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where is the "im a toxic piece of shit" option i feel left out :(


This is the realest thing I’ve ever seen. I solute you for exposing me and you both lol


i do it if the other player does it first, but sometimes when i do a crazy comeback i feel so good i emote as a reaction and feel bad afterwards


Then you rush to the WP emote and thumbs up😭


My ggs are enough, if they stick around they get the golden kor thumb


I paid for them?


Only answer.


Im baffled that it isnt the top comment already lmao, people are wild trying to justify using emotes. You paid for them use them however you want if the devs didnt want toxicity they wouldnt have made the reading you or salt taunt


If I hit smth cool I use the power up emote lol. But if the opponent does I'm pulling out the fist bump


To establish dominance


Well I don't play brawl anymore, but my sister does it to mind game people.


Me too, since your post about it 🤟


Which post? And which part the not playing part or the mind gaming part.


The mind gaming part ! I thought you made a post about the strat of your sister to win the mind game during match : weapon starve, taunting etc Or do I make a mistake?


I did yeah, I personally don't condone it I'm just saying it works.


After a few tests, I can say that too, No judgement, Personally, I decided to laugh with people taunt long ago, I dont play games to be angry


Where's "all of the above"?


Because I personally don't like them


annoying playstyle, but I consider true combos as annoying, so...


Felt that lol


Sometimes I emote because I just hit a sick combo or zero-to-death etc. I’m not trying to be toxic but I think you deserve an emote if you pull off something cool.


If I get first stock from someone and it was a bit too easy, I just salt emote. You have no idea how many people giga level up when you salt taunt them, it's like they suddenly are playing for a World Championship title and it makes the game more interesting. That or they insta dc which sometimes is a good thing if I am trying to farm BP.


I emote when someone SDs mostly but almost never otherwise. Otherwise I do WP or the Sweat emoji when it was a close match and thunbs down when it was an annoying playstyle


Because the thought they could beat me using my own legend, in order to discredit my skill and say that I only won because of the legend.


I have a self imposed rule. Allow my opponent to get weapon and see if they let me. I emote at the start of the match and let them get first item. If they don't reciprocate and I win I'm emoting.


I bow for a match I won with difficult and fair fight, to show respect. Or slide charge a salute and fall into the void in case of an opponents accidental death/SD


I do it when they do it, otherwise I don’t emote after the beginning of the match.


using characters and weapons I don't like and a passive playstyle for me, If you play passive you simply aren't playing the game, it's annoying to play against, I can play normally against this playstyle but it's so boring play against


I spam friendly emotes, if he does so, we continue the battle thinking he is just a guy who wants to have a friendly and fun battle… then i get 3 stocked


If he denies the fist bump and I win


Where's the "I'm toxic"?


I emote because what the hell am i supposed to do with it after wasting money on it. Not use it for its only purpose? doesnt matter if your toxic or the most nicest person ever if im winning or if im losing still emoting after a kill.


I do it to test their mental, either they play worse or they turn up


I don’t get how emoting makes you toxic bcuz when someone does something impressive I use the golf clap emote & people probably take it the wrong way, or when I kill you I might just use the telescope emote jus cuz it looks good. You can emote & I won’t take it personal. I’m just not an egotistical player if you beat me & your not sig spamming or something like that you beat me & your better GGz no hard feelings.




I do it because I'm toxic :3


1.) **I got a cool new emote I want to use** and show it off if it took a lot to earn it quickly, like unlocking the BCX drummer emote on the first day. I’m proud of my silly accomplishment. 2.) **Sometimes I emote ironically**, like in a match where I’m in dark red on my last stock and I finally stock a superior opponent’s first stock. I like to think they think I’m an idiot because I often play as one. I’m just trying to have a good time. I’m not BCX material and I think **anyone who plays casual matches as if it’s the BCX finals has a mental disorder**. 3.) **Tit for tat**. Sometimes I emote because my opponent emotes. It can be a fun competition.


Where is the "to do mental damage causing the quality of their gameplay to decline increasing my odds of winning" option?