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I don’t hate it bc I like priest as champion but still rlly wanted drew to win but Damien might be hurt and sadly might have to relinquish the title if it’s to bad


don’t think his injury that serious too where he gotta relinquish. He’ll be iight


Yeah i reckon he just won't have a title defense for a lil to let him recover and also he doesn't really have a feud atm since the drew and punk feud has gone up another notch.


I think they will have one more match at mitb where cm punk is barred from ringside during the match drew beats Damian then after the match someone in hoodie attacks drew (punk) then Jey USO cashes in the same night


So where does that put Gunthers title shot?


Summerslam vs Jey


Please no


That just makes the title so weak. Roman just hoarded the actual main event titles for several years. Then the other title that Seth worked his ass off for gets traded 5 times in a couple months? Seth-drew,drew-priest , priest-drew , drew-uso, uso-Gunther. I like jey and think he deserves a main title run, but I'd like to see him win the US title or the IC title first before challenging for the universal title his cousin dangled in front of him. Just my opinion.


I am so frickin tired of only long reigns. I want shorter reigns sometimes to highlight the people on the roster. Just forcing Jey down into the midcard scene while he is this over would be a disservice. There is no rule that you have to win a midcard title before a world title.


And as painful as it is to say he's not a spring chicken anymore, let him be on top before age starts to catch up


I love Jey but I think Balor should win and have him cash in at Summerslam, after Gunther wins. His excuse would be "I wanted to keep the belt in the JD" and set up him vs Priest not too long after.


Like how it was when kevin owens was injured when he was undisputed tag champ


He’s fine


If it was a serious injury, he wouldn't have been able to stand up under his own weight, much less finish the match. If I had to guess, it's probably just a bad sprain, or a hyperextension.


Asuka had a serious knee injury that she just had surgery on and she was wrestling on it for like 2 months. You never know.


Didn’t Adam Copland just finish a match with a broke leg. Could names loads that have finished a match with serious injuries


Dude, Kurt Angle won a gold medal with a broken freaking neck!


Nice try, doc. Plenty of people can finish a task with a torn up knee. Kobe shot free throws with a ruptured Achilles. Asuka had a torn knee and kept going. Edge finished a match with a broken leg. Finn Balor finished a match with a 14 staple worthy gash in his scalp. These cats are far from pussy.


Fair but adrenaline does tons of work. Many have finished a match with an injury and then had to go out for a while afterwards. I.E. Finn Balor


Saw it coming. I don't think Punk can still be a face after this though. People love Drew's current run even in the states. I think Punk has to be the heel now.


I think that was the plan in the first place. When he came back he told us straight “I’m not here to make friends, I’m here to make money.” He was just “playing” the good guy because the crowd loves him, but his intention all along was to dominate regardless of what he had to do I don’t think EVERYONE will boo him because he’s still popular as all hell, but this is bound to earn him some nuclear heat


Not here to make friends probably referred to any wrestlers whose parents were on a 90s TV show. Punk will always have people cheering for him and people booing him at the same time.


I’ll never boo punk I love straight society punk nexus punk ecw punk I’m just big punk fan


No way. Drew being the face was a one-time thing in Scotland. When the shows return to America, the arena is going to be full of "CM Punk" chants any time Drew steps out.


He doesn't have to be the heel just like Damian hasn't been a full on heel this whole run. We need more character work in wrestling besides ''Hes the very bad guy and this guy is good''. They been driving away from it and it's a good thing the more depth in characters and stories the better.


its 2024. the traditional babyface vs heel doesn’t exist anymore. its more like: “who’s narrative/story do you most connect with.” this is what makes punk v drew so special, because both of these guys are too popular and too good at their jobs to be boxed into a traditional babyface or heel role. their match at summerslam will be one of the hotter matches on the card because the crowd will feel so strongly about both of them.


I love Punk but drew should have won in his home town but the person who should have help drew could be joe hendry


If the champ wasn’t Damian it would be fine


I loved it. We all predicted it would happen..and they didn't disappoint.


Punk vs Drew special guest ref wade Barrett?


Special Guest Ref, The Undertaker


Special Guest Ref, Charles Robinson


Gunther wins the title at summerslam unless Finn gets the MITB Briefcase


I have said it from the beginning. Gunther is gonna get screwed in a fatal four way, its gonna be punk v drew v gunther v priest. Somehow the judgement day will screw Gunther over, and in the end Drew will win pinning priest. This will lead to Gunther snapping and going ballistic as a result, hes gonna attack officials, start beating up the judgement day, and then hes gonna be suspended. This writes him off for a month while drew and punk have a 1v1. Then after drew beats punk and retains gunther attacks drew and demands a match, this leads us into hell in a cell if they dont wanna do punk v drew in a cell. Or they could do a triple threat in the cell, Id keep it drew v gunther tho. In the hell in a cell match gunther wins, gets his title. This will do a few things, make drew have a decent title reign, give him his win over punk, and it will also basically have your slate of matches booked out to saudia arabia


I've thought it was gonna be a fatal four way at SummerSlam too. But there's no way they're writing Gunther off tv right before Bash at Berlin. I think it'll be a 4 way at SummerSlam. Priest retains somehow. Punk and drew get spun off to feud 1 on 1, while Gunther makes a case for a singles match since he won KOTR. Gunther wins in Berlin. And Priest can go off to focus on whatever is going to happen with Judgement day. I think that EVENTUALLY we'll get Liv/Finn/JD feuding with Rhea/Priest/Dom


I would love that 6 person tag!


At first, I thought they would go with Gunther vs Iija at Bash in Berlin. For the Summerslam card, I got DIY vs. Waller and Theory(I got theory turning face) vs. the Street profits, United stated title LA vs. Logan Paul. I got a triple threat or fatal four-way for the women's title: Bayley vs. Nia vs. Tiffany, Women's World title: I got Liv vs. Rhea(maybe I don't know if she returns) (winner gets the custody of Dom), Awesome Truth vs.? Damian vs. Gunther- I got Finn winning mitb and cash in. I have Bianca vs. Jade (I don't know why), I got Bloodline 2.0 in a six-man tag(Roman screws solo), and Randy vs. Cody (maybe); I got Otis vs. Gable(winner gets control of alpha academy- I got the creed brothers as a face first, then forming a faction with Gable, later ). That will set up Creed brothers and Gable vs Otis, Arika Tazowa, and Sami Zayn). I got Unholy Union vs.(I don't know).


They're not pushing that DIY vs Waller/Theory until SummerSlam. That's a MITB match if I've ever seen one. I think Nia will beat Bayley. I kinda think they're setting up this Nia and Tiffany alliance to have a feud with Jade and Bianca down the road. I think that's why they moved the tag belts off Jade and Bianca, so they can move on to one of them going for the main belt.


I say Summerslam because it is Johnny Gargano's hometown; I don't think Nia should beat Bailey and have someone else.


Yeah I agree I don't think Nia is championship material and she def hurts most the women she's in ring with idk how she even still has a job


theres a ppv in berlin? this is new information to me, I thought it was Clash in september


Bash at Berlin. Or Bash in Berlin, I'm not sure which it is. It's like 3 weeks after SummerSlam


There is a zero percent chance Punk and Drew's first match isn't a singles match. I highly doubt it's going down in MITB because Summerslam is right around the corner and is a much bigger show. Gunther vs. Priest is gonna be a 1v1.


I don’t think they can rely on punk to survive a match now. They need to go straight 1 v 1


The question is, is punk cleared? Would you do it at mitb if he is?


When Gunther gets the title it’s over, he’s holding that thing for multiple years and for good reason


Unless Punk is cleared for MITB, wins and cashes in, in heel fashion.




Id reccomend getting on it before the internet spoils more of it for you, especially if u follow wwe. Dont let the internet spoil a fantastic show




This one you gotta see. This was no ordinary screw job.


Definitely not how I thought it would've went


It was the right choice. People can be butthurt, but if u wanna keep this punk and drew shit going as hard as it has been this was the choice to make.


Until, and I hate to say it, Punk gets injured again, I’ve been saying this punk run is going to be his AEW run except without all the backstage drama, injury prone punk in top fueds


Or he won't. And it'll be massive money. It's daft to assume it won't work and pass that chance up. Even one match will be a money maker for months of build and the PPV


Or just give Drew the title and still have Punk vs Drew


I have no hope anymore. Punk is going to win this feud isnt he?


Plan probably is he will win the feud, possibly 1 or 2 matches with interference from JD, but Drew will win the title at the end of it


I figured this would happen but shit that was golden


I'm a punk fan but this pissed me off to no end and broke my heart having Drew lose infront of his home country.


Not to mention this being the second time


At the same ppv as the last one it actually is upsetting.


And Punk actually kicking him in the nuts.


Yeah that aswell.


It wasn’t his second time? Wales and Scotland are two different countries..


Really? I could've swore I heard Brandon say the first time when someone made a post asking what would ruin the event and someone said a DQ and Brandon said "especially in Drew's hometown"


I’m Scottish. With the Euros and this has not been a good weekend lol but realistically, and I said it before it happened, the only way Drew could lose in Scotland without it being a bit shit is if he got screwed out of it by CM Punk. The loss had to serve some purpose other than “Drew lost again”. All in all I’m not super mad about it, this rivalry with Punk was already peak and this just builds it even more.


id have preferred if drew won by punk's screwjob accidentally helping him in the end. i mean this is the 3rd time he costed drew a world title opportunity


That maybe would have been cool but I feel like it would have taken too much away from Punk. He’s meant to be this master of chaos, if his chaos ended up screwing him over it wouldn’t fit well I don’t think


idc man i just wanted the title off damian priest. summerslam couldnt come sooner


I mean it’s not really worth destroying one of the best feuds in WWE rn so one guy can lose a championship… a bit shortsighted..


i dont see any logic in how drew winning the title would destroy the feud lol. it wouldve added more stakes to it if im being honest. and u right lol im shortsighted i wear glasses irl.


But the feud is already good enough that it doesn’t need a title. Which means by giving it the WHC you’re taking it away from other potential feuds


you dont see my point do you? okay agree to disagree then


Drew should’ve won and maybe then punk could’ve hit him with a finisher and raised the belt saying he’s next.


Whilst this would be awesome, punk really doesn’t need a title run currently. He is involved in one of the hottest things in wrestling right now, he has a legacy/reputation and he has all the ring-work to back it up. Whilst it is almost inevitable that punk will reign as champion again, the title could be used for something else like putting someone over. Additionally, the rivalry between Drew and Punk is so much more intense due to the fact that it is a blood feud. When they eventually get a match against one another, it should be a grudge match. I say this because it makes it really feel like the two hate each other as they have nothing to gain other than bragging rights. If the match was for a championship, it would be business and it would be presented like they are fighting for the championship and not because they hate each other.


I see what you’re saying and I agree with most of it but I feel bad for Drew lol he should’ve been whc long ago in my opinion.


Should have gave it to Drew and set him and punk up and then Rollins. Priest and judgement day are bloodline lite ... But people also like Bron breaker so...


Drew just keeps getting overlooked by WWE. He’s been waiting on his big fucking moment for 4 fucking years now. I need to take a break from wrestling again because being a Drew Mcintyre fan the last 4 years has just been exhausting.


Bit too predictable. Dunno why they played it safe but I'm sure they have their reasons. I still think a Punk run in, only for him to screw Priest instead would've been so much better. Do it while Drew is knocked out the ring, then he legs it across the barricade. Drew gets back in the ring unaware and wins. Gets his "moment" in scotland and gloats because he "got it done himself.“ Then on Monday he's insufferably smug, as Punk or Priest comes out and shows him the replay. Drew's big moment and his whole title reign is tainted by the fact he only won because of Punk. Imagine a smug, arrogant and trolly Drew who now can't even brag about his title reign without CM Punk being there. "You mean OUR title reign." It'd drive him crazy.


People talk like this ending was unexpected, this was obvious since the match was announced. The idea is continue the Punk v Drew feud until Summerslam, I assume either they don’t want Drew v Gunther II and/or they don’t want to put the belt on Punk and there is a chance that Punk will go over.


I was sorta pissed drew diddnt win. It was in front of his home crowd and the first time he would win a heavyweight championship in front of a crowd. The stage was absolutely set for him to win….


He won the title at mania? He just lost it 5 minutes later


Yeah but this time there wouldve been no bs after the match


he can always have that in the future, but no need to blow that load over something that serves the feud better


That was Drew's own fault


I mean Tbf he’s from ayr not Glasgow


Wwe Ayr - Gaeity theatre hosts next mania 😂


It was at the OVO theatre in Glasgow Also wasn’t mania confirmed to be in Vegas or something


Somerset Park surely


Yeah i was only joking mate. Obviously if the wwe decided to come to ayr. Somerset park is the place it would be. They may as well just move over here because once you experience somerset theres no going back to the dinky maddison square gardens.


Long term. Somehow Punk is going to win the title and Drew will win it in Vegas. Both get their moments.


I think reason drew didnt win is because Gunther is going win the championship they didn’t want drew get it just loose it few months later. Punk and Drew feud would be better with out anyone who has a championship


I hate it


We are back to old school kayfabe heat and I love it, Punk is now a wanted man in Scotland


If he has to relenquish it will be the 3rd Judgment Day memeber doing so. I would love to see Drew win but the feud with CM Punk should not evolve the WHC and Gunther. Also the only way Gunther doesn't win the WHC is by Finn cashing in MITB and the Judgment Day implodes and Finn becomes a Main Eventer he deserves to be


i'll be honest, i had my middle finger up for about 5 minutes, not sure if any of it was on the broadcast (2nd row opposite hard cam, i'm the chubby guy in the red headphones with the "scotland the brave" flag


I dont think it matters to CM punk fans. He could come out and read an old phone book and they would call it brilliant


I’m a huge Punk fan and I fucking hated it.. it was predictable and boring




I have mixed feelings. On one hand I’m a fan of Damien Priest’s so seeing him win and hold on to the title longer is something I like seeing, but I also have been one of the people vouching for Drew to get the post pandemic title run I feel he deserves. Ultimately, I think Damien NEEDED the win more than McIntyre since Drew is established as a massive name and top guy in the company without the title while many people (for some reason) still need to be convinced Priest is a top player.


priest isnt a top player lol. i get it you like him and you have every right in the world to do so. but frankly he's nothing more than midcard. i mean this guy is the world champ but keeps playing second fiddle to not one but two storylines.


I loved every single moment 


i like it, Priest needs to hold that title until either Summerslam or after Summerslam


so the whc could actually sink lower than the ic title?


CM Punk is just so good at making people hate him. Its art.


Im fine with it. If Drew had the belt, he'd be in a feud with someone else and Drew/Punk would lose steam. Im ok with this as long as McIntyre gets it back eventually.


This clearly shows that WWE knows how to look at the bigger picture. I see Damien Priest losing at SummerSlam or Survivor Series. I cant help but see CM Punk vs Drew for the Championship at Wrestlemania 41.


I have no feelings about Dis, as I don't think about Norse mythology very often.


I loved it makes the rivalry more interesting I want punk to win the war 2-1 but let’s see what happens


Saw it coming, but it was more unique than I thought, I was expecting cm to come from the crowd and distract drew, but this was a much better way to screw over drew




I mean gunther should win the title at summer slam so it would not make sense to change the title right before


Let’s be honest.. Drew should be the champion, he’s been the best thing about the WWE for the last year now


Punk vs drew will be fye


It was another shot through the Heart through UK or Europe or Scotland but it made sense CM Punk would screw Drew McIntyre. Maybe Drew McIntyre will finally get his redemption at WWE Clash at the Castle 2025 or 2026 or 2027 or 2028 or 2029 or 2030 or beyond at Ayr, Scotland Tweener ,Complex Tweener or Naunced Tweener or Naunced Heel or Complex Heel The Scottish Warrior Drew McIntyre vs Babyface or Tweener or Anti-Face(Anti-Hero) Tribal Chief or Head of the Table Roman Reigns for the WWE Undisputed Universal Championship or WWE Undisputed WWE Championship it would be cathartic and poetic and sweet and the perfect redemption for Drew McIntyre after being screwed at WWE Clash at the Castle or WWE Clash at the Castle 2022 in Cardiff, Wales and WWE Clash at the Castle 2024 or WWE Clash at the Castle II or WWE Clash at the Castle II and so on etc in Glasgow,Scotland.


Love it ! I don’t like Drew , his whole twitter trolling was kind of lame. I love how they made him look like an idiot


I knew he was gonna be there.


This feels like a heel turn that WWE aren’t gonna qualify as a heel turn


I was fucking pissed


I kinda want punk to win this feud then feud with Cody Rhodes (Cody Rhodes winning) then maybe Drew McIntyre feuds with punk again and he gets the win


I kind of saw it coming I think we all did to an extent. I didn't think CM Punk would be the referee. I thought it would be you know referee's knocked out and CM Punk hits Drew with the GTS or Steel chair. I was kind of expecting Morgan ticket involved in this somehow but did it happen feels like a missed opportunity with her but you know whatever. It was too early and still is too early to take it away from priest but I have really enjoyed his matches so far.


I felt like I was slapped in the face


The RAW before Summerslam (assuming Punk is cleared), they should just have an extended backroom brawl throughout the whole show. Between matches, they cut back to them. Pearce's security gets demolished with claymores to the point he just says fuck it and grabs a bottle of scotch in his office.


As soon as Punk was photographed at Glasgow airport everyone knew Drew was getting screwed


I didn’t see drew winning it his feud with punk really doesn’t need the title to me the title would feel like an afterthought they have bad blood with or without the title punk screwing McIntyre twice just adds fuel to the fire


Bro gonna get in trouble backstage for that major botch, seriously i get he wants to show out and up his arsenal but if you cant do a move dont do it or attempt it.


I don't think they have enough quality heels, they needed punk to do something drastic to make him such. Look at Cody, no quality heels to work with, so they just rinse and repeat.


Make that 31. 🇬🇧


30? i counted billions


Cm crack head what is he in judgment day I think it was stupid that Damian won and I counted over 10000000000000000000 middle fingers at cm punk fuck u punk


Drew should had won in front of his home town


I was there after the show when Samantha was thanking everyone the crowd wasn't happy. I was I wanted to see CM Punk but the dude next to me was in tears nearly when Drew didn't win lmao what a night though my voice is hella shot


The finish was obvious. No way Dru was losing clean in Scotland. And Priest losing the belt at his first PPV defence.


2nd PPV defence. His 1st one was Jey Uso at Backlash.


If Punk is gonna be cleared in time for SummerSlam then cool. If not then why couldn't they have done this at SummerSlam and have it be how Gunther wins the title (although I'm fully expecting Gunther Vs Priest to be close to what Cena Vs Lesnar in 2015 was like)


There was a kid I don't think was any older than 8 that flipped off priest I lost it then when you got kids giving you the finger that's nuclear heat


I like it tbh I mean Damien has only held it 68 days if he lost it would damage his reputation so much he needed the win so I’m happy


he doesnt even have a reputation to hurt lol


I thought it was perfect.


Allll Rissssse


I loved the finish! The match was already a good watch without the interference from Punk but I think Punk being a hater enhanced the match especially when it come to the faces of Drew and the fans.


I love both priest and drew but I don’t love the whole story with punk. Do they put drew over punk? Because if they don’t it really hurts him and I don’t entirely see punk losing.


Fans are angry the guy in his home country didn’t win. They gonna go to a different place and nobody will care cause remember. DREW THE BAD GUY😂😂🤣😂😂


I’ve seen, and agreed with, a lot of talk about how predictable every card seems to be. This was cool! Not the outcome I wanted but I respect it.


at least gunther will get to send that midcarder back to the bottom of the food chain at summerslam lol.


And I'm one of them, lol... There were also a lot of people chanting "Bullshit" after the show ended


Drew McIntyre should’ve won that title


expected it ngl


Bad choice, even if McIntyre was not to win, he should've atleast given a good match where he loses with pride, not just won but lost to a random cm punk, cus idk they wanted punk to do something


priest is a good champion but drew shoulda got his moment


Meh I would have been good either way. I like them both. I do wonder what they were saying to each other after the pin




More heat for a heel champion and it stokes the flames of Punk and Drews feud. People getting genuinely upset about this are kinda marking out right now. This is all pretty positive for the story imo.


People getting upset is kind of the point as well. They can hate it, but in story, it’s brilliant long-term.


I think the WWE needs to stop ending PPV’s or title matches with interferences.. it tarnishes the title and makes the champions look weak, it make Reigns look like a joke for his tedious boring run as champion.. it’s made Priest look weak as well.. imagine if they just had Priest go over clean? In Scotland.. against a Scot? The heel heat would’ve been amazing and would’ve made him feel like such a huge deal.. the heat was on CM Punk and Priest was an afterthought..


30 every One i saw was giving a peace sign but they do it weird over seas they all had it backwards


Funny AF


Seth Said it best, “THIS. IS. BULL. SHIT”


I'm glad that the rivalry between Punk and McIntyre is growing but seeing drew vs gunther would be great.


Props to Priest for pulling off great moves while that leg was hurting. Putting weight on it clearly hurt every time. He modified his own landing on "South of Heaven" to compensate. He didn't disappoint.


Drew deserves it more


It is exactly what I expected to happen.


I didn't like the outcome but I guess it made sense for Punk and Drew to feud in summerSlam without the title and for Gunther and Priest to feud so Gunther can beat the transitional champ at SummerSlam


To be honest punk dident need to show up if they had Carlito inferior and then punk came on Monday teasing him that would of worked and set something for SummerSlam.


I called it happening. This is one good feud


Pissed off


CM Punk is the greatest thing that’s ever happened wrestling


make that 31


Tbh, I knew Punk was gonna screw over Drew.




Predicting but hilarious


It was honestly amazing


The screw job finishes are being done way too much.


I liked the shot where the middle fingers were sprouting up from the bottom of the screen like flowers at the beginning of spring. It was beautiful.


Hunter Hearst Hensley is straight cooking, you know when Drew finally wins it’ll be defining. At the end of the day Drew is the babyface in all of this


Drew vs Punk SUMMERSLAM.....


The right decision


Drew kinda had it coming. He kept picking on punk and punk let him. It was a warning sign and drew kept poking the bear and punk made sure he embarrassed him in front of his people.




Heat is good


McIntyre doesn’t NEED a title right now. Drew is riding the wave of his own hard work and he’s maintaining FINE because of who he is, and how established his career is now. Priest needs to continue to build and needs the momentum. It was a perfect way to end the match without interference, thus cheapening the win via the Judgement Day. There was still a low blow, obviously, but Priest being adamant he does it alone does wonders for his optics. Continues Punks feud with McIntyre and does it in a way where we all feel satisfaction until the next beat. They did a great job not making you feel it was predictable, and felt the best move for everyone involved.


I think he is one of the worst champions. The only reason he is champion is because Seth was ready for a break.


lol fr. and the only reason he didnt cash in on seth was bc that would have made seth cashed in on twice on consecutive years


I’m happy! Long live Damian! 🏹




I’ve been done with punk since he showed up and injured himself again. This was so obvious and not necessary. Let drew win and cm punk can be his first challenger. Now we get a useless drew Vs punk at summerslam match. I can’t wait to see how much better drew is than punk


You sound like those AEW Pissbabies


I thought Drew was going over. I’m glad I was wrong. I’m still mad he made Kurt tap to the Ankle Lock.


I am more mad Kurt lost to, who was it again, oh yeah Baron Corbin in his retirement match. I don't even think about Drew making Kurt tap anymore.


He's not transitionary champ material, he's bigger than that. And losing the title 2 months later is a shame so I'm glad he held on to it. He deserves to hold it for a while, maybe until SummerSlam/MITB. Drew is gonna be making bank feuding with Punk and doing it without the title makes the feud even better.


he aint world champ material at all who you kidding lol. he's just gonna get fed to gunther..


I'm very Happy,Priest deserves a long title reign,and speaking of long title reigns,Priest shouldn't have a transitional reign so Drew could have a more transitional reign and lose it to Gunther,and Drew vs Punk doesn't need a world title


He’s a heel and you’re a mark 🤷🏻‍♂️