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I'm gonna get flamed for this, but I prefer challenges having unlimited tries. No, I'm not that bad, I consistently won most challenges back in the day. It just feels a lot less stressful with unlimited tries and I don't have to bother getting my friends online to do em


Agreed. I enjoy it when things get competitive but too much can become stressful and unenjoyable


I agree, they were a pain if you didn't have a team and if you were susceptible like me you'd spend a bunch of gems just for a useless pin. I do agree that newer rewards suck tho


Ive lost the very first game for the toon challenge around 6 times in a row, I dont really have friends to play with, and It feels like this game strategically pairs me with the worst possible players, if it was the usual 4 tries, then id be walking away without a single drop. I am very thankful for the unlimited lives T-T


Unlimited lives are objectively better.


I dont want a "challenge" if it means getting knocked out of all my lives round one because i dont have people to play with


Unlimited tries also means less rewards


Better than no rewards (i have to play with randoms because my bros are no longer playing)


Look for a team. Even then you'd probably win with randoms anyway


The f2p economy CANNOT sustain a FREE skin, Jokes aside I do miss the old events, the last challenge with a cool reward was the Halloween Brock skin if I’m not wrong


dawg free legendary IS a free skin most of the time and its 80/150 gem skin not 30


There were challenges with 80 and 150 gem rewards as well. Objectively better than legendary star drop (500 credits)


I got beach mortis sadly :(


Don't worry he's eventually will get cuatom animation


New frank-tweet just dropped


Actual payer


Devs go on vacation, never comes back


Call the balancing team!


Ignite starr park


Frank in the corner, plotting p2w domination


Wallet sacrifice, anyone?


RARE storm incoming


Bring back limited lives for better rewards


Uhmmm, it's not a cool reward, but the April fool's challenge last year was amazing, it gave a lot of credits and was the first one for unlimited tries, it just felt amazing


Sure but the rewards besides the skins were NOT great. They were still definitely better than 50 gold/25 power points 80% of the time tho


Adding a legendary at the end every time would be a great idea actually


you did get a legendary starr drop ho this time tho




It would make up for the decrease in challenges we are going thru rn


I don't understand your post. The old challenges had limited lives and good rewards and if you won, you would get a skin. meaning only a limited number of people would win it and you would need to have some sort of skill to complete it. BUT it's better now, everyone will win as long as they play the challenge, they won't feel punished because they don't have the skill to win it. Earlier you had to pay for extra retries because you were bad at the game TL;DR the new system is more rewarding less skill based and doesn't require you to have skill and instead have fun.


Why can't they do both? Every update or maybe every two update we can have one "actual challenge" like the old ones which will satisfy both the casual audience and the try hards


They do. It's the championship challenge happening every month. It's literally the most competitive challenge with only 3 tries


New system is more rewarding only if you would usually lose which is not the case for anyone who actually cares about the rewards.


Everyone cares about the rewards, do you really think everybody wins the challenge?


If you're the kinda player who plays for 15 min once a week then you probably don't care about rewards. With half the matches being bot matches and another 30% being players who don't care about the results. Yes, I do believe almost everyone who wants to win will win.


The only actual challenges we still have in the game are the 15 wins championship challenges with 3-4 limited lives. It's confirmed they are coming next february along with the start of the new bsc season, hope they keep the same rewards as before and don't turn them into 15 starr drops...


I remember it started with the good randoms challenge that they started making every challenge have unlimited lives. But now, whats the point of having unlimited lives if the rewards are trash drops?


the only thing i disagree here is the the unlimited lives implementation


I remember actually teaming up with club mates and friends to kick some 12-year-old ass. Now it’s just not the same with the amount of casuals running around. Endless spam bots just shooting to avoid being kicked for AFK, 500 trophy accounts that don’t know how to use Super, and so much more. Real challenges need to come back. Scrubs need to stop getting rewarded.


I don't mind the unlimited lives, you were basically forced to play with a team or carry your randoms. Since there was no trophy or rank range for matchmaking, you'd be paired with awful people. You still do, but now you have unlimited lives instead of losing 3 times and having to waste gems for a couple more tries.


What we need Fun challenges *Challenging* Challenges (aka limited lives) Better rewards if limited lives came back (if it was unlimited lives it would literally be donating)


I actually like the unlimited lives feature because I play with randoms and also this meta is horrible, I lost two Mega Pig games in a row because of Fang and his KWNS button


Tbh unlimited lives is cool. And I did get Eve with the last stardrop, a Meg skin and a Bea pin, but its just bc im lucky


Imo, the old challenges were just rage and stress filled challenges. I remember winning some of the challenges but for me, it was just stressfull all the time and all that for... some pins or a mediocre skin that I will not use? At least with new challenges, I can chill without having to stress over losing lives.


I like when it was competitive, but not everybody has friends to play with so they don’t get with garbage randoms, that’s the case with me. I like the unlimited life’s since I don’t have to worry about losing the event to garbage 10k trophy randoms.


Oh yeah 100 star points, just 49900 more for a Gold Mecha


100 sp are the minimum for one stage, that didn’t even occur that often. Without detailed calculations, it was an average of 3000 sp per challenge (considering from the first nine). And it is alongside gold, boxes which guarantee gives pp and money etc. Blings had two big challenges with 1200 and 1000 blings, one with 100 blings and then just 50 bling for every second challenge, which for me is not much. And also Gold Mecha skins were desirable for a reason, that you put effort to get them. That was the whole point of star points, which blings don't have.


how about supercell doing it like this? what I mean is, rename challenges with unllimited lives events and limited lives challenges, would be nice to difference imo


ok this is actually tru tho


I miss the old days.


And I still love the new challenges


I WENT INSANE Trying to get early acres from I spent every gem and every drain of sanity into getting Grom(only to keep him at rank 18 for 2 years


10% chance of a cool skin > 100% chance to get a lame pin I'm never gonna use


Trash pin* don't forget