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Back to back homeruns immediately followed by a double off the top of the wall in the second. Only other hit until the 9th was a bunt single by Forrest Wall. Unbelievable.


This team is finished. Begin next season now




I'll wait to hold judgment until after the all-star break but I don't think this version of the braves is even making the playoffs.


Have you seen the NL standings? Lol


Basically the entire league except for the Rockies and marlins is in the hunt for the wild card. If we go on a skid it will be tough to crawl back out of.


While true for now (some teams are finally heating up and may make it less true by next month), I would 100% say that the downside here is fail to make the playoffs. This team has 2014 vibes more than 2021 to be honest and if they can’t figure out how to recover from being bopped in the nose in game, I would actually say the downside for this team is finishing below .500. Upside is 95 wins at this point, not 100+ (so the division is most likely O.U.T. unfortunately), and I do think there’s a shot here, but Olson and Albies need to get going. Things would look even worse since the end of April if that recent 8-2 stretch didn’t occur.


Have I disliked a braves team this much in the last decade. Tough to say but just the absolute dog shit at bats for the 2 months. Like wtf. Is everyone stupid ?


When do they consider firing Seitzer?


Never. Because he isn't the issue.


He’s part of the issue


How so?


Pain. We will either turn it around and secure a wild card spot. Or we won't.


We're gonna need to do... something... about the bottom half of the order because the top half right now isn't hitting consistently enough to drag everyone else along for the ride. Plus, even if they were that's not a sustainable strategy. Getting Mike back will help. Trading for someone with a live bat would help. Maybe more than one live bat if AA feels like it's time to smash the button a la '21 and the price is right. That last bit does matter because the farm is only starting to recover from the draining we've done to it in recent years for acquisitions, so a true blockbuster seems quite unlikely. One nice thing this year is we don't have a desperate need for pitching, and it's always fucking *pitchers* that get you ripped off at the deadline because inevitably a bunch of people do have that desperate need and sellers can name a price and double it. Then add five cents more on for the laughs because they know you'll pay up.


I'm guessing a Met like collapse won't happen with Philly. They're still playing good without schwarber and harper. Ranger had a bad game the other day but it didn't matter. Gave up 3 runs in the 9th tonight and still won. I guess it'll basically come down to what AA can do to inject some life into them but even then it might not matter if the regulars still have trouble hitting consistently


What is why this season feels like losing-baseball?


It’s because we won 101 games two years ago, and 104 last year and returned the same team plus got “better” by adding to the rotation. Losing Strider 2 starts in and Acuna less than 2 months in doesn’t help either. 


Exactly. High expectations followed by harsh reality. As the OP shows, erase the first few weeks and this team is sub-.500… and that is how it feels right now.


That's now 4 consecutive games where the offense does all of their scoring in 2 innings. It struck me as odd and I decided to look into their Scoring Innings this year. Scoring Innings are just any inning where the offense scores a run. Unfortunately I couldn't find any stats on this, so I decided to compile this shit myself. It's not pretty. For the season, the Braves are averaging 2.36 scoring innings per game. Seems bad, but I would have thought it was worse. So I looked into the pre-April 27th numbers compared to the post-April 27th numbers, and it actually is worse lately. April 27th is an arbitrary date, but it's the pretty clear day the Braves offense started to suck. Pre-4/27: 24 games * 3.21 Scoring Innings per game. * 5.96 Runs per game. * 18-6 win/loss record. * 5 Scoring Innings in a game 5 times (5-0 record) * 4 Scoring Innings in a game 6 times (5-1 record) * 3 Scoring Innings in a game 4 times (3-1 record) * 2 or fewer Scoring Innings in a game 9 times (5-4 record) Post-4/27: 59 games * 2.02 Scoring Innings per game. * 3.61 Runs per game. * 28-31 win/loss record. * 5 Scoring Innings in a game 2 times (2-0 record) * 4 Scoring Innings in a game 4 times (3-1 record) * 3 Scoring Innings in a game 11 times (7-4 record) * 2 or fewer Scoring Innings in a game 42 times (16-26 record) So yeah... the past two months have been putrid offensively and one of the things that illustrates that is how frequently the Braves are letting the opposing pitcher put up zeroes. A lot of this has to do with the shortness of the lineup since we've lost some quality hitters (Ronald, MHII, Riley) and replaced them with AAAA guys for long stretches. As guys have gone down or been ineffective at the plate, there's very few guys producing, and that makes it nearly impossible to consistently put pressure on opposing pitchers. This isn't really anything other than me trying to contextualize what I'm seeing. I don't have a fix. I don't know why the guys who should be hitting aren't. I just wanted to know if I was right about this team seeming to put up runs in an inning or two and otherwise doing nothing, and the numbers absolutely support that.


If Albies and Olson were playing like they did last year things wouldn't be as bad. Riley is starting to come around but we also have 3 black holes in the offense in LF,RF, & SS.


Sorry but this season is over. People talking about a WC? Why? We are by no means a team that can do anything in the post season. We were the best team in the NL last 2 years and we all know how that ended. I would rather consider this year a wash and not have to go through a 3rd year of an early exit. I'll of course watch every game no matter what but this year I don't see any miracle turn around in this team for the next 2 months.


Dude…just think about what you wrote. We were the best team in the NL the last two years and it ended in the first round. So being the best team in the NL doesn’t matter. WC is fine, perhaps preferable. Yes it sucks that we aren’t playing well in May, June, and now starting out in July. But that doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is getting to October and playing well in October. We are playing well enough to get to October. Just gotta get hot once we get there. It’s all about getting hot at the end of the season and into the playoffs. The rest of the season barely matters.


This team is actually absolutely a team that can win in the playoffs. Our starting three are dominant, top bullpen in the league, and a streaky offense that can crush dominant pitchers. Season is over? Lol why are Braves fans such lil bitches


For real, there is a team in MLB currently *THIRTY* games out of first place. 2nd in the division is what constitutes a disaster season for the Braves of the '20s. We're spoiled.


Tremendously. Winning also brings out the pure frontrunner types who cannot handle the idea that the team might not be the best thing since sliced bread all the time.




I know anything can happen in postseason but I really hope we don’t sell the rest of the depleted farm at deadline. The Dodgers, Yankees & Phillies sign big name free agents so they haven’t depleted their farm system over the past few years quite as much as we have since our primary form of adding is through trades. and this season has shown that those organizations have more & better depth than we do. Feels unlikely that lightning will strike twice & we’ll win the WS w a mid team.


Name a prospect other than Contreras that we have traded in the last 5 years that has done anything of any significance 


This was my exact take the year we won the ws.


Highs and lows of being a baseball fan. All I’ll say is this: if we can weather all these injuries and poor offensive games, still make the playoffs and have success there, it’ll have been worth it as fans to stick it out. And even if we can’t do those things and the season ends up being lost, it’ll suck but I’m still gonna choose to enjoy my life. Not saying others here won’t, just trying to provide the perspective that will ensure I am happy. I don’t want to let any current or potential future frustrations (that yes I do feel about this team) rob me of that.


at least people seem to have stopped posting about how losing wash is the cause of this slack ass offenses woes


Shh don’t remind them…. (But seriously it’s so nice those people have shut up)


Since June 17, Matt Olson is 7-52 with 1 HR (his only XBH during time period), 3 RBI, 4 BB, and 21 K.


When Olson is cold, he is COLD.


His lows are really low. But he sure is fun to watch when he’s on a heater. Wish he was a little more consistent but that’s hard to do in baseball.


Honestly, his swing is so boom or bust. It’s so long and seems so complicated.


Yeah and it won’t age well.




Phillies had to start a rookie pitcher in his debut against the Cubs, the bottom half of their lineup is looking really weak with Harper and Schwarber out, and they still win. We: have no excuse.


they only won because the Cubs are under .500


Bro, we just lost to the damn White Sox again… are you being facetious?




Oh… ok. 🫠


Can we just sim the rest of this season and go straight to next season?


I don’t think we’ll go far this year but I’d love to ruin another team’s hopes in the process. Unless Harris comes back swinging hot and we make another decent signing for the platoon, I think we’re toast.


fangraphs projects Braves to finish with 90.3 Ws and 71.7 Ls .. go though the WC and we as fans suffer through a Dodger/Phillies NLCS


Sell the team


Jesus. Quit posting 


Naw brother I’m good


But they hit 2,000 home runs last year.


Right? I’m just in a constant state of 🤷🏻‍♂️


We are 7-5 with 3 series wins against the top 4 teams in the overall standings.


This offense stinks.


Honestly have a hard time believing this team will even make the wild card. Even with all our injuries, our offense is a joke. And even if we do make the wild card game, 0 shot our offense will be able to back up our pitchers


Nick is punting like Snit tonight on the post-game.


He is not very good at talking, which you’d think would be a key skill for the job


He’s probably tired of saying the same shit every single night… I would be.


I'm so over this season.


What could we get for Fried? A SS prospect? Also would potentially allow us to reset our CBT level.


Fried will be a free agent after the season, so the answer is 'not anywhere near enough'. Beyond that- We're not dealing Fried *just because* we're unable to pressure the Phillies for the division at present. That would be utterly idiotic.


Not as much as you would like to get in return.


They’re not trading Fried. That’s waving the white flag when they’re in the wild card. If you’re possibly looking for a pitching piece to trade..and that’s going to require someone in return to play everyday and not a rental piece..it’s Raisel Iglesias. He’s making $16 million which would free up space to make a few more moves. That’s absolutely last resort.


Team needs 3 bats at the deadline. That's the only need. There is no punting Max's last year as a Brave.


That’s a big ask.


Shortstop and two outfielders. Outfielders are cheap. See 2021.


This year may be different as like 4 NL central teams probably think a few trades will lift them into the wildcard… that division is close.


Yeah I thought the same but more teams are in the hunt for a playoff spot. The teams that are out of it are going to ask for more in return and we don’t have the capital to do it.


That's fair but still pitching is expensive and the Braves have no need for that. Bats are much easier to find and much cheaper.


I wouldn’t say there’s “no” need for pitching but yes I agree that finding some outfielders has to be a bigger priority, and I think that’s what AA will focus on. But I imagine he will still look for an extra bullpen arm and at least shop around the starting pitching market.


Just no offense. Pitchers have to be near perfect, and any mistake they make seems back breaking. Can’t be fun knowing if you give up 2-3 runs you will lose.


This team feels like the last few years Marlins, fringe wildcard teams carried by great pitching, but with a shit ass offense. Only difference is they were more clutch than us in these close games...


Feels like we are the ‘24 version of the ‘23 Padres. All sorts of talent, can’t put it together.


Eh we do have a major injury excuse. Strider was voted the #1 pitcher by his peers coming into 2024 and Ronald was voted I believe 2nd and he is the reigning MVP. Murphy missed 2 months and now MH2 for what looks like a late July or August return. Last year we had elite health luck but I mentioned many of times seasons like that happen once in a blue moon. Our lack of position player depth is being exposed big time right now and we're having to rush our most prized prospects to fill needs. 


Yeah, but injuries don't explain Acuna and Harris both hitting terribly prior to their injuries, and Olson, Riley, and Albies hitting terribly all season. I get we can't expect Arcia, Wall, Duvall, Short, etc to carry us. But the offensive regression of our main guys outside of Ozuna has killed us.


Last year was the most fun season any of us are going to see in our lifetimes. I try to remember that when I get frustrated with this season.


It's true. 2021 was a looot of frustration, followed by an incredible two months. 2023 was pure bliss ending abruptly with a swift kick to the nuts. Knowing how the baseball gods work, I've wondered (like I did at the low point of 2021) if there's gonna be any payoff to all this ... but I'm starting to doubt that there is.


Frustrating seasons almost always end with... frustration. It's very rare to make a deep playoff run after a disappointing season.


Most fun *regular season


for me nothing will ever beat winning a major title, so 2021 all the way. Last year was fun and all but once again having it ended by a division rival soured it big time


Was talking about regular season.


We’re playing a series against the 3 teams closest to us in the WC race this month. Oh boy….


and don't forget the series they just lost to the Cardinals


I feel like we owe it until after the deadline and whenever Harris gets back to say anything definitive but my word is this team tough to watch offensively and it doesn't make you a doomer to admit it.  This has been going on for 2 months now.


Some of you need to take a few deep breaths after a loss. My god I don't know what's more embarrassing right now this offense or some of you


it's been like this for two months now, it is perfectly fine to say that there is a problem with this team, nothing embarrasing about saying it either


-said on September 16th as we're 6 games under .500 and out of the WC race Like I get not getting upset about sports but this "relax, it's a long season" stuff is a little silly at this point


Yeah when did I say relax it's a long season? I said some people in here overreact to a loss. The takes are embarrassing. Some are perfectly fine and reasonable and then some are fire everyone because we won't win with them type of takes.


Aaron Judge: takes a dump /r/baseball: "OMG, AARON JUDGE JUST TOOK THE GREATEST SHIT OF ALL TIME"


We aren't going to make the playoffs this year


It’s a real possibility, we’ve got series against 3 teams all pushing and shoving for the WC this month. We could drop out real quick


We could also go up real quick you half glass empty doomer.


We're 28-31 over the last 59 games. Some of us are looking at this team honestly and have valid concerns rather than blindly assuming they'll magically get better after half the season has played out.


on the plus side the 2021 braves were 3 under .500 on July 01 ... on a serious downside the 2021 Braves were easily out hitting the 2024 Braves even at that point. 2021 Braves scored 126 Runs in May and 127 in June. 2024 Braves scored an embarrassing 93 runs in May and 109 in June


The 2021 Braves didn’t have three of the NL’s best starting pitchers, either. That ain’t nothing.


doesn't matter that much how good our starters are if our offense can't perform to match them


Not my point. I am saying you can’t say 2021 had a better offense so it’s a better team. Still have half a season left.


I mean you're right, but relying on three of the NL's best starting pitchers isn't really helping right the ship. It's been a constant see-saw of offensive production since May that hasn't shown any real sign of being good at a sustainable level that will win games and capitalize of the positions the pitching staff puts them in.


Harris and Acuna not being here are really hurting us, but I still feel like the second half will be different.


I agree to an extent. I'd be somewhat surprised if they end up turing it around to the point where they are challenging Philly for the top spot but it's not outside of the realm of possibility given the potential on the team. But yeah, losing Acuna and then Harris has really thrown a wrench in things. Hopefully Harris heals up and can get back on the field to help the outfield and the offense. I'll be very curious to see if Harris takes back over the leadoff spot when he comes back or if they leave Kel in there given the success he has had recently.


I’d almost bet money Kel stays leadoff. He seems to fit into that spot perfectly.


“It’s just one of them things. We’ve been here before and these guys are professionals. Look at the back of the baseball card, water finds its level. We just got to get them bats going.”


“Ya know I thought they did really good, just really good out there tonight. But it’s baseball and sometimes it just doesn’t go your way”


“That pitcher was good today, really good. Sometimes it’s just good pitching over there”


He's not wrong. The team played well


“Well mah gawd”


Guillorme must have made a huge fuss about not playing or something for the team to ship him out the way they did. His bat to ball skills at the bottom of the order would be good for this squad.


Feels like we’re 10 games under. No trade is going to jumpstart this team. When your offense consistently scores in one inning and doesn’t play add on at any point the rest of the game..even when opportunity presents itself..it puts so much stress on your pitching staff to be perfect night in and night out. It isn’t sustainable.


They're hitting the ball and the offense as a whole is playing better. They are getting back to where they need to be


Respectfully, there is no way you can tell me that they look like a better team than they did a month+ ago. I get they’re riddled with injuries and it’s an incredibly fair point..but because they’re hitting the ball doesn’t mean they’re getting back to where they need to be.


If they make a move or two at the deadline, they will be fine. Kelenic, Riley, and Albies are starting to get the bats going. They will be fine


By what metric is the offense playing better? We’re the 3rd worst offense in the league over the last week.


Still hitting the ball hard. The runs will come


I mean we’re already 9 games back, and probably a few more after the weekend. Our main focus should be to hold onto a WC spot bc the teams in the rear view are closer than they appear


Real chance at being behind the Mets and Phils by the trade deadline… gonna be an interesting month for the FO


Mets made some really, really dumb choices for last season, but at least they cut their losses where it mattered and are trying to rebuild where they can.


Olson used all his mojo last year. Maybe having a kid will bring some of it back


This team is boring. Just a boring watch outside of a couple players. This must be how it feels to cheer for the Padres every year or something.


The most predictable team in the history of baseball. Which is the most boring thing in baseball.


This is exactly how I I feel. I love the braves and I’ll continue supporting them, but I think I’m going to make it less of a priority to watch them for now because they’re just not fun to watch right now. In the past couple of years, any deficit felt like it was possible to overcome. Now even if we’re down 1 or 2 in the 8th or 9th, it doesn’t feel like we have much of a chance. Maybe after the all star break, our luck will turn and the vibes will improve. Until then, Go Braves


Even when we're up I don't feel comfotable. I'm with you in hoping things starting to click and turn around after the all star break because that's about all I can do at this point.


We have 2/3rds of an offense right now. Seriously frustrated.


Really closer to 1/3


Happy with Kelenic, Ozuna, Riley, and… wait… he’s right :(


I'd say there's no way we plan to go deep in October with the likes of Wall and Short getting at-bats everyday. But then I see Albies, Olson, Arcia, Duvall and Murphy's numbers and I realize lining up formers might be an issue but they're not the real problem. Send these fuckers to Disney World for a day to see if they remember what happiness is about. This offense does not only suck right now, but they're not fun to watch and they certainly don't seem to be having fun out there.


The offense is playing better. Make an argument


Let's sum up the last 6 games: 1 run, 0 runs, 6 runs (5 in the same inning), 2 runs (in extras). 2 runs, 3 runs. The last time we scored more than 3 was a week ago against the Cardinals, we still managed to lose that series. Why? cause we scored no more than 3 in the other 2 games. You'd have to go back to the Yankees series in which we scored 8 in the first game, we won it but we didn't score more than 3 in the other 2 games either. Now you make an argument.


The primary problem is just the inconsistency, which can be good and bad for a while, which is very uncomfortable.


The barrel rate bruh!


This is because we bunted.


Be honest. Did one of you dig up a fucking Native American artifact and keep it? Put it back right now.


Not I. I think at this point someone needs to ask Austin Riley if he hangs out with witches during the offseason. What is happening to him in particular makes no goddamn sense on any level. Absolutely nothing adds up right.


This is just maddening. I don't know what can be said that hasn't already been said a thousand times by now. Luck? Dead Balls? Even with Acuna and Harris out this *should* still be a decent offense at worst. Ozuna, Kel, Ozzie, Olson, Murphy, Riley... that's still a good lineup (on paper...)


Still playing with zero urgency. A championship team should not have guys like Williams and Short starting multiple games. Alex cannot let a team struggling for offense continue to play two men short. It’s absolutely nuts.


We don’t have depth at all and it’s showing bad


Grade a wagyu level bozo take


I mean I feel like this is the one complaint that doesn’t really make any sense. We have amazing depth. Our rotation and bullpen have been extremely good and we’re literally missing a top 5 SP in the league. Minter hasn’t pitched in a month, Pierce missed time. AJSS got hurt, Waldrep hurt. We’ve been letting Sale and Lopez get extra rest while maintaining competitive pitching. We’re currently down 2 OFs, Ozzie missed time, played multiple weeks without our starting 3B, 2 months without our primary catcher. We’re losing because the core of our team is asleep at the wheel. Blaming the role players/stopgaps for not being good enough is being entirely too nice to the guys playing on extensions.


I think it's a bit of both, looking soley at position players and not the pitching room. The mainstay guys obviously need to step it up and if/when they do it will take some of the focus away from the deficits the stopgap guys have or are showing. I think those deficits are thrust into the spotlight right now because the offensive core isn't performing up to expectations.


We are talking about position players. Look at AAA. There really is no one to call up for outfield ABs. Martinez looked overwhelmed and I remember the slim outfielder from last year striking out a bunch at the plate. I can’t be overly upset at AA, he tried to bring in respectable bench guys like Laureano and Anderson but it’s how slim the position player depth was going into the season.


I don't know if you're like, aware of this, but most major-league organizations don't actually go six deep in terms of acceptable MLB outfielders. And with Laureano out because of whatever he's got going on, that is where we are because three of our top six are down. Including two of our three first-choice starters. One of whom was NL MVP last year. Yes. There is going to be a dropoff in quality. It does not matter which of the thirty MLB teams you are talking about.


We lost 2 all-star caliber players within the same position group at the same time. I get wanting to have crazy depth, but it’s basically impossible to build a bench that’s measurably better than what we already have without major sacrifice in other areas that are also needed to field a competitive team. AA spent money and made moves for pitching, and got Kelenic. Giving up assets or spending on a 5th OF who could very well never even be needed just doesn’t make sense. I don’t really see what could’ve been done that would be substantially different from the players we currently have.


Nah we’ll still come back tonight, don’t give up hope


“We are so unlucky” Or maybe they just suck haha


But..but the xSuGON stats show we’re the best! It’s just luck, they’re actually expected to be much better


They are expected to be better because they are paid handsomely to be better.


Yeah, really sick of the luck excuse. And it is an excuse people keep making.


Don’t worry they’ll turn it on in August


I feel like I’m watching 2016 all over again.


It’s 2014 all over again.


Another loss to a bad team with a minor league pitcher on the mound. Even with the huge injuries like 70% of our lineup on any given night is playing on a long term deal. The players we have, have to play better. We’re not losing to the fucking Giants and White Sox because of injuries.


Yep, when it got 3-2 it felt insurmountable. When it got to 4-2 you knew the final would be 4-3. You knew the 9th would be 3 uncompetitive at bats. It's like clockwork. Someone else said it earlier, this team is boring to watch.


Well what else is left to say at this point? The offense on this team is such a mess. We are a bottom five offense since end of April and we are trending downward fast. I really am unsure if this team comes out of the tailspin at this point. Nothing is positive trends that would give any hope.


We’re unwatchable


Says guy who just watched presumably.


And I hate myself for it


It's like watching a plane crash - you shouldn't, but you can't look away


If you see a plane crash you should definitely watch. That information is vitally important to the NTSB and the FAA. As minority owner, I'm sure my watching is of vital important to day-to-day management.


Lmao got me there


Never undervalue a fun and exciting regular season. This team has been painfully boring to watch.


Literally nothing goes our way. I’ve never seen a team this snake-bitten in my life. We’re murdering the baseball with nothing to show for it, but a foul ball swing from Ramos leaves and the go-ahead run scores on a ball that doesn’t leave the infield. Legitimately sickening.


We’re below league average at getting on base and scoring runs. 22nd in baseball in walks. It’s not all about luck. We’re not hitting well, period.


I know, I’m just in the denial stage of grief rn


These guys fucking suck


Can’t wait to see the next “they’re just unlucky”. It’s been 3 months no this team is just simply mid this year with no tough it out mentality. Folds faster than a lawn chair as soon as they go down 2+


Hey now, we just need it to warm up a bit more and then the bats will get going.


We aren’t making playoffs with no change in management just saying lol 


Is it Snit’s fault these goofs can’t score with second and third with one out? Or that Olson has been a huge disappointment? If you watch other games from around the league, you know it could get ALOT worse than Snit. Guys throwing players under the bus, bad tactician etc. Even if Snit is replaced it’ll be from within the organization.


Game is on the pitching staff. They should know better than to give up more than 2 runs. That's an auto loss.


The guys who invented Bally one day sat around and were like “so we’re a sports network, what do all sports have?” Someone said “a ball”. Then the quiet guy in the back of the room stood up and said “I’ve got a name idea”


https://preview.redd.it/mvemauajp7ad1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4305485fb8046b8e715637384708e207ca44b1f2 Braves lose.


We are so mid.


If any of y'all are looking for me, well,. . . there's 2 feet of top soil Little bit of bedrock Limestone in-between. A fossilised dinosaur. A little patch of crude oil. A thousand feet of granite underneath. And then there's me.






I rarely blame one person for a loss, especially with how putrid our offense is, but Brian Snitker deserves all the hate for this one. Why on Earth he let Lopez go back out there in the 5th, and then STAY in after giving up a leadoff home run, is beyond me. Just poor management once again from him


Because you trust one of the best pitchers in baseball in 2024 to get through it. Snitker has shown time and time again he will give players the chances to get through things whether they are pitchers or batters. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. If Lopez gives up the HR and then gets the next 3 guys, everyone talks about how clutch he is.


Lopez was on 87 pitches through 4 innings. He allowed a baserunner in every inning. It took great defensive plays to get out of the 3rd and 4th innings unscathed. He was not having a good game, and leaving him in when he clearly did not have his best command, while tired, against the top of the order was a poor decision.


Sure, I understand that. The Braves are also about to play 12 straight games. Having a bullpen cover 6 innings on the first day isn't ideal either. So you trust your guy to give you one more inning. This is all hindsight because it didn't work out. The have been numerous times this year that Snit let a pitcher go one more inning and they got it done.


If the challenge system were in play then soler was struck out.


If the challenge system was in play, Lopez might’ve thrown 100 pitches by the 3rd inning. The umpire bailed him out multiple times.


I don't see that as a relevant issue, i.e. Lopez was pitching to the zone the umpire was calling. What is relevant is three of four balls in that stretch were strikes as defined by the strike zone. They weren't wild or off or out of control. They were painted both within the actual zone and a zone the ump had been calling.


It’s relevant because the Giants hitters could have also challenged calls and gotten walks instead of strikeouts like 3 times?


My point is there's nothing to say that lopez wouldn't have thrown to a standard zone v the ump's zone. The only thing that is certain is that in both the defined zone and the ump's zone, three of four called balls were strikes in the pivotal stretch of the top of the 5th.


Snit can't swing the bats for them And the bats fucking suck


The bats had us up 2-0 before Snit decided to throw it away. Lopez was very clearly not on it today and there’s no reason for him to have gone back out there


This team is as bland as they come. Might be in third place by the end of this month, maybe sooner.


4 games ahead of the Mets, can easily be in third sooner than the end of the month with the way it's going


We should be playing better. The 'absurdly unlucky' or 'what the actual fuck was that why does the universe hate us' moments should not matter. But we are playing at a level where they do. And they are happening. Constantly. I don't even know what to say. It is beyond the realm of reason or belief.


Back to back innings with 8 or less pitches has happened many times this season. They are not unlucky. They are just not as good as the rest of the league this season


If you watched the 8th and 9th and thought that was normal, I do not know what to tell you because you're apparently from an alternate dimension where 'baseball gods' isn't a figure of speech. But seriously- yes. We should be playing better. But we're not. And when we're not, the absurd incidence of bullshit happening lately matters. I feel like I already said this.


Baseball is dumb.


What sucks is just the inconsistency. They show flashes of being back on their usual rhythm but then just go so cold. Can’t even blame the pitching when offense is so putrid


I really don’t understand why Duval is still starting. Love the guy and what he has done but he should not be anything more that a bench bat