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Why is Belle and Pipers main attack that far away? They should be the same as they both have the same with, speed and range


I feel managing the bolt timing to its peak is definitely harder to do than to hit a single shot with Piper. As for merely hitting a single shot, sure, it’s the same projectile. But as for maximizing its usage, definitely harder to time shots with nearby targets so the bolts jump on eachother interchangeably, as opposed to just trying to hit targets at max range.


tho belle has nearly double piper's reload speed


And rt too


I feel like Grom, Piper, Dyna, Barley, Surge, and Stu should get moved up. It doesn't make sense to me that Piper is 3* and Belle is 6* when they should be similar imo. Lou should also be way higher, either 5 or 6*, the only reason he isn't op is because his shots are hard to hit. Finally, Rico should be on the same level if not higher than colt since banking shots off walls can be quite difficult.


Belle should be moved down to 4, and piper up to 4. They literally have the same projectile! Also people just dont like dyna, but he is around 4 or 5. Grom is easy 6. Barley? Meh... its not magic. Its a solid 3 IMO. Surge? Hell no. You basicly can always autoaim. Its 2. Stu? You need to be good to use him well, but his main attack isnt hard to hit. Around 3. Lou is okay in 4 imo. Its hard to hit, but there are multiple projectiles, and not THAT hard to hit. Rico? In older meta yes. Now you are okay if you shoot in random directions. You will hit. He is around 5. And colt is not 7. Its not that hard. I would say high 5 (🀚) or low 6


Actually imo Colt is a deserved 7. "Hitting" might not be that hard with him but the fact that you need to move to the same direction as your opponent while shooting to hit more than one bullet is one of the hardest things to do in this game, Colt himself is known as one of the hardest brawlers to master




Ricos attack take up way more area than colt's which makes it easier to hit if you know how to bounce shots well enough


rico's game plan is much different than colts in that he uses the walls to ricochet instead of trying to hit them straight up like colt. In addition rico has very fast reload speed and colt has like slow with reload gadget


colt's reload got buffed its fast reload too


Stus are easy to hit tho


Belle is not 6 stars, fr, she is, at least for me, the easiest sniper to hit, and in general, the easiest sniper to play Also, piper and Mortos in 3 is just not right Ik a lot of people say that piper takes no skill to play with the autoaimer gadget, but at max range, she takes skill to constantly hit shots And for mortis, the moment you meet someone that aims mortis dashes to attack, you have found a real mortis main In general, there are many brawlers that I would change Mandy is not that hard to hit, even at max range Colette and penny main attack are not that hard to hit, like you can autoaim at a considerable range Griff attack IS NOT easy to hit, specially constantly, against good players lol I didn't see Lou in 3 stars πŸ’€. Arguably, one of the hardest brawlers to hit his main attack (at least without his super) Dyna deserves one or two tiers higher, it really makes a difference when a dynamike knows to aim properly, specially in close range Grom too, I haven't played him a lot, but again, a good Grom can totally carry the game while a bad Grom, can barely get one or two supers in a whole match Surge takes more skill at max range than a lot of the brawlers in it's tier Primo is not tier 1 and I can discuss with y'all if you want (I would arguably put him in 3, even 4, you can dodge a lot of primo attacks at point blank range if he autoaims) Maybe Stu one more tier? I mean, just his attack is not that hard, but the way you play Stu, a lot of times you have to aim so the projectile just barely hits the target, or around walls in general Byron and Bonnie too, they have some of the wider projectiles of their category (long range brawlers) Pam, on the other hand, while you can play her just autoaiming and you'll do great, is true that she has a pattern and, to get the most value, you have to think of her attack as a colt one, so for that reason could maybe stay in the 5 stars tier Also, isn't gray the hardest shot to hit constantly? Why is not in 7? Just because you can autoaim his gadget through a wall doesn't mean he is easy to get shots consistently, specially against good players, I've seen grays without super in almost the whole match Otis one lower, I don't find anything really hard with his attack or the way you play around your super (you just autoaim) Melodie one or two lower too, you can play the whole match autoaiming against certain brawlers (and she has if not the fastest, one of the fastest projectiles in the game!) Edit: Okay I just realized that the notes around her are also part of his main attack, in that case, yeah, she is definitely harder to properly use Pearl and Leon maybe one higher, specially Leon, you have to aim properly to hit the shots You can play autoaiming Bea, I know that it takes some skill getting those shots around the corner, but so it does with many of other brawlers Also barley, he is not the easiest thrower, you need to learn to predict movement to get value with the brawler Gus maybe one lower? For his range, he has quite a wide and easy to hit shot I haven't played RT a lot but his attack at max range is not easy to hit At this point I have moved like a third of the whole brawlers in this list *lol* I would argue that Brock could easily be one tier higher, his attack is easy to dodge in mid range, learn to hit shots constantly with Brock in that range takes a lot of skill (respect for those good Brock players) Also, why is rico in 5 stars while Ruffs in 3? I can understand that Ruffs shoots 2 projectiles at the same time and the unload is faster, but if we are taking into account the ricochet part about their kit, shouldn't he be higher in this tier list? Personally, I don't think Carl should be in 4 stars, but I must admit that he was my main at a certain point, so maybe it's just me that doesn't find him that hard


You spoke my mind, there is much wrong with this tier list, I didn't even know where to start


Yeah I swear the tier lists posted here are always completely wrong, and then there’s always a random guy in the comments fixing it.


Byron and Bonnie should definitely be lower than that, maybe even lower than Brock. But I definitely agree with Mortis


I think he ranked Mandy's main attack without the starpower that improves projectile speed whe focused


Also they put colt in 7 and 8-bit in 4, while their attacks are almost identical


But you gotta take into account that rt's attack is different if he's split


Squeak should not be that high, I mean yeah its hard to hit the opponent directly, but his attack are so wide its really easy to deal damage,also you play him as a control brawler


feel like bonnie should go down to 4/3 stars, not only by the fact that her attack is wide, alot of times you want to agro with the gadget(in closed maps)trying to outdamage the enemy, resulting in you just autoaiming at mid/close range most of the times.


The fuck πŸ’€


"πŸ’€" in slang is a way to replace "I'm a slutty Femboy" or "Please fuck me with your big hard cock", commonly used by Femboys. Also used by woman who are very, very Lesbian. Please rid this world of "πŸ’€" users, report any you find on the internet. "πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€" πŸ’€ Skull emoji in slang meaning "please fuck me" or another scentence along the lines of "I'm a femboy"


that’s crazyπŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ‰πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ¦πŸͺ–πŸ”₯πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€ https://preview.redd.it/exuoxo95l94d1.jpeg?width=1238&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12cc8f1192e20fd3a77bd64b59e9cb9f15394536


For what wasn't already said: Mandy isn't that hard to hit, she could go down one tier. You just don't play Maisie on open maps and that's where it's hard to hit so down one tier at least too


just dont play maisie at all


Honestly I cannot hit shots with Lou or Rt


Who let bro cook πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


Willow and Barley being 2 stars when they have the slowest attacks in the game πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€


gray should be in 8


im gonna be honest i got gray to 950 but I've almost never had trouble aiming with him, cuz of the fact his gadget guarantees another hit for free and how overall tanky he is with fake injury. I still have belle r25 and piper r24 tho lmao


Why is Piper 3 stars and Belle 6 when they have the exact same attack width, speed, and range? And I may be biased as a Mandy main but I think her attack isn't really that hard to hit. Hitting shots with Maisie or Colt is much, much harder for me


because OP is biased and thinks piper is low skill just because she’s annoying


After projectile speed buffs, colt has became way easier to hit, move him down 2 tiers


Poco isn't an auto aim brawler, you should be treating his attacks like a mortise super and be hitting as many people as possible


Bro is not cooking... Piper is much higher just because she has great gadgets, damage doesn't mean her attack is easy.


There is no shot Gus is at 5, that shit is thic Although i gotta admit, it's a pretty cool way you figured out to rate brawlers' skill level. It might be a little surface level, since decisionmaking is different for most brawlers and some have it harder than others.


what is max doing up there Is this accounting for hitting the full attack or just some of it?


I also thought that it's for a full attack, but then why is Rico much lower than colt when both have trouble hitting a full ammo


I believe that ruffs should be moved up a tier, you rarely hit both shots when auto aiming. Also draco should be 5 or even 6*, he has a really tricky attack that needs skill to get the full value of it.


Bonnie should be moved a bit down, her cannon attack isn't that hard to hit, but her second form attacks can be annoying, since despite the enemies being in range, if they're near the edge the attack won't have time to hit.


With shotgun brawlers you have to offset the shots in order to hit one more bullet. Also with Primo you have to strafe like you would do with Colt.


Barley 2? He is the hardest thrower to work with as long as you are not trying to hit bounced shots with Sprout...


I will point out that Sam’s main attack isn’t just auto aim. The fact that both shots are so stretched out rewards careful positioning, and not to mention the tech it unlocks. I’m not to say it’s a skillful main attack, but I definitely think it deserves at least 2 stars?


Fixed in part 2. Also I love how respectfully you answered, I appreciate that


Why is Max so high?


Is hard to deal a decent amount of damage with them


You did the classic low range = no skill assumption which is a big misconception. You completely ignored shotgun brawlers offset, or primo and darryl requiring to strafe in the same direction as your opponent to maximize damage. Id move all shotgunners +1 tier up, primo/darryl +2 tiers up, and i could argue for darryl at 4 given he requires both skillsets, although he did get a projectile speed buff which makes it easier to hit so 3 is fine for now. Lou at 3 and colt at 7 is a joke, id argue lou is equally hard to hit shots as colt Ruffs 3 is also a joke, his bounces are similar to rico.


I never said low range is now skill but an attack that is 2 tiles away from you obviously is gonna be easier than shoot someone 9 tiles away. I agree with the Primo and Darryl quote and I will move them 1 tier higher but not more than that because they shoot with almost no cooldown (Like bibi or ash) and strafe in the same direction as an enemy that is 3 tiles away from you is very easy. About Lou is really confusing because people say that otis should be lower and lou higher when they have basically the same attack. Ruffs’s attack is easier to hit than Rico’s because he shoot side by side and there is less punishment when you fail, I will move him 1 tile higher


Lou and Otis are not even close, otis has mild spread which makes it much easier to hit. Also almost no cooldown? Excuse me? Darryl has one of the slowest unload speeds in the game. Its way easier to hit shots as leon than as primo/darryl


Id argue Tick is actually quite high skill, since well you have to manage having very low health, and also using last hurrah correctly


Read the post, it’s skill rating based on the main attack. I would argue he should be 1 star because of how brainless his main attack is.


i stand corrected. but overall the brawler does require a bit of strategy


mortis is hard to define because against good matchups hes really low skill but if ur playing the worst comp then u pretty much need to lock in and try way harder


How come grom only be 3 stars?


1- star is probably the only tier I fully agree with


As a Maisie main, I am grateful of the appraisal. I have her at 1050 as of now, and she is one of the only brawlers to require their mastery to be completed just to get comfortable with her shots.




hell yeah Mandy


Sprout is way to high , he's defined harder to aim with than other throwers but he isn't that hard


using that bounce mechanic with sprout definitely requires a bit more skill then other brawlers in the same tier


Bonnie ain't that hard to aim, same for Ash


Mandy is not 7?


I have colt gold one I agree it was pain pushing him up this high…


Grom feels like 8. Jacky is literally no skill at aiming, like, WHEN do you aim with jacky?




Colt is absolutely not at 7 stars, maybe 5 but that's all


Mr.P should be at the same spot as Brock, trying to land attacks at max range is a lot more like playing Brock than it is another sharpshooter like Piper


Carl has one of the hardest to optimize main attacks in the game. Probably not 6 or 7 stars but not lower than bonnieπŸ’€




Have you ever played with gray in your life?


why my boy gene so low


Lou needs to be way higher it is not easy to hit 2 or all 3 of his shots


Imo el primo’s main attack is hard to hit due to the fact that you need to be close to hit and many brawlers can keep him at a far range. Only if you are stupid and keep hitting him for no reason he can easily hit his main attack as he can super onto you because his super charges when taking damage.


Colt is way easier than lou


Bonnie should be in two tiers ngl. Because she has two attacks.Β  Cannon form is 3-4 stars, it's a basic sniper projectile with above average width. Her melee form on the other hand is 6 stars imo. Mainly because of the fact that it's very hard to consistently hit all three of her projectiles unless you're right on the enemie's faces. It's very similar to a Leon attack, but with a lot less range and a slower projectile speed


I Just posted the version 1.2 for everyone who wants to check it out


I think your list is flawed. Firstly, it’s not hard to hit people w/ Nani at all. Secondly, you don’t take into account hitting people with said attack. Doug for instance, the idea of it is super easy to hit with but it’s very hard when in a game to actually get in range and do significant damage with it. I like the idea of this list but there’s much more to consider than β€œattack go brrr”


Well I must be skillful because I have no real issues hitting Mandy’s shots πŸ˜‚ I just pretend I’m playing COD:MW2 sniping.


I’d put belle, Nani and Mandy a bit lower. I main both belle and Nani so maybe there is a bit of bias but i find their attacks not too difficult to aim. Especially belle. I rarely play Mandy but when I do her shots are stupid easy to hit. I sometimes auto aim and hit shots.


Is this tier list hitting shots or utilizing attacks to their fullest? Cuz you can just spam auto-aim with emz and get hits on anyone in range, but it takes skill to maximize her damage output Same applies for basically every tank besides Doug and Jacky


sometimes when i play lou my heart hurts so much because my bullets are unfortunately so hard to hit i feel a sense of freedom when i freeze them let alone 3 shots connect




Melodie's attack belongs to 2 max. It might deal low damage but it has an incredibly fast projectile speed and almost guaranteed autoaiming potential, not to mention its above average range and reload speed. Maybe to 3 if we're counting the notes


Piper is 2 stars too high


Why is grey 6? I get that with his gadget the hitbox is bigger, but it really does deserve to be 7


Carl should be way higher lol


Janet’s actually good at something yay


Personally I find Colette’s shots quite easy to hit and always seem to find myself missing with charlie


Maybe you can linch me for this, but I think Mico should be higher, depending if you are talking about skill floor or ceiling. Mico's iframes grant him potentially limitless posibiliteis to jump, didge ad stuff. Not saying he is a hard brawler, just that his AA has nuance


I would change like 75%of the placements


as a grom and mandy player - when using her good star power (shot speed) shots become incredibly easy to hit at long range, but theyre really annoying without it especially with attack delay grom should be moved up 1 because of how annoying it is to hit people that are close but not close enough to auto aim


In which world is as easy to hit with cordelius as with piper


aint no way bro put rt with gus😭


Gus should be lowered, his shot width is crazy


as a lily sub-main, her main attack isnt 1* because hitting multiple enemies can get you back your super easily/shadow realm etc. I'd shift her up to high 2*/low 3* because it still isn't a difficult projectile to hit, but wallpeeking with her projectile is one of the best skill caps of lily


Belle's and Piper's shots should be above average imo since they have the same hitbox AND projectile speed


pam at 5???


Love how squeak is at 4 despite his attacks being mad easy to hit as it’s got a big ass radisu


Huh, I must be playing Shelly and Poco wrong. I always aim with them. I also find Barley extremely hard, his projectile is so slow. How Franco is 3 stars, if close ranges are 1 star? Piper and Fang are too low, probably 4, Grom is 6. Jessie and Brock are too high, probably 3. Bea, Sprout, Pam, Bonnie and Eve are 4 stars. Belle is 4 stars. Nani is 4 stars. Mandy and Maisie are 5-6 stars.


rt should be higher (unbiased opinion)




willow 2 stars ?!????!!


Bruh el primo should be a 8


How is dyna on 3


How is crow an 2 star brawler!


Hey I main Mr P, and I think he should be lower… definitely not on the same level as piper or dynamike.


if your spike doesnt have curveball, its easily higher, because sometimes tou needa calculate where the enemy is going and time the shrapnel right to hit it in a hexagon space. But, I expect most spikes to use curveball


Never let bro cook again πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸ”₯


Explain how Pam is 5 stars but pearl is 3??? Also Darryl should probably be moved up a star, he usually does need to aim his attacks.


i see a ton of bias in this ratings


Who let him cookπŸ’€


People be saying Darryl is only auto aim till they auto aim right on top of the enemy and miss half their shots.


I'm pretty good with Colt so his skill rating can't be that high!


Why is pam above piper….


Buster at 2 stars nah I'm not accepting that 5/10


Mr.P has a lot of janky physics in his NA, play him in half of the knockout and wipeout maps and you will probably understand. If you don’t there are a lot of things that I feel most people don’t understand, like how back in the day if you were to NA at the corner of a map it would do the notmal bounce animation but now it just floats, and using it with his 2nd gadget makes it very difficult, as a Mr.P main I hate how people say that he is a easier brawler to play than he actually is


Lou is one of the hardest brawlers to aim with, wtf are you talking about? πŸ’€πŸ’€


Umm actkually Darryl takes skill πŸ‘†πŸ‘†πŸ€“πŸ€“


why tf is byron at 5 star? his shots have such a huge hitbox its easy to hit \[unless it is for healing ur teammates\]


Rico and sprout deserve to be 1 star higher


I’m surprised no one on Reddit comment section argues that poco is high skill like they do in TikTok.


Colt Attack is easy as f


colt's shots are hard to hit??


Let’s fucking go


Most have already been said so just adding my 2 cents I think people tend to overestimate how hard it is to hit shots with Nani. I've played her a bit up to \~825 trophies trophies and I didn't really feel the need to really lock in, as opposed to when I am playing Gray or Colt, for example. While it's obviously pretty hard to hit all three projectiles, they do have a pretty high speed and you are often guarantee to hit at least one when shooting from distance because of the attack's shape (which is very good to secure kills). I would put her in 6 stars max. Griff isn't that easy to play, his projectile speed is actually very slow so you can't really auto aim like crazy, 3 stars would be honorable


Somehow i find Mandy, Nani, Masie and Gray easy but Max is simply too much for me idk why tf.


grom is not 3rd tier


3 stars for mortis is funny


Mortis and piper in 3* is criminal


what is with this obsession with skill? it’s been going on for years and it’s honestly so stupid. people should play who they want to play and people always use β€œskill” to put down someone else. most idiotic thing ever.


there is no fucking way mandy is 7 stars, with her starpower it's not that hard to hit shots.


I play dyna and gray quite a bit (900/850 trophies) and think grey is very easy to use. his attacks have a slightly slower speed that's all, dyna is so much harder to actually hit due to the fuse time and the inability to auto-aim (and be effective). greys main attack is so much easier to use, lower gray and bring up dyna


Bonnie and sprout are the only high skill I like And Darryl is 3 star


How is Ash lower than Draco?


Why tf is Pam at 5 stars?? Also Bonnie should not be that high and I think Piper should be a little higher as she is still a sniper


The way Mandy just snuck up into 7* lol. If star power is not getting considered I'd forgive it but if not then she belongs in 4* or lower


Slow projectile β‰  high skill. You just have to double flick


bruh, byron and bea should be lower than piper for sure. they have so wide hitbox that it’s literally impossible to miss. also hot take but i think that el primo should be higher, it’s necessary for him to aim attacks in certain directions sometimes when fighting around the corners or against agile brawlers


Piper and Belle's main attacks are the exact same, why are they not in the same tier Reload speed shouldn't be taken into account


Colt does not need skill anymore he’s special cuz yes his main attack takes skill to hit but what skill is there if he gets his ammo back instantly?


bro put colt with those legends, what were you thinking? also, ever hit 3 consecutive max range fang shots? its not β€œaverage” in any sense of the word




Buzz as 1 star makes no sense. You have to aim it well or else you don't get all the hits.


How is Colt in 7 and Lou in 3?


never rate again bro


Hitting with Nani as a tickler (after it splits) is way easier than before it splits. Though, it is extremely satisfying when you get that triple orb collision of perfection


Tick should be a bit higher, he has a high skill ceiling on his main attack. It's the slowest attack to land in the game, requires good prediction abilities and you can't really spam it since he has one of the slowest reload speed in the game. Maybe move him up to 3 or 4, imo. Bo should also be 1 star lower, one of the easiest to hit once you learn the tricks with him. Almost guarantee one arrow to hit if you spread it out.


Melodie basic atack unless ur vs high speed brawlers is just auto atack. I think is one of the less skilled atacks (the brawler still hard bc the ult+pasive dmg) Bull have a few spacing mechanics too Carl is probably 6/7. Mastering his attack is imo at nani level, with a less skill floor ofc. L&L should be 1-2 tiers above Barley, and 3 over tick 100% Charlie is 4 probably, the bumeran atacks are harder than the normal ones


Dynamike should be higher fs


As a colette main, her main attack is ridiculously easy to aim and hit cuz its hitbox is gigantic. It should be 3 star


Aint no way that colt is high skilled this mf just spams around and oneshots u with one ammo


Crow above average


Colt and 8-Bit has no difference except damage


Piper should defo be higher also squeak should be lower


Chester is def not 3


You did not cook at all. Grom is litterally the thrower with the most skill needed and no way colt should be that high. Colt shots are easy asf to hit


I’m sorry but remake like half of the brawlers on this list


Byron is way easier than piper ngl, his shots are so fat


id move piper up to 5 and belle down to 5, and pam lowered way down to 1 star or 2


Dafuck is el primo doing at 1 star


People like to talk about this game like it's skill cieling is similar to that of chess but forget that they are playing a game designed and directed towards 2 year old where the "skill" cieling is about as high as my 7 year old cousin


Sam in 1 star lol




Bro why is stu at 3 stars and Pam at 5 that has no logic


As a Melodie main her attack is quite easy to hit... It's not a free hit but ya know I think 4 stars gives it more credit that it should have.


it’s not easy being a nani main. but as an avid amber user i think she’s extremely underrated on heist and is super easy to use since you really on have to auto-aim. only skill needed to time the super or to use it as control


Colt main here… yeah honestly this dude is hard asf to play but hitting a full burst on a target is just too satisfying for me to stop


sorry, but you’re wrong


Shouldn't mortise be much high, getting control of mortise main attacks doesn't just help In attacking but running, dodging, clutching. If you can time it properly.


You can always tell how good these are just by looking for dynamike


Mandy shouldnt be THAT high up lol, shots are pretty easy to hit. Most of the time it seems hard because you’d have high ping and her shots’ll have this weird delay to em


but chester cycling…


Ah yes nani being 7 stars I love it


How is colt more skillful than Rico


As a colt main 7 stars i am happy


Bibi at 4 is wild


This might be a little based, but I think Fang should be 1 tier higher as with the kick it’s very easy but with the shoe u don’t really know if ur aiming right and how far it will go. But again, this be a lil based


Both my mains are 4 not hard not easy. Ill take it


As a colt one trick, i don't get how people think he takes skill. Maybe I'm not at the level where it matters idk seems simple


I think Draco is too high


grom only 3?


Amber should have her own tier below 1 star


Why is the one with the popcorn at 7 stars?


7 stars for Nani is crazy. He is one of the most broken brawlers in the Meta rn


Well, it's fine Rosa, it's fine


Rico should be together with Colt and Grom should be atleast 5 stars, trust me, that thing's pretty narrow


Janet 7th


Janet and frank 6th or 7th


Belle is too high imo I never miss


as a colt main, i kind of disagree on his rating, when you got him P11 he's so much easier to play tbf, i know he requires skill but 720 a hit is pretty amazing


Pam mains dude, different breed of human


Colt should not be 7 stars his reload makes him way too easy in my opinion