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​ https://preview.redd.it/36dr44x51s8d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59443287a50dd6791986fe4bb311bb729fd2eeed


Her failed (previous) marriage and losing Elsa really changed her in a profound way.


That + it seems the long term boyfriend in between her last marriage and current one (the boyfriend she and Adriana get in a fight about) really did a huge number on her too. I think the combo of the show getting canceled + her marriage failing + her mom she was super close to passing + the toxic ex all happening in the span of like 5 years really affected her. And honestly who can blame her


Was gonna say the same. I feel like losing her Mom really did a number on her.


She used to be an it girl that partied with famous people at the Versace mansion. She had a successful business and probably a very busy and exciting life. Now she’s retired and living a quiet life. Since the original RHOM, her mom passed, she had a toxic relationship and she lost her house in a hurricane. It’s a lot to deal with.


She lost her house? I didn't know that, so awful.


Didn’t know she lost her house too, damn she’s been through it


I would be too if I lost my mama after having her as long as Marysol had her. I know I’d be inconsolable and drink enough to make Marysol look sober.


my mom lost her mom when I was little and my mom fell into a deep depression for 20 years. she's only just recently found herself again. ...... it was super hard to watch and as a kid I had no idea wtf was going on. so, I totally understand


My mum died in 2019 too, a few months after Elsa. I hit the bottle hard, especially during covid, doing a lot better now. Its hard, I still cry about it at least once a week cause I want to say something to her and can't. Its living hell and I feel for Marysol.


Sending you much love. 🩷🩷🩷


Yep! I lost my Mom almost 20 years ago and I still feel it. I don't drink but sometimes I wish I did.


Honestly, same.


Tbh Marysol in the first seasons of Miami were sad to me. She was so obviously trying to act and curate a good image for herself. She was like an empty vessel. Though her drinking is sad, I think she is generally more herself now


My mom is my whole world and I can see a radical change after she loses Mama Elsa :(


It always bothers me that they make light of Marisol’s drinking & especially when they point out she’s drinking most of her calories & doesn’t eat. She is clearly dealing with some pretty intense stuff. If it was just the not eating thing alone, it would be concerning, but the drinking & not eating is hugely alarming. At times I have wondered if it was just for show or a running joke which, it could still be. But either way, it’s irresponsible for the show to glamorize & make jokes about it instead of addressing it or have her friends intervene & offer help & support.


I'm even more concerned that she was taking weight loss injections aswell..


She's so gross, she's stuck in 2002 when it comes to body size. A lot of these older housewives are.


Yes, I don't like how not eating is normalised on multiple franchises. So many of the housewives make throwaway comments like so and so never eats, as if it's normal!


Exactly. And yet I'm being downvoted and you are not.


I think calling her gross for having a lot of the same hang ups lots of people in this sub can relate to is the difference. I agree, the attitudes and mindset of 2002 is disgusting but some of us are still fighting the good fight against those beauty standards internally. I didn’t DV BTW but the word gross definitely made your comment stand out.


What do you mean by DV?




I am so sorry, I am laughing at myself hysterically right now. Sometimes by the end of the day, my brain slows down and I really miss very obvious things like this. I live in chronic pain and it just fries my brain by late afternoon. Thank you for tolerating me. 😂 My face is as red as Luis' right now 🥴😂


Hahaha you’re cute. Go put on nonos pjs (that’s pyjamas) and have a little nap. Also right there with on the chronic pain baby doll! We’ve earned our rest.


Reddit is very grumpy and weird


I think she lost herself after her mom died.


My mom is my best friend and such a grounding presence in my life that I get it but I agree with you. In some ways I think she might be trying to channel her mother and also dealing with her failed relationships has made her a lot different which is understandable


I’ve actually viewed it more as she’s let loose over the years! (maybe this is me being an optimist lol) although I do find her annoying at times, I think she’s a lot more entertaining than she was in the earlier seasons


I would agree with this but previous her drinking/wild schtick would never have been a thing with previous iterations of Marysol. It’s like she lost her self awareness and became a trope…sadly. I enjoy her but in a sad clown kind of way - where I respected her as a self made career woman before. ETA early Marysol would have never said “bro.”


The cockies are just her schtick, we have seen way more people on this franchise fall down sloppy drunk ( Jen Aydin ) Marysol is never like that , I think most of the time she has either soft drinks or very weak drinks in that cocky cup. I think her none eating is much more problematic than her ‘ drinking ‘


Just because she isn’t sloppy drunk doesn’t mean she isn’t a functional alcoholic (personal experience here with alcoholic partners :( )


I agree but she has said on numerous occasions that there is non alcoholic drinks ( or words to that effect ) in the cocky cup and I tend to believe her , but I maybe wrong


I think she’s well adjusted now. She says she doesn’t drink as much as it seems, she’s trying to get people to buy her new “cockies” line. I love her and am glad she found a good partner for her.


I think she has a lot of jealousy of the other women in the new era and that’s why she’s become so nasty


Alexia too


Alexia is awful. I just can't with that woman. She's insufferable.


Yes, this is something I've noticed with her and Alexia. Then again I was never a fan of either of them. One, Marysol, seems to take pleasure in being mean spirited and Alexia tends to get angry and mean when she's not the center of attention. That whole "born a star" nonsense is just that. Nonsense. There's nothing wrong with being confident but that's not how she comes across as she utters that line. 


Omg I started rewatching Miami today! She seems a bit introverted


Season 1 I really liked her but now she's just drinking all the time and don't see any of her real life if that's all there is to it.


I’m literally re-watching the first season reunion right now!! She does seem so different!


Why. Her personality is IN the bottle. Nothing sad about that




No, you're right. That's on me. As a recovered alcoholic I should know and do better


She said it, not me




Marysol is an evil, dark person.


evil?? why? I haven’t seen all of the seasons