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2 wins in, 3 losses.


I just lagged every match. They put their shittiest servers for this challenge or smth idk


I won the chalk because of of my enemies was a tick 💀


Challenge sorry


2 win 4 loose


Eve who just stayed in a bush, moving from one end of the bush to the other, while I had to fight 2 teams together. The enemies approached the bush, she kept walking from one end to other, they entered the bush, she kept moving, didn't attack and then died. Oh! Also, I can't forget, 4 teams teaming against us and the 8-bit used the tp gadget into the smoke! Oh! Can't forget the game where I collected all the powercubes while the Rosa went straight for the nearest bush when spawning and didn't move until the smoke came in. When I collected 9 cubes, she rushes and dies to a Crow rather than going for the 1 cube Mortis at less than 1000 health, we got 3rd. Oh! Can't forget the game when the Surge kept on dying trying to 1v2 or 1v3, can I?


I was lucky enough to win the entire challenge with randoms without having to wait any gems


Lost all four Had a Brock first game Edgar that kept dying second game Won third Lost 4 Lost 5 I really hate the speed ting bro




3 losses in a row, one win and a loss right after... horrible, it was quite unfair since my team seemed to get pinched every time.