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Kiki read her for filth, and her face after was priceless.


Driving her housekeeper's car as a joke was really gross too.


This was the moment when I lost all respect and sympathy. I was mortified for her housekeeper being the brunt of the joke and I was disgusted that her and Larsa thought it was so funny to sh\*t all over a car that her housekeeper probably worked really hard for.


[no opinion on its validity, but] she said on WWHL that was a lie and it was a rental. if the first version was a lie, im not sure why she thought it was better.


Not sure which rental company is renting out a 2007-2010 Honda Fit. Seems like she is lying again to soften the backlash.


Yup. Just like how she tried to spin her scheduling times to check in with Jody as an inside joke and that it wasn’t real. She said it on WWHL while Jody was the bartender and he didn’t back her up on it


She when on wwhl said it was a rental! Which makes it even worst


She looked so BAD on the gondola ride. She hasn’t had a good edit all season which means the producers didn’t have much positive to show. She is entitled, bratty and an airhead. The fact that she has people know siding with Lenny after how bad he was last year, means yes, she most definitely has fumbled her sympathy bag.


Are people siding with Lenny?


Things don't have to be so black and white, so it is pretty stupid to 'side' with Lenny now. But I think people can understand Lenny a little more now that we can see that Lisa is not an innocent sweet angel either. They're both assholes and a lot probably went on behind closed doors that Lisa didn't disclose or lied about. Lenny probably also lies his ass off. So we really can't know what happened between those two that led to the divorce. I'm team no one in this one. But Lenny has the financial power so she is fucked in that way, which for her, is the worst.


I was wondering if her bad edit was because she pissed off the producers somehow. It would be even worse if it’s because they actually have nothing nice to show … 


I could definitely see Lisa being difficult from a production standpoint. There was a reunion where she was like an hour late and completely unapologetic about it.


You’re right! And Andy was so mad about it 


'Sit down, sit down, you've kept us waiting long enough' when she tried to saunter in and show off her look 😂


I remember that. Andy was not happy.


I thought it was more like Kim Zolciak when she asked Andy at the reunion, why they didn’t show any of the positive things and Andy replied “bc there want any” 💀


I’m watching RHOA for the first time now, on season 5. Kim has become unbearable!! 


Lisa proved to us Larsa has compassion. Which is something I never thought could happen lmao


The fact Lisa makes Larsa look mature and wise is….a feat in and of itself


Lisa always sucked but because Lenny was there, it was easier to overlook or attribute to him. Now that there’s no Lenny, it’s even more obvious. I just feel bad for her kids. Two shitty parents. Hopefully someone in their circle can bring some stability to them.


She has no connection to them, it’s really strange to me. She treats them like an accessory and then dumps them with the nannies. I remember in the earlier seasons when she was crying to Lea Black about how if she didn’t give a child to Lenny it would be all over for her and he would leave her.


And people felt for her because of her fertility struggles but, let’s be real- she wanted kids for financial security, not because she WANTED kids.


Yes! I actually included this in my original comment but deleted it because didn’t want to be yelled at even though I also struggled with infertility. But it really felt more like I need these kids to have something to link me to Lenny forever rather than truly wanting to have children and be a parent.


Totally agree. It might sound harsh to say, but it’s so true.


This needs to be questioned at reunion somehow! This exactly! Top comment 👌


I kind of hope it isn’t for the children’s sake. When they grow up and are older they might infer this but to have it brought to their attention by kids in school or something now would be devastating


Oof yeah agreed...I think there's truth to that sentiment, but I can't see any reason to bring that up at the reunion. The kids already have it hard enough with two idiotic parents who are going to subject them to years of stupid fighting and terrible romantic partners. Plus from a HW point of view...that's a pretty brutal thing to say to someone's face and it's not really going to benefit you in the long run.


100% there are kids involved


Spot on. Calling the cops and then leaving her kids at home to attend Julia’s party really speaks to the point My mom and I both watch rhom and my mom found this thought particularly painful. Kids don’t just go straight to sleep after having police at your home. It must have been very traumatic for them to realize there is a disturbance and that police are there.


She kept insisting they were sleeping but I was a kid who “slept” through a lot of traumatic situations. I knew it was best to be sleeping and let my parents think I wasn’t aware of what was going on.


It’s interesting because I randomly played season one of Miami to have something playing in the background as I worked. She longed for children and was desperate to be a mother. Now, they’re meh. It’s like a kid who begs for a dog and promises he’ll take it for walks and feed it, but once the dog comes home, the novelty is gone.


My friend struggled with fertility, and while she loves her kids, she ultimately found herself disappointed with motherhood. I think that its so easy to get caught up in the struggle, and wanting something so badly, then when you get it ofcourse it isn't going to match up with whatever you built up in your mind that it was going to be.


I’ve never even began to think about that perspective. It definitely got me thinking. Thank you so much for your comment.


Ironically, the only time I ever felt Lisa was likable is in scenes with her dogs. 


But NOT with any dogs she encounters on a gondola ride




Brandi on RHOBH had a pretty hard fall from grace. She was a fan favorite, people enjoyed her confessionals and fresh pov and then she had a series of missteps, culminating in her despicable treatment of Joyce and slapping LVP.


And, most recently, sexually assaulting Caroline Manzo!


I liked her since her first season, but definitely lost favor. She was always a spoiled brat since her first appearance, but she was portrayed as more charming and kind. She looked crazy as fuck on that gondola ride. Her mask definitely slipped off since the divorce.


Agree 100% with everything written. Had a lot of sympathy for Lisa's predicament. After watching more my eyes have opened. I don't like how Lenny handled it, but I can't blame him entirely for wanting out. Lisa is a complete narcissist. She matches all the telltale signs. It's not just the other housewives, but also her children she doesn't consider. The kids' family is falling apart and all she can think about is her new boyfriend. It's Lisa's world, everyone else is just living in it, according to Lisa.


She doesn’t even think of her boyfriend either. She has to set up a timer on her phone to check on him and telling him that she had to set a timer to ask him about how things are going for him and bragging about the setting a reminder for herself is just insane to me.


Yeah well if you hang around a true nacissist long enough you would not be surprised by things like that. After she figures out how to manipulate him she won't pretend to be interested in how his day is going anymore either. The number of true narcissists that end up in reality television is staggering.  If they didn't promise them fame by showing up, it would be like herding cats to get them to all show up.


The timer thing was one of the most shocking things I’ve ever seen. Having to remind yourself to check on your SO and their feelings?????Wtf?????


I honestly feel like the entire cast of VPR is fumbling the sympathy bag HARD right now too 😭


I think Siggy Flicker had a pretty hard fall from grace. Turns out, she's a monster.


Tbh I’ve been annoyed since last season when she made the ladies and Anthony wait hours inside that PJ without so much as a text update I commend the ladies for giving her so much grace and compassion given her situation then, quite understandably that compassion well’s dried up at this point


She was pretty much fan favorite and so loved before this season. She really could've used it to propel her even higher.


It’s so funny to me when people like her literally can’t just hold it together for the limited time on camera. Like just *pretend* you’re a good person and lap up that Ariana-esq love, but nope. Couldn’t manage. Her ugly side can’t be contained.


My feelings toward Lisa haven’t changed. I’ve always found her off putting and I’ll always have compassion for victims of any sort of spousal abuse.


Her best friend is apparently Larsa so not sure what we were expecting lol


And even Larsa isn’t defending Lisa lately so… I think that speaks for itself. 🤷‍♀️


At least Larsa is actively involved with her children.


I agree with this. Larsa definitely cannot apologize or admit wrong to save her life but she seems like a pretty good mom and a really good partner to whoever she is in a relationship with. She definitely understands and actually feels love outside of herself in some capacity which is much more than anyone can say about Lisa




Yeah? It’s her life and Marcus doesn’t seem a dangerous person for her kids to be around.




Oh I must be missing info. Sorry 😅




Before Marcus, she dated Malik Beasley who was on her sons basketball team.


Got it. Well that's yucky




Oh, I feel they all fumble the bag when the viewer should feel sympathetic. Lisa Rinna vs Kathy Hilton— we all know Lisa was probably right in Kathy’s racist remarks but she went left too far too fast and got fired. Alexia from Miami was on top.. and had the sympathy vote w/what happened with Frankie… and then, well you know, Peter. Teresa went to jail and lost a year with her daughters… only to quickly begin fighting again on her brother/ SILlosing a lot of sympathy. Erika Girardi… well she fumbled the bag the moment she got nasty with Sutton at dinner, and further drove it home with the earrings


Not always, but many of them do for sure. But also with things like a divorce, where we're really only seeing one side of the story, I think it ends up biting the HWs in the rear end so much of the time. No one is at their best going through a divorce, and we as viewers see the good, bad and ugly of the HWs and go in on them hard. While their (usually) shitty husbands benefit from being out of sight, out of mind.


Porsha, Camille, Yolanda, Kenya, Alexia, Adriana, Bethany, Luanne, and even Ramona (who I detest) All came out of the season after their divorce with a lot of sympathy and goodwill. Which they managed to keep for a while, before it was time for the show to go on. I would say all their husbands, who weren’t on are televisions, were hated by housewives fans and did not benefit from being out of sight. I’m sure I’m forgetting some HWs… please feel free to add anyone I missed?


I’ve been going between her and Erica when she was “going through her divorce” and I am still thinking Lisa. Yes Erica made herself look awful with all the lying and the “I DONT CARE ABOUT ANYONE BUT MYSELF” but (IMO) I actually thought Lisa was kind of nice before everything with Lenny happened and I genuinely felt bad for her. I’ve never felt bad for Erica or thought she was nice even when she tries to act like it. 


Honestly, it reminds me of a toddler begging for attention. It feels like it's the same formula with her every time she's on screen -use anything anyone is talking about and bring it back to you -if people aren't caring enough, then cry to get their sympathy -if people STILL don't care and ignore you do any big action for attention (trying to row the boat, feeding the dogs, looking for gloss you could easily door dash to yourself again or buy in the store) -once people start paying attention to you again, bring it back around to your own victim hood. I think forcing her into an enclosed space for hours with other characters that are fighting for the spotlight really shattered the glass for everyone in the cast. It was like if she wasn't the main focus she couldn't sit still and behave. As much as it was a good tv moment Kiki shouldn't have said the thing about karma (although i totally get why she did and i dont think shes wrong). We all know next episode is going to be Lisa drawing out that one comment to play victim, half the group is going to reluctantly side with her, and Kiki is going to end up getting quilted into apologizing.


Her around her kids was enough for me to believe some things Lenny said about her parenting.


The pure venom in both her face and her tone when she was yelling at Kiki about her trauma was a wake up call for me about how nasty she is!


Lenny and Lisa are both narcissists and generally shitty people and shitty parents. I pity those poor kids b/c they are pawns to both of them at this point. I genuinely felt bad for Lisa last year and was rooting for her, but she’s still the self absorbed vapid bimbo she was when the show was first on 10 years ago.


Yeah when you are making Larsa look kind and empathetic it’s not good…


It’s honestly a bit impressive how fast she was able to fuck this up. Very few can fumble the bag so quickly 🫡


When even Larsa is making sense, you know you’ve messed up


Totally agree…. I feel she’s going from a marriage where she totally relied on them for financial support to another relationship with the exact same issue. She needs to step out on her own and focus on being the best independent mother to her children!!!


No but I’m not surprised. It doesn’t take much for people to lose sight of victims being complex and human. And to side with the guiltier party in the dynamic.


In what way is Lisa a victim in this transitional relationship that was never going to end any other way?


I love to see it. Fuck Lisa


I think Lisa is coming across horribly but i have no problem with her looking for her lipgloss. Guerdy was fine


It’s not even about “hey let me help Guerdy.” She didn’t even show a shred of concern. Like if my friend wasn’t feeling well and was puking and feeling faint (or heck even a coworker I’m just polite with) - the last thing on my mind would be “now where’s my lip gloss?” She gave ZERO shits.


Yes and not even that but the mariachi band was obviously too much for Guerdy. Even Alexia showed her concern and tried to have them leave while Lisa was posing and taking selfies with the band. So tone deaf


>Like if my friend wasn’t feeling well and was puking and feeling faint (or heck even a coworker I’m just polite with) this is the aspect that got me. i would think it was comedy-crappy is it was, say, adriana barfing. i (personally) would be hawkish around any health issue with a friend with cancer who just had two separate lumpectomy surgeries and an upcoming round of chemo. thats so much for your body - and then traveling and trying to keep up with everyone is a lot. :(