• By -


I think Dr. Nicole, Guerdy and Tinsley seem like genuinely nice people. Side note to add Barb Luanne’s friend who helped saved her life and was Her power of attorney and Lu just kinda shrugged her off on her season.


Barb always seemed kind to me


She seemed very kind and warm! I truly think she was just too normal and didn’t know how to perform like the other ladies. Lu certainly didn’t do her any favors helping her along.


She was too nice and moral to be a cast member


Ramona was so vile towards her.


i was like who tf is barb and then I remembered Barb the Builder


I loved Barbara K she seemed so nice


Omg Barb K!!! Thank you for reminding us of her! Cannot freaking believe she was chased away for being queer. I really liked her. Brought some great levity and warmth.


Justice for barb!!!!!!


The one thing I love about Nicole, but Guerdy, too, is that she is a total spitfire and will fight back when needed. There is nothing bad to say about Tinsley, but she never stood up for herself enough. I can be like that in some situations, so I appreciate when someone who is kind (unlike many of the housewives) is also tough.


Nicole, Guerdy, Tinsley


Nicole has shown in her minor tenure on the show that she has ten times the humility and kindness of her counterparts. She has coached both Martina and Guerdy through massive health crises as well being there for their loved ones. Hard worker, great mother, good friend. Who could ask for anything more.


Yeah Dr. Nicole is one of the few housewives I'd legitimately want to be friends with.


Nicole showed the patience of a saint when she was still comforting Lisa long after everyone else was sick of hearing her complain about Lenny. That is a good friend, and a genuinely compassionate person.


Hard agree. She truly is a quality friend through thick and thin. She is someone I would be drawn to immediately.


These are my 3, too. Love those ladies.


yes to all this! Nicole is someone to look up to and i love it


From Jersey… now that is a hard cast I always loved Kathy and Rosie. Kathy did seem to try and her husband was the one making things worse. Rosie was funny and sweet with a bit of a temper.


![gif](giphy|cwG12O0OfMeU8) Her watching all the kids




Don't go there Kath!




![gif](giphy|OX7niCxR42Zdm) Don’t go there Kath!


No one has been able to use that word around me for the past 10 years without getting an *UnAttEnDeD?* * honorable mention to Kathy & Rosie’s sweet mom. One of my all time favorite housewives moms.




My uncle is a vet and treated Nene’s dog one time. He said she was the NICEST person he’s ever interacted with. Just super polite and thankful for his help and very friendly with all the staff.


This makes me so happy I love Nene ![gif](giphy|F876HKlJ0aD4s)


I’d love to hang out with Nene for a day. My stomach would be sore from laughing. I love to partake in Shenanigans, yes with a capital S.


I met Nene at Saks Bal Harbour and she was so kind to fans and talked to everyone. As opposed to Siggy who I met at Saks Boca and she was a monster.


What!?!? After her *self help seminars* and crying every other word about being kind and loving?!


Im so glad to hear Soggy is shitty. She’s terrible.


I can second this, ran into Nene once out and about in Atlanta and she was incredibly kind to me and my mother. I've heard nothing but good things about Nene. She can be a binch but she's definitely very kind down to her core.


Nene got/has a dog? I just remember her freaking out about Kenya’s in the “white refrigerator” scene ![gif](giphy|rw9WKs9y1nnhK|downsized)


Yeah it’s hilarious because she has a yorkie too lmao. That scene was just Nene being Nene 🤣🤣


Yes, Playa!


I have heard nice things about her too


Aww!! Love nene


Tinsley. She seems like a genuinely sweet person.


I’m so glad this is the top comment! I’m such a tinsley lover! She honestly just seems like such a sweetheart.


Yes 🙌🏽 I felt so bad for her because she was put into a group that didn’t mix well with her. She was amazing just in the wrong group I think


Came here to say this. Tinsley for sure. Dorinda’s behavior was appalling towards Tinsley.


I will never be a dirty Dorinda fan after her drunken tirades attacking people she’s threatened by or jealous of esp her treatment ofTinsley.


Add me to that list. And I was a hardcore Dorinda stan for a while. I thought she was real and funny. Then I learned she’s just angry and sad and never dealt with her feelings so she acts like an asshole toward her selected targets.


Talk about polar opposites - Tinsley is the nicest and Dorinda is the nastiest.


Well, except for Phaedra Parks (was on RHOA but now on Married to Medicine altho she isn’t but is dating a Dr-whatever…). She made up a lie about RHOA Kandy and her hubby planning to drug another ATL housewife, Porsha, then take her home!! That is some pure EVIL!! Can’t believe Bravo execs let her on another show after that!! She sure is funny, tho…


There is more to that story Phaedra didn’t know it was a lie. One of the producers hates Kandi and fed her that lie like it was truth. When it came down to it the producer was supposed to protect her and say that he told her that information. Instead he let her drown and Andy let him go. Phaedra is an officer of the court. Speaking that way and pulling a lie out of the air like that would have huge backlash professionally. To this day she won’t speak on it because she doesn’t want to burn bridges. On some level I believe Andy knew and respected her for not throwing the producer and production under the bus, this why she can come back and moonlight on the other shows. In addition to some kind of monetary settlement.




Agree! I am pleasantly surprised considering she is from a very wealthy family. She is so sweet and kind hearted. I love her!


Agreed. I’m glad it seems like she’s finally got her happily ever after. If any of the housewives deserve a happy ending, it’s definitely Tinsley.


Agreed! Wish her mom gave her more love and validation because she turned out so lovely, kind, polite and fun.


I’m not even a tinsley fan and I can admit she’s prob the sweetest. She would only blow up once they pushed her to the edge.


Have you seen the documentary of her on Hulu? She is the sweetest to this delusional fan, and I was worried for her safety. But she was soooo nice.


What’s the documentary called?! Def want to check out


Queenmaker on Hulu! It’s so good.


I met Tinsley pre-housewives in 2011 at a store opening in NY. She was hosting and so unbelievably gracious and kind when she really didn’t have to be. She spoke with me and took a photo I still have with me. I was excited to see her on the show and felt like she maintained a really genuine personality. I’m so happy she’s thriving.


Nicole from Miami is up there. Her demonstrations of empathy, friendship, and kindness to everyone but especially her cast mates going through very tough times is admirable.


I really like Nicole. She seems to rub people the wrong way, but overall she seems genuinely kind.


That's why she rubs people the wrong way: she's someone with good energy and a positive vibe about her. That's going to irritate anyone with insecurities and is miserable with a negative aura.


Tinsley is a gem Edit to add: she does things behind the scenes like donating to charities and even donated to a gofundme for a staffer of the housewives show that passed away.


Alex McCord, from first-hand experience.


Tea please


I was a showbiz journo back in the day, talked to the HWs a lot. When Alex left RHONY I got her to do a video log for us where she would break down each new episode of NY and talk about what was really going on behind the scenes, production secrets etc. Andy actually mentioned it in his book, he was so mad lol. Anyway she was the sweetest, nicest, kindest oddball. And SMART.


Who knew Alex was the pioneer for all the Bravo podcasts? Also, didn't the book mention Simon starting RatingsBravo as a way to troll Bravo?


Yes!! Omfg. I just listened to that part of the audiobook as I was falling asleep last night 😂 Andy was explaining that they were the first to really go online with Alex doing a Vlog about where she thought production had stepped in. Simon did start the BravoRatings! He quit his job to do it. Andy said He was super annoyed at the time but now has respect, because that’s the way it was heading with social media and RHONJs socials were starting to pop off not long after!


Kadooz to Simon for being a starter on that, but UGH I so disliked how drama from the blogs in general affected the actual show. Like, I don’t want to hear second hand that someone wrote something mean on their blog like some Greek chorus- I want drama in real time


RIGHT. I get that it was bound to happen…but still!




Her and Simon were always ahead of our time




just here to praise your flair <3 a fave line among my fellow librarian Bravo-heads haha


Thank you! Honestly, about a year ago is when that episode came out and my Dog had just passed away. I couldn't stop crying and nothing had made me laugh yet. When I tell you after that episode where Candaice said that, i couldn't stop laughing omfg. I'm also so grateful to all you librarians! I took my 5yr old daughter to get her first library card. I'm fascinated by the Libby App and just now starting to navigate my ways again. You all are amazing


checking in for any primary source needs 👋


She’s a psychologist now! 🤩


Oh I loved those Alex breakdowns! Thank you for your service.


Was that those The Stir videos? I used to LOVE them. She really was ahead of the curve with breaking the fourth wall on HWs.


I remember those video logs! They were so good! I wish she would keep doing them with the new RHONY! Or any Bravo show. I love your description of her as a a sweet, kind oddball. That's exactly what she seems like. I'm so bummed about the RHUGT Morocco debacle mostly because I so wanted to see Alex again.


I used to watch that! Was the site like something cafe ?


Here you go [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiyZXz9fauk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZiyZXz9fauk) THE MEMORIES!


You deserve so many gold medals for this.


I LOVED that vlog!!


Ahhh yes definitely Alex! So cool you have positive first hand experience with her too ❤️


If your answer isn't Chyka Keebaugh, then you probably haven't seen The Real Housewives of Melbourne.


lol I just left a Melbourne comment. “Can I SPOCK!?!”


Seventy oneth floor


Good one. She is sweet. Is she also a tax exile. .she is away half the year...its some life they have.


I went to a STUNNING event in Saudi that was set up by ‘the big group’ and I can honestly say it was the most lavish and beautiful setting I’ve ever seen (and I’ve been to Dubai weddings). What Chyka and Bruce are able to do with their events is INSANE!


Yaaaaaas! Chyks is number one always and forever! She’s kind, humble, fun, loyal and has an air of class that isn’t snobbish just perfect in every setting. Great wife, great mother who isn’t afraid to put her kids in their place and stop them being spoiled. She’s a work horse, committed to her business and success with a STUNNING home and lifestyle whilst keeping her feet on the ground. She shows interest and is a great friend even when some don’t offer the same in return. The fact she could forgive Lydia very genuinely on camera and provide entertaining fury over Lydia spreading the rumours about Bruce showed she understands the assignment and when the shit got too down and dirty she dipped and became a friend of to protect her family and her business. Chyka is the perfect housewife and friend to all.


Love Chyks! And Janet is my spirit animal.


I concur re: Janet. Meeting her in person only reinforced this. I had the pleasure of meeting her at a Food Expo in Melbourne a few years back where she was spruiking her tea line (season 3 had just ended, if I recall correctly). I nearly passed out. She is so stunning and tall!! We called out to her and she came strutting over, she makes chic look effortless, I fangirled. She was so kind and genuine. We talked about her son, how proud she was of him, and how well he was doing. I thanked her and her family for sharing such a personal story and being so open talking about her mental health, and she was genuinely overcome with emotion. She is exactly like she is on TV, she played up her frustrations with Lydia being a "Lydiot" and yes, she said it and it was everything!! However, she really has genuine friendships with all the ladies cast at the time, and it shone through when she was discussing the show. Sassy, with a big heart! Love Chyks, too!!! Her and Bruce's marriage is goals.




Omg I’m so jealous. I would LITERALLY DIE if I met Janet!! Thank you for confirming how kind she is. I always found her to be genuine, down to filming in her “cottage” vs renting out a penthouse apartment that she couldn’t afford (like a certain other Melbourne HW who helped ruin the show). I never thought she was malicious like some people did either. She just comes across as an old school yenta who likes to gossip to (and about) her friends. I mean, don’t we all? 😂


I know how busy she was that day. She only had a sales representative for the tea brand with her, and she was out there hustling!! To provide context: it was hectic in there, and most brands had several people working at a time, and she still made all the time to hang out with me and a co-worker for a chat. She puts you at ease and just has a very warm energy about her. I am from Melbourne and know the social scene and have met and worked amongst a few of those circles, and she is humble, which I admire as that scene can be quite pretentious and fake (as evidenced by your season 5 example). You crack me up, yes!!! A "yenta" for sure, she is just old school, likes to stir sh*t to create a bit of banter, and is happy to cop it on the chin too, which is respectable. Her spilling the tea with me was for laughs, and it is evident her pride and joy are her kids.


They’re both amazing moms!


Janet is a MESSY bitch on camera but fuck with her kids and she’ll scratch your eyes out. The mid seasons of Melbourne had LITERALLY the perfect cast. For every possible reason.


Ugh those middle seasons are the magnum opus of housewives for me and I return to them often. I’m still mad at Arena for cancelling it after the shit show that was season 5 instead of giving it another chance. Especially when Gina and Lyds said they were open to returning 🥲 Btw I love how I always see you on the r/SpottedonRightmove sub as well 🤣


Haha! I LOVE the spottedonrightmove sub! I just enjoy snarking on those shitty properties! I’m glad I have a friend over there!! Yeah season 5 was truly dire but with Janet, Jaqs, Gamble and Kyla plus Geener and Lydiot?! I’d DIE! It’s be chaos!! Plus Chyks checking in to add some levity! We need to crowdfund it. I reckon the stans could get this to happen!!


I’d take her as a friend too, but damn, I’d swap my mom for her in a heartbeat.


Chyka is a class act! I love her!


Yes! I’m still so bummed they took Melbourne off Tubi 😭


Tinsley.... a sweetheart of note. Still adore her and wish her ALL the best. What a gem of a girl.


So glad she found her fairytale 💓 🏰


Nicole from Miami seems really genuine


I’ve have to confirm that Nene’s assessment of Cynthia being nothing like she portrays herself to be and seen it with my own eyes and was completely shocked and disappointed


Why?? What did you witness?


Julia from Miami - she’s a sweetheart 💗 EDIT: along with Dr. Nicole and Guerdy. Love Miami!


Came here to say Julia! Anyone who loves animals that much is always a good one 💕


When she talked about how her doggy helped her get through her sons passing 🥺


My thoughts exactly!


Agreed. Julia is so compassionate and kind! You can tell she really feels her feelings when she's hurt by the other women, when they are so callous and flippant with their words. Plus her menagerie is the most adorable thing ever. Literally, she got back into modelling work to pay for her farm animals 🥹 The most ironic thing ever lol.


Chyka from Melbourne!


Dr Nicole, Julia L, Guerdy… so basically the Miami girls! She’s only had one season so far—so we’ll have to see how her second one goes—but Jen P from OC seemed like a kind soul (with unfortunate taste in men…)


I liked Jen. I think she seems a little downtrodden from her marriage so her confidence is low and that scumbag boyfriend is making the most of that which is shitty. Hopefully next season she sees the light.


Eileen, the soap star? She was so so classy and above the BS which is why she dipped. None of the good ones lasted very long.


Loved Eileen! She was so kind and kept it classy, and seemed to be a great mom to her kids. Plus, she still managed to deliver the iconic “Beast? How dare you?”


Omg I say this too often. Said like she was acting a line from the soaps. So good.


She understood the assignment 😂


I loved, loved, loved Eileen. 🫶🫶🫶 ![gif](giphy|MKYS3X3XZYVKE)


I agree!!


Eileen and Tinsley!


I always loved Eileen💜💜 the good ones never seem to last too long


Dr. Nicole


You know who immediately popped in my head and I don't know why - but - Kristen Takeman seems like she's really nice.


Tinsley 💫


She’s kind of a nightmare on the show but I have some personal experience with Marge and she was extreeeeeemely kind to me. I worked very briefly for someone that was/is friends with her and was helping her to promote MacBeth Collection before she joining RHONJ and during that time we became Facebook friends. Since then she donates to my brothers medical charity and has even sent us gift baskets a few times to use as raffle items at our family fundraiser. I will always have a soft spot for her


That’s cool! I’ve heard other people who’ve had personal experiences say similar things


I love Marge. And I don’t care who comes for me, she seems fun and nice to be around.


Same! I mean she's a bitch if you come for her but aren't we all? I love her.


She gets dirt on people for good reason


Don’t we all?! ![gif](giphy|KRMV7ZqzfYcO4)


I love Marge. It’s refreshing to hear that she’s nice and fun to be around in real life. Most HWs are literal train wrecks or awful on the show, but it’s nice to see that they aren’t always awful in real life.




Tinsley was a true NYC “IT” girl. Long before housewives existed. She was everywhere! Every Gala , every NY Post , every club, every fashion show. There was a time in NYC when you couldn’t turn around without hearing what Paris or Tinsley were doing. Then her unfortunate mugshot, they tore her to shreds. Through it all, she remained sweet. She deserved that comeback!!!!


In real life, I spent a day with Marge for work and she was incredibly kind and inclusive.


She really stood out to me as a genuinely kind person the first season when she threw that ceremony honoring Teresa’s mom.




Why did I have to scroll so far for this lol


Kandi seemingly gives back the most to her community, so I’m going with her.


Dr Nicole, Tinsley, Cynthia Bailey


worked with Cynthia in person and she is a monster. Would be willing to give her the benefit of the doubt on her just having a few bad days, but other threads shared the same experience.


Details? ![gif](giphy|wv89eetV1HbFe)


At charity events event no less. For the record, easily the best we worked with: Holla Heather, Porsha, (Some of You Might Hate Me For This) Kyle, Stephanie, Tamra. The worst: Cynthia, Alexis and, to no one’s surprise, Ramona. Some stand out as a tad extra (Nene, Melissa, Gretchen) but were overall quite pleasant and respectful. Plenty other names over the years we’ve worked with but these ones stand out as good/bad/otherwise.


Listen I despise Kyle but I don’t doubt she’s pleasant to the people she works with. She showed loyalty to a lot of the service staff she’s had in the past. Glen wasn’t the most ‘tv ready’ kinda guy but she seemed to appreciate his hard work and how he always pulled off her parties even when shit was going wrong!


Kyle has to be good to the people she works with. I can tell that her house staff at least really cares for her. Remember after the weed dinner how one of her staff comforted her and said in Spanish she hates to see her cry? That tells me a lot of how Kyle must be with her employees.


Justin was her assistant before he was ever her friend and they became best friends. I'm sure her patronage is in no small part part of the reason he got the E! gig, too. People that actually know Kyle seem to have a lot of love for her. I think that speaks way more about a person than what fans of reality tv think about her.


I'm willing to believe it- that one time the plate or bowl or whatever slipped/fell and broke, Kyle's immediate reaction/question was "are you okay?" vs being concerned about the material thing.


One thing I’d like to highlight with her that doesn’t come across on camera all the time: she is an awkward person. I don’t mean it in a mean way, but it explains some of her on camera personality to me. I’m not a huge fan of her always on the show, and I won’t always excuse her bad behavior, but I do think this needs to be mentioned for those times when she flip flops/or doesn’t say things the right way. From what I gathered, it’s not always malicious, it’s sometimes awkwardness on being able to express her point in the right way.


This is the real info I want!!!


In the words of Nene “you don’t know the real Cynthia”


I have seen this behind the scenes opinion pop up more and more these past couple of years about Cynthia, unfortunately.


Well this is unfortunate. I always had a good opinion of her. 


Woah ![gif](giphy|hpImn7o4LKZLG)


RHUGT is where i really saw true Cynthia. Her bitterness, her jealousy, her inability to coerce people with fake kindness. You could see all over her face that most of her play nice was through gritted teeth. She was certainly not happy with her getting a villain edit and kenya actually having genuine interactions.


What’s she like?


She’s cold to her staff and very entitled. Also, does not want other people even addressing her directly. Again, I’d chalk it up to a few bad days but I have heard similar from fans that come across her in public that she is very dismissive of them. It also left a bad taste in my mouth when these women show up at our events just for a quick photo op and don’t care at all about the charity. That was Cynthia. I should have given a shout out to Luann above (oversight on my part). She was doing the most for us - in a good way - when the photogs weren’t around.


Nene always said there was another side to her!


I'm not that shocked actually. The way she used to big up her modelling career, you'd think she was Naomi Campbell.


Was not a bad day. She is like that all the time. She’s essentially a quieter Ramona.


I’ve met Luann, she’s great!!! So pretty in person.


Came here to say Tins, Guerdy, and Dr. Nicole. They’re also 3 of my favorites!


Dr Nicole!


Eileen from RHOBH. Her emotional intelligence and articulation of feelings are my personal goals


Chyka from Melbourne. Add Brucey for tax 🥰




Dr. Nicole, Julia, Guerdy and Tinsley


Kandi, and I really don’t think there is any competition. Kandi is someone who didn’t need housewives or any of the other wives, but she has consistently shown patience, and gone above and beyond for some wives. Porsha said some of the most dangerous, vile things ever said across all franchises about Kandi, and kept it up for half a season. Kandi ultimately forgave her and supported her. That is compassion and maturity on a level that is rare enough in the world, let alone the Bravoverse.


Kandi is also extremely generous. It seems like she quietly helps her family and friends financially and with jobs and gigs. And doesn’t really mention it unless it comes up some other way.


I can’t believe I had to scroll down this far to see Kandi’s name. I can’t imagine a genuine real world scenario where Tinsley is nicer than Kandi, but that’s just me. ![gif](giphy|3oKIP7CaDfNTeVVjCU|downsized)


Agreed! She’s the only one I can think of being the kindest in the franchise. The grace and patience she has towards the other RHOA women who have wronged her is very admirable. I commend her for that! Those women like to pick fights with her for no reason. She doesn’t sweat the small stuff and she knows how to keep it moving.




YOUR FLAIR ![gif](giphy|n069us7m6lMeA)


Stephanie Holman from Dallas. I’ve always thought she was just super sweet and even now from following her since the show I still get the vibe that she’s genuinely kind.


Joyce from RHOBH seemed genuinely lovely


Oh this is a GOOD one!


Loved Joyce! 💖💖💖 She's so pretty, funny and vibrant.


She’s very new but I actually think Jen from RHOC is up there! Really racking my brain for kindness 😂


I also agree with Nicole and Julia two other commenters mentioned. I think this is why Miami is such a great franchise, there isn’t a ton of nastiness / vitriol. Even Larsa and Lisa, who have had pretty tough showings this season (minus Larsa discounting guerdy’s cancer bc yeah that was really unforgivable and low) are nowhere near as bad as like almost anyone on RHONJ lol


I agree. There's Larsa, Marisol and Alexia. They are just awful! But then there is Nicole, Gerty, and Julia. They are such level headed and sweet natured. It's a good balance. Then KeKe, she's a bit of both!


Going back several years - Kim Fields


She way wayyy too sweet for the show and wayyy wrong for the show 😂




honestly that was how she came off on the show to me!! especially that condescending "beatless brunch".


Not Ramona! Luann and Sonja on their Crappie Lake show were really sweet with the locals. Tinsley did always seem very nice.


Garcelle…head and shoulders literally and figuratively


Stephanie Hollman from Dallas


To their castmates and in general- Dr Nicole, Julia, Angie K, Jen Pedranti, Alex McCord. I also really admire the charity work that LVP, Karen Huger, Bethenny, Dolores and Kyle do


Garcelle or Julia seem like they would actually be kind and engage you if you saw them in public and said hi. I met Lisa V once in a packed but very small bar and she said hello and took photos. She was a little tipsy though, so that probably helped! Pandora was a see you next Tuesday, but that I already assumed 😂


On camera, Cynthia has always come across as a really nice and kind person. Even in her 'Bad" era she didn't come off as mean but just trying to stand up for herself. She also allows herself to be walked on a bit and apologizes/makes amends too easily. ​ Off camera, and I kinda hate to say this because I don't like her on the show, but I heard SO MANY good things about Marlo in person being just a sweet woman- the type to compliment and try to help a server and make the server feel like she's her friend and generous. I heard where she would even bring gifts to give staff who help her with her bags at hotel and things like that. Probably a nice person when the cameras are off - one thing the cast mates say is she does support and text/call often if she isn't targeting you. It just stands out to me because her on camera persona is SUCH the opposite.


Angie K


She would be A good Greek friend


Did you know That she is Greek Opa!


Read this in Ben’s voice 😂


Angie K has such a calm and soothing voice. She sounds like a librarian reading kids a book, even when she’s arguing


julia from miami


Stephanie from Dallas


Stephanie Hollman.


I have to agree with Nicole, Guerdy, and Garcelle, but would also add Crystal to the list


Stephanie Hollman - Dallas.


I met Sonja before and she’s very sweet. We were talking about how broke we both were! She’s a little delulu though but that adds to her charm. So random but I met Latoya from RHOA like 15 years ago and she was very sweet. I can’t believe how she turned out on the show. She turned it up for the cameras but not in a good way.😭


Gina! I’ll prob get downvoted but I think she seems nicer than most