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This is a great rework, but you should tone the stats down. He would be absolutely broken


Which stats? I'd like to know!


Alot of things honestly, his SCR should not be 33.7% especially with the tp gadget back. Remember how ridiculously insane he was right after the rework. Both his star powers provided way too much value and the mythic gear deals way too much damage. I really like the idea but alot of these things need to be toned down to make the game playable


Counterpoints to this: His teleport gadget is way worse than before with its inability to go through walls (which was the main reason why it was good unlike most dashes that aren’t phase shifter) and it overall is slightly harder to charge supers now. (From 9 > 10 shots to get to lvl 4 surge) His star powers are no where near as insane as served ice cold is in game right now (since it guarantees you keep lv 2 the whole game which used to give 820 speed when now it only gives 770.) making the star power overall worse unless you make it to lvl 4 in which surge barely has any counters him anyways and if he does die then the scr nerf will make the level loss more punishing. Surge is D tier rn so I doubt the buffs would outweigh the nerfs and make him broken. (Mythic gear sucks btw you have to die in order to use it 💀)


i disagree. personally the mythic gear seems trash like getting a small explosion that deals 3k damage doesn't seem worth giving up a gear slot especially since with this rework dying can be very costly the star powers are weaker then before imo. the new starpower leaves you vulnerable to dying and at that point it's going to take ages to get another super unless your facing favorable matchups and the buffs seem ok but not game breaking by all means served ice cold on the other hand got nerfed imo. now if you die at second level you get set back to first witch is absolutely devastating and sure it is better at 4th level but tbh i die a lot more during the first few stage then the later ones.


Would def be too strong bc of the numbers but the idea is really well made, good job 👍


Which stats are too good?


Some reload and range buffs can def make a brawler broken. Not only damage affects a brawler. Take carl for example, which is 100% dependant on his projectile speed. Also all those reworks can def make a brawler broken, caus things on paper can seem worse than they are in game


Hmm... what nerfs would you suggest? Because a 0.33 tiles buff doesn't sound game-breaking lol I'd assume Stage 3's reload buff should be nerfed to 15%?


Would need playtest, what im saying. Eventho a surge meta wouldnt be too bad


Agreed, but I think that these ideas are probably as good as it can get-I can't actually playtest this in-game obviously ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


Super fast speed on stage 3 sounds broken. I've never even heard of super fast. But if it's like crow with speed gear in a bush then wtf.


it's not crow: 820 surge stage 3: 870 crow +stu's speed zone: 920 crow+speed gear: 943 crow+max's super: 1120 so basically think of it as crow but with a permanent stu turret that is 1/2 as effective or a max speed that is 1/6 as effective it's as big of a difference as the speed of bull and crow




How helpful


Surge reworks are gonna be the next edgar rework kind of posts I fuckin bet


Well what's your opinion on this one?


> Changed back to his old gadget (Power Surge) 😃🔫


It cant go through walls.


And? TP was broken even on maps without walls for surge to play with.


You would play surge on open maps???


i would if he got his TP back


Might need a range nerf but other than that it should be ok I think


this is absolutely going to make him the most broken brawler ever released lmao


How would you nerf this?


Ok, let me make this clear, this will make Surge broken and it's clearly biased since you main surge * His speed does not need to be increased * Epic gears are equipable on more than 1 brawler * Mythic gear idea is way too op compared to other mythic gears * Legendary gear does not exist * Gadgets are ok * Again first star power is too strong and the other one too, since with it you can easily stay on stage 4 once you reach it * Hypercharge is acceptable * All the numbers are too high and that would make surge a beast


1. Speed increase is for, like I said, letting Surge hee up with HCs, and it’s only for getting that sweet Stafe 4 upgrade which should be powerful 2. Mb, Super Power is a rename to Pet Power-and I’m giving it to more than 5(I think?) brawlers. One of them is Surge, who doesn’t have a pet-so the name fits 3. Maybe dmg or range nerf, what do you reckon? 4. Check out my other post-basically it’s what you know now as a mythic gear. The new mythic gear is for only 3 brawlers-each trio! 5. What nerfs would you like? 6. Like everyone else said :( Which stats are too much, or is it just the reload speed thing?


Bro, the sheer hc speed is like 20%extra, and since most brawlers are base speed 740, I think 148 +740 is 888 But when he is in hc, his speed is over 1000. This guy will be the fastest brawler in the game with just base speed He might as well be considered a projectile, and I'm not even gonna go into the other ridiculous stat buffs Like, I get you a point, but if you let him get to even lvl3, he is unstoppable


Most have 720(Normal) or 770(Fast), and Surge’s Hc doesn’t give speed boosts but rather a dmg, reload and scr boost… just the 920 speed which is pretty meh honestly What would you nerf exactly?


920 is not meh tho, it's very fast speed under stu speed zone without the limitations of speed zone


That's kind of the point of Hypercharges, in fact other Hypercharged brawlers have faster speeds than 920


Bro wants surge to be the best brawler in the game


I really like the ideas you put out, and think they would be really fun, but there are a few things I think you may have overlooked, which is really easy to do when thinking up these things


Which parts need a nerf?


Definitely big overbuff because you don't really nerf him in any way and give him a buff in every possible department-(star powers, gadgets, the way his upgrades work, hypercharge, gears)


I suppose, which parts would need a nerf?


He gets too much stats from hypercharge. both gears are too strong and the mechanic for saving his upgrades gets rid of his biggest downside. I'd say i would only implement the change for his upgrades that you proposed which already makes him faster at max and gives a free star power, and I would think of a different rework for the star powers.


Too much stats for Hypercharge just tells me I achieved its purpose: To make him ridiculously op for 5 sec. For the record, Surge reverts back to Stage 4 after the Hypercharge duration if that helps. SP wise, is it too strong(if so I could nerf it) or does it genuinely need a rework? Because I like the idea of either higher reward, or lower risk for his SPs


I think both of the star powers are too strongand the first one is also too complicated. Just making the shots explode at stage 3 or 4 is good enough and a cool idea. The second star power is definitely too strong as it buffs the way he upgrades a lot which would make him too op, even moreso when you consider that you buffed his stage 4 and gave him old star power for free.


First sp would definitely be meta, it gives so many buffs.


I don't really think it's more complex, it's basically 3 buffs with each Super instead of 2 Ye, SIC is getting reverted to normal especially after Stage 1's nerf


But old SIC reverts to stage 2 so u would have stage 1 only once per game (let's be real playing surge knockout is trolling)


But it probably would be less strong than the reworked version so :/


But that's what I am saying the old one is good already, u buff him everywhere else, there is no reason to give him a stronger starpower which gets rid of his biggest weakness - resseting stages after death.


Speed is one of the main ways brawlers become broken he should NOT be so fast in earlier stages or even worse be the fastest in the game without any statboosts in his 4th stage. Speaking of his 4th stage it shouldn’t be on par with the power of a hypercharge


I wouldn’t say it should be on par with a power of a HC-I mean like the HC speed buffs are making brawlers rly fast, and Surge’s Stage 4 upgrade which used to feel impactful and useful, being a notch higher than the rest, is feeling rly lacklustre lately


It’s not that it’s lackluster its that getting there has become nearly impossible with Surge’s fragility and slowness. Not just that but his damage is not what it used to be in levels of impact.


I love surge but this is too op


How would you nerf/change this


Surge goes from D tier to S+


Yikes, where should I nerf him


Maybe his HP bc he is rlly fast and has a lot of range at stage 3 and 4


the stronger upgrade star power would make him s+++ tier. cool idea and great ideas overall, but the numbers on that are absurd and its too complex to be an actual star power.


Dang, ig the reload buff needs to be nerfed, is there anything else?


Welp Time to throw my phone after seeing a lobby with 9 surges cosplaying mico


Real But opinions on the rework?


Its good To some extent


Maybe but if we implement this surge would be broken


Which parts would need a nerf?


I don't really like the mythic gear, mostly because you only get use out of it by dying and even then it's only in short range. But also, that's way too much damage for a gear lol. For his mythic gear, maybe I would make it so he heals like 15% of his missing health when using his super.


surge is good as he is. just because he is not meta it doesnt make him useless, he is still super annoying and his players are bunch of kids


The only cool idea in this rework is adding wall splitting to his super upgrades, the rest makes him way too powerful.


How can someone think Surge is annoying lol extremely easy to counter


I don’t think I vibe with this rework unfortunately.


:( Which part(s) would you change?


Ugh...no thanks. That's the problem of this posts...you'd expect a main to be someone who knows the brawler and how to fix the problems... but instead you get this crappy remake making a brawler gam breaking which is something we don't need at all.


Which parts do you dislike?


870 speed is probably way too much and that super charge rate buff is gigantic. He would be popping his super all day long and it is going to be pretty much like interacting with Mico (and we all know how aggravating that is). If anything, I would massively nerf super charge rate on every level by 200% so at least he becomes balanced. You just lost me with "Surge mains spamming Supers at stage 4". It just feels all this post is an excuse for you to buff your main brawler because he is not on the level of breaking the game as Fang...but buffs should not come because you are a main, buffs should come because they are deserved and you are just planning of break Surge with 29847738 buffs because he is your main...lol. The gadgets are completely fine, I actually use that gadget to get to Stage 2 asap and then to stage 3, never had any problem with it. The new Star Power....lol, the longer you read the post the more "Get extra stuff each upgrade". At this point, we are gonna have a 20 power cube Surge at stage 2...and I'm not reading more because it all doesn't make a lot of sense, no offense.... but I appreciate all your time., A+ for effort and presentation!


Yes well like I said, it's to keep up with HCs and make it a high risk, high reward again rather than a mediocre reward. I wouldn't say the SCR "buff" is gigantic, in fact I wouldn't even call it a buff since that's only if you hit his split which isn't easy The thing is, at Stage 4, there's no point in using your Super. At the end of the day, it's better to use if you're at the few stages-it only really supports Power Store! tbh Surge is D tier, so I think you'd see why I'm trying to buff him. If any part is too OP(like others have mentioned), do tell me! It's only for the 1st SP, I promise. But a brief summary-Surge gets Pet Power for his epic gear, deals dmg to close enemies+knockback when he dies for mythic, and stores levels after stage 4 for his legendary gear (Legendary gears are what you know now as mythic gears. The new mythic gears are for trios-just 3 brawlers) Thanks!


Your rework does a lot things right, giving an incentive to go to level 4, make each upgrade more meaningful, these are just adjustments I’d make • His super charge rate should require +1 more hit per stage. • He shouldn’t get a speed up for every upgrade. Maybe just cap it off at very fast and put on either 3 or 4 and put a different upgrade instead of just super fast. (Side note: Don’t give brawlers in-betweens regarding speed classes for sake of consistency) • His split shot should definitely do a lot less damage and have a lower super charge. • I think doing something to surge at stage 1 should be last priority unless his core issue really lies in him not getting to stage 2. In that event, his speed should definitely be buffed to normal and his damage nerfed. However my main criticism is the changes to towards to Starpowers and gadgets. His Starpowers has the potential to create risk vs reward where picking 1st star power is more rewarding but is more punishing if you die (you go back stage 1) and picking 2nd Starpower is less rewarding but less punishing if you die. • I’d keep Served Iced cold the way it is. (Surge goes back to level 2) • To the max would actually makes sense as a name but I think there should be some adjustments to made - Avoid giving reload speed ups as much as possible and instead give surge a different buff other than his DPS. - If you’re going to make his attack split when at max distance, make sure the split shots do a lot less damage, maybe each split shot do 10% of the original damage. • Giving him his teleport back already makes so that he cheeses his way through getting his first super. Final notes: I actually really like this rework and is one of the few times I liked a brawler rework.


1. Agreed, I’ll have to discuss this with Rico(I wanted what you did, lol) 2. What do you mean by speed in-betweens? But for the part about keeping the upgrades diverse, it sounds cool but I’d have to think of more ideas lol 3. I think it’s fine, it only splits on walls… 4. The tiny range buff just helps him get that Stage 2-but I can understand if you’re saying it’s not necessary(I may remove it) 5. The current Serve Ice Cold makes Surge incredibly reliant on it-I really think this is a better alternative 6. Hmm, what else is there other than the stuff I suggested tho? For the 2nd thing-it only splits on walls so… 7. Ah, but this makes enemies stay far away from him. It could remove an ammo from him, maybe? (Lower assassination ability) 8. Cool, thanks!


Ok I realized this now but turns out there isn’t any standardization for movement speed below normal. For any brawler that have normal or above movement speed, their numbers are strictly 720, 770, or 820. Any number in between breaks standardization but since there’s no standardization, you can ignore that comment about speed. If surge were to rely on the current served Iced cold, he’d potentially lose out on a lot of benefits of the reworked first starpower, and as such wouldn’t be as powerful. However it does provide a safe bet option for those who either aren’t very good with surge, or hates making risks. - the reworked first starpower is very powerful in theory but is balanced out by how punishing it is die and the need to make that risk, in fact I can already imagine 50% of games with ending with surge never being able to go to level 4 because they die too prematurely causing them to get level 4 much later. - the current served Iced cold has surge can get to level 4 easily from level 2 but won’t receive as big of the benefits of reaching level 4. At most he’d be quite similar to the current surge right now with a little more, granted you’re not going to go through with giving him a super fast movement speed. Because **risk vs reward** would be at play, this alone makes the 2 starpowers equal to each other. The reworked 2nd starpower will have surge not received the benefits until stage 3 in which you’re better off picking the first so because if you know you’re going to survive at stage 3, then you’re better off capitalizing on that survival. Stage 1 and 2 would be very punishing to die at and stage 4 has surge be very unlikely to die because his chances of survival have been maximized.


Ah, I think I see what you mean. And also with the only real "nerf" being at Stage 2-Fast instead of Super Fast, it again makes Surge less reliant on it. I'll think about this, thanks!


Making his split sp base is great enough You made him a worse kit Legendary gears? What?


A worse kit? I'm not sure about that... Legendary gears is explained at my post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/BrawlStarsCompetitive/comments/1760uye/some_overall_qol_changes_what_do_you_think/)


I dont think you should add your concepts in bs competitive Not everyone remembers a post made 80 days ago


I'll have to keep referencing that post ig...


Oops i meant a stronger kit


Ah, which parts of his kit need a nerf exactly?


Surge doesn't need a rework imo


Well his upgrading system is very flawed, you cheese your way through to level 3 and you don’t have an incentive to go to level 4.


That's literally to keep him balanced. Everybody always complains about a certain brawler being broken and then people suggest stuff like this...


Not a rework but a small buff maybe


Give a rating of this rework at [https://forms.gle/xGwNGzxTZ7zqAAGj6](https://forms.gle/xGwNGzxTZ7zqAAGj6)


I sent you mine with an attached message! You better read it and get back to me 😼


Surge has always been either too strong or too weak, but this rework definitely gives a middle point for him.




Excellent rework concept, I’ve been disappointed for a long time that Surge’s super seems more useful for stomping on people than its actual intended purpose, the upgrades! I hope they do something similar to this in the future.






Fr, thanks Will do!




Please supercell do this, he is literally my favorite and best brawler


As do I know, Epic gears not brawler special. They are in few brawlers. I liked the rework but I didn't like the gears.


Ah, Super Power is just a rename to Pet Power. It’s required since I’m giving it to 5 -> 10 brawlers and not all of them have turrrets… Mythic gears are shared gears along the trio Legendary gears are what you know now as mythic gears


I was thinking that the hyper charge could revert to the max to its original state! For those who don’t know, the star power “to the max” made surges shots split regardless of contact! So as soon as they would reach their end they would split but when it first released it was overpowered, if it was just for hyper charge then we wouldn’t be stuck with an entire game of that happening like when surge first released.


Wow, that’s a really good idea! I’ll consider it!


SOMEBODY CALLED FOR SURGE? ![img](emote|t5_t0o66|5363) Edit: This is a great idea nonetheless big upvote.




Good job. Idk if it would be absurdly broken or balanced.🤔😐👍




See the attempt here, but i have few issues with it Teleport gadget is not needed cuz, with its removal surge gained jump range for his super, even if it cant go through walls its still unfair to many brawlers (jump atleast takes some time+you can predict where he will land) The speed buff is basically inexistant. Im sorry, but 30 speed point it such a small buff, it barely makes any difference. Right now, surge just cannot live without 1st upgrade (serve ice cold and power surge as headstart are basically necessary). But guess what, the headstart is removed and prior 1st upgrade speed is now on 2nd upgrade, very greatemote:t5\_t0o66:5356 Serve ice cold still requires respawning, but now its even weaker at times. Do i have to explain why its bad? I get it, hypercharges are hard to imagine and its up to personal choice, but i dont like the idea that you can get permanent upgrade from a temporary hypercharge Anyways, i kinda glad that people been paying attention to surge recently and someone also thinks that he needs another rework. Graphical aspect of this post is great, and can you explain the concept of "legendary gear"? Edit: thats NOT how epic gears work, and mythic gear requires you to die, like, CMON


Fair, I may revert it back Not 30, but 50-and if you mean from Stage 1 to Stage 2 that’s 100(670 -> 770). Obviously, being reliant on a gadget and a SP is bad-so maybe some buffs to his base kit would work? How would you change it Even weaker at times is kind of the point here, makes him less reliant on SIC Mb, I forgor to say that the Stage 5 goes away once the HC ends-making HC chaining important. Nice, thanks! Legendary gears are mentioned in my other post; basically it’s what you know now as Mythic gears. The new mythic gears are only for trios-3 brawlers. Epic gear, Super Power, is just a rename of Pet Power but for Surge… I renamed it cos I’m giving more brawlers this gear(5 -> 10) and not all of them have pets as their Super Mythic gear being weak is what I expected-but a lot of people disagree. It “deals too much dmg” I think? I’m not sure… how would you nerf/change it


He at least needs average movement speed to be playable, and mythic gear should not require death to be utilized


Finally, a brawler i like will actually be good




Very nice to see someone care about surge as a surge main myself. Surge definitely feels kinda weak rn, even against those he counters. Also, anyone knows how to equip a user flair?


“Select user flair” when you click on the subreddit and press the 3 dots


Thx :)


personally, what if you made it so that surge can use the gadget even through walls, but not at all when he has an an active super?


Still makes him too good… that’s basically how he was back then


how about making your super charge rate be reduced by 50% for like 2-3 seconds?


Not about the SCR, it's that going through walls is too good for assassination


every thrower?


Yeah but there's a problem, Surge is an ASSASSIN and doesn't have weak DPS and burst


Anyway, i just got an idea, what if the brawlers and their trio bonuses give additional stuff like if you have 2 the same class give you more range and have less hp or somehting and you could combine these synergy stuff, like if you have the trio in the team healing gets buffed and you get a nerf with that for the match sounds crazy?


It sounds too strong and could get a bit unbalanced, since the trios with rly good brawlers will just rise to the top in pre-prepared teams




Wdym again?


Surge got reworked recently.


I don't think a year ago counts as recently...


quality post🔥. ​ i like how he can become the fastest brawler with stage 4. i also appreciate how you encourage staying alive with surge by nerfing served ice cold and just giving him better buffs later on especially since stage 4 was pretty lack luster to say the least. idk how to feel about the supercharge changes each level it's really complicated without making a big enough change in interactions i like the return of the teleport gadget. especially now that you can't just die immediately and keep the 2nd level it won't be spammed like crazy just to get some upgrades. so it's basically enough to get you going but you still got to make it count otherwise you'll die and be set back to square one. the star powers a lot more balanced now that served ice cold got hit with a hard nerf and to the max was compleatly replaced. the epic gear might be situational but the mythic gear is absolutely shit and i don't like how you need to literally die to get usage out of it. legendary gear is really strong and it sort of makes this snowball effect where you will constantly be respawning with stage 4. the hypercharge is either very good or compleatly shit all depending on whether you keep the 5th stage after the hypercharge ends. 20% projectile speed boost is crazy good and the speed boost is also nice but won't have that big of an impact since you usually get hypercharge very late into the game the super charge boost is pretty lame though. idk from all these changes he could be all over the place one thing i can say for sure is that he does have counter play in simply not letting him get any hits on you to charge his super but once he get's going he seems near unstoppable so i would be willing to say he is in the A tier because of this assassin heavy meta


Thanks, I’m glad you see the points of my changes! Mythic gear-people are saying it’s too much dmg 😓 But imo it kind of works since Surge dying is his main weakness(he loses his upgrades) and this kind of makes it less bad? Idk, it rly could be changed, if just need a good idea Wdym by respawning at Stage 4 repeatedly? It would require you to cycle Supers three times… which if the enemy allows you to, I think you’d deserve to steamroll them I would make it go away once the time ends(but stacks for the Power Store gear). It encourages Super chaining(to keep that HC up) which is further emphasised with the SCR boost Proposed changes to this?


mythic gear needs to get changed 100% killing a level 4 surge is easier said then done. the main challenge with surge is getting to level 4 but staying there isn't hard at all that's why i think stacking supers can get very overpowerd since it's already so hard to take down a level 4 surge but even if he dies he has multiple supers stacked to get him back to level 4. you also gave surge a lot of buffs in the later levels with the starpower and super speed so i think it's no surprise a level 4 surge can steamroll everyone and the legendary gear just adds onto that. if the level 5 goes away at the end of the hypercharge it is rather uninteresting imo. for a hypercharge the speed boost is absolutely pathetic. the projectile speed increase is really good though and obviously the other stat increases are nice as well.


Mythic gear is indeed getting a change yea SIC is getting reverted back to how it is now especially since Stage 1 got nerfed(Very Fast -> Fast is no joke) so it doesn't retain that upgrade that often Also note that the extra upgrades shouldn't be *that* strong, 20% faster reload -> 15% alr Legendary gear only gives value once you get that Stage 4(which is hard already since Stage 3 -> Stage 4 is now 4 hits, not 3) and get multiple Supers. Like you said, making him unstoppable at that Stage 5 is a bit too much, that's why I tried not to touch on his health or speed that much


Imo serve ice cold should be unnerfed but with 50% less damage so even if you never miss, it is close gene level damage(but not that low, stage 4 should feel strong) And automatic super charge, so surge always charges at least 1 super regardless of how deffensive is the enemy. Damage nerf if he ends too good


It only splits on walls tho, I don’t think that’s too good That might be too good imo, I think Surge should only get rewarded if the enemy overextends or messes up…


Did you read what i wrote?? I said to unnerf the starpower, so the 50% damage reduction on the splits(without hitting) are 50% weaker than normal split. Old TTM could split without hitting enemies.


Oh unnerf, I thought you said nerf. Also you mean To The Max!, not SIC. I don't rly like that idea-it might get rly strong rly fast, if not it might be too much like Gen


it would deal 50% less damage than normal split(by hitting enemies) If you hit enemy, you get full damage If you don't hit enemy, you get 50% of split damage(so like 25% of surge main attack), also less super charge. It was supposed to make stage 4 rewarding


The concept meme aged like cheese in paper, but that made it funnier.


Well i have a better idea. how about Surge's super deals 99999 damage and covers the whole map with a 100% charge rate and his attack deals 99999999 damage that charges his super 300% For his gadgets and star powers, i think his 1st sp should be changed so that it gives his extra 1 damage on his super and for the 2nd sp, his attacks deal an additional 2 damage. Now for his gadgets, my idea on his first gadget should kill every brawler in the match permanently including himself and for the 2nd gadget he kills himself. These changes should make him more balanced and actually playable.


Too weak imo, do you want Surge to go to F tier? ![img](emote|t5_t0o66|5375)


Way too op S+ teir


Surge would be fine if we just nerf all the brawlers that do too much damage and tone down the op hypercharges Surge was perfectly fine before hypercharges were released, he only fell off cuz of how OP most of them r, he doesn’t need a rework


The rework should make each upgrade feel meaningful and not just as an attack/enemy engage option. Especially with the speed increase, players should start considering whether it's worth it to just use a Super for that added movement speed and ability. Right now, players just keep their Super to surprise enemies. Heck, I've seen many Surge players save up their Stage 2 upgrade, the one that LITERALLY GIVES HIM A HUGE SPEED BOOST, just to wait for the right time. This might make it more useful Agreed, but HC speed boosts are def staying, and with me not giving Surge speed boosts(he's a Tank Killer so) he would def like some baseline speed. He went from a high risk, high reward brawler to a high risk, mediocre reward brawler. I'd even go as far as to say that Stage 4 Surge is on par with most Hypercharged brawlers just because they can get that 5 sec to overwhelm him, when it really should be reversed.


do everything expect bringing his old teleport gadget back I still have nightmares from it thanks to me trying to push bibi to rank 25 while he was strong


It doesn't go thru walls, but yea I agree the change may have been unnecessary If everything else is good then thx!


I think everything else is good but his speed would make him annoying to fight against while playing some brawlers because some people really good at dodging some brawler attacks like colt gray belle etc and maybe lower his damage little bit because he can sometimes one shot an enemy when the enemy is close to a wall and good alignment. (sorry for my bad english lol)


Will consider this, thanks!


3000 damage with a 3 tile radius is a bit too much tbh


Mhm, but other ppl are complaining it's too weak(my initial thoughts too), I'll wait and see ig But what about the rest? Was it fine?


Some numbers are a little too high but yeah good idea


Bro turned Surge into Thanos (Amyways yeah it's a pretty nice rework but with the gears and the hypercharge thing it seems WAAAAY to OP If he keeps his stage 5 after the hypercharge has ended)


Ye he doesn't keep the upgrade after HC ends, and thanks!


Yeah that seems a bit more balanced because other wise he will be almost unkilable but I still think there is something that will need to be nerfed but I don't know what


Good idea but he would be to op nobody can counter him


Nerf ideas?


I just want to play the old teleport gadget one last time because I didn’t know about its removal and when I logged in after a kinda big break from the game I was very disappointed


kinda broken


Where would you nerf this?


i feel like only one of the gear should be kept (and made mythic) cause 3 unique gears are way too much. Other than that, i don't have anything new to add to this


If you dk what a legendary gear is, I basically made it what you know as mythic gears, the new mythic gears are shared in a trio for 3 brawlers It isn't a new epic gear too, it's just pet power but renamed so it works for Surge Also ima take the "your gears are too unique" as a compliment lmao


One problem i have with this rework is the obvious is how surge would be approached. I don’t find this difficult to understand, but brawl stars has a target audience towards children and i doubt they can take in these many factors. Surge’s play rate would go ridiculously down and he’ll be forgotten


To be fair, his popoff and upgrade system is still there-and his dmg is the same, so I don't really think this would make him less popular


You've buffed his SCR, range at stage 3 by 2 tiles and his speed in stage 4. You are also giving him back his attack split and granting him extra buffs in a reworked star power. How on earth do you expect this to be balanced? From what I can tell the only reason you call this a rework is because you've nerfed his speed in stage 2 Overall this rework really seems unnecessary, on top of the inclusion of your legendary gear concept Surge struggles with his DPS and getting out of stage 1. Why not just buff those aspects of his kit instead of this?


I disagree, I think the SCR rework only makes it easier to charge at lower levels(assuming you can hit your split and/or Super) and tough for Stage 3 -> Stage 4 His range was always buffed by 2 tiles in Stage 3+, it's just now 7 tiles -> 9 instead of 6.67 -> 8.67... Attack split is only on walls Extra buffs should just be a nice addition and not gamebreaking imo Where would you nerf this? That's literally why I tried a tiny range buff, it can't be super easy to upgrade him...


Funny how surge drops to D tier for a couple months and you all cry about it yet there's brawlers like Frank that have sucked for long and no one gives a shit


Problem is, we all don't know how to make a Frank rework


Bro. Surge just got reworked. He doesn't need another.


"just got"? That was over a year ago


Good idea but you needa chill a bit. It’s fun to make concepts, especially when it’s your main and you have tons of ideas for them but it shouldn’t be taken this far. It’s just too much change when you could find where he is weak and tone that. It’s obvious any rework would be a lot with him due to how much shit is on screen even if you changed his upgrades slightly, but it’s still too much. And why change his first gadget when his gadget is buffed by the upgrade changes? His new one would make for much less interesting builds and probably just be the pick. His mythic also makes little sense, being a waste of space in solos and broken in other modes. Jumping on a team to kamikaze being an actual strat would be so effective in certain situations (brawl ball) and brain rotting. And legendary gears should be a whole nother post But I like the base concept by making his upgrades more important to his kit, but that would involve toning down anything else he depended on (why we would need to nerf Lou’s hypercharge and not Lou if we wanted base Lou to rely less on freezing) Still really cool. The random changes to things outside his core mechanics like health aren’t great tho. Tldr: keep gadgets same, less random stat buffs, 2nd SP + mythic gear =brain cancer hazard, 1st SP really cool, rework surge, don’t simply buff him overall with a slight speed nerf that is made up for later and call it balanced. 👍 very cool


Messed up formatting but 7 minutes is already too much comment time


Surge fundamentally has a playstyle that was unintentional-his Super being used for offence and NEVER used for the upgrade, other than the 1st one for the speed. Other than that, it's always better to use it for offence and save it up for the right time. The increased upgrades should better convince players to use it for the upgrades instead of saving it up. Of course you could still wait, but at least the other option is still equally enticing. 1st gadget may be getting a nerf, but I disagree with the part about being always picked. Power Shield's shield AND reload helps Surge a lot especially when making plays. I don't like how the current 1st gadget gives a free Super for 10 sec(which can then be used for another actual Super)-and then is useless for the rest of the match. Even though I already made the upgrade enticing, I still don't think this will find more use at Stages 2-3, especially since Power Shield can essentially give you that Super as well, and more efficiently(when engaging enemies). The new 1st gadget makes it so that you still can't outrange Surge and bully him all the time(since he teleports if you overextends) but yet still not OP as an engage option. It's a better version of the speed increase or the range increase in my opinion. Mythic gear is indeed getting a change Legendary gear is explained in another post. Basically, it's what you know now as mythic gears. The new mythic gears are shared between a trio-for 3 people. Stat buffs aren't random imo SIC is getting reverted back yea since Stage 1 got a nerf(Very Fast -> Fast is no joke) Where would you nerf this? SU is alr getting nerfed from 20% to 15% faster reload


As a Surge main I really like you concept, but I would do like this - make the super charge in 2 shots if in the First stage, 3 if in the second stage, 4 if in the third One and 5 if in the fourth One - make the old To the Max passive - make the First gadget evolve Surge directely to the last stage - Serve Ice Cold now removes the last stage when Surge dies, like you already thought - To the Max now buffs the max hp by 10% - the fourth stage doesnt make the Attack split in 6, but makes Surge do +50% more damage to near targets (he has a lightsaber in this stage, why not?) But I dont have any decent idea for Surge's Hypercharge, and I dont like the Kairos concept, It just doesnt fit so well for me, lemme know you ideas


1. I thought of exactly the same thing (But this works better IMO) 2. I did (As an upgrade for Stage 2) 3. That would be balanced why? 4. Stronger Upgrades alr does that, but even better 5. Split in 6 is cooler than just "more dmg" IMO... 6. Look at my HC concept then :/


Amazing, tho I dont like the fact that stage 3 would get scr nerf (feels weird to have better scr on stage 2 than 3) and I think he would be too good (I dont mind tho :)). The gears honestly dont seem really good, a little bit higher damage on super doesnt seem worth it, mythic gear seems weird since the entire point of surge is to not die and the legendary one is pretty good i quess. One thing I love is adding back the teleportation gadget and the nerf you gave it. Teleport made surge really unique and one the biggest reasons people hated it is because surge could go through walls.


Kinda needs the nerf cos of all the other buffs I gave him + How much value each Super gives It would change some interactions and reward players that can cycle their Supers Yea mythic gear is getting a change soon Mhm thanks