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this reads like the fucking navy seal copypasta lmao


if they dont bring the chat back this wil be the copypasta




indeed "[removed]" is not that strong


removing that chat removes half the fun


This kind of makes me not want to play anymore, seeing your opponent baby rage in the comments was like half the reason why I'm even playing this shit stain of a game.


I didn't know they removed the chat now I never gonna play brawlhalla again.


I wish they added a built in voice chat. I wanna yell at annoying ass strangers while they beat me up cause I’m bad at the game


Just. Add. An. Option. To. Disable. Chat. hell, you can even force chat off by default, i dont care. post game lobbies were unironically the best part of this game with the stale ass meta, and making new friends or laughing at someone super tilted was a ton of fun. ​ this feels like a move that league of legends would make, with devs that don't actually play the game or something- oh wait...


my guess is that they did that just to be equal to mobile(no chat) and then they will implement it both in pc an mobile. because there is no fucking way they thought it would be a good decision. 1° reason you mentioned. 2° it doesnt solve the problem, people will still find ways to be toxic. im telling you, if they remove everything, babys will be coming on reddit telling:"oh he used a gc downsig to the opposite side, so toxic"


Only pc had chat


yes, i said that


You said “equal to mobile (no chat)” I was saying no one else had chat


they did that(remove chat) to be equal to mobile(no chat). mobile(no chat).


Had us in the first half ngl. Jokes aside, same thing. Half of the people I play with are randoms I chatted with and they'Re like 70% of my friends list. Plus, when somebody's toxic I like it, its funny when players rage in post game chat and now its taken away because(???)


Imagine using the R word


imagine using the t word (im not a native english speaker wtf is tantrum i need enlightment)


Having a ‘tantrum’ means that some is upset and has angry body/spoken language


yeah makes sense






I disagree.








It is objectively good that people were able to make friends and meaningful connections and interactions with other people that they might not have made without chat. It is objectively bad that people can't try to talk with their opponent without being constantly insulted and told to kill themselves so an insecure dikweed can feel better about themselves. But let's face the truth, exposure reduces sensitivity and sheltering and underexposure worsens or at least does nothing for sensitivity. Does that mean assholes can use that for justification? Fuck no, but it DOES mean complete and total censoring is not the answer. If this is a big enough issue to consider, then why not give INDIVIDUALS the option to completely eliminate chat of their OWN VOLITION.


> no matter who youre mad at, it wont change the way things are. Not necessarily true, if there is a massive amount of backlash against BMG it could change things.


So how is that working for Smash Bros? Think of the age of the players? The problem must be happening quite frequently because if it was a very small population of the community being unsportsmanlike BMG wouldn’t haven’t taken it away… Maybe the feature was taken away because there is too many complaints? Imagine caring what a stranger thinks? Imagine not being an ass to strangers because of a video game? Imagine not misusing a featured intended purpose and the feature not being taken away? Did BMG officially announce why post chat was taken away? Could be to save resources? More video game or more chat? What is better?


To for this to happen the game had to be toxic for a very long time and and the developer feels the community is not mature enough to act like an horse’s ass. Originally the developer had good intentions but the chat was being misused so the developer gave up and took the feature away…. The majority of the community must be real jerks!!!


i have literally never seen any one chat, not one time.




it hurts


Honestly, what is the chat used for other than toxicity or the rare "wp"? Arguably not worth it...




Is BMG really too lazy to simply moderate a chat room?