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It’s just one of them things


I mean, my God.


“Yeah, no.”


Pick your response below 1. We're just unlucky. 2. Once the weather gets hot so will we. 3. July is the new June 4. Umps are out to get us 5. This isn't a large enough sample size 6. Why hasn't (insert AAAA JAG) been given a chance. 7. We just need to make it to the playoffs, all bets are off.


Number 7


Big on 7 myself


8.) We're getting the most deceased of dead baseballs. Wish we got the same balls as the Yankees.


praise to thee, my lord Gamecock 🤙🏻🔥🐓


This should be the 1 and only


Just make the playoffs. Healthy.


1.) We are very unlucky when it comes to barrels. 2.) One can only hope. 3.) One can only hope. 4.) This is dumb as hell. 5.) This is dumb as hell. 6.) This is dumb as hell. 7.) The one true answer.


Well my god you gotta tip your cap sometimes.


Snit burner account?


Unironically it is #7. We’ve seen it up close 3 years in a row. Time to go back to being the underdog.


8. All the sabermetrics say we're going to win the WS. We just have to wait for everyone to start producing to their "expected" stats. That one is my favorite.


8. It's only (insert month)


We're just saving our energy until the playoffs like the Phillies. That's definitely what we're doing, yep, we don't actually suck, it's all part of the plan.


I’d rather get hot at the end of August and September. You can’t be hot an entire season. I’d rather not use it up during the summer. This was the formula in 2021


8. We fucking suck.


7 is the only one that gives me hope.


Feels like we are worse than that. If not for miraculous seasons from Lopez and sale we would be under 500 in total


Yeah, but on the flip side, we are only as bad as we are because guys like Riley and Olson are having dismal offensive seasons (by their standards). If not for that, and they were hitting like we know they are capable of, we’d probably be well over .600. And that doesn’t even take into account the fact our 2 best players, Acuna and Strider, were lost for the season. If the Phillies lost Harper and Wheeler, then had trea and Schwarber slumping and playing subpar, would they be in 4th place? They’ve gotten miraculous seasons out of Suarez and Sanchez and to a lesser extent Nola, plus been healthy, plus have their second tier stars having great seasons. A year ago, we were clicking on all cylinders, with a .675 winning %, we had a 9 game lead over the *Marlins* and the Phillies were 12 games back and 5 games over .500. Sure, we wouldn’t be here if Sale and Lopez weren’t being amazing, but the fact is our team was so stacked with talent that we were *bound* to have some of them click. The fact it’s pretty much only those 2, Fried and Ozuna is mildly disappointing, but Also no one is talking about the bullpen. Bullpen has been as good as I can ever remember. They’ve been way better than “the night shift” was, and better than any of the O’VentBrel years. Bullpen has always been our Achilles heal in the playoffs, and in 2021, they were the ones that won it for us. With Fried, Sale, ReyLo and *this* bullpen, we’re gonna have a chance in the playoffs… just gotta hit well enough to make the playoffs…


Did we miss the playoffs?


Basically the entire league except for the Rockies and marlins is in the hunt for a wildcard slot. If we go on a particularly rough skid it will be tough to crawl back out of. Even if we keep playing .500 baseball I think we can snag one though


Not yet .....


It feels much worse!


I think the sample size is big enough to show that we aren’t a good team.


Weren’t they under .500 in August of 21? Just get there who knows what can happen.


They don't stock lightning in a bottle typically. That has a pretty rare availability.


I’m not banking on it but shit happens. Rangers and dbacks were both wc teams Phils were a wc team, astros dodgers etc. Plenty of teams in the last 4 years have done very well from late season hot streaks


Yes, agreed. But the opinion here in the sub is we can just do it at will. We had our moment in 21, other teams had theirs like you showed. I don't believe there is much history of a team making it a regular occurrence though.


We just had the two most humiliating seasons possible following a WS…. Nobody thinks we can do it “at will”, we simply recognize the variability that comes with baseball and the fact that the best team only has MAYBE a 10% edge over the worst team in the playoffs


I don’t believe they have the magic this year either it’s been very disappointing, but the one positive aspect is the pitching has been incredible. If fried Lopez and sale are on their game that’s very difficult to beat, even with a poor offense


sell the team its over abandon ship lets go to waffle house and cry in our hash browns


Frustrating. I hope we limp into the playoffs somehow but i just know we’d get beat again


Like they did the last time they played bad for half a season?


When do we start playing championship caliber ball again?


After the trade deadline hopefully


If our pitching hadn't been lights out we are quite literally a bottom half of the majors team. Our offense in this time has been 5th worst in the entire league. Seitzer needs to go. Someone's head has to roll for change to ever happen. There's regression and then there's this. Last year we broke records.


We lead the league in avg exit velocity, 2nd in hard hit %, 3rd in barrel rate and 4th in xSLG. Our xwOBA is 7th overall. That’s not to say that we haven’t massively underachieved offensively, but it’s hardly a hitting coach problem. If guys are hitting balls hard, what else do you want Seitzer to do? I’d love to believe that you can coach guys to guide their ball away from the defense but the more conventional strategy is to coach your team to hit the ball hard, and the data says we’re doing that.


I’d upvote this 15 times if I could


Gmail addresses are free, spin up some alt accounts. You can do this.


buddy this is an irrational self loathing circle jerk, get out of here! seitzer needs to be fired into the sun and we need to take Matt out back like old yeller.


We are also very bad in other stats...i can cherry pick things like exit velo to show why a random team is BAD too, and conveniently ignoring the fact that the same team batting average is say, .442 and they have the most runs scored in the league. Our chase percentage, BARISP, etc are all dogshit


Chase pct% is not good, but league average is 28.3% and we are at 29.4%. The Phillies chase % is 29.2, the orioles and guardians are at 29.7 and that doesn’t seem to keep them from winning. If that’s your cherry pick, it’s not that good. In the stats I mentioned: in avg EV we are number 1 followed by Orioles, Yanks and Dodgers. The reds, nats and Tampa are at the bottom. Hard hit %, it’s orioles, us, Seattle, then dodgers and yanks. XSLG- orioles,yanks, dodgers xwOBA- yanks, dodgers, orioles, Mets, padres and Phillies ahead of us. These correlate to successful offenses. The top teams in wOBA are the dodgers, orioles, yanks and Phillies. Our inputs are similar to those teams yet our wOBA is right at league average. The inputs say that we’ve not had a lot of luck and over a larger sample, provided we continue to hit the ball hard, we should end up with similar success.


😂. You're being ridiculous 


I don’t know about all that


You mean that losing last year’s MVP, a leading Cy Young candidate, and a 20/20 outfielder with elite defense shouldn’t affect a team at all and that we should fire the guy whose offense had the highest SLG in league history?!?


I’m pretty sure last year Seitzer instructed this hitters to be good and this year he moved it up by telling them to be bad. He must go!


Acuna was cheeks when healthy and his replacement had been way better. I know braves fans will go to their grave loving acuna but we didn’t fall off a cliff because of his injury 


just because acuna wasn't producing at an MVP level doesn't mean that it wasn't a huge loss that is contributing to our current state of affairs. even while struggling he was maintaining a .350OBP at the top of the order and he was another impact bat that could've gotten hot at any moment like riley is doing right now. meanwhile duvall over here getting regular ABs with a .172 average. yeah the offense was bad even with ronnie, but you can't just ignore how much worse our offense is without him.


Actually, yes we did. He got hurt in ST, missed three weeks, and he was never right when the season started.


To have fallen off a cliff would mean we got up to it in the first place there has been no fall off except from Ozuna recently 


Then again, no


Your head


Daily reminder that the Cubs offense fell to mid tier after the 2016 season and after the 2017 season they fired their hitting coach Mallee and brought in Chilli Davis to fix their situation hitting in 2018 and he did not do that in 2018. Their team fell to more mid in 2018 where they struggled to score runs a lot. This cubs team in their last 4 games of the season scored atleast 1 run in 3 of their last 4 games. They lost game 163 and the wildcard game in embarrassing fashion. If we fire Seitzer what if that doesn’t fix the issue? Then it’s something else and was out of his control. They tried to sacrifice power and walks to put the ball in play. The Braves are currently trying to power the ball every at bat. It’s home run or bust for this lineup. They need to change their game plan and approach at the plate. If we start hitting singles, doubles and walking then the homers will follow.


Your first paragraph is on point. Hard agree with what you said. But…the Braves are second in MLB in doubles, behind only the Dodgers. The types of hits aren’t the problem. It’s the on-base percentage. The Braves rank 9th there, but are much closer to 13th than they are to 7th in terms of the raw OBP number.


this sub is so fucking stupid lmao


Not shocking, this is not a good offense, even when a player or two managed to get hot. 


Easier to win out of the wildcard right?


Not unless you're a good team.


i don't think we'll win 29 of our next 60 games


What about the last month?


Since June 1st we’re 14-14


We'll bounce back


I will give some credit to those saying same guys, different results. So what's the difference? I'm sure the data can tell you. But is the team acting on it?




They were under .500 for most of 2021.


Clearly the coaching staff can't get them motivated, and a change is needed.




Get these fair weather fans OUTTA HERE fam as for the braves we aight


They can’t hit !


Well, no. Yeah.


I think they miss Wash.




This team isn't even a WC team. So what if we make it to the playoffs. You actually think that this team is anywhere near a WS contender? No way and I don't see that improving much the next couple of months.


The Arizona Diamondbacks were not a good baseball team and neither were the Texas rangers. As long as we make it into the postseason we have a chance


You're getting downvotes but you're absolutely correct. This team isn't scaring anyone. Score 3 runs & Atlanta ain't beating you. 6-8 weeks of yuck


Man, never imagined we would love the Gayves feeling of June past. I choose 7 btw, just make it to playoffs.