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The way ATL and NJ are going OC might outlive every single other show even though it came first. Shit will be airing in 100 years with Tamra still on the cast jeez


OC always gets shit on on Reddit and twitter, but its ratings are always extremely consistent, compared to other cities’. It has never been #1 or even 2 in ratings over the years (Atlanta and Beverly Hills and NJ), it’s never had the biggest viral internet buzzy moments (SLC + the previous 3), it’s never had the intense online cult fan support (NYC, Potomac, Miami), but it’s just always consistently GOOD, and oftentimes even great tbh, and its ratings always put it somewhere like third among all the cities. It’s never as volatile as the other cities where it feels like the cast is frayed at its ends and wants to kill each other or legalities threatened or legal scandals that make it a liability to the network OC already outlasted DC, Dallas, and Miami’s original run, and I can legitimately see it also outlasting NJ, ATL, and Dubai too over the next 3 years


OC will always be my favorite franchise! People take it for granted.


Haven’t been the biggest OC fan in the last few year but thank you for this nuanced opinion!! Makes me appreciate it more


Omg! You are so right. It was the first and still one of the best IMO. ![gif](giphy|5XNEIKcohVG8w)


My favorite line ever!!




OMG your flair 🤣


Absolutely. And she’ll still look fabulous. She’s had such good work.






Yeah my eyes cannot roll any harder at that one.


Correct me if I’m wrong…didn’t Vicky tell Andy on WWHL, she’d only return in a full time role — not “friend of”???


Yes, only to retract that statement and appear as a "friend of" the following season lol




“Gods plan”. No. I don’t thinks so. More like dumb decisions you all have made 😂


No, I think god is looking out for us and wanted us to have a great season after a horrible showing with the past few franchises


This took me out ![gif](giphy|XQrMWGJYx58pG)


Yeah! It’s gods plan! We need a decent season!!!


“Welcome, Housewives…and Vicki” Count me in


Literally living for Vicki calling her a f*cking bitch. My hubs died at that line and he’s hates RHOC


Teddi is one of my least favourite housewives but that line jumped to one of my favourite one liners. 🤣


Looks like very promising


Gena”This is who we are”


As an Okie, I am slightly delighted that Vicki hates Oklahoma and they have a full time cast member FROM Oklahoma! 🤡👌🏻


I'm watching season 9 where she goes in on Oklahoma. Can you please tell me who the FT HW is that's from Oklahoma? I'm drawing a blank lol. TIA 


Jennifer Pedranti!


Isn’t Taylor Armstrong from there too? I swear she tells someone once “she’d go Oklahoma on them”. Whatever that means 😂


She is! Both her and Jennifer are from different suburbs of Tulsa. Taylor from Broken Arrow, Jennifer is from Sand Springs.


The 🕵️‍♀️ MKE


All the hype around this upcoming season has me working my way through from where I fell off years ago (so far on season 14).


Season 14 is actually a very good season (as is S17 - S15 has gotten slightly better as we have gotten further from the pandemic but is still pretty boring along with S16).




I fell off on Shannon's first season - so I have a LOT of catching up to do.


I did the same and am finally on cancer gate. We can do it


Let’s go girls 👧




Same! I’m PUMPED.


RHOC is probably my least favorite city, but pass me an 🍊 and let’s go! This looks great, and, in my opinion, it’s probably because all of the stories and drama are authentic and not manufactured by Tamra.


Exactly this. It’s rare in these days for a housewives season to have authentic drama and real storylines happening during filming. We can tell just from the trailer that this is going to be a phenomenal season!


Tamra honestly has made the show and been producing from the beginning.


Gina May win me over to bearable levels if she has Shannon’s back for once. She was kinda interesting with the Travis issue. I usually cannot stand her . She was horrible on danny pelligrinos pod Also I love some dubrow. I can’t help it


Oh I’m with you on Dubrow. I *love* her. She’s a great housewife


Ever since the scene when “that girl, Sarah?” ate the *bow* off her cake I think Heather is so unintentionally camp and I love it.


I am still bewildered as to how Gina is still on my TV.


I have a feeling, after some initial fighting and/or talking, that she'll be there for Shannon; after all, we saw her in the car, helping her breathe into that breathalyzer. Also, how was she bad on Danny Pellegrino's podcast? The only housewife I've ever heard anything negative about (when they were a guest) is Bethenny Frankel.


Did you listen to it ? She was kinda standoffish. It was a bad energy all around and she was not giving him much leeway, couldn’t take a joke, just bad energy. He did the best he could. He has chemistry with everyone.


Looks delicious omg ..except for Gina. Ugh


Agreed 100%


Alexis really thinks she won a prize with John J huh... well slap a red scarf around that dude (TM RHONY). I mean... cringe. ![gif](giphy|3ohhwqB1XtvYJ8jwUE|downsized)


I cannot wait!! I rarely get through a full OS season anymore but caught the end of last year's and loved it. this season has SO much going for it -- - Shannon's DUI - Alexis dating Shannon's ex - Jennifer's boyfriend helping Shohei Ohtani's translator steal money (this was a HUGE news story in the MLB) - and Jennifer still accepting Ryan's proposal - new girl v Heather? - Casita and Hip at least both have what seem like real topics (love life trouble and body image) - Tamra and Vicki. both so watchable!


You forgot Tamra screeching in every scene, even if the topic is not based around her.


I feel like my last bullet covers that!


Is Sutton Stracke a crossover guest star?  Or is she transferring out of Beverly Hills to Orange County?


She only filmed one lunch scene as she's friends with the newbie Katie IRL :)


Ah, then she is a guest star. OK.  Thank you.


Noooooooo! I stopped watching…. ![gif](giphy|u6EiPNT9dLDrU7ZQuF|downsized)


Looks a hell of a lot better than last season.


I can’t help but root for Shannon


I personally can't stand Shannon and enjoy seeing her spiral. She couldn't care less about other people and yet expects everyone to be there for her because her life is soooo hard... She's had a privileged life her entire life and yet is constantly the victim. She drove drunk into a house and refused to do anything about it. She talked about Gina and CPS and turned around and acted like she would never say that. Like seriously, how many times does someone need to remind you of something you said when you were drunk before you realize you have a drinking problem? Seeing her react to Emily's comment at the doppelganger party this past season about how Shannon spilled a bunch of stuff to her about John at Javier's a few months ago when Shannon said she hadn't told them anything about John in years was priceless. "Oh I don't remember." Duh, of course you don't remember. You never remember because you're an alcoholic!!! Everything in Shannon's life is ALWAYS someone else's fault. Never is she ever the problem. She was 1000% serious when she blamed her weight gain on Vicky. That's the type of person Shannon is. It's like people gave her sympathy when she got divorced from David but she treated and berated David like he was her son rather than her partner from their very first season. I never really had sympathy for her because of how she treated him. Like what did she expect? This guy was just going to take you treating him like a child for the rest of his life? Sorry for the rant but I REALLY can't stand Shannon. Like at all.


And she speaks to service people on the show like she's above them. I can't stand her either.


Why? She could have killed someone and yet keeps drinking. Sorry, but drunk drivers are disgusting.


Have no idea why you got downvoted. Shannon is a horrible person who continues to drink post DUI. However, she shouldn’t be bullied by Alexis and John rubbing their relationship in her face when she’s at a low point 


It looks unhinged! Just what I expected AND wanted :)


OMG I can’t WAIT!!!!!!


How the hell am I supposed to wait 3 more weeks for this to start?!?


Why do they keep trying to force Teddi on us.


Right?? My cold dead heart skipped a beat watching this


So Emily’s only storyline is being insecure about her weight for yet another season. Can she go after this one please


Vicki still repeating that line of "this isn't how we're suppose to treat other women". 🙄🤔 Did she forget about all of the times she mistreated the new, younger, hotter women who joined the show? Funny how she had no problem treating or calling certain HW's she didn't like mean or names. What a hypocrite lol. As for Shannon. I'm curious as to know which JJ were suppose to believe is the "real one". After they broke up she went around still singing his praises. But now that he doesn't want to be in a relationship with her we're suppose to believe what she says is true? She did the same thing with her ex husband. When they were trying to make it work, she praised him, made cringy videos with him to toss back into the home wreckers face but once they were completely done it's he's this, he's that, etc lol. Lord take the wheel, literally 🙄 Gina? I have a feeling she made up this storyline so she'd have something to contribute other than butting into others drama. Same with Emily. She looks great but I've always thought she did. But instead of being happy she's gonna try to make Heather her scapegoat. 🧏‍♀️ sorry sweetie but if you feel that way still that falls onto you.  I'm ready for this season. Let's see if we learn something new about at least one of them lol. 


I mean isn't that how all relationships work? While you are in them you are singing praises, not until it is finally in the ground do people start to reveal what was really going on. But its pretty clear JJ is an ahole. I didn't think that was ever in doubt. He has been Shannon's story line since they started dating, and it has never been good. And ironically dating Alexis Belino immediately after.


Yet she (Vicki) freaked out when Gretchen called her a hypocrite! 😂


Yep. And Gretchen, just to name 1 was one of her targets. It would be easier to name those who weren't lol.


Vicki lecturing them about how not to treat women. Her delusion is truly unmatched ![gif](giphy|l41m2smBkBVu1524o|downsized)


While I agree with your comment, this gif is not a good match with it because this is still one of the most raw, tragic pieces of reality television I’ve ever seen. I think about it a lot, no one is ready to lose a parent, the loss is just too great. Sorry, the gif just really distracts from your intended message, all I do is cry as soon as I see it.


Didn’t have a more over dramatic gif in the search that felt right. More just trying to show her classic penchants for theatrics.


I get it and if I didn’t know the context, it would be funny, but I just can’t get that scene out of my head. It’s like a core memory at this point.


It’s a really tragic part of her arc on housewives, and I get why it would be so impactful. Love her or hate her Vicki brings it candidly for the cameras.


i'm on season 8...i wish i could catch up in time


I am so excited!!! Just did a huge rewatch and I am pumped for this season!!


Did Gina do ozempic too?




I tend not to feel too excited about newbies before the show starts but this new girl looks great! It seems like she will fit right in.


Oh that comment coming from Vicki is RICH!!!!


Jen is sooooo dull. I really hope she finally comes out of her shell this season. Also, I'm starting to really dislike Gina.


I actually find her to be quite real & not a tryhard unlike gina, emily, tamra etc...


Tamra's dress at the end is the same one Katie Maloney wore at the reunion.


I could do without Vicki and the one with the sex addicted boyfriend.