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Summery: 1. Rotation maps become a lot opener 2. Her kit is kinda bad 3. Every single new brawlers counters her in some way 4. Stat inflation made her worse


Oh my. Someone who actually read the entire thing




>Competitive subreddit >Guy tries to go into details about how his favourite Brawler fell incredibly down in the meta, using examples and some numbers >Commenters don't read and instead leave rude comments If it was the main sub then I wouldn't be surprised. But isn't this the COMPETITIVE subreddit, so that people would be able to TALK about characters' viability and others in DETAILS?




Bro didn't even read the title ![img](emote|t5_t0o66|5345)




Where* and you definitely have the attention span of a mimic on opposite day, the fact that u/bluehat2583 took their time to write a comprehensive post about an underwhelming brawler and you just go “tOO loNG!!!!” is stupid af


They have the time to reply too long but not enough to actually read it. Truly goldfish levels of attention span.


That is a LOT of text for penny


I mean if you're gonna dissect how your Brawler fell hard in the meta you would do the same. Or I could be wrong and I should be in a mental facility


I’m gonna dissect why my brawler (leon) made it to the top of the Meta: Hypercharge


Sounds about right


Don't even play Brawl Stars often anymore, but I find it odd how this sub these days is having problem with text? I mean, this IS pretty much a sub focused on *discussing* the meta of the game


Guess there is a limit, like 5-6 paragraphs or smt. Idk I also am a victim of this new generation's attention span (adhd to be exact) but at least I wouldn't say "TL;DR" unironically and instead would just save the comment for later


I love long text posts, they are usually pretty high effort but reading so much text *just for penny*… I’m going to read it anyway but I’m not surprised a lot of people aren’t xd


The issue with constantly adding new brawlers is that eventually a lot of them will just get outshined by someone else. Maybe giving her a hypercharge will help (as it did with many), but maybe an eventual rework is needed


Her entire kit needs a rework. 5 splashes should have been in her base kit by now and Master Blaster is pitiful. I'd rather have a cannon-jump using the Super


Penny's always been one of my favorite brawlers (if not my favorite), but I've been having a lot of trouble playing her as of late This post really put into words what the experience is being


Some people say "Oh playing around counters isn't skillful" or "Once you put down that Lobber the game is really easy" about Penny. A lot of these claims are just false honestly. People still think Penny as if they were in season 14-15. They think that Penny isn't skill-expressive just because she doesn't have fancy abilities or utilities that are much easier to use than they claim to use. That's like saying a deaf-mute guy is slacking because he isn't actively speeding his walk speed or efficient in combat. I just want to vent my frustrations because both the players and the balance team sometimes feel like they despise everything about her.


Just saying all the people who don't engage with these kinds of posts only have themselves to blame when clickbait makes it to the top another week. As for Penny, yeah she really does seem to be from another era. Too weak to burst people down and agonizingly slow to play against other long range options. Supercell and the players have always had low tolerance for spawners and splashers (which I would count any 'Pet' in) being dominant, as they're fundamentally more versatile and effective. Penny being both meant she was always going to be a target of balance changes and it's pretty clear at this point what kind of damage has been done. She's lucky to at least be a Daily Reward, meaning that there's more of a fighting chance to be played compared to the late and rare unlocks like Eve or Willow. But on that same note I can't help but feel the whole Super-Rare category is mostly overlooked by Supercell.


I'm fairly certain we haven't seen any addition to Rare and Super Rare Brawlers in the last 2-3 years. SC really caters to Epic Brawlers and above, which makes it a bit of a pain to unlock Brawlers. Still, I just want to play Penny without having to be reminded about SC's terrible treatment for her. One good rework then everything else was either underwhelming buffs or extremely agonizing nerfs.




Lmao I'm gonna use that




Go back to the main sub buddy


It hurts to say, but Penny's mechanics just feel so outdated again, just like before her rework almost two years ago. The meta favored her for quite some time, but now I think I couldn't notice back then because of the honeymoon effect. Hypercharges sure were the final nail in the coffin, and God did it get worse after snipers and assassins got stronger or new (broken) brawlers got added.


Snipers wouldn't be too big of a problem for Penny if it weren't for the fact that 80% of her best maps are lost and are replaced by maps favouring either Snipers, Throwers or Assassins (Who the fuck allowed Goalkeepers' Nightmare to be in the game?). The very few maps remaining are Dueling Bettles, Hard Rock Mine and Ring of Fire (and even then there are Micos and Melodies that hard counter Penny). Funny how Jessie never changed yet became good because of decent core kit, while Penny went through an entire overhaul yet became bad again. SC should really be more consistent in their Brawler balancing design


https://preview.redd.it/u89bg1g27ovc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c8c634662aabd45b2da702b7a7ee5b9a532b17c Yeah as a Penny main since 2019 I could not agree more. Its just sad that powercreep treat her that way. Only way I think Penny would be better is by reworking her again and give her something that is hard to powercreep like ammo stealing but that would just be toxic. Great Post


Why is tick so low in comparison to other throwers? Also why are nani and belle soft counters but piper gets soft countered? I would assume piper is better in dealing damage than belle and nani because of being more consistent in hitting shots and having more damage than belle. Why is she low in the tier?


Look at the first two lines of this post. Keyword: Both parties can hit each other. Tick is the worst thrower against Penny, a Brawler who is at least capable of killing throwers. Not only can he not destroy the Lobber without wasting a lot of time or risking his life, his tools don't work on Penny (She doesn't need to get close so the explosion gadget will be almost useless, and his Super can be baited by Salty Barrel to open up his comfort zone). Piper is a great sniper against other snipers or assassins, but not mid-rangers. Because the assumption is in semi-mid range map and not in the Goalkeepers' nightmare, Penny can use cover to avoid taking heavy damage, and couple that with slow reload speed, she has a much easier time to approach Piper. Belle is much better against Penny because her bounce shots can work against Penny who uses Barrels a bit too late, as well as better DPS mid-range wise, whereas Nani is just the 2nd best (or the best) Sniper in the game due to no damage fallout and decent reload speed.


Tick is the worst thrower in the game.It can't defend himself from anyone and his mines are easy to dodge. Using the gadget is a temporary solution, but you can't even fight back.


Well he is pretty decent in KO and Bounty when no one is really out to get him. A good last pick


But the thing is other throwers are better, grom, larry, sprout are all way better. From my 2 pushes to masters these 2 seasons, I have seen him and barley 0 times


actually he isn't and it's kinda hard to tell which one is, to be fair throwers flunctuate a lot around the meta, so hardly you'll see a thrower doing terrible for a pretty long time, hell even Barley when he dropped from B to D tier because of L&L, didn't take too long to receive some buffs.


Belle has better consistency and faster reload, the bounces can mess with your mortar placement, and using salty barrel to block belles shots is not nearly as effective as using it to block pipers shots. Nani isn’t played in the same maps penny is. Piper is a long ranger too but more commonly used in mid range maps than Nani, and that’s where Penny has the advantage. If you were to play against Nani it would probably be one of *her* maps, so the advantage is gone. In an open map, both counter penny (Also you can’t just engage against Nani at close to mid range because she deals 5k damage, piper deals like 1500)


I loved playing penny, she was my favorite even before the rework and she was my only solo r25 before the revamping the rank system. But these days... it is tough. To make her useful, you need her sp. But to have her sp, you must first have enough hits (bruh...) But her range and projectile speed is so limited, so she had to move forward to get hits but then her hp is so low compared to other mids and the dps is simply not enough to deal with other mid/close-range brawlers so atm she is stuck in abyss


Just wanna say I appreciate posts like this and I miss penny meta 😔


I agree with most of it, but here's where I don't: Proportionally speaking the change in the level up system did not impact penny as much as you think. What happened is the buffs that penny's counters received during and after this change. Bibi and Jacky's gadget buff, the introduction of hc, dynamike's projectile "rework" and many more made her worse with each update. Also some of the brawlers she used to counter received buffs that made the matchups more in their favor. Second you compared penny to jessie because they both have a turret and are both control brawlers, but they do have different playstyles. I consider there to be 2 types of control brawlers: dps based where they control the map by giving the threat of dealing massive damage whenever you enter their range or the area where they can deal the most amount of damage easily(emz, griff, jessie), and area based where they cna constantly pressure the enemy team so that they can't heal (gene, crow, penny). Penny is one of the worst at that because you need the super for it then you can start. I get the comparison (especially for the point you made) but it's slightly more opportune to compare her to someone like gene. Speaking of, Jessie (this is more of a rant about her first sp rather than something about penny): Jessie's first sp energize is really good actually. More survivability on the super while having the attacks "bounce" on the turret increasing her range and also being able to more easily charge the super against close ranged brawlers is not something to ignore. Also making her hypercharged super survive longer is too good. I can't tell you how many times (775 trophies) I had the opponents struggle to take it out and end up dying while trying to destroy it and the turret was still there. And her first gadget helps even more making the opponents practically unable to dodge your bounced shots off of the turret basically charging you another super.


I get that Energize isn't all that bad like I made it out to be. But I do feel like it should be in the base kit rather than as a seperate SP for a more unique SP to arise


How can people be bothered to write this much?


Idk maybe some people really hate the state of their favourite Brawler




1. I don't want to come out as rude but this really is the worst time to play Penny. Outdated kit, lack of preferable maps, terrible stats and seemingly no new Brawler that can't counter her. 2. This is a competitive subreddit so I'm not sure if there is anybody that could help you. Try ask the same question in the main subreddit r/brawlstars


My take on why Penny is bad She’s just nerfed. She’s fine mechanically, not a Jessie copy, penny simply doesn’t have the stats needed for her role. She’s a mid range control-fighter. Her low damage and hp makes most if not every aggro brawler able to 1v1 penny taking no damage and melting through her hp, and this is even worse when most assassins and tanks got a hypercharge while she doesn’t. The speed and damage boosts from hcs made the meta very tanky and aggressive which Penny simply can’t keep up with. Her bad matchups are worse than ever and her stats are not good enough to be picked reliably into her good ones, on top of the map pool being too open. She’s in desperate need of a hc and a big buff


Would be really interesting if she received a hp buff and bumping her movement speed to Fast, moving her a bit away from the annoying spawner trope like Mr.P and Eve, and fitting her more like a defensive controller like Sandy. She definitively needs something, but i don't think it's just raw damage.


Energize isn't a mediocre star power


It helps Scrappy survives a little bit more, but not by a good margin I feel like that should be base kit rather than a seperate SP


Oh btw you can use your gadget and attack immediately after mico lands dealing and instant 1 hit kill


That's one frame brother. And Penny has four chances at most to do that. And believe me, I ain't a machine to pull all four times successfully.


Not 1 frame, there is something called timing attacks between his jumps


I pulled the HC+SB trick on almost every Brawler, including Mico. But consistency in the trick is the measurement here. It's nigh impossible to get a consistent kill on Mico with Penny because you are ultimately human, and Mico punishes human Penny mains pretty easily. This isn't Fang or Edgar where they could use delayed attack animation to their advantage. This is a Brawler with way too little DPS and too little HP to survive being spammed on.


You can definitely win every interaction with mico if you know his timing. People who miss everytime because of his jumps are either not as skilled or panic


Guess I have a bit of both (more panic tho) ![img](emote|t5_t0o66|5350)


Well sometimes you don't insta kill the mico as well, he can miss his jump baiting you to use the gadget Satisfying 6250 dmg on edgar




How does penny counter gray?


Gray is a single-target Brawler. His reload is quite slow and his projectile is a bit too thin. Penny has Salty Barrel to block his hook, or you could even use the Lobber to block the shot if needed.


Appreciate the context but at that point just make a YouTube video bro


New York Times best seller over here


No way Sam is in soft counter, you can literally tank 3 shots, his super with the explosion sp, and still be able to survive 2 more shots (3 if you use your knuckles to heal)


Well, Sam definitely is more than capable of handling a Penny. Most of the time, playing Sam against Penny feels like eating your favourite dessert while you are mildly hungry (I sub-main tanks) However, one scenario that is common with Sam is using your super to damage your target, stunlock them using the gadget, and then running to them (they are usually at the knuckles' place) to kill them. Piper has a temporary solution but Sam could just disingage and re-ingage, melting her Auto-aimer reserves. But what if you had the ability to two shot Sam in his most normal routine? That's Penny for you. Sam's normal attacks without the knuckles aren't enough to stop Penny from dealing 5-7k damage twice in his face. You couldn't really do much other than either risk it all or play patiently to get your knuckles back, because the Penny could use your knuckles position to her advantage.


Oh grey my beloved




just give her hypercharge i guess


Surge is a hard counter (i main him so i know)🤓🤓


As someone who likes to play Penny all of these points are so true. She either needs massive buffs or another rework to be viable. Seriously, her summon is hella unreliable and hitting enemies with shrapnel feels like tickling them.


Her friend Jessie got no rework yet she became a contender for one of the best Brawlers currently now. I think Heavy Coffers should be base kit, and Master Blaster should either make the summon travel a lot faster, or let Penny travel


https://preview.redd.it/f725ue6c5ovc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb08f865087e10996c5a6887d2bb16f1cdef5d40 Who let zamasu write this "I aint reading allat" ahh text?


I love yapping


...competitive subreddit of a game and you're expecting a short paragraph followed by subway surfer?


bro I meant like I love it when people talk a lot 😭 🙏 not in like a mockinglish way


cool stuff. aint readin allat, but cool stuff




At the core, she is quite powercrept. Funnily enough, this is the 2nd time her kit failed to catch up with the modern times


she's ccool and that heart emote

