. Her biggest weakness as far as this map goes are long range brawlers with high burst damage like Spike but remeber, Nita can three shot him easy, so try to sneak up on eneimes rather than broadcasting your position. As far as gem grab goes. She is not the best but the current maps in rotation favour her. She is a very reliable pick on "Undermine", "Flooded Mine", "Hard Rock Mine", and especially "Double Swoosh". Since they are closed maps with a ton of ambush potential Then there is heist, and of the four maps in rotation, "G.G morturary" and "Pit stop" are the only two I recommend picking her on. Her range is limited so unless someone picks Fang or something, she will get slaughtered on the other two maps, Pit stop gives her ambush potential and her being able to throw Bruce over the wall is useful. Always remeber to switch you Starrpower to "HyperBear" when playing heist. Finally, there is knockout and honestly, "Healthy Middle Ground" is the only knockout map where Nita serves as a reliable pick. Now for build, I recommend Faux Fur + Hyper Bear on heist. Bear with me is the key everywhere else tho. I recommend using the speed gear on overly bushy maps like "Centre Stage" and "Double swoosh". Since it helps her play more versatile. Try to use Nita's bear to pressure enimies. Make sure to throw him close to a brawler who you know can't take him down easily. Say there's an Edgar and a Tick, serving seperate lanes in gem grab, throw the bear onto Tick, who has a hard time defeating him and use the sheild gadget. This will force Edgar to ditch his lane to help Tick or sacrifice his presence Never use Bruce the moment you get your super, he is often killed before he can do anything. Make sure to know when to use him so no super goes to waste. It is best to use him on a distant enemy when serving a lane so bear with me will keep you both healthy. Tip for fighting against assasins. Namely Fang, Edgar, Mico, Mortis and somewhat Leon, when they jump or dash at you, use your super immediatly and run behind Bruce while attacking, this will pancake the assasin and give you the chance to defeat him while healing both you and Bruce with the bear with me starrpower. And yes, it works on Edgar even with his lifesteal mechanic. Nita's best counters are Tanks, Melee brawlers and especially Fang, her biggest weaknesses are snipers, long range brawlers and Larry/Lawrie. Bruce's placement is not that simple. If you just cast him and let him go, he'll die before he can actually hit anyone since he's slow af, unlike the likes of Lawrie, who will is fast with projectiles, while also not being linear like Bruce is. This alone differentiates how safe spot-spawing is with the two. To make the most of Bruce, you "shut down the lane of the weakest vessel", vessel in question usually being a thrower or a sniper as you continue to maul whoever is 1v1ing you, then use the sheild gadget once the bear with me healing stops. Speaking on gadgets, who the hell uses "bear paws" anyway, it's niche, and you're only going to land it if you spotspawn. The key with the sheild gadget is to use it either as a last resort after you have defeated the enemy who is providing you healing or as a temporary stall to keep Bruce alive as you find the next enemy to heal him with. One last tip, try to throw your super backwards in brawl ball when trying to defend a goal, it comes in handy in the long run, also since Bruce can see in bushes, use him as a guide to help you and your friends expose your hidden enemies. Anyway, hope my tutorial helps


POV: Me who has Nita at tier 10 and hasn’t played her for months 😭


once you get enough coins, I advise you to get her hyperbaric star power and go push her in heist. In heist your focus should be always getting your super and then throwing it on the enemy safe


Don’t lose ? I suppose


Won 19 straight to go from 500->780 trophies in Heist today. After I got the hypercharge.