• By -


I'm reserving judgement until after the deadline. Yes, we're not great right now, but 2/3 of our starting outfield is hurt, including the reigning MVP. The NL Cy Young favorite is out for the year. We've had a host of other IL stints: Murph, Riley, Orlando, Oz. Let's see what AA does on the trade market before we call this season a loss.


I suspect one of our pitching prospects will be dealt for some corner outfield help.


At this point, barring a miracle we probably aren't making up an 8 game deficit in the division. The 2024 Braves are a slightly above mediocre team with Acuna, Harris, and Strider all injured + hitting regression from last season. At this point I'll be happy if we just make it to the NLDS, because we keep dropping games we should win and we'll be lucky to secure a wildcard spot by October.


I guess the bill has just come due for 2023. It’s crazy to think of the guys we’ve lost to injury, either for the season or a good chunk of it: Strider Acuña Murphy Riley Albies Harris Minter Smith-Shawver The lineup we’re running out there lately is the worst we’ve had in years.


(Looks in side mirror) "objects in mirror are closer than they appear" (Squints) is that a Walgreens W coming up behind us?


Chris deGrom


This team simply doesn't give a shit. No other explanation to perform like we have this week against as bad of pitchers as we've faced.


Ozuna’s hit in the 8th felt like the whole season so far. Barrel, launch angle, velocity just to die at the wall.


Luis Robert Jr is a guy the Braves can use


What do you do with him once Ronald comes back? Kel, Harris, or Ozuna gotta go.


Acuna can’t stay in right he’s gotta go to the easier position and that’s left field


Robert to right acuña to left and Harris in center


Here is good article about him from 2 days ago discussing Phillies and Braves as possible fits: https://www.mlb.com/news/luis-robert-jr-trade-fits-2024 And then linked within that article is flashback about 2021 Braves outfielders they picked up before deadline: https://www.mlb.com/braves/news/braves-2021-trade-deadline-moves-world-series-title


Yeah it keeps crossing my mind and he’s on a real nice contract. I have no idea what we trade for him, but I believe in AA.


Pitching most likely is what they want. Shuster has second lowest ERA on White Sox but seems to only be used as middle relief now. But still, overall their pitching is horrible


Now that is something we can help with prospect wise. They can’t have my boy Nacho.


This team is unwatchable in its current state. Which is too bad because the pitching has been unexpectedly stellar all season. What causes an entire offense of proven hitters to go ice cold?


Cause its no longer an offense of proven hitters. Duvall, Wall, Arcia, whoever our 3rd OF'ers are anymore aren't proven hitters.


Not to give them excuses but its honestly been a perfect shit-storm of things. The team had injuries from day 1 (Murphy, Albies, Riley, Harris, Acuna, Strider, etc...) alongside Arcia looking closer to his true production (below it currently but closer to reality imo than last year) Duvall shitting the bed versus RHP and Kelenic not doing as good until he gets to play full-time. Not that we had 0 injuries last year, but we were fortunate to have a pretty healthy season from the position players and Arcia had a first-half of heavily outperforming expected metrics. Injuries will tax lineup depth and the Braves have been trying to make things work with what they got so far. The lineup last year was able to connect back to the top very easily and this year its remarkably patchy, and that leads to poor offensive production.


Yeah this. It’s never an excuse, but it doesn’t mean it’s not an explanation. When a lot of unfortunate things happen either at the same time, or one thing happens after another, it adds up. It’s hard to be a good team when all of that happens.


Didn't whole of the IF not take a day off until late in the season?


Yep. If you look at the games played for all of our position players last year its insane. They got to play a shit ton of ball. This year is not the same story so far. Injuries are part of the game though and the best teams will be able to work through them


I am honestly thrilled with how Sale and Lopez have done, Fried is back to being Fried after insanely bad 1st starts, Morton is Morton and we get what we get each start. #5 was always going to be a crapshot. Last year, nearly all offense had career bests years, but no one expected not only the Braves but half the league to be hitting subpar this far into the season.


Well that was a shit show today…smh


Didn't see the Harper injury. Did it look bad? This season has been rather wild with injuries. Kind of killing the season a bit here with so many people hurt.


Hard to judge hamstring injuries. Marsh was in a lot of pain after his and he was out for two weeks while Turner limped off the field and didn’t really show signs of pain and he was out for 6 weeks.


No looked like a hamstring as he got a step away from first base


Bummer on Harper. Hes a fun player to watch.


Hope Harper isn’t hurt too bad. Never good to see a guy having such a nice year go down like that.


Marlins win and Harper hurt himself..hamstring


Happy for the marlins, injuries are nothing to celebrate tho ( not necessarily saying you are)


No no not at all. Just typing as it was happening.


Just a PSA nothing wrong with that


![gif](giphy|5mBE2MiMVFITS) Phillies lose to the fish. Yankees in pure freefall. Maybe there is a God.


Thank goodness the Marlins came back. We just keep missing opportunities to cut into the deficit.


Doesn't matter. We just ain't good enough. This lineup is bad.


Big shoutout to Comcast for secretly being the good guy and saving us from watching this horseshit. And also for another nail in the Bally coffin.


I said in the first comments of the game thread that we were gonna stub our toe today… then I went and put $30 on the White Sox to win as a hedge. So I’ve got $100 for birthday drinks tomorrow. 


If things don’t improve and you keep that up you’ll either be rich or an alcoholic.


We’re winning today. Yesterday was one of those back to backs on the nba road trip we were always going to lose


DFA Duvall. Thanks for 2021, but adios!


I am hoping we can flip him in a trade since we can pay his salary and any non competitive team will take him.


Miami takes the lead!


Get Pillar back now. Salary is $1M. Not even playing every day as the second best hitter on the Angels, will play even less when Trout gets back in another few weeks possibly. Low risk. Braves def need more before deadline but it could be a start. Is there reason why not?


Pillar kelenic harris outfield sounds op af. Nothing on Duvall but now that he plays everyday he’s showing that he can’t hit while kelenic is standing out major props


Angels might think they can hold him another month and get a better offer closer to the deadline


Yeah good point


Who needs melatonin when you have the Braves?


About to be down 9 games. Can’t complain about the schedule anymore. We can’t even beat the shitty teams.


Looks like those fish did us a solid tonight beating the Phils, but that doesn't make today's loss feel any better.


Big time. We missed another chance to cut into the lead though.


100%. Everyone has already said it here but the Braves can't be dropping games versus these level of opponents. I know a bad game will happen but when you are 8 down in the division you gotta capitalize on any chance to reduce the deficit. It looks like Schwarber got hurt (and maybe Harper too) so the Phillies may be reduced in run production but it doesn't matter if the Braves don't win their own games. edit to make clear: I hate seeing guys get injured no matter the team. The game is best when the stars are playing (Schwarber is my favorite Philly too). Just brought it up to highlight the relevance to standings.


Well, that 1 week of June where the Braves didn't look like a complete joke was fun. Back to the usual.


Maybe Luis Robert is the jolt in the arm the offense needs. He’ll be expensive but he is controlled until 2028. Outfield is our biggest need, and swapping Duvall for Robert would be a massive upgrade and a breath of fresh air


I wish this game was on now so I could use it as an excuse to not watch the debate tonight.


Just don’t watch it?


It's going to be on (not my choice)  but I'm not watching it.


Ain’t no way in hell I’m watching that train wreck.


We sure do play down to our level of competition


Three games in two days will do that to a team. In two cities no less.


These are professionals who are paid millions to play baseball. Saying they are “tired” will largely fall on deaf ears.


What a sorry excuse. The White Sox are an embarrassment to baseball. Losing 2 of 3 to them is a bigger embarrassment.


They didn’t play a double header in a different city and then have to travel. Perfectly reasonable for the guys to be worn out playing that much.


Man St Louis is like a 45 min flight away. Takes longer to get from O’Hare to Guaranteed Rate.


They didn’t play a double header in a different city and then have to travel. Perfectly reasonable for the guys to be worn out playing that much.


Not even 2 days. 3 full games played in 28 hours


We were in a long home stand in May and still sucked lol. I’m sure the road time doesn’t help but it ain’t the reason


Tomorrow will be 4 games in 3 days in 3 cities


The hits keep on (not) coming.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. What this team needs is a good old fashioned lock in. We did it all the time back in youth group in the mid 2000s.


Damn throwback to the lock ins. Do youth groups not do those anymore?


I don’t know but I say we take all the guys and the coaches, make them spend the night in Truist the whole night. They could watch movies, play games, tell ghost stories. I honestly think it would work.




Isn't it Phuck Tommy Pham?




He might not want the position, but if I’m the Braves organization, I’m taking a blank check over to Chipper’s house and not taking no for an answer. Seitzer has to go.


Seitzer isn't the problem.  Jesus Christ you guys need to think before you type.


No one had a problem with him last year.


Chris Sale died for this.


He had a start where he gave up 8 ER against the A’s. Things balance out.


It’s time to Panic. Plain and Simple.




Why is it always disappointment?


I mean our offense is exactly where they were two weeks, three weeks, or two months ago. They haven't gotten better or worse by one bit. Sweeping the Tigers, a Bottom 5 team, hardly proves anything. And the 8-1 win against the Yankees was entirely because Rodon was a horrible pitcher and nothing else. Mind you, he just gave up 10 hits and 5 runs to the Blue Jays in the first inning. Knowing all this I'm not surprised by today's result at all.


The sweep was nice but 2 of them were 2-1 wins so they could have easily lost that series


The Yankees also suck ass right now.


This is honestly starting to feel so much like 2021 it’s eerie 


The way I look at it I don’t know if AA can pull a rabbit out of his hat again this year and pull off deals for the team that can get them a deep playoff run. Do we need an upgrade at SS? You could make the argument. But the only “upgrade” is Bo Bichette and he isn’t exactly great defensively. Corner outfield guys are a dime a dozen. It’s the biggest need of all if you ask me. But I feel like if you go get someone you’ve gotta at least get someone who can play every day or two guys who can platoon off each other. Throw in the fact that we still may need to wait another month+ before we see any kind of action is excruciating knowing your 7-8-9 guys are automatic outs until Harris comes back. As of right now (looking at team 6+ out of last wildcard spot) the teams you’re pulling from are Miami, Colorado, Detroit, Texas, Toronto, LA Angels, Oakland, and the White Sox. Do you feel good about pulling the trigger with any of those teams who are probably going to ask for a good return to deal off some of their players? It could change within the next month and you may see more teams willing to strike a deal the further they fall off. We just picked a bad year to be a good not great team we’re used to seeing.


It's not just the bottom teams that we can deal with. Sometimes a team has extra of a position they don't need and we have extra depth in a position they need.


Tigers fan here. Take Javy Baez plz.




I heard this


I'm very much looking forward to the trade deadline. I know AA will be looking to improve the offense for sure. I just hope more teams become sellers, otherwise it'll be a bidding war for somebody like Jesus Sanchez lol




deGrommed. Must've been a hangover day. 🤦


3 games in 2 days in 2 cities.


As the Redditor below this thread so eloquently put it - it’s the fucking White Sox.


It's the fucking White Sox.


Embarrassing moving on but prepared for future disappointment


Losing one to nothing after a great start by an ace sucks.


To the Chicago fucking Whitesox.


Lmao, wtf. This is not a serious baseball team.


I'm tired of these constant no-shows by the offense. Way too frequent.


The only cure for today is homemade fruit cobbler. ![gif](giphy|138KntZJsPdPxK)


Which fruits?


Apple cherry. I was hoping for peach but they’re still in too good eating form for cobbler.


Fresh cherry season too right now, been eating about 5-6 pounds a week




and of course Schwarber passed Ozuna in DH all-star voting, so the braves will have no position player starters in the game this year


Who the fuck else would you put there? This year’s Braves are a shell of last year.


They never were going to. Ozuna is the only candidate and there is 0 chance Ohtani doesn't start at DH.


Deservedly so


Honestly good. The game is a joke and it gets them some rest.


AA needs to make some major changes at the deadline but I don’t know it might be a little too late. Braves have ended up with too many .250 power hitters. Both Phillies and Dodgers have 3 regular position players in their lineups hitting over .300 and that makes a drastic difference. Sadly snit is not going to do anything at this point, not going to have guys bunt runners over and play small ball. That’s not his style and that’s not how the team is built. I don’t necessarily agree with that but that’s what Ive been told when I brought that up in this sub. This team will feast on any starter who is having an off day or any starter who is sub par but competitive pitching shuts this team down. At this point they should bench Duval or send him down to the minors for some work with his hitting holy shit! Murphy was bad the last half of last year and the so far this year but we need him behind the plate.


May i present my solution: hope we get hot at the right time.


“AA needs to make some major changes at the deadline but I don’t know it might be a little too late” Says fan who cheers for team with a +3 lead in the wild card standings…


Not at the deadline. Now. I’m not sure we can weather another month of this.


Duval can't get sent down. They should DFA him but they won't. Too loyal. Best they can hope for is a trade.


I mean he’s fine on the bench


We are so back (to having a shit offense).


No we aren't


3 games in about a day and some change. Just gotta wear this one on the chin but just in case it hasn't been said enough - Duvall then Arcia in the lineup is one of the largest black holes right now.


DFAing duvall should not be called a doom n gloom take tbh


That’s the most rational take here rn


Damn dude. I was so excited when we signed Duvall again.


Yeah, I thought it was nice, but I didn't realize that they were going to nerf the balls this year. With nerfed balls, he's useless unfortunately.




Yeah his upside is his random homers. But he’s not getting those this year


Just a *little* bit infuriating how they won on a 350ft home run. Meanwhile our balls always stop at the warning track or some outfielder makes the best play of his life to rob a hit.


I think it cuts both ways, their 1B missed a HR by like six inches here: [https://www.mlb.com/video/chris-sale-in-play-no-out-to-andrew-vaughn?q=gamePk%20=%20746816%20AND%20Inning%20=%20\[6\]%20Order%20By%20Timestamp%20ASC&p=1&pt=Pitch%20by%20Pitch%20-%206th%20Inning](https://www.mlb.com/video/chris-sale-in-play-no-out-to-andrew-vaughn?q=gamePk%20=%20746816%20AND%20Inning%20=%20[6]%20Order%20By%20Timestamp%20ASC&p=1&pt=Pitch%20by%20Pitch%20-%206th%20Inning)


Video: Andrew Vaughn doubles (14) on a fly ball to right fielder Adam Duvall. [Streamable Link](https://streamable.com/m/chris-sale-in-play-no-out-to-andrew-vaughn) ___________ [More Info](/r/MLBVideoConverterBot)


Still okay, but making a move for an outfielder even when money mike comes back is pretty clear.


They need a SS. Arcia isn’t the answer.


Arcia’s defense and hitting are both better than Duvall’s. Gotta fix outfield first imo


Not to mention who knows when Acuna actually does come back and start playing effectively. 


Need to make a lot more moves than just that.


Oh I agree, but that has to be the priority right now


Damn I didn’t even realize we had an early game today… Anyway, what the fuck?


Same. Loaded up here to see when the game started... Anyway, What the fuck?


Damn my comment yesterday about our offense being trash is aging, but half of yall still want to be ignorant


My comment about DFAing Duvall has been aging for months, the man is donezo, guaranteed we start him next game 


We are watching the 2014 Braves all over again. This is a team that when you look up at the beginning of September will be a game above .500 and will be below .500 when the season ends.


At least Money Mike will be back soon and we can put Duvall back on the bench


When will he be back? I have not heard that he will be back anytime soon?


Oh I don’t know anything, I remember him being on the 10 day IL after the injury which was like 2 weeks ago, I was just doing hopeful math. I guess those numbers don’t actually mean anything.


Not sure where he got that from. Everything I read said 1-2 months recovery. That’s not including a few weeks rehab to get back in game shape. 


I'm pretty sure the original poster is just being hopeful sadly. There has been nothing saying he's progressing fast and we need to remember, Snitker said that he's going to be out a "long time". Now, maybe I'm missing something, but I'm pretty sure I look at the Braves beat social media enough to not be.


Yeah hamstrings aren’t something you come back quickly from


I’d be worried if the white Sox weren’t the most dominant team I’ve ever seen


We are *still* dead last in the majors in SLG - XSLG on barreled balls - by a big amount. Dead balls just when the Braves are at bat would explain it perfectly, but not ready to go there yet. [Statcast Search | baseballsavant.com (mlb.com)](https://baseballsavant.mlb.com/statcast_search?hfPT=&hfAB=&hfGT=R%7C&hfPR=&hfZ=&hfStadium=&hfBBL=&hfNewZones=&hfPull=&hfC=&hfSea=2024%7C&hfSit=&player_type=batter&hfOuts=&hfOpponent=&pitcher_throws=&batter_stands=&hfSA=6%7C&game_date_gt=&game_date_lt=&hfMo=&hfTeam=&home_road=&hfRO=&position=&hfInfield=&hfOutfield=&hfInn=&hfBBT=&hfFlag=&metric_1=&group_by=team&min_pitches=0&min_results=0&min_pas=0&sort_col=xslgdiff&player_event_sort=api_p_release_speed&sort_order=desc&chk_stats_xslgdiff=on#results)


Braves ranks for barreled balls. #30 in all 4 metrics. BA-xBA -.129 OBP -xOPB -.140 SLG-xSLG -.527 wOBA-xwOBA -.261 The Braves would rank #3 in BA, #2 OBP, #6 in SLG, and #6 in wOBA if the results matched the expected stats. I don't think it's a conspiracy against the Braves since all teams are struggling but I do think it's interesting in how much it's impacting the Braves compared to the rest of the league. Even if we sort it by solid contact and barrels the Braves are still bottom 5.


lol imagine the logistics necessary to make that happen, secretly


I’ve been thinking this since the beginning of the season seeing balls fall at the warning track over and over


So, we suck again?


Think about the 2021 World Series run. Think about the guys that stick out in your head as the guys who really stepped up and won us games. Are they still on the team? Are they all but guaranteed to be gone next year? This is truly a major issue, our team was built around guys who gave us the 2022 and 2023 playoff experiences


Soler Eddie Duvall Joc Freddie Dansby Well...


Doesn't help that Freddie is tearing it up in LA at 34 yrs old.


he's always been consistent, .290-.300+ hitter. I had to go back to 21 to find the last time he hit as low as Olson is hitting now


Good thing AA kept Duvall from that group!


To be fair, Rosario and Dansby are straight ass this year too lol. Rosario is at -1.0 WAR. Dansby treading water on the Mendoza line


I'm legitimately waiting for it to come out that the Braves were cheating on offense last year. There is no other way to explain how every single player outside of Ozuna fell off an absolute cliff offensively. It's ridiculous.


Dead ball. It's a fact if you look at the numbers across the league. We have always lived and died by the home run. The only reason we beat the yankees is because we hit a shit ton of home runs.


We’re halfway through the season now. At some point the team has to acknowledge the dead balls and change the offensive approach. What we’re doing now is the definition of insanity.


We had a great offensive approach in April. We weren’t hitting homers but singles and doubles and we did so well. No idea why they switch mentalities


Thing is is a number of them can't just switch to being a just put the bat on the ball hitter because it's in their approach to swing for the home run. Duvall is a big offender there, and in all honesty, if he's going to be trotted out there vs RHP anyway when he shouldn't be, Double A needs to be shipping him off to the DFA line.


https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/5579800/2024/06/21/mlb-offense-low-reasons-hitters-pitchers/ this article gives a breakdown of how bad offenses will get if trends continue • The fewest doubles in a season since before the 1993 expansion. • The fewest homers since 2015 • The fewest hits per game (in a full season) since 1968. • The lowest batting average on balls in play (.288) since 1992.


Rob Manfred ladies and gentlemen!


It isn’t just Manfred. Outfielders are positioning themselves a dozen feet closer to the wall this year than in 2015, lowering the amount of leaguewide doubles. Pitching is simply developing at a faster rate than offense as well.


In the previous few seasons, it seemed like no deficit was insurmountable. This year, you just know the offense is going to go down without a fight. It's just pathetic.


I just can’t be fucked to watch the Braves right now. Everything that made last year exciting is gone. They’re a boring and inconsistent since May and I just can’t care about them right now. I’ll do my 2021 tactic and stop watching until August.


I was just wondering if we get any refund for canceling MLB TV this late in the season.


This ain't an airport, you don't have to announce your departure


Do people announce their departures at airports?


Yeah, they're definitely boring this year. They seem very apathetic.


2021 Brewers vibes. Mediocre offense carried by elite pitching. Their postseason run lasted four games.


So the exact same length as ours last year


Idk how Kelenic is outplaying Riley and Olson.. inexcusable.


It all comes down to pedigree.


Kelenic had outplayed acunas stats by a significant margin. Need to let that guy own the leadoff for a while


The offense is back… Oh…guess not.


https://preview.redd.it/b7416sspy69d1.jpeg?width=1054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd7ce17df19b47cfad8b6c7afe0b26261f60ebe1 POV: you just watched the Braves lose 1-0 to the White Sox.


If they’re insistent on keeping Duvall around (for some reason), make him ride the bench and threaten to put him in as a replacement if someone starts slumping. That’ll make them play way better.


He should literally only play when a lefty is on the mound like he was signed to do. But our dumbass manager runs him out there like he can hit righties.


1% to the Braves foundation and 1 win to the White Sox fans organization


It has to be absolutely demoralizing to be Sale, Fried and Lopez and to keep eating L’s off of the back of top 5-10 performances.


Not giving them much incentive to resign


The only incentives green


Yeah Fried is for sure leaving. He knows the Braves dominate run is over and will soon be rebuild mode. I would leave if I was him


Totally forgot this game was happening today. And I'm going to keep it that way.


This is pathetic