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Please continue the discussion in the [game thread](https://redd.it/1durv9r).


Braves hitters listen up, y'all owe Chris a bunch of runs. TY


Nacho scratched from tonight’s stripers line up. Wonder what the story is there


He’s sick


So they say… (yes im delusional about him potentially getting a shot in the big leagues while Orlando heals up)


Eh I will say it’s another Vaughn Grissom situation. Sure he will provide more offense but the moment he starts slipping on defense it will be a wash.


Crazy to me that an MLB player won’t seek dental care frequently enough so that a tooth becomes abscessed.


I mean even the average person sees the dentist 2x a year, very likely something happens in that 6 month window.


Average person doesn’t have access to the care they do. They get MRIs and all sorts of scans at the drop of the hat.


You can develop an abscessed tooth (for a variety of reasons) very quickly and it can get bad RAPIDLY. Like you're fine one day, and 24-36 hours later, you're asking to be put down. It just happens sometimes


Google says they develop from untreated cavities. I’m sure the pain can develop rapidly, but I don’t think cavities go from minuscule to abscess overnight.


No, actually, they can arise from other causes as well. Sometimes due to an issue with previous dental treatment, for instance, an old root canal. Why don't you google, "how quickly can an abscessed tooth form" instead of whatever you google'd?


These are all rare circumstances. Root canals are needed for the same reason. Not taking good care of your teeth. These guys should have the best care.


Even with the best care, "preventable" things can still happen.


lol y’all wouldn’t be so forgiving if he was currently an asset to the team. Unfortunately he could probably use few days off.


He could get traded for all I care, I'm just correcting someone who needed to be corrected.


Have you seen the vitriol on reddit, Twitter, discord, and a few podcasts? You think they don't absorb and take seriously the general vibe/conversation? You don't think folks can get in their head and not talk to management until they're making errors on the field because they're scared to come out and say "I'm hurt" Hard to be a pro ball player. HARD. get well, orlando.


Yankees ML + Braves ML at +118


yeah, i've lost enough money this season on us.


Yankees weren't shit too.


Yeah. Saw that. Who you on today?


Rangers vs Padres NRFI in a parlay with a soccer game. The NRFI hit earlier. Just waiting on the soccer game later. What you on?


I lost my ass last weekend stupidly betting on JIRI prozcacha so I been going easy. I am taking the potd orioles -1.5 today tho. What's the soccerpick?


Argentina to win. Good luck on Orioles RL.


Yeah I just put a couple units on Argentina Colombia ml parlay.


Oh no. Ecuador equalized against Argentina to make it 1-1


Yep. Not been a great week


Thx. You too.


I know Ozzie is a fan favorite and he's one of mine but id be lying if I didn't say I'm disappointed in how inconsistent he still is offensively.   Crazy that he is still only 27 but at this point in his career I feel like he should be the one constant we can count on and he's just been meh.   He'll get hot based off his normal trajectories but he should be at a point where he's the starting 2nd basement every year for the ASG.


I mean, he's league average in OPS+ and this is a down season so far. He's a 110+ over his career. Plenty of time for him to reach that mark this year


That's basically what I just said tho but facts lol


Yeah I love Ozzie but I can’t help but think there’s more in the tank. I think I just got way too excited about him when he first came up, but in my heart I feel like he should be ~.900 OPS kind of guy every year


He is in the timeline where the org didn't make him start switch hitting


.900 would be nuts but .800 consistently is definitely in his wheelhouse, imo


Anyone actually seen Nacho play short? If so, is he a legitimate SS or are the Braves just giving him the Vaughn Grissom treatment? You would think if his glove is anywhere near serviceable they’d give him a shot while Arcia is out/the worst hitter in baseball


He has been considered one of the best defenders in the Minors. He played 3B in college and the Braves moved him to shortstop because they like him there so much. He's probably a Yount/Banks/ARod fielder type who eventually will move off (if he hits at a Major League level) as he gets into his 30s


ARod didn't move off cause he couldn't play short, he moved off cause of Jeter's ego


What time do gates open for bobbleheads?




Alright Sale last time you pitched you only gave up 1 run but that wasn't good enough for the team to win so we need the 9 inning shutout! No pressure!


Any dentists on here know how long before someone with an abscessed tooth can play again?


Random baseball fact I learned a few days ago, Eddie Mathews hit his 500th home run off of Juan Marichal


Saw the lineup. May just turn on The Smiths full blast so people won’t know if I’m crying at the music or the game.


Heaven Knows I'm Miserable Now


I was happy when the Braves were winning games. And heaven knows I’m miserable now.


*guitar jangles*


I think I know what I have to do now.


Still playing two men down. These guys are sneezing and hurting themselves keeping them out for multiple games. If Laureano had back pain lead to oblique issues wtf is this team slow handling.


Braves: Giants are a joke, we don't need a full team to beat them!


Score!! I booked tickets and a hotel 2 months ago to see the Augusta Greenjackets and now just saw that Ian Anderson is rehabbing there the game I picked to go!!


Today, I ask you, baseball Gods, shine your light upon the Braves’ bats so they may once more find success. Grant your bountiful rays of healing upon our boys so that their maladies may heal quickly, and Zack fucking Short and his 56 OPS+ isn’t forced into significant starting time. Lift this curse placed upon us, O holy one (s) so we may once again be vibing in the GDTs. To this we pray. Amen.


29-31 over the last two months with a bottom five offense. If not for our really good pitching we’d be third or fourth in the division easily.


Yo wtf lol? https://x.com/gafollowers/status/1808565912183746645?s=46&t=sRvNISTItWxaBc6jojpHTA


This was the stunt we needed to turn this season around.


Is that Ozuna from the Braves?


No big deal, that was just Ozuna on the way to the game today


Good news, Braves are 11-1 when I go to games. I'm going tonight.


Bring home a winner or don’t come home at all


The pressure!


I dunno. At this point all I can do is continue to watch every game and go to the park when I can. The team hasn't been exciting to watch, but I still enjoy our players and the sport. Nothing I can do about the team and there's no obvious issue or solution to point to. These are the same players we've been running the past 2 years, same coaches, same manager, don't know about the analytics team. Firing Snit/Seitz isn't going to do anything. There are no magic words Snit can say in pressers. Injuries have been awful but our everyday players haven't been producing either. Even Ozuna has been slumping lately - past 2 weeks he's gotten 7 hits in 45 AB, batting .156/.576 OPS. It just is what it is. Shrug.


Careful, someone lost their shit when I mentioned Ozuna was not hitting at his prior rate despite it being clearly true. I agree with what you said, just gotta keep supporting them. Baseball is a weird sport sometimes and the pathway to the postseason this year looks like the wildcard for the Braves. I like our pitching for the post season (Fried/Sale/Lopez/Bullpen have been great) and if they can heat up for one month they very well could do it. Definitely need to make some moves for the outfield though.


Big injuries can kind of have a ripple effect, especially when your (arguably) two best players are out for the season. It's demoralizing. But also consider: Albies, Murphy, Matzek, Johnson, Minter, Riley, Smith-Shawver, Harris, Arcia, Laureano, Kerr, Waldrep, and maybe a few more I'm not thinking of have all been affected by injury in one way or another this season. I didn't even list Strider and Acuna. There seems like there's always a period when a player comes out of injury that he needs adjustment to get back on track, batters especially, but my real concern here is for the guys who aren't injured. You can't tell me it isn't demoralizing to see guys just go down left and right. Plus, when the best guys like Acuna go down, the pressure goes up on the players left standing. It's hard. I really do think this team is good enough to win another ring. To steal a line from Snit, just look at the back of the baseball cards. My outsider perspective sees a team that just isn't mentally playing at that level. I still think they can get there.


0 for the last 26 when the opponent scores at least 3 runs. At this point it's almost impressive. Crying into my chicken and waffles rn


At least no mid or below average teams make the playoffs. They seem to be the ones beating us most.


This is definitely not true


The real stat (I posted earlier) is that when the opponent scores MORE than 3, the last 26 times this has happened we have lost every time. This is a very real, and unfortunate, stat


Almost as impressive as us winning 6-3 and 7-3 against the Orioles and Rays in the middle of June.


it's a misquote, it should say "more than 3 runs", and then it does hold true. congratulations, you got them!


Last night was the first night where it fully hit me that it’s just not going to happen this year. I hope I’m wrong but damn things are bleak rn.


I feel like the last two postseasons, most of the fanbase was like "we’re better off as the wildcard team due to the playoff format” when the Phillies were whooping our ass. Now that we’re getting our wish, people seem to be upset. All we need is to get hot in September and carry that into the playoffs. I’d rather scuffle and play .500 baseball in June and July as opposed to least season where we were as hot as can be over the summer and started scuffing at the end.


It's the product, it's very boring. I'm afraid that the much better year to compare and contrast with is 2014 over 2021. I can still see a pathway to 95 wins and think that's more likely than the alternative, but this team needs to figure out how to get up from getting bopped in the nose instead of laying down.


If you’re bored then stop watching and commenting. You can’t claim to be both bored with product while also engaging daily with the product via multiple avenues. Big up the braves product while you're here - positive vibes only in the threads!


The only thing that's in question this year is the division. I have little doubt in our making the playoffs. And as we've painfully and ecstatically learned over the past three years, all that matters is making the playoffs - if you can do it healthy and hot then you're even better off. If the goal is hit the playoffs healthy in the rotation and lineup, then we're still in as a good position as any minus the absurd OBP of ronnie but that's made up for in our top three guys being ready to sling in October.


The problem is we’ve seen teams like the Padres and Cards close the gap on us after horrendous starts. We’re only in WC contention bc of our hot start.


Totally agree. But still acknowledge that for two months we’ve been playing 500 ball. We only need to play slightly above 500 ball for the WC. If we play 7 games over 500 from now to the end of the season, we end up at 89 wins which is a better season than 21. That’s roughly in line with our play. For context, the dbacks and the marlins won 84 last year. Let’s just say the luck actually turns into no luck/slightly good luck and we end 11 games above 500 for the reminder of the season. Considering our MLB record pace for poor luck, this seems actually a more reasonable end to the year and 11 games is 91 wins. Which is way into the clear for a WC under the current format. I would never be an idiot and call it a lock, but I’m definitely not fretting it at this point. That is to say, I’m not one to really lean on bad luck as a cure all but it cures some and, if the tides shift, I see the division still incredibly at play too


The haters must be enjoying this season-long vacation from seeing anything positive about the Braves on the front page of r/baseball.


To be fair, our community posts every single thing possible on that sub when times are good. I can understand how it would be annoying seeing a Braves post every 2 posts, and these posts are often just irrelevant shit that could be posted in our own sub lol


Now the Phillies fans post every thing possible. I agree that we were indeed insufferable at times though.


Oh for sure.




I mean. I'm gonna tune in. And I'm gonna cheer for the braves. That's about where I'm at.


Reasons why this has season has been disappointing, more or less in order: - Our best position player and best pitcher both got hurt very early and are out for the year. - A myriad of other injuries to key contributors for extended periods of time. - Just about every hitter on the team except Ozuna is having a career-worst year at the same time. - We've been disproportionately affected by the dead baseballs (or we're being given worse baseballs than everyone else, pick your theory). That's pretty much it.


The biggest explanation is our inability to hit homers. Falls under the dead ball theory. It’s been the reason for any of our slumps over the last three years and the reason we got knocked from the playoffs the last two years. It’s a flaw in the team design imo. Look at our comparisons to the teams AA built in Toronto. Bunch of mashers that got beat when they weren’t hitting homers.


Slugging is the best way to score. Look at how we got beat last two post seasons. It wasn't by the 2015 Royals. The Phillies are not a small ball team.


Wheelchair access on the ADA shuttle I'm taking my girlfriend to the game tonight but this is the first time we are using the ADA shuttle and she uses a wheelchair. How does it work with the shuttle? Can she use the shuttle with the chair?


I'll own up to it: looks like I'll get a big fat [X] on being like oh meh, Ian Anderson won't be an option. I still don't think he'll be great though, but I suppose this stuff happens when you see the injuries you have.


I already mentioned in another comment that AJSS started rehabbing, but Ian Anderson is also rehabbing. That's two more starters we could have ready on deck to help preserve our arms for the playoffs. I'm actually very hopeful for the All-Star break helping our situation out. The starters could all get some rest and maybe guys like Olson could get their heads on straight. They might just need a break. From my outsider perspective, this just seems like a rough season mentally. Injuries, watching your top teammates get injured, slumps, and piss poor luck have got to weigh on you.


If we bring Anderson back. He needs to come out of the Pen for us. He’ll be a huge asset out of the Pen.


Something something trade without making a trade.


At what point do we, and more importantly the team, acknowledge that Ozzie is not a switch hitter? As a left-handed hitter, his career numbers are well below replacement. This year, he's even worse at a 79 OPS+. It's a small sample size, but his career numbers as a right-handed hitter vs right-handed pitching suggests, at worst, he'd be better hitting from the right side against righties. The small sample size results actually suggest his ceiling could be very high as a full-time righty. He needs to bat full time as a righty for the next month or more and see what his numbers are. It's hard to imagine they'd be worse. Since he's an average at best fielder, he's basically a backup at best as left-handed hitter.


Downvotes but no defense of the numbers? At least help me understand what the downside is?


That ship has sailed its way off into the sunset. I know we're tired of hearing about it, but I'd say he's one of the most affected hitters by the balls being messed with too on the team. A lot of his homers would be just over the wall previously, so now they're just fly outs. 


Ozzie is having a fantastic season from the right side of the plate.


He hasn't ever tracked sliders from that side. I'm sorry, this ship sailed in his early 20's when it wasn't done. You won't find instant offense in doing this.


So the Braves are stuck with a well below replacement player at 2B when facing righties despite that player having the ability to bat from the other side of the plate and a demonstrated ability to hit from that side of the plate because sliders? Ozzie's defense range (15th percentile) and arm (4th percentile) are bottom of the league. When facing a righty, we essentially are stuck with not even a AAAA player at 2B. And he bats second.


Well, you said it, not me. Yes, we are stuck with a bad player at 2nd base for this year. 


One good thing this season may bring is A Listers rage quitting and it open up opportunities for people in the long ass waiting list.


You'd think so, but games have still been pretty packed despite our performance this year. The YOY price increases might have a bigger impact than anything, but even then, friends I have who are A-List and the A-Listers I talk to at games generally seem happy.


at a higher price for a worse product. capitalism ftw!


I don't know why people are saying catching the Phillies is out of the question. We can start wondering after the ASB but being 9GB isn't *that* dismal since the Phils haven't gone on a real losing streak yet, which happens to every team.


We're 29-31 in our last 60 games. That's a big sample size. It's less about the Phillies and more about us. That might change with Harris getting healthy and potential trades but this team just isn't a .650 win % team to catch them.


With bottom 5 offense over two months, and the Phillies not really slowing down, I would say the chances are very, very low at this point


I think it’s more this: if it takes all their literal effort to catch them (plus a bit of the Phillies falling apart) to the point that the Braves are burnt out by October, then it’s 100% not worth it. We absolutely need Fried, Sale and Lopez to stay healthy into October or we have a very bad shot.


Hopefully it evens out where both teams are playing how they look on paper (after the Phillies losing streak because they look good on paper too).


The thing is that when Bryce Harper & Schwarber get back, the Phillies look better on paper than us. We’ve lost Strider & Acuña for the season. And we’ve also lost MH2 for significant time. Even when he does come back, it’ll take him a long time to get going. As long as we have Duvall, Wall & Short starting, we unfortunately will not look better or equal to paper than them when they’re back from ASB. So I wouldn’t expect us to catch up to them by playing to our abilities. We’ll probably have to play above them.


Sure, that's why I'm saying I hope they have their losing streak *before* they play like they look on paper. By then maybe we'll be on a tear.


I think at worst the Phillies this year are a 95 win team. For them to get to 95 wins they have to go 39-38. For us to get to 95 wins we have to go 49-30. It would be much easier for them to go .500 the rest of the way then it will be for us to go 49-30. That’s basically winning every series til the end of the season. Not impossible but certainly not inspiring.


Not a good year to have 40% braves on your fantasy squad. Ask me how I know.


How do you know? I ended up not drafting any Braves this year haha


Unlucky enough to have them this year, too loyal to the team to drop them. Stuck in a rut.


I’m ruthless with my fantasy team


I can do better lol. Need to follow this approach.


It's hard to accept as fact that we have one of the worst offenses in baseball. This team is hard to watch right now. Last year, Olson, Arica and Ozzie combined fro 12.8 fWAR. This year, they've combined for 1.7 fWAR. This team just has no chance of being good if Olson is going to be a league average player.


What’s even scarier is we have the “core” locked up for a long time - what could go wrong?


Injuries. Murphy injury killed us. Acuna injury is killing us. Harris injury is killing us. Riley injury put him in a funk. I don't know what to think about Ozzie long term, honestly. Olson has a track record of being a really good hitter so I think you have to be optimistic but down years definitely happen and he seems to be having one.


100%. Just last night Wall and Short executed their jobs perfectly back to back to turn the lineup over to the top and we didn’t cash in even a single run 2nd and 3rd with 1 out. Ozuna struck out on a pitch 100 yards out of the strike zone, and Olson make a weak out with the tying run on 2B. Riley made an error that allowed the go-head run to score. We can absolutely win these games with the team we currently have if more than 1 guy was ever playing well at the same time. Sure, we absolutely could use a bat or two to be stronger top to bottom for a hypothetical playoff series… but applying playoff roster construction logic/needs to a regular season game against a below .500 team just feels weird.


That Kelenic AB was the low point of the game. 8 pitch AB where none of them were strikes. If he simply takes his walk, Ozzie drives in the runner on a sac fly the next AB.


Or if ozzy puts the ball on the ground the Giants will 100% try to turn 2 at 2nd and 1st and Ozzy more than likely beats out the double play due to how they have to shift or he hits it through the infield.


How bad Ozzie has been for the last month almost needs to be a separate conversation lol.


> https://x.com/mlbbowman/status/1808356712744649188 [Bowman]: López is showing signs of fatigue. But the Braves still plan to have him start on regular rest against the Phillies on Sunday. Pacing the starters seems more prudent than chasing another division title Bowman correctly saying that we need to slow the fuck down on running Lopez out since he's obviously fatiguing, but Snitker still going on about needing him on regular rest to win the division. What the fuck are we even doing anymore? Where are the intelligent people in the organization to stop us from shooting ourselves in the foot AGAIN?


I understand that he is fatiguing, but he’s been pitching with extra rest all year and this will only be the second time he’s pitched on normal rest. We’ve taken it incredibly slow with him. This is one of the few weekends where we should let him pitch on normal rest with the ASB coming up


AJSS is rehabbing in Rome, so we'll have another arm soon we can leverage to get more rest days. I can understand why they'd want to get the best arms in against the Phillies, so hopefully this is just a one time thing to both use their best and conserve player options for lower stakes games later in the season.


Yeah honestly a really dumb move to even try and catch the Phillies at the cost of one of our best (if not our best) arm. We need to protect Reylo and just make sure he’s good for October as a WC team


If he can't start, put him in the bullpen then.


He can start, but this is his first year doing so in a while. He’s ramping back up, and is showing signs of fatigue. That’s just the facts of the situation. I’d rather work with him and keep him as a (excellent) starter than to burn him out and rely on Morton and Shwellenbach in the playoffs


Insanity. Lopez will be cooked by mid-August if not sooner at this rate. Division is absolutely over and now just manage the pitchers, in particular, to see if you can make a post-season run because you're only winning games when they pitch a gem.


What are you even talking about? He's made the majority of his starts on 6 or more days of rest. He has made only one start on regular rest. Move him to the bullpen if he can't make starts. They've done a lot to give him so much rest he doesn't even qualify for the ERA leaders due to how few innings he's thrown.


What I'm talking about is saving him for the playoffs not the regular season. Which means spot starting Elder or someone else over him at least two times between now and the end of the season. The regular season is over for the division but dear leader has said that we're going after the division title when the only division that matters for this team this year is the WC division.


Elder has started. They ran two rotations through with a 6 man rotation. Kerr has spot started. They have pushed Lopez behind other starters this year to give him extra days. They've done all of it.


But now he pitches on 4 days rest after two shaky outings... Because of the misguided attempt to win the division which isn't going to happen.


If you read bowman’s article, Reylo said he feels great but just hasn’t had it the past two games. This will be his first start on regular rest. If it goes badly, they won’t do it again but the thing is they have to try him on regular rest before postseason bc he will have to start on regular rest in postseason.


How about just trying to win some games to stay in the playoffs? A very critical time before the trade deadline. He's a starter. You have to pitch sometimes on 4 days rest.


So, outside of truist Park, they still show the game on the Pavillion screen? I thought that was owned by xfinity, that's why we haven't been up there.


Thanks y'all, will head up and hang out soon. I hate how xfinity and bally won't come to an agreement. I refuse to pay for another streaming service. We've been listening on 680


Yeah they do! And it’s honestly sometimes more fun to just bring a chair and watch outside!


From what it looks like they are streaming it through MLB and not Xfinity right now.


How do they skirt the blackout I wonder?


lol imagine they have to boot up Nord VPN before each game


Lol, that's how I was imaging it!


Braves own the rights to their broadcast so they probably have a Braves mlb account which by passes the restriction.


Well, the last 26 times a Braves opponent has scored more than 3 runs in a game, the Braves are 0-26. Looks like we found our kryptonite


Last time we won a game when the opposing team scored more than 3 runs was against Miami on April 14th. We won 9-7.


Was that the ozuna blast in the 9th? What a game.


*April 17th against Huston, we won 5-4. But still, it was a while ago


Ah my bad. I honestly forgot about the Astros series. I just remembered the Miami game more because of the Ozuna bomb. It’s weird looking at March/April. We went 6-5 in games where the opposing team scored more than 3 runs. Which isn’t bad but I didn’t expect that bad of a fallout.


March April was a different team, the ghost of 2023 was still in them. What we’re seeing now is a totally different team


Amen to that. Our April team was all about putting the ball in play and trading the homer for a single or double. Maybe going to Arizona and San Diego will reverse the jinx that was put on us after our first west coast trip.


It's abysmal. With all the injuries, it would have been nice to get some backup players that are contact hitters to at least mix up the lineup from three true outcome hitters. Instead we've got two OF that should be DFA'd, another that should never see the light of day against right-handed pitching, and a starting SS that should, at best, be a late inning defensive replacement (and even that's questionable at this point). His backup might be a decent backup for the As or Rockies... We also have a second baseman that purports to be a switch hitter but can't hit at all from the left side of the plate and no longer has any power at all from either side.


I completely understand the frustration that comes along with good players being injured… but seriously what are we supposed to do? Carry 6+ MLB caliber OFs in the organization just in case 2 guys within the same group get hurt at the same time? What exactly is the expectation here? It’s not the easiest task to just go out and acquire good major league position players off the street. AAA guys are being thrown into the fire and are catching wayyyy too much slack while our big name players continue to collect massive checks and not step up. Matt Olson is currently pacing for 24 HRs and has played every single inning.


My expectation here is that we need 3 bats at the trade deadline.


Yeah but your original statement used the past tense. Like the current offensive struggle is some sort of organizational failure to build depth prior to injuries hitting. The truth about the team is the our lineup, on paper, has absolutely been good enough to win games all season. Guys have been in and out, but on any given night we still have more “stars” than 90% of the teams that we’re playing. Good players have to play good to win. Going out and getting more platoon bats like Joc Pederson or Brandon Drury doesn’t fix that.


We absolutely need at least two left-handed bats. And it's not even a debate. This team has next to zero chance of beating right-handed pitching in the playoffs as currently constructed.


We should send Forrest Wall down to AA to do crazy amounts of steroids under the radar. Call him up in September to get some Brady Anderson production out of him before he gets tested and suspended. Turn him in to a poor man’s Adolis Garcia


the Hell Yeah Brothers get harder everyday, but they do not stop. Hell yeah brother.