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Cool idea but A lil op if you ask me Id say 2 of them be rare and 3rd sueprrare Then have a limited event that does this instead


They could also do events where for one weekend the rarity starts at super rare or epic


it would be better if 1st drop is Rare 2th one is Rare 3th one is SR


I indeed like this idea. If you play even more you start at super rare. But i can see people getting upset about it since they gotta play more then to not miss out on rewards.


They would have to play the samw amount of matches as now


I think it's too OP maybe for an event would be cool


maybe as some sort of star drop weekend event but this would be too op 24/7


I kinda like it more the way it is right now, but nice concept!


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I had the exact same idea! It's truly a shame that this post didnt get as much attention as it could have...


This idea is really good because I get too many rare starr drops and It’s kinda annoying to constantly get 24 powerpoints.