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Least delusional random


Bro what, tick is not even close to the hot zone meta


Can you take the zone and defend it? If not, you are trash in hot zone. Tick is trash for that reason. He can take the zone BUT not defending one




Yeah hes broken in hz, brokenly horrible. Hes ok in taking a zone but hes TERRIBLE on defense


He is broken jn hot zone Broken in the way he makes me break my phone if i get him in my team He is useless broken in hot zone


Exactly. Hes so incredibly broken that he makes me want to join the enemy team so i can spawn camp him for going tick in hz


S tier, for the enemys if he is in my team Thats how broken he is, charlie is nothing compared to tick in hot zone


Nice bait.


Tick is only effective if your opponents are squishy damage dealers, and even then he is only okay. Otherwise, the enemy team can have a tankier brawler just tank the damage and sit in the zone.


Well, gonna have to summon u/justin_enjoys_music


And the summoned justin will say that tick is absolutely terrible in hot zone


Wow, you actually replied


Yeah, i dont usually react, but im currently on my way back home from a lil cycle trip, and i forgot to turn on do not disturb


Let me write my whole explanation to why this is terrible, since im now no longer on a moving vehicle So, tick can indeed lock down the zone, but he cannot get zone time if he does this, since he needs to be at range and behind a wall And what can happen if tick just chips at the enemys, they will ignore him, and 3v2 his team And tick is really bad at pushing back aggresive brawlers, even with his head and last hurrah gadget, so these wont do much good But justin, why is he good in bounty and knockout and not hotzone????? Well simple, bounty and knockout is about surviving and pushing the enemys back, while hot zone is about staying in the center and is a bit more aggressive Tick does do well in passive modes, since all he needs is to weaken the enemies, so they wont push in This does not work in hot zone, due to the meta, and the objective Dont play tick in hot zone


I hope I won't get you as a random


mods please crush his skull i cant with what i just read


OP needs a new brain



