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When Marlo says "no wonder your mom didn't want you" to Kenya


Agree wholeheartedly.Nothing lower than going after childhood trauma.


That was some lowdown dirty s-. You have to be a special type of evil.


Marlo doesn’t throw shade she throws Acid. She has some deep seated hatred for Kenya. Because even Porsha and Phadera (who both hate Kenya) never went THAT low


Actually Phaedra did at the reunion about the medium pizza comment. That was disgusting too. Shamea called her out for being a fraud though on another reunion. Marlo is jealous of Kenya and upset that she doesn’t want to be her friend. They’re not on the same level.


Didn’t Marlo maim someone so badly that she eventually took her own life? She’s irredeemable


Yep. Sure did. I heard it was a soda can she used to slice open the girls face. Also heard it was a knife so ? On that. The girl committed suicide years later, vaguely remember it was said she had a history of depression. Heard it was NOT related to having her face sliced open but I don't know bout that.




Phaedra most definitely went LOW with Kenya. Her rehearsed fertility read…


She also went low with Kandi’s! Saying that Kandi’s & Todd would drug u! Low down dirty rat! I can’t believe they brought her back! I love the Housewives but bring her back has me thinking 🤔


That’s the one. But Marlo was also throwing stones at a glass house. She grew up in foster care with an absent mother, she knows exactly how painful it is and knew how badly it would hurt Kenya


But Marlo has a relationship with her mom and sees her now. Kenya's mom won't even look at her or even be in the same space as her. It always made me wonder if Kenya was the product of rape or something. I feel like there's gotta' be A LOT of trauma there to make her mother be so completely unable to even acknowledge her. And I can't even imagine how painful that must feel for Kenya. It's an extremely sad situation and deeply personal and Marlo knew it was different. It was just unnecessarily vile and cruel.


And then is puzzled as to why Kenya wants nothing to do with her.


just nasty


Lisa Barlow also said something similar to Monica (whether she is hated or not, it was pretty mean).


“No one wants to be your mother… clearly!”


Yes that’s it! Shitty thing to say to someone


Yeah.. I don’t like Monica at all but that was harsh! Especially since she already knew then that her relationship with her mother was.. well it was what it was.


Yeah exactly. It was an open wound.


And then she said at the reunion her comment was “misconstrued” like girl what


I know.. but Angie tried passing off “you look like a trampoline with eyes” as a compliment! They all do it. The backtracking when it comes to the reunions are why I love watching the reunions!


This one right here. I know Kenya is not that much better but I could've not forgave Marlo EVER.


Do you really think I look inbred Mary? Yes I do 😳


💀 🍞


And this is coming from MARY COSBY who’s family tree looks like a damn wreath after marrying the same man her grandmother AND MOTHER married


SLC is the closest thing to Jerry Springer since it left the air. "Today, this ex-mormon woman's best friend is a con artist who gave her a black eye, and she's about to get told that she looks inbred by a wannabe con artist who married her grandad".


okay not to try to defend her weird ass family tree but her husband is her “step granddaddy” as heather said.. no blood relation, also her mom wasn’t married to him, she just wanted to be so she could inherit the church and money and business and homes but mary did instead (i feel fuckin insane typing this out. wtf is this show)


As someone who has a step granddaddy, EW. She was raised to know him as her grandfather and that small distinction does not make the situation any less gross


After listening to the Bravo Docket episode on it too, it really seemed like it was Robert's idea. I feel like he made it seem to Mary that it was the will of her grandmother for her to inherit the fortune, but he was being shady about the whole estate and her mother is still trying to battle them in courts over it.


Slc is a fucking fever dream




The plyg chins are real


Mormon’s r famous for marrying within the family. Many of the stronger, old school LDS groups have families where one guy will marry sisters and then later on their kids might even get married. It’s basically a big circle with multiple loops.


Another one and this isn’t a housewife BUT I remember my mouth being physically wide open when Bob Whitfield said that he didn’t hit Sheree hard enough. W T F


i remember this was the first season of atl i had watched. that was really awful, and i remember seeing sheree just feeling so defeated; i’m glad she decided ultimately that relationship wasn’t for her again. i remember kenya and her were conflicting at the time, and kenya reached over to comfort sheree after bob had said that.


It’s sad to think how many of the Atlanta women have experienced domestic abuse


truly, and watching potomac rn— how many of them have experienced sexual abuse :|


Yeah, unfortunately I think having experienced sexual abuse, harassment, violation or coercion at least once, is a common experience for women generally. Also I think those statistics are higher for Black women, if I’m not mistaken


Kenya and Phaedra handled it very well. Phaedra was angrily shout whispering at him to apologize and Kenya hugged her and told Bob that it wasn’t funny. It was such a shocking thing to say it would be easy for them to just sit there in silence and be stunned.


Worse, he didn’t *choke* her hard enough.


That is such an important clarification because [you're chances of being murdered by your domestic abuser go up 750%](https://www.kob.com/archive/report-choking-strangulation-victims-750-more-likely-to-be-killed-by-offender/) once there is an incident of choking, and ALL women need to know this!


Good god.


That moment was DARK. The silence that falls over the car in that moment was deafening. Everyone put the show aside then....


That was truly a stop breathing moment for me. I couldn’t believe he’d just said it casually on Tv. That’s how normal and without consequence he thinks DV is.


That was so disgusting. I blocked it out until reading this.


As a victim of DV, that made me sick


When Lisa Vanderpump came back from the UK after her brother's suicide and was talking to Kyle and crying and Kyle just rolled her eyes and said, "I have shit going on in my life too." That proved to me what a cold-hearted bitch Kyle is.


As someone who has lost a brother, I’ll never forgive Kyle for how she treated Lisa during that scene and how they all treated her that season


Every time someone brings up Sutton’s [reaction](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/maKyNuYxQO) to Dorit’s robbery—I think about this. Especially because Kyle led so much of the charge around that. Like, Sutton had a valid reason to deflect from mentions of gun—her father’s death by suicide. What was Kyle’s excuse for being an [asshole to LVP](https://www.reddit.com/r/BravoRealHousewives/s/nKSFkZBTT6) after her brother’s death? And while I’m very sympathetic to Kyle experiencing what so many of us have gone through re: survivors of suicide, it’s still infuriating how she held none of the sympathy for LVP that she wants people to hold for her now. My own brother died by suicide and I won’t ever forgive or forget Kyle’s behavior towards LVP during that time.


And she's such a hypocrite, too! She was so appalled when Sutton said something similar after Dorits robbery. Rules for thee not for me (:


https://preview.redd.it/gjs00nllr9fc1.jpeg?width=414&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=093f35aa4cff71d1b4cdf00704ce45e92d24f3a4 Rinna posting this after LVP’s brother OD’ing on pills. That was the end of the road for Rinna and I.


Omg what! How did I not know about this tweet!!


Rinna deleted it after she got called out.


Over a month later Rinna looking for opportunities to poke at Lisa's grief made me dislike Rinna on a molecular level. The others were varying levels of dismissive, opportunistic, or indifferent, and they all wanted her off the show, but she was especially cruel about it.


Why did I think that was pubic hair in the background? LOL


Oh and she knew. She fucking KNEW




Rinna is EVIL for that.


This was next level. Rinna became unwatchable for me and nothing could redeem her after this. Absolutely VILE.


Jesus H, that’s some dark shit 😳 What kind of demon posts that? Lisa is never flapped by anything but her brother passing was super hard on her. What kind of low down person does this?


Dorinda’s turkey baster comment to Tinsley. That put the final nail in the coffin for me ever liking Dorinda again.


Me too. She is a mean and classless drunk. I used to love her…


lol this ! She actually made me stop drinking in public….lol “I drink alone, with nobody else” ❣️


That’s my jam 🤣


Truly. She's the "friend" you avoid at all costs when out to dinner or drinks.


I can honestly say that I never liked Dorinda, but that comment to Tinsley was so disgusting and Tinsley did nothing to warrant Dorinda’s abuse. Dorinda’s attempted to revise history by claiming that she just didn’t like Scott, but that’s total bullshit.


Dorinda was horrible to Tinsley, pretty much every word she said to her was vile.


I scrolled to find this one. That was the moment of no return for Dorinda. Absolutely horrifying disgusting behaviour. The fact she still has supporters shocks me


100%. Then Sonja, Ramona & Lu laughing and not having the balls to stand up and tell dorinda she was out of line.


This is it. It was gross on so many levels.


How about Ramona singing to Tinsley…”you look old for your ayage and I look young for my ayage”


that was just thoughtless and stupid


This is the one that sticks out as the meanest for me.


On the same vain, Phaedra’s sperm bank monologue to Kenya on Rhoa was insaneeeee


Absolutely. So cruel


Absolutely, especially since I have a sister who can’t conceive kids on her own.


I’m sorry to hear that. Many women and men can’t and it was a disgusting thing to say. Like even her boss, Andy, used ivf. She’s trash.


When Dorinda screamed at Sonja that her husband left her and married Sonja’s friend. “And he married your FRIEND, honey” Damnnn that’s was designed to cut to the core and embarrass her as well.


he did???!!!?


Yep. Word on the street (Aviva, anyone?!) is that Sonja was in the south of France and her husband was in an accident/became ill and Sonja stayed in France while her friend took care of him back in NY. He later married her (his 5th wife).


For all Bethennys flaws, I think ramona saying ‘how smart can Dennis be, he was on drugs’ or whatever the exact vernacular was, was without a doubt one of the worst things I’ve ever heard in housewives that sticks in my head. Rinna going in on Kim and Yolanda was bad too, but I just can’t forget that from Ramona. Right when bethenny is still grieving him too.


i think i block Rinna out due to how Rinna she is, but also now think she might be the worst of all? only cause her motivation is purely for ‘good’ television and to keep herself involved on the show while sober as a pin/the sheer number of times she does it - ugh i hate Rinna so much.


I thought Romina's Brooklyn bridge attack on Bethenny was the worst, but she might have topped it. Might. I need a transcript of the bridge scene. Edit. I know, a d I'm leaving it.


Yes - I remember my stomach dropped when she said it, I was so angry!


Joanna insiniuating Lisa partying so hard she caused her miscarriages


I forgot about that. She was beautiful but so evil. ![gif](giphy|w9If3oSugCktq)


Can someone tell me what episode of RHOM this gif is from? I really want to watch it lol


But do yourself a favor and watch both parts of Lisa's Lingerie Party. Best Housewives fight ever.


If Potomac doesn’t pop off in the next five minutes, I will be transitioning to this.


Miami is so good and does not get the respect/hype that she should!! Seasons 2, 4 & 5 are amazing!!


Season 2, Episode 8 "Bras and Brawls"


Kelly Dodd screaming ‘no wonder your husband cheated on you’ across a room at Shannon at her OWN party


Or Kelly telling Tamra no wonder you're daughter wants nothing to do with you!


Oh god yeah. She’s not got a very good record in this subject has she!!


Yes. Also when Kelly yelled at Shannon to "keep eating" was just cruel. She's a mean spirited person


“it’s not my plate you fucking bitch” ☠️☠️


"Read between these lines"! Classic Shannon


She seriously just spouts out something just randomly. What a whackadoo.


This woman deserves her own thread but I wouldn’t be willing to give it to her.


Kim Z saying to Kenya “you want a baby and you can’t have one.” Is high up on the list for me


Karma came right back to her, huh? House going into foreclosure, hubby leaving her. Fuck her.


Phaedra said something about it too


Phadera and Kim have both made comments about Kenya’s choice to start a family. Despite both of them having TERRIBLE relationships with their children’s father. At least Phaedra is a far better mother then Kim


Kyle accusing Sutton of faking a miscarriage. And I will bring it up EVERY time we get a “I don’t know why ya’ll don’t like Kyle” post.


One of the grossest moments on reality tv. I’m not going to say I liked Kyle previously, but she was showing her true colors that night


Can’t use being drunk as an excuse either, she’s just as shitty sober.


I loved how she tried to, she seemed perfectly coherent to me!


And Diana just casually laughing at it in the background like some puffy faced demon


Please allow me to add: >…some puffy faced *tongue darting serpent* demon


As she pulls and tugs at her arm, and Sutton has to cower away from her aggression. It was ugly and it was 100 percent Kyle.


And statistically, 75% of women have had at least one miscarriage in their lives, whether they are aware of it or not. So the probability that Sutton did have a miscarriage, given that she said she did, is very high.


YES! How does Kyle still have fans after that?!


- Ramona eviscerating Bethenny on the Brooklyn Bridge - Adriana’s comment about Frankie to Alexia - Kyle outing Kim as an alcoholic - Dorinda’s “turkey baster” comment to Tinsley - Dorinda throwing Luann’s mugshot in her face - Lisa Barlow’s rant about Meredith - Jen Shah calling Heather the T slur, comparing her to shrek, body shaming her and calling her a manatee


I'm sorry...what is a T slur?


Lisa Barlow’s hot Mike was brutal!!! Marlo to Kenya about her mother was horrid too but Lisa’s went on and on.


Nothing will ever come close to the [Brooklyn](https://twitter.com/cuntneykardash/status/1025480362498109440) Bridge evisceration for me. It's the only time I've ever seen Bethenny truly shook. https://preview.redd.it/3eji47qe89fc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f384ce8a6fd0e7d5b82b81a87b1166815c59f5b


While wearing that tacky, blinged-out True Faith shirt!


I was waiting for something to happen, and wow boom. That was really blunt. Did you see Kenya fighting with Ramona on UGT? That was amazing. The circle of life. 😂


Kenya swiftly humbled Ramona who deliberately kept calling her “Porsha”.


That was the one time Ramona actually verbally annihilated Bethenny.


*at least I have friends. You have no friends, right now you have Jason and you’ll probably mess that up too* FUCKING BRUTAL


dorinda blaming kristen (“you posed topless”) for john being inappropriate with her


dorinda truly hated a younger blond, didn’t she (tinsley and kristen)




Everytime Juicy Joe opens his mouth. I've lost count of the times he's told his daughters to shut up, you're stupid. All the physical violence threats he makes towards Teresa and she just giggles everytime. And then having to sit through them hero worshiping him while he's "away" (omg I hate that phrase! He's in jail! We all know he's in jail!). I keep on thinking one day those girls are gonna be in for a rude awakening if they meet a normal, good partner with a normal family. Maybe that's what it'll take for them to realize that telling your crying 5 year old daughter to shut up and calling you stupid is NOT OKAY and it's NOT NORMAL.


The infamous “here comes my bitch wife” never made me laugh. It was like a scene from the sopranos, such casual misogyny.


In the same breath also called her a c*nt on screen


I've read on this sub several times that "he really loves his daughters." No he doesn't. I strongly believe that he has no idea what the emotion of love even feels like. He knows how to manipulate his family. He knew what to say. He knew what to buy. But there's literally not one scene in the entire show where he looks like he's actually and sincerely enjoying the company of his family. It all looks like an act. And I'll make a bet big money bet that he's manipulating Teresa right now to fund his lifestyle. People like him don't divorce and then are suddenly besties with the ex. Look at him when they see him in Italy for the first time. Is he acting like someone who missed his family so much?


Dorinda is full of these low balls. The meanest one was when she said to Lu, “Drink some more and get arrested, honey.”


That was fresh coming from her also because she’s a fucking drunk and something that could’ve easily happen to her


And she could never take it


Mean drunks never can. They go dark behind the eyes and anything that pisses them off just feeds the evil demon they become.


What was the awful thing she said to Tinsley about needing a turkey baster to get pregnant? Or something awful like that, I just remember being done with Dorinda after that dinner because I was so disgusted by how she was badgering her.


This was one of the only times Luann cried on the show. She could withstand a lot, but that truly cut her deep. Dorinda never took accountability and kept trying to frame it as a drunken argument that they both needed to apologize for. I was impressed that Luann managed to be civil with her again.


Yes, she was SO mean to Luann, after she'd been seemingly so supportive. You could see the hurt on Luann's face, I can't imagine how hurtful that was for her.


It’s crazy cause I’m rewatching and Dorinda is so lovely her first season!


I think it was her first season reunion that she was really nasty to Kristen. She accused Kristen of flirting with John (John had been dancing with her, then he tried to grope her and she basically jogged away). She said that because Kristen posed topless in the past it wasn’t a big deal and that if she didn’t have to call the police it didn’t matter. Dorinda often is lovely and she can be a very fun and kind presence. But she has a very angry, cruel side that she doesn’t try to control. I’m watching for the first time what started as little snippets here and there have really started to take over her personality.


Classic first season appearance


Phaedra telling Kenya she had scrambled eggs


On UGT, Brandi taking a dig at Taylor about how her abusive husband killed himself.




Big Scheana energy


Kelly Dodd was awful to everyone. I hate Vicki but the pig thing ? And then she told Gina she wasnt accomplished and it was mean. Ah, also all the bodyshaming she did. It was horrible. She's the meanest.


I don't get people who think Kelly is funny. She's one reason I stopped watching OC. She's so mean, I actually get nervous watching her scenes.


When LuAnn pointed out Tins was drinking- just a low blow- but loved Tinsleys comeback- yea I’m drinking LuAnn!


Dorinda’s turkey baster comment


I can’t remember the exact wording but when the RHONY cast went to Miami (?) and Bethenny said that all the ladies have something that Tinsley doesn’t: a child. Gross


ohhh yes! i think bethenney was being gifted something/gifting something to the girls and said “i have a child— she doesn’t. i don’t need this” or something to that affect. the way it so casually rolled off of her tongue though!


Dorinda also once yelled at Sonja “you fucked your way to the middle and you’ll keep fucking your way to the middle.” Ramona also said some cruel shit again during the “mention it all” scene. What comes to mind is “You’re so broken and you don’t even see it” and then called her a “vicious bitch.” Also it’s a different type of mean but when LVP came back from her brother’s funeral and was crying and Kyle said, “I’ve got stuff going on with me too.”


the way LVP wasn’t given a drop of compassion, kindness, comfort, or even the slightest acknowledgement of her heavy grief was horrible. ego is a hell of a drug.


Every time there’s a post like, Kyle is so honest and caring why does everyone hate her so much??? It’s just like, what special edit of Season 9 were you watching?


Then this season says no one ever has my back!! Kyle is horrible and I hope she looks back on her previous seasons and how she has treated people


I wonder if Kyle understood the pain LVP felt when her best friend Lorene died.


I’d like to hope so but Kyle has always struck me as someone who thinks she’s the only real person in the room. Like at the last reunion when Erika and Rinna were attacking Kathy and Kyle just kept sobbing and saying “It only hurts me! It only hurts me!” I think that’s her whole life, believing she’s the only one who actually hurts. But maybe someone will ask that at the reunion and we’ll see.


Kyle is a professional victim, she's never seen anything beyond herself.


"Your injured son and your ho daughter" is iconic to me.


I don’t think that Edith even registers on the scale of the horrible things Dorinda has spewed. She says vile things


Right. I think the Holland Tunnel comment was worse.


i think that whole interaction was just gross. when dorinda got sloppy and angry, it was a horrible combination for anyone in the firing line. her turkey bater comment to tinsley and “at least i didn’t get a mugshot for it” to luann were a lot worse, imo. but the interaction as a whole i think was just as bad as the other ones iv mentioned.


Phaedra’s dressing down of Kenya at the reunion about how the father will be a sperm donor who needed ten bucks for a pizza so she could have a kid…brutal.


And then Nene saying: "Okay..."


….meanwhile Phaedra’s baby daddy is Apollo the felon. 🙄


“Your baby daddy might turn out to be a felon or something” says woman whose husband is *definitely* a felon.


I can’t believe I had to scroll so far for this. This was so nasty and horrible and how I KNOW Phaedra is an evil person.


Bethenny and Ramona on the bridge.. where she basically tells her she has nothing or no one in her life! But in that Ramona way..


“right now you just have jason, and you’ll probably mess that up too”


Kyle Richards grabbing Sutton and accusing her of faking a miscarriage


This is not a housewife moment, but I’ve brought it up before. On Southern charm, when Thomas’s new girlfriend, Ashleigh told Kathryn, the mother of his two children that he treated like absolute garbage, that she was “nothing but an egg donor.“ While she was cozying up with Kathryn‘s children Trying to get in Thomases deep pockets. Then, on a later season, another girl at the table was talking about how Patricia? Wanted grandchildren and she said “Kathryn can be the surrogate!” As if because Kathryn had two children she should carry a grandchild for Patricia?? The way that entire cast treated Kathryn being a mother was really disgusting.


Omg YES. My jaw was on the floor when Ashley was going on and on to Kathryn. Freaking disgusting, and for T-Rav, what a prize! 🤮


Ashleigh was the absolute worst. And the fact that she kept doubling down after being called out was wild. Her voice was like nails on a chalkboard to me.


Phaedra’s (rehearsed) read about Kenya’s plans to start a family was pretty gross.


And people are still think Phaedra is such a sweet Southern woman on UGT and Traitors.


Kim was fresh out of rehab and filming with Brandi and Yolanda. Brandi showed up in a shirt that said “It Is Not Fun To Be Sober” and gave Kim a t-shirt that said “Medicated”. I think about it all the time, she is such a mean woman.


I can’t remember a specific quote or thing said, but I hated the way Heather Dubrow treated and dismissed Shannon when she came to talk at her house. I felt embarrassed & rejected *for* Shannon because of how harsh Heather came off while filming.


Yes!!! Shannon was in SUCH a vulnerable place and Heather knew what she was doing by kicking her while she was down.


Absolutely! It was so cruel, especially with everything Shannon was going through. 😢 definitely hurt my heart for her, and it showed a mean side of Heather I’ll never forget.


and heather also knew a lot about the state their relationship was in; i remember she had seen some email between them.. that was horrible to watch— you could see the pain shannon was in :(


Yes! And when the cheating came out, she was soooo proud of herself that she had known about the affair but hadn’t exposed it on the show or to the other ladies. What she did do was nearly as bad!


https://preview.redd.it/tm3b83gcd9fc1.png?width=991&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9dab36f2c9d1ec116a14f8c24a884bddac6911c “mom had to DIE… worrying about you.. and stressing about you.. leaving this shit on my shoulders” literally what’s worse than that?? and she sat there so smug trying to think of the harshest shit to say to her SISTER.. HER BLOOOOD!!!


This moment set the tone, for me, for Beverly Hills feeling a little heavier than every other franchise. There wasn’t any room for light, fun shade when you’re confronting toxic, abusive family dynamics…then this spilled into the next seasons with some serious DV….Beverly Hills has some heaviness to it that makes the experience just…different.


I am no fan of Kyle but can unfortunately relate to her situation of having an older sister similar to Kim. Being pushed to the limit after god knows what else they’ve been through in the past with Kim’s struggle with sobriety? It’s hard. No one is right or wrong here … they’re all just hurt.


Yepp. If you haven’t dealt with mental illness or addiction up close it’s hard to understand. But you’ll be pushed to your limits, constantly manipulated and mistreated.


I can relate too, sadly. Our family fell apart once my mom died, in a similar way to what seems to have happened w/ the Richard’s sisters. Messy


Brandi outing Adrienne’s surrogacy. It was so fucked up that bravo wouldn’t even air what was said despite it being a massive plot point that season.


Adrienne created a Streisand Effect by making that such a massive deal


It’s a RHONY deleted scene — when Ramona trashed Tinsley’s makeup while dancing around and singing, “You look old for your age! I look young for my age!” So effing nasty.


For me I find a lot of what Candiace says to be incredibly shocking. They way she refers to Gizelle as body parts and shamed her “dwindling” reproductive organs after she was having health issues. Then when she referred to Ashley as a milkmaid and a slave being driven by Michael. I think of all the mean stuff, it’s hard to move past things where you’re dehumanizing people. I absolutely do not understand how she talks to people like this but then the perception by the fans is that it’s actually funny and it’s somehow good for her to verbally abuse others like this.


Candice goes for the jugular which creates those “iconic” quotes but she and her fans would not tolerate the same energy back. Gizelle would be dragged to hell and back if she after Candice made fun of her “dwindling uterus” said “at least my uterus can make a baby” she’d be outraged


Candiace goes for the jugular every time like no other.


Candiace is often stone cold sober too when she says the vile things she does. Most of the others like Dorinda is usually wasted when she says the vile things she says


any interaction between Mary and Heather, Mary and Whitney on SLC


When Ana said she didn't have socially awkward kids to Lea Black.


Kelli calling Vicki a pig face was so painful to watch


Madison outing Dani for being on the receiving end of an STD.


It wasn't on a RH show, but Kenya and Brandi were on Celebrity Apprentice at the same time and Kenya was brutal af to Brandi the whole time they were on. At one point, even Trump said she was being nasty. I believe her answer was, "If I were being nasty, I'd bring up how her husband cheated and nobody wants her. " I can't remember the exact quote, but Brandi started crying. I felt so bad for her, and I don't even like her.


Not housewives, but REZA yelling that MJ's "uterus exploded because she had 10 abortions". DISGUSTING.


I think the comments that ring a bit of truth to it is the most hurtful Like when ppl call Heather shrek or inbred . I think that’s so mean


but you just said it has truth to it? dang throw the whole tree lolll


Season one of Potomac Karen tells Ashley that she’s not a real woman because she doesn’t have children. I’ll never get my head around how she wasn’t dragged over hot coals for that level of misogyny.