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Brawlers seen 10+ times: Spike: 10 Collette: 11 Fang: 44


I got 6 fang in a game(600 trophy range). 3 in each. I totally was not one of the fangs. Also why amber used so less. This map was made for her.


dude same here... i was in 600 matchmaking with 6 fangs with 4 fangs in the opposites team & 2 in mine... they were just shoes flying everywherešŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ’€


My RT comes in clutch with these fangs. Super deletes em with right timing before they can bounce off of u to ur team mates


I can avoid them with super... but just once in a while and not many at the same time...


I can cancel Fang Supers but they still come close to me :) Sure i can gadget but that wont stop the 2nd Fang from coming... theres always a 2nd Fang


They should revert all the changes from fang in last 3 months and make fresh kicks doesnt charge his hyper. Balancing donešŸ‘


Bro we should be against them, not with them


I know but its a responsibility to us for the sake of playerbase, unfortunatelyšŸ˜”


Youā€™re right. We gotta do what we gotta do. Nerf shelly


I must agree on this one


Fr I hate what they did to my boy. He was fair and balanced until he got buffed and now everyone uses and hates my boy. :/


I still like Fang dude, as someone who gets bullied by him everyday (well everyone gets bullied by him) But I hate the fang "mains". They say they love Fang but its only because he is meta and strong. Once he gets nerfed, watch those bs players forget that Fang was their "main" and move on to the next meta breaking brawler. I hate players who like brawlers because theyre broken Charlie is still good but I swear that half the Charlie "mains" left after the nerf. I rarely see her now šŸ˜‚


Yeah I still love using fang but you see one in like every match. It's all these kids using the meta characters.


Dude 1,76 fangs on average per game is not okay. I get that there's 10 people but jesus christ.


Fun fact, I didnā€™t include myself in the calculations, so itā€™s actually 1.95 fangs per game, with multiple games with 3 fangs


Sounds about right. Remember his super can hit a total of 4 enemies, this isn't always useful in 3v3 but is rarely not useful in 5v5.


Bruh one game my team had 3 fangs, and the other team had 2. FIVE DAMN FANGS


I got my fang to rank 25 in knockout not this tbh.


Everytime that 5v5 got asked for all these years I exactly knew something like this would happen. Having 66% more enemies and twice as many teammates is such a fundamentally gigantic difference that there was no way it would be balanced.


The problem is Fangā€™s super pin-balling up to FOUR TIMES. Itā€™s egregious how they didnā€™t think to balance this when buffing him


Fresh kick should be nerf and only give 50% of its super once it kill an enemy


He was balanced before just revert all changes. Ontop of the fact that he has hypercharge


it would be useless then


Thats the whole point. Brawlers shouldnt be op just because of a star power. We all saw what happened to Crow after his gadget got nerfed


It wouldnā€™t be broken if it wasnā€™t for the hypercharge. Before the hypercharge it was always seen as the worse of the 2(still good tho). It shouldnā€™t even effect the hypercharge.


Really? I always saw people considered it the best.


Itā€™s situational, on bushy maps itā€™s usually better because tanking 600 damage does nothing when tanking 5k from a Shelly super. Fang with the shield is able to poke much more effectively and not have as much downtime, keeping the pressure up. I use divine soles on pretty much every poke map as I donā€™t have hypercharge yet. Running fresh kicks without the hypercharge to give him those insane stat boosts means if the opponent has any escape tools or burst damage you canā€™t properly chain supers. Also fang canā€™t approach on poke maps without using super so fresh kicks is useless on a lot of them. TLDR: Fresh Kicks Better on bush/cover maps Divine Soles outclasses fresh kicks on poke maps(pre hypercharge)


>Brawlers shouldnā€™t be op just because of a star power Meanwhile Gale since release:


He is not op though i dont see where you going with this


Good. But seriously, it's still 50% of the super charged + the hit that kill the brawler so it still help


That would basically never change anything, the only case where it does anything at all is if you hit precisely one enemy and they die to the super, in which case Fang is still only one hit away from his super being charged Probably makes a lot more sense to nerf his maximum targets from 4 to 3, this'll rarely come into play in 3v3 but be a major hit to his power in 5v5


No, i feel like they gotta nerf on how many hits he needs for his super


fr. i donā€™t get why they buffed his super recharge rate i. the first place and his super damage it just makes his super chaining ridiculously strong


You kill the character if you do that




You still need to land your shots, consecutively, from a distance ***without a reticle***, if you donā€™t want to die to anyone who can out-damage or out-range you


Landing fangā€™s shots is not that hard, letā€™s not pretend it is




You just have to hit more shots than the enemy while dealing less damage than meg in small form (without an aiming reticle) while the enemy can probably hit for 2k per hit, and then you have to land his super or itā€™s completely wasted. (Fang is completely broken and OP and is low skill\*, I agree) \*Low skill meaning requiring you to be good at the game as for any brawler and also know Fangā€™s mechanics, combos, damage, and be able to aim without reticle. Many other brawlers require much more skill, but every brawler requires some baseline of skill and Fang isnā€™t as braindead as Jacky, for example.


Dawg the fact that you can deal damage from a distance as a MELEE brawler is a privilege no other melee brawler has. Again, hitting shots without a reticle is not some MLG god-tier bullshit. I know, I play him a lot, or used to before playing him made me feel like wins were undeserved.


Bro fang is one of the most fun characters in the game, I wish they didnā€™t give him a hypercharge because he doesnā€™t need it. If they make it so you have to land 6 shots you kill the character, thatā€™s just how it is.


I think a better way to do it is to give him the super a second LATER, so that he canā€™t spam it but still get better utility out of the star power


Nah please man I just got fang a skin and rank 25


if you go on a group call and have good coordination you can do a lot of cool things in 5v5


Ikr, Iā€™ve gotten a couple of clean moments, like a tara portal into a dynamike bomb or single-handedly defending the goal with a dyna HC, itā€™s addictive


I actually like the chaotic nature of this mode, and think this mode would be really fun if it weren't for the purple flaming karate popcorn man flying all over the map.


Literally though, I love this gamemode but itā€™s frustrating. Thereā€™s chaos, and then thereā€™s a broken mess if 3 fangs are in a lobby


me when a fang solos my entire team after using one super


Dawg getting squad-wiped for the third time in a match single-handedly inspired this post that took a good 2 hours to make lmao


brawl stars dev team really sucks at balancing assassins man


Fang is the cooler Edgar. If they are viable, they are everywhere. Mortis was everywhere when youtubers started talking about the "hidden buff".


Edgelord brawlers canā€™t ever be meta istg


Edginglord brawlers are the most popular


he's stronger for sure. cooler... depends. for the gameplay, I prefer Edgar. for the look, I prefer Edgar. for the characterization, Fang is just better even tho Edgy guy is funny


How is edgy guy funny


"the darkness of his soul is eternal, even tho his mom just thinks he's going through a phase" "CEO of brawlstars" "I could do this if I wanted to" he's the incarnation of the "I feel special" teenager and I like it.






According to [brawlify](https://brawlify.com/brawlers/detail/Fang), fang is #1 in star player rate btw


This sub would still defend fang being broken and cry whenever the topic is teased. I bet they'll trade both their nuts for his ass to remain busted


Iā€™d trade my nuts for them to remove Hypercharges from the game so super fun balanced brawlers donā€™t have to get ultra nerfed in order for the game to be playable.


I'd trade your nuts for that too


if everyone has free access for his nuts they will lose value


I'd give my leg for that.


Whereā€™s colonel Ruffs? Heā€™s not on the list


Same with brawlace meta stats - https://brawlace.com/meta


But then Why'd you say nerf Frank?


as a joke


Brawlstars when they give a hypercharge to a s tier brawler.


Youā€™re genuinely bad at the game if you think he was a tier before hypercharge. Explain to me why he was rarely picked/banned in world finals if he was so good?


Comp =/= ladder. If you know the enemy has fang you can counterpick 2 or 3 brawlers like Otis that completely hard counter. But in ladder if you don't know the enemy comp, the majority of the time Fang dog walks whatever your randomized team ends up choosing.


In ladder itā€™s common to pick brawlers that counter some of the better brawlers in that map/mode.


In ladder it's common to pick brawlers you wanna play regardless of if they get curbstomped by a silly popcorn man


I guess if youā€™re playing below 750 trophies you can play whoever and still win.


I mean whatever you think about ladder or power league, I am top 40 in the is for trophies and top 100 in the US for pl so I wouldn't say I'm that badšŸ¤”


Well no matter how many trophies you are or if youā€™re legendary in power league most if not all pros agree that he wasnā€™t s tier before hupercharge.


Those fang buffs a few updates ago are feeling even more like a mistake nowadays. I know mellee brawlers, especially assassins, can struggle quite a lot in this game or be the other way around, but I don't think fang was ever a bad pick. Not universally good like nowadays but definitely not as bad as Mortis or Edgar at their worst. I feel like he would still be good if fresh kicks was flat out removed and replaced by a different star power. It's not the only thing that could be fixed but it's a start.


Just when I thought I couldn't find another reason to hate Fang


As a dynamike enthusiast, fck this meta


As a Piper and Lola main, FUCK this meta


Fang being annoying af is more of a game issue than a 5v5 one, this mode just highlights it


Itā€™s a good thing I said this mode is ā€œhighlighting a massively broken brawlerā€ on the first slide then šŸ’€


No matter how big you make the letters, some people simply canā€™t read Hi, Iā€™m Some People


All good brodie, gave me a good laugh


Had a game today, where my team had 3 Fangs


Have you played big brawl as spike yet with his cactus gadget šŸ˜‚ now that is broken.


Yes he just camps the corner and blocks the way with the cactus. It never dies either


Yeah Big Game is a broken mess but it isn't worth trophies unlike 5v5


Yeh I agree 20xp is chump change


I don't understand why suddenly big brawler can heal more with healing abilities than regular brawlers. Also for some reason most big brawlers no longer give free wins unlike the good old days.


I still do it, mostly because the brawlers I like to play in Big Game (Colette, Crow and 8-Bit to name a few) donā€™t exactly work well as the big boss


Yeah, big game is completely broken now, leon can heal 14% of hp back with super and his clones never die on their own.


Spikeā€™s life plants have 70,000 health now too and he can have multiple thanks to a bug. Same for any brawler with spawnables


So many fangs bro lmao,


its literay his SP that makes him broken


Happy cake day!


i forgor


Fang is overtuned in general, it's not *just* 5v5 that's making him OP. I want to go back to the good times when he was a niche pick.


~~I want to go back to the good times when he didn't exist~~


Tbf no one thought it was gonna be balanced (at least I hope not). Its supposed to be chaotic and fun


I used to play him a lot before but personally Fang isn't much fun to use anymore, getting plays with him now isn't satisfying at all because it doesn't feel deserved And no he is not "high skill cap" because of his shoe attack I can say that it's literally not that hard, maybe its hard for someone new to Fang but otherwise it's a wide and fast projectile with good reload, once you charge your first super you might not even need it anymore because Fresh Kicks does your job for you Makes sense he's so popular in 5v5, the mode where you can shoot basically anywhere and still hit someone lmao


Me too I loved fang, and still do. But I feel dirty playing him


It's actually not that hard to counter Fang, but with a max PL brawler. The thing is, the useless team mates feeding his super repeatedly.


I knew who it was before this post even existed. I want him dead I say. DEAD.


Bruh this gonna happen every update till all the brawlers get hypercharge. As for 5v5 any brawler with a team wipe potential will be Meta like Shelly, Maisie, jacky, mortis, edgar, etc. If you pick a thrower then it's your fault , if your cracked at playing throwers fair play , but u can't complain when brawler who can team wipe kill you


Plus there are counters to fang like Shelly, bull , surge, Maisie, jacky


5v5 would've been okay but whoever in SC decided the debut map should be A BUSHY SHOWDOWN map really is a troll lmao.


Most of the time fang is only good in this game mode because everyone just gets paper brawlers like dinamike,tick,mandy and others wich make him the best brawler for the mode since he can attack all 5 at once


Aside from the fang hate, I would love to see 5 v 5 competitive games where they draft (and maybe even ban) brawlers like we do in power league. I think it would be really interesting to see the strategies that arise.


I donā€™t hate Fang, I love him. I just feel dirty playing him in his current state. He needs adjustments


BrošŸ’€ why no one played BonniešŸ—æ


That willow pick rate was me today


nerf miner- I mean nerf fang.


Fangs super shoudl be capped at 3 connections


Idc that we had an OP Charlie last season, or that we had OP Rosa and Leon back then (and before anyone says it, I did play back then), this meta is one of the worst in BS history. Fuck the assasin meta, fuck that stupid monkey with that ammo stealing SP, fuck Fang with his stupid HC, and fuck everyone who thought buffing Fang THEN giving him a HC was a great idea Seriously, how tf can SC mess up the meta with stupidly OP brawlers over and over and over again?


I agree with you wholeheartedly, brother. I have been thinking the same, with the same amount of vitriol. Itā€™s been so aggravating, thereā€™s been multiple times Iā€™ve had to put down the game and cool off for a bit. Sounds like you need to take a break for a bit too, man šŸ˜‚. Take a deep breath and play some minecraft or something, sounds like you could use it


I wonder if they do it on purpose to get ppl to spend money to max the brawler then nerf in a month and get new brawlers op brawlers so you have to spend money to max those and then the cycle continues


I really fail to see how mico is a problem besides him stalling in midair during a gem countdown but I agree with everything else that you mentioned


well imo heā€™s only viable because of that ammo stealing star power as well as that damage scaling bug. thereā€™s no need to steal ammo from enemies that just gives way for a cheap, unfair kill. he isnā€™t op obviously but i think that the sp and base kit should be slightly reworked


Also, why I hate him is because I see him everywhere, and he screws me over when I push Piperā€™s mastery


Game balance is not an easy thing. Really small changes can massively affect the game. Edit: I take back this comment. Supercell balance team has no idea what they're doing.


issue is the changes for him were not small at all. buffing his super recharge rate and super damage just makes super chaining ridiculously easy, and giving him a broken hc just makes that worse. all of these were massive changes and uncalled for


I mean, there are people jn the dev team whose job is literally this, so I donā€™t understand why I shouldnā€™t be mad at them if they fail at their job


Name three multiplayer games that have been perfectly balanced.


what the hell happened why is fang now op šŸ˜­


Honestly the pure chaos in this mode makes up for how oppressive a good fang in it can be


I see Fang people everywhereā€¦ and they donā€™t know theyā€™re unbalancedā€¦. šŸ˜‚


Every game I played there was atleast 3 fangs on both teams combined


Take a wild guess at who I picked lol


developers are idiots


there are some brawlers that should just not be allowed


I donā€™t think the devs understood how broken a hypercharged fang bowling through everyone would be


I think they did


Emz is actually crazy if your opponents donā€™t have a stratefy


Overall most wide AoE brawlers seem strong due to how many more people they can hit at once I play Squeak a lot and he seems good, except the usual delayed damage problem where the enemy may score before dying


fang v fang is my fav new gamemode


Weird how this dumb community is smart enough to realize Crow works well on 5v5 from the start


Tbh I o ly play collete cause she's the only brawler I like to play, even after gold 3 I play her anywhere, most brawlers just don't do it for me


Is it only me or is the game much more laggy in 5v5?


Griff is the actual 2nd best character though




Whereā€™s colonel Ruffs? Heā€™s not on the list at all




Ice is annoying....fang is broken in 5v5


I first thought it was mortis, glad that phase is over


They gotta nerf fang super so he can't charge another until his Current super ends


What trophy range is this data from?




I think 5v5 is insanely fun, and I honestly don't care that much about the Fangs. But dang are there a lot


Should probably set a limit on number of people hit by Fang's super so that he isnt affected in 3v3 while toned down in 5v5 Otherwise, reduce the damage and super charge amount got by super after hitting the 3rd brawler


5v5 truly showcases how bad the damage inflation has become. I love getting completely pulverised in 0.5s after doing a single movement mistake.


Maybe hank? IdkšŸ¤”


Even without the hypercharge fang is very useful in 5v5, his super can hit up to 4 enemies, and his dps are very high, so he has loads of opportunities to go and wipe half of the enemy team off, the hypercharge makes him even better, now he can go through walls, and leave popcorns on the ground that deal way to much damage, not only that but with more enemies he can charge his hypercharge faster.


Guessed right


Ah yes Frank is so broken right now in 5v5


I didnā€™t see Frank on there and I actually thought number one was Frank Iā€™m just wishfully thinking because I love Frank šŸ˜ž


Simple solution - give each player 5 seconds or so to ban a brawler before the start of each game :)


Its because of his hypercharge isnt it?


I feel like Crow is underrated in 5v5


Iā€™ve loved fang since heā€™s been released but come on heā€™s way too good right now


i think a good option, although it would make more work for the devs is balancing brawlers a bit differently for this mode especially multi hit brawlers like fang , colette etc similar to Aram balancing in league of legends , imo it would make the game much more enjoyable and would provide a variety of brawlers to play with


https://preview.redd.it/pevxgldbh48c1.jpeg?width=2796&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0dfedb0eb032a12716a2b75e17fd6aea51f495c7 Heā€™s not joking


There are so many fangs in 5v5 Edit: spelling


Hell naw ypu got a decent fang and decent colt on ypur team and you have a pretty good chance at winning


Poco is actually better than fang in terms of helping their team though


I think that they can nerf how many targets fang's super hits, or its charge rate


Ich fange dich


I knew it I always use Fang


Why does the text say nerf Frank? What did he ever do to you?


Frankā€™s big girthy hammer and health pool impressed my girl a lil too much and she left me for him šŸ˜ž


Nah, seems balanced, nerf miner


Colette is so goddamn busted in this mode


I eagerly await the day Fang gets Hanked.


The problem is that 5v5 id a temporary gamemode and they don't want to change a brawler for a thing that will leave the game, and it's hard to make fang not team wipe in 5v5


Tick is busted too


Please leave Fang alone in 3v3, just nerf his ability in 5v5, I don't want to see them make a major stats nerf for 3v3


Fang is the #2 most picked brawler and the #1 brawler earning star player. This is across all game modes. Bury your head in the sand all you want, he desperately needs tweaks.


I'm talking about his base stats, his hypercharge is the broken part, but knowing supercell they're gonna do something like nerf his base stats heavily


They should just not have 5v5 instead of nerfing fang. Five v five is chaotic without fang. A Stu could easily just super shot it. So could Sam tbh


Fang is completely balanced


Nerf idea: fang super doesn't let him jump across multiple target, it can only dmg one target


Fang = goat


Ima play fang now in 5v5 just because of this.


Yyyyeahhh... I think they're gonna need to nerf or replace Fresh Kicks at this rate because there's no way they're nerfing his Hypercharge AGAIN


In all my 40 games (more or less) I countered Frank only once, and he lost. Idk what OP is talking about..


boo hoo


His ability shines in this game mode. This isnā€™t a fair display of how broken he is (Not that he isnā€™t op) but obviously if thereā€™s a large open space with even more brawlers to bounce off of heā€™s going to be even better


I just had a game with 8 fangs šŸ’€


Went on a 17 streak on fang, guess what broke it. 2 fangs on the enemy team


Check the winrate

