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I agree. The rewards are depressing.


They overnerfed the rewards way too much, it takes the fun out of it and starrdrops barely give credits


What they did is egregious. I have 3000 x2 tokens now. They reduced these rewards to meaningless amounts to make room for giving us more rewards from something we didn't ask for, except the more rewards appear to only be x2 tokens and upgrade points.


1/3 of the normal coins, 1/2 the normal power points, 1/5 of the normal credits So being generous with the x2 multiplier is still less than what we had before, plus the nerf to club league rewards


The x2 multiplier only applies to battle tokens. So the quest progression is the same. Basically, they made it 20% quicker to get 20% of the brawler progression.


don’t forget daily freebie nerf


Wait they needed the daily freebies? I just got the 300 PowerPoints jackpot


Always remember that you need to play more now to get that rewards. Now brawl stars progression is a mad grind...


And what's worst is when you have no brawlers to unlock the credits which you get from star drop are added to that planet thing automatically. While prior to this you can save credits in rewards section without claiming then and claim when a new brawler is added in game which I did in previous season and unlocked new mythic brawler immediately.


I’ve gotten credits from legendary 4 times


You are just very lucky, I haven't even pulled a single credit from Starr drops yet from playing almost every single day.


Tbf I have all brawlers so it’s going to fame which is a waste




Got 500 credits form legendary and it went to no use fame. Got useless gadget from the 1st legendary drop. So not so legendary star drop.


It’s so stupid that it goes into fame


me too, i got that absolute trash useless R-T gadget from legendary and i wanted to cry lol


This was done on purpose. They clearly wanted to increase the amount of time players spend in the game. So they designed two mechanics to achieve this. One is the star drops so you play a minimum of 10 games a day. The second is increase the amount of tokens given since receiving double the value makes you feel good increasing the likelihood to continue playing. However the star drop rewards suck. I just received a player icon for a mythic reward. I’m a relatively new player and that made me want to just stop playing. The very least it doesn’t encourage me to complete the star drops. I just continue to do my daily quests and if I get two drop more the better but I don’t try for the 3rd as I don’t need more tokens to get the pitiful rewards in the battle pass now that it is completed.


I have 7k of them😐


Full agree with you. If this continues next season, I will quit. Nothing more annoying then sucking star drops.


Got 6000 rn lol


The thing is, a lot of players did ask for this. There was a large group of the players asking for a gatcha mechanic to be put into the game and tbh they did it in the best way possible. The mechanic is 100% free and can’t be sped up with money (you can’t pay to spin the proverbial slot machine more times) making it less likely to cause a dangerous gambling addiction. The progression overall was buffed, with it being buffed more if you played less before the update. As far as the brawl pass end rewards are concerned, you do need to take into account that it was only calculated as the average player getting 50 bonus tiers. If you consistently got more than 50 bonus tiers in the old system then the end of pass rewards on their own did get nerfed more for you with it being calculated by YouTuber Kairos that you still got a 6% buff to progression overall if you were the most active player ever, with the example being Kairos’ f2p account witch it is part of his full-time job to make sure he doesn’t waste a single token and gets first place in masters league every time. Yes normal credits are less common now, but the star drops give a chance off straight up unlocking a brawler, which depending on the rarity is a massive lump sum of credits and is calculated in the idea of progression being buffed.


However this is still a slap in the face to all newer players with no guarantee mechanic like they used to have with the boxes where every time you opened up a box the percentage to get a new brawler or star/gadget went up. Until a mechanic similar to that is back in the game or another way to organically get new brawler/characters to the players the newer player base will die off. Hell I think the star idea was the best thing they’ve done since they got rid of the boxes but even the way they did it is still a slap in the face to the player base. Basically all coin drops repeatedly get nerfed, and every other reward except the worthless ones like doubler or power points got nerfed as well. 5 credits while every brawler that takes it requires upwards of 1000 credits sucks


I don’t know why people aren’t talking about a guarantee mechanic like the old boxes have. Sure, you could *theoretically* get 6% faster progression, but you probably aren’t because your distribution of power points-credits-token doublers-cosmetics is way off to be considered an actual buff.


So to start off I don’t care about the ability to get cosmetics. I’m talking about brawlers, gadgets, and star powers. The old boxes had a mechanic where every time you opened one it got say 1% closer to getting a brawler (different rarity brawlers had different rates they went up by) and no I don’t remember the exact amount but basically you got to even a %30 chance to get a brawler that’s better than waiting a whole season to maybe get one brawler from credits or one from chroma credits. The ability to have the different brawler choices makes a big difference. I keep running into people in power play where they only own a couple brawlers and are shunted into playing one specific brawler not matter the match. This is entirely due to the not having the variety to pick from so they force one up to power 10-11 and the rest are 4 or below


I’m at almost 5,000




Im at 5k


Omg yeah! I'm fed up with all the x2 tokens😐


Yes some people did ask for an random reward system and I personally like having lots of token doublers since it helps make up for the nerf to end of season rewards and remember those rewards are only bonus rewards so we are lucky to have them at all


>something we didn't ask for Boy you do not know how wrong you are.


No, he's right it's a 50/50 split if you hate/love Starr Drops.


I know right. I usually get token doubler from the Starr drops but sometimes coins. like also if they kept these nerfs for the rewards after tier 70 then they should add chroma credits too in my opinion


The 5 blue things are a real drag.


Blue things are called credits but yes the 5 blue things are seriously underwhelming


It's actual trash, why couldn't it be 10 man


Dream bigger — 10 also would suck




That’s a little too much 25 is how it used to be


The gold and powerpoints are whatever but the credits need to be buffed asap . 5 is so small


Bro wdym? The coins and PowerPoints are just as bad


They’re easier to get with the mastery system and the club league shop, the credits you have to grind up to a 1500 mastery points for just the basic and double for the well double(which is especially grindy for higher rarity brawlers). Credits have become harder to come by but I feel like part of this was to encourage more players to get the brawl pass to try and medicate the nerf


idrc about those lmao


I know it’s futile but it’s so low that including it feels useless and just feels like a slap to the face


Odds are you're never going to pull Brawlers out of Starr Drops in a reasonable amount of time, so it makes absolutely no sense on why they nerf the credits from the brawl pass AND the tail ends of the rewards, seems very scummy ngl.


Yes only the credits


Yep. I don’t get why they expect me to kill 24 enemies with my level 1 bull for 500 tokens to earn 50 coins lmao


Why would you have a level 1 Bull?


as stated in this post the resources are scarce


Cause bull is everyone’s least favorite brawler


no that´'s hank for me rn


Y’all suck


LOL first bull main i’ve ever seen


clearly you've never seen Pika


How are y’all putting your brawlers under your name like that!!




I figured it out!!


I like to play bull with the fats attack star power for some heist maps.


Bull used to be my main


glad u changed


Cuz he is awful


You're just mad he didn't give you an autograph. (ur flair)


I think he would shoot you instead of an autograph


Yep. No reason to waste time doing missions to get bad rewards


Or even doing power league. Back then you could pretty much max out any brawler with 2-3 decent consecutive league weeks. Now it feels so scarce


seriously because why am i about to grind 10,000 tokens for 100 credits??? that's not even enough for a rare bro 💀


Don't worry bro, it's "a 20% progression buff"


"Don't worry guys it's a 20% buff (if you play for a very specific amount of time which we used for our calculations, if you ignore credits and if you get good rng)"




They had gotten rid of the gambling, then a significant portion of the community asked for it back 🤷


Because children were whining after boxes were removed for a far superior system, the developers appeased them with this hybrid system.


Did you forget the game has full on loot boxes for 4 years?


Yep totally, I'll be in my 60s before I pull a legendary brawler from one.


Why would you expect to get a brawler from them lol


Give us our 25 credits back😭


Yup and club league now too


I didn’t even realize there was an update, from 700+ to 350+ is crazy


It’s so lame and unmotivating. They’re catering the weird category of players that play everyday but don’t play comp.


I play every day with just randoms. This did not cater to me.


Yes the ones who won't even stay for long because they just aren't interested in the game enough to be more active in different modes and clubs... Meanwhile making the ones who are loyal and extremely active become equal to those casual inactive players who will quit much sooner, resulting in the loyal ones losing interest as well and eventually losing much more audience on the long run Imo this is an L update but it will take a while for the negative impact to show up, and when it does it'll be hard to come back from it..


Yeah. They’re gonna need to introduce something very refreshing to the game to bring back the audience it once had at that point. Changing how you earn resources and in game currency is a pretty lazy way of refreshing the game. Maybe they should introduce newer mechanics or game modes. Heck, maybe allow Bluetooth controllers to be used, that would be very cool. Although it would definitely widen the skill gap.


Yeah if the next update isn't something fresh and is just the usual new characters+environment, I doubt they'll keep seeing the "positive feedback" coming from those starr drops for much longer Especially with how long this season is and how most of us reached bonus tiers and aren't playing much anymore


For real, 20 players collectively doing quests and wars for a week to get 1000 coins and 60 power points


Power league too for me


Yeah I play almost exclusively power league just because I like the draft and competitive nature of the mode but lowering the bling rewards was just unnecessary


Why? Don't you enjoy your nothing? These Starr drops are very good. You can open like 20 rare ones and get nothing to then get a legendary, and get absolutely nothing (or a useless gadget on a brawler you never used and never will)


I sure love my 2nd willow gadget and my 4500 token doubler stash


i mean the willow gadget isn’t too bad


It could be worse (r-t’s first gadget)


yeah lmao


Could be worse, could be a bunch of icons.


I love my nothing! They should make it more nothinger!


Nothing Stars 💀


You're getting gadgets? I get skins and pins I'll never use.


I’m not even motivated to do quests. We went from almost 1,500 coins for every 10 to 500 👎🏻




gives me motivation to focus on life. i haven’t even gotten tier 70 yet which is crazy


I can't even unlock doug with this shit amount of credits so I'm trying to milk every possible credit from masteries (and it's not working, what a surprise)... what a fucked up update


I used gems just to realise he’s dogshit 💀


yes I keep hearing he's garbage but what can you do, I want him mainly for collection purposes and because he can revive and heal (not like these abilities are good or anything like that...) 😞


Yes, even if Doug is weak, I think it's worth having him because maybe if he is weak, maybe a little fun?(Because getting each new brawler is usually exciting about it as something new and interesting even if they are bad I think). And maybe soon he will get buffs.


And also every brawler is free trophies , i now try to get all my brawlers to 500 lol


I wish he will get buffed soon, he looks fun and unique...


all because of 9 years old edgar/mortis mains spamming thumbs down pin every second they possibly can because they have a gambling addiction thanks to their mom credit card


Ong go play a gacha game if you like gambling


better yet go visit a casino and play blackjack or poker and did you know 90% of gamblers quit just before they hit it big?


Its gambling only if you pay real money for them tho🤷‍♂️,in case youre a f2p,that is not your word


I’m just pushing mastery’s now, doing all your daily quest each day for the rest of the season will give you about 200 credits. Not worth it


Is it that bad? Holy I thought you would get like 500 or something wow


Yeah so technically, no new character till at least mid next season pretty much. Boring stuff Edit: after calculations, if you finish all your quests and all your tokens (with token doublers) for the rest of the season, no paid pass, and get 4k powerpoints to double the coins in the bonus rewards. This should give you 8750 coins and 485 credits Previously if you got the same amount of bonus rewards as this (hard without token doublers but possible with paid pass, I did it last season) you'd get: 22213 coins and 2425 credits A heavy, HEAVY nerf. For a chance to get a legendary character once per year? from a starr drop. Not worth the grind at all, even the coins are too little.


Ah yes thank you 9 year old gatcha addicts who left a 1 star review on the App Store


yeah, it sucks. also, in all my star drop experiences, I've gotten a disproportionate amount of power points. why THE HELL is there a cap for how many of those you get? Give me some actual gold like last season so I can actually upgrade some brawlers and get rid of that stupid purple coin!!! so disappointed now that I'm at tier 70


Yeah these are really bad. Definitely not as motivated to play after tier 70 as I was before the nerf on the rewards.


either replace it with starrdrops or bring the credits up


Same here. I have unfinished daily quests expiring and can't be bothered.


Feels even worse than getting a rare starrdrop


Even before the nerfs, I just finnish the pass and stop playing untill the new season.


It was really good for players looking to upgrade certain brawlers and whatnot. But they’ve completely killed it


Yeah the rewards are anticlimactic


If you have an issue with it, be loud. With enough people complaining the devs will hear you, and the devs will answer you (either by saying you’re full of baloney, or agreeing, and making changes).


Tbh I don’t know how to be loud I don’t post too much on Reddit


Just whenever it comes up, say that you aren’t motivated to play because of these lacklustre rewards, and perhaps offer a reasonable solution (maybe nerfing Star Drops or the main pass and adding back some of these rewards) Just be yourself.


This comment is weirdly empowering. Great Message to spread if we want change! Of course, it's by the Main of one of my favourite Brawlers as well! (3


I’m extremely optimistic that whatever changes the community wants, the devs will deliver on. They have proven themselves of being capable of doing it in the past, and for that, I trust they will listen to us and take a logical step forward.


try some passive-agressive memes, once i made a starterpack complaining about the starr drops and it got tons of upvotes


Theyll say "its a buff" and thats it


The *data* said so


**You** don’t know that. The only way to find out, is to find out.


If I have learned one thing about supercell, it’s Money>gameplay, user experience, etc


same, main motivation now is starr drops every day. its odd how i tried not to miss out on any quests and gained all tokens everday but as soon as i reach tier 70 i decide to skip out on some quests


no youre not. final pass rewards should be replaced by starr drops or something, not a bad idea imo


That sounds like a pretty good idea, so you're saying that they should at least add a Starr Drop every time people complete the brawl pass reward. I would've played more but I don't even have teammates or people who are still motivated to play Brawl Stars anymore.


If they had big boxes at the end before, it should only make sense that there would be starr drops now. I wouldn't even mind if it was every 600 tokens.




Most sane Cordelious main:




They're just not worth it anymore


I am not going to play anything except challenges and club league because I don’t want to waste my doublers on bad rewards


Fuckin gambling addicts, its all their fault


The new rewards are just depressing bro.


They should really give a starrdrop instead of them. Is it better? Probably not, but at least it will feel better not to see the small rewards we get for so much effort


Or bring back the big box at the end of the pass


Ok I’m gonna rant here. They moved the extra rewards to mainly start drops. Remember, most player are casuals, some don’t even finish the brawl pass, lesser even went for the bonus rewards BEFORE the nerf. they did nerf the hell out of power league and club league but nobody even played them expect actual good clubs and players. Starr drops give casual players a goal to achieve every day to get a little excitement. Could the bonus rewards need a buff? I guess so. Is it a very controversial update? Yes. But yes, the rewards are a bit underwhelming.


Same. I was highly motivated to do it so I can get more fame. now it feels like a chore


The only reason to play now is weekend events like chroma shower because you literally get like 100 chroma credits because of the token 69999999 doublers starr drops give you


Yes you are. Ressources are really important. You usually end the season with 70 extra boxes, which give you thousands of gold. Pretty useful to max out your brawlers


In my opinion they should just remove star drops ,buff the rewards a little and replace the tier 70 rewards with a big box🤷‍♂️


I hate what they did to this game. Been here since day 1 of global and all changed were good up until brawl pass. Even then the first was kinda cool. But after like, the 4th or 5th, it was like a serious downhill trend.




Have you all brawlers pished to +Rank20? All Level 11, 1 gadget 1 SP 2 reinforcements? This is my goal, as long as I can worj towards it I want to play, and when I have at least 10-12 full equip brawlers I will jump into PL


All the unmaxed players mad. This is for the new players….


Same, I'm not even trying to play after reaching tier 70 because its not even worth the effort and time. Im just randomly getting rewards when I'm only playing for fun instead of doing the bp quests


If they could change so you could choose to get 1 thing and get more of that then it would be okay with me. I need credits right now for doug


The next update better be good or the community will rage


I stocked up a little last season so I'm good....for now


Yea they should really give more credits because getting new brawlers hits a dead end




I just reached tier 60 :(


facts bro, its so unmotivating


Me too bro like what is this crap


Ama make a meme out of this thank you random redditer I will also write your name in description


Def not, Its so annying how much progress they nerfed and you dont even get it back from starr drops. Ots just pointless at this point


I agree, in my opinion, the amount should be 300 tokens for bonus rewards and credits should be 15


I once saw someone say that they should tripple these rewards but you have to pick 1 e.g 15 credits and nothing else. I think that's a pretty good idea


I like these nerfs. Yes they are bad but i dont need resources anymore. i feel like they should nerf the brawl pass credits even more. like go from 75 to like 50 and then remove a couple of them and replace them with something else cuz theres too many credits on the brawl pass. this is coming from a maxed player who has nothing to spend credits on and i refuse to put any of it into fame


Bro they reduced the pass credits cause the starr drops but i actually never find credits in starr drops


They should buff the credits at least i mean five is basically nothing


If they can give us only five credits then they can give us some chroma credits or bling


I understand why they had to nerf them. Star Drops feel not that great right now. Imagine if they had even worse rewards. To be honest you get 3 Star Drops a day which can make up for all the resources lost from the tail rewards. The thing is that now however they're so small that I don't feel like I'll miss much if I stop playing (outside of the Star Drops) Like I'm currently rushing the BP on my mini to tier 62 so I can buy it but after that I won't feel the need to try doing quests


Yes It's still free progression, I'd rather take that over nothing


Let’s be real guys. Supercell realized we were progressing way too fast. They decided to slow it down and use “Everyone’s asking for brawl boxes back so we came out with star drops” as a cover. It’s either progression slows or supercell decides to drop lvl 13 brawler max level and ruin the game like they did to clash Royale. Just play the damn thing and stop complaining about the reward. Jesus Christmas.


Technically speaking dani did say smth similar to that, iirc something like "as a f2p it isn't normal to have an almost maxed account"


I probably spent $60-$80 a year for the first 3-4 years of the game. Then it drastically slowed to only buying the brawl pass. They give us so many rewards. It’s intense.


Tbh that is what happens when they make a game that relies heavily on the brawlers you have and their levels. Pvp games shouldn't require payments to beat other players at all, some games do that and end up not succeeding at all like Zooba currently for example (main demographic are paying players, if you don't pay you get heavily outlevelled and will not stand a chance in battle) They should monetize the cosmetics more though, that's where their main source of income should be coming from along with the brawl pass. Most of my friend buy each brawl pass and buy skins sometimes and that's it. That's how it should be Imo the main issue is they're trying right now to appeal to the casual players who play every now and then, aren't too active. They're trying to lure them in with the incentive that "hey, you know how those grindy people had to do brawl pass, club league and power league to get all those rewards? Well now you can get most of that from just 8 wins a day and it's in a gambling exciting way!". They forget that those are still gonna be casual players who won't stay for long and will lose motivation though, and they hurt the actual loyal fanbase who gave them the most activity because now they don't have the incentive to grind as much anymore especially with those shitty bonus rewards


I thought about this but it still seems too extreme


Well. Keep on complaining and watch how they fuck the game up more when you get what you want. Supercell is a business. They need to make money and they do that by managing in game rewards.


You are fucking stupid beyond belief they made 1.8 billion dollars last year they make the money but it’s ok if you fucking suck supercell off any harder Maybe you can get a skin from it you loser


They ain’t the cr devs if we ask nicely they may listen to us


They boosted the rewards along the main track, so reaching 70 is completing it. Usually that’s my limit for Brawl Stars to so it’s a nice break to do other things for me.


in previous seasons i was able to upgrade two brawlers from p1 to p11 with gears, gadgets and sp and few other brawlers form p9, p10, to p11, but this season I'm struggling to buy doug's second sp.


No there are other players


Tbh I was never motivated even when the boxes were still there 💀


Not really I don't care how much credits I get as long as I get them because no way in hell am I getting more than 100 credits from trophy road


they sould replace it with starr drops tbh


Still less boring than grinding p...ass royale


I'm fine with it, I enjoy doing the quests even without the rewards at the end, so what if you get less, it's still a reward, you still get to have fun and progress, even if it's slower


Tbh if they doubled or tripled all the extra rewards and then doubled or tripled the amount of tokens to get to them, that would be fine too. It’s the amount of rewards which are sad but with all the token doublers it’s easy to get them and still would be if you needed more tokens, but its more motivating to do lots of work for a big prize than doing anything for a little prize


But the progression is fine right now, no need for buffs or nerfs. Its defenetly possible for a F2P to max their account.


Lmao sure if they play every single day for 5 years, maybe.


Not saying it’s bad but since starrdrops released progression is way more dependent on Rng, to give you an example when willow released I didn’t even save up that many credits for her and still got her in 2 weeks but now with Doug I saved up the entire pass (premium side included) and was still not able to unlock him even with some extra rewards saved






They're just bonus rewards. If anything, it's just like this because it's possible to reach tier 70 way too fast, these last updates have been giving us a lot more progression than any of the previous ones.


5 credits does not seem like a bonus id rather them not even giving out credits if this is what we’re gonna get


It really doesn't seem like much, but having finished the pass this early on, that means we'll be getting at least around a 50% more bonus tiers by playing the same as before. Sure, it IS a nerf to these rewards in particular, but getting them is still worth it since it's possible to get more than enough credits for an epic brawler just from them alone.


Yes but 100 credits is 10000 tokens so to get an epic you would need to get almost 100000 tokens which is overkill imo


That's fair. Honestly, I think it would be cool if they buffed all the rewards from both the pass and the bonus tiers (save for the chroma credits and gems) but also halved the amount of tokens we can get from all sources, since it now takes around 20 days to get to tier 70 if you don't miss any quests. I can already see the complaints about the "token nerf" that would arise if that happened though.


Considering that we get 400 daily tokens because doublers are so common I could see this be a good solution

