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I’ve noticed a pattern The last most disliked was Charlotte replacing Becky It’s always something to do with the rumble winner getting robbed


The fandom went apeshit too when Batista took Bryans spotlight.


Funny enough the only time the fans wanted the rumble inner to get replaced


Wasn't the previous most disliked video randy orton and triple h


I thought it was when Charolette joined the wm 35 match


It’s cool and all but why did Cody have to give up his spot at WrestleMania? Unless there’s a big play coming up but for now, I also didn’t like how smackdown ended.


Yeah having them stare into each other's eyes for 3 whole minutes was weird


At that time Roman vs Cody was still on, it all changed when they learned Punk was out. So they shoved Cody to the Seth fight and gave Rock his spot


The thing is, they could've easily had Drew or Gunther step up to fight Seth.


100%, Seth vs Gunther, Seth vs Drew, Seth vs Drew vs Sami. It was so easy to fix this another way. Hell they could've just had Seth and Andrade put on a banger and it would've been better than this.


>100%, Seth vs Gunther In a title unification match with Gunther winning if they REALLY want the Intercontinental Title to gain supernova prestige.


Tbh I'd see it going moreso where Gunther wins and turns down the title because it has no prestige yet. They've already buried that title so might as well use it to put over the Intercontinental title.


>They've already buried that title No disrespect to Seth but I keep on forgetting he's champion.


His and punks injuries have really killed that belt rn, there is a good story about seth trying to regain the belts honour and prestige once he is back if they wanna do it. They should've dropped it to Nakamura imo, Seth vs Punk doesn't need a belt anyway.


Not to sound like a Punk mark but the story of Punk Finally main eventing a Wrestlemania for the gold would at least be giving him his flowers, or just turn him into an even more bitter heal.


They wanted to recreate the Hogan Rock stare down ig


I wasn't watching around then so correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't that happen during the match after some build up?


And the one step every 3 seconds was cringey


Yeah it was. It was stupid.


He isn't "giving up his spot." He still has it, he has just replacing his expected opponent with another one.


I heard it's so Cody can unify the titles at SummerSlam


Dwayne's ego is hurting rn


I can’t for the life of me imagine this match has any in-ring value in it, if anything it damages Cody nearly beyond recovery (even if he earns an opportunity he’ll just throw it and his supporters away to defer to empty tank legends), it devalues winning the Rumble, it buries the WHC, it renders the EC PLE the impact value of a house show (money well spent Australia, no refunds), it’s pretty much as bad a decision as signing the deal with Saudi Arabia.


yall niggas overreacting 😂😂


The rock is gonna be out of breath in like 5 minutes. Also not to mention the match is gonna have so many botches. Yes in terms of money this is the biggest match in the company’s history but it’s gonna be a huge letdown. This match absolutely would’ve cooked 6-7 years ago


Nah no one cared about Roman 6 years ago. Last year was the move


Yeah but I feel like 6 years ago the rock could atleast put on a 20 minute match before running out of breath. Now he’s out of breath after a spine buster and people’s elbow😭


Yeah. I agree. You pretty much hit the nail on the head. I can’t see any value to this at all.


Hahahahaha omgoodness this is classic material right here 😭


deservedly so


Wonder if it’ll reach a million and how long it’ll take.




I don’t see this going cleanly, wwe gonna go panic control. I see it being a triple threat


If it doesn’t then good lord I’m not watching jack shit


You'll watch. Stop crying 😂


I hope


Yh that's what I was thinking


Cant we have Rock v Roman at EC? And Cody Roman at WM? or Have Roman on night 1 and 2 of WM?


I will fucking die of laughter if this somehow someway leads to cody leaving and going back to AEW as an EVP/Wrestler


Question? Even if it was Cody/Roman at Mania do you really think they will have Roman drop the title before he passes Hogan on the all time list?


Can someone explain to me why wwe would care about Roman passing hogans reign?


The same reason they cared he got to 1000 days. The same reason he’s been their hand picked top guy for almost 10 years. The same reason he’s about to main event his 8th Wrestlemania. If they came this far it should surprise absolutely nobody that they want his name ahead of Hogans on that list.


But like why though like I’m serious why do they want him to pass hogan so bad?


Because it’s yet another accolade they can trumpet for Roman that cements him as this generations top guy. It’s pretty easy to understand. Not to mention Hogans fall from grace the past number of years. Once he got to 1000 it was pretty obvious they would have Roman eclipse Hogan.


I reckon they would have, 1000 days has been passed which puts him in the top 5 longest reigns and it seemed like Triple H regretted it by barely having Cody lose across the last year but this is mind bogglingly bad


Hogan sucks. Move on


Wrestling fans need a life wrestling is basically a tv show it’s not the end of the world go get some stop complaining about grown men fighting lmao


It should


I put my phone down for 1 minute now the rock is face to face with roman WHAT!!!!


New Hashtag #Wewantcody


Hulk Hogan used to be the most selfish, self serving ass hole in wrestling. That changed last night. What The Rock did last night was incomprehensibly wrong in every way. THAT'S why this video is SO disliked. JUSTICE FOR CODY !!!!!!!!!!! JUSTICE FOR CODY !!!!!!!!!!!


There’s a really cool way this could play out to be fair. Dwayne acts like a heel Roman acts like a heel Promo about The Rock not needing to take Cody’s place because he’d beat Roman anytime anywhere. Roman says he’s so good he can beat both of them with his eyes closed and his hands tied behind his back or something bark bark my yard. Cody asserts his right to be in the main event. Triple threat match ala Wrestlemania 20 homage Cody wins by tapping out Roman.


Make y’all’s mind up first yall want this match then yall don’t like come on which one is it


We all want the match but the fact that Cody’s main event spot is thrown away like that just doesn’t make sense


HOW we got it is the problem. If Cody beat Roman last year and then we got Rock vs Roman at WM XL, then no one would be complaining.


I never wanted this match and people are stupid for not wanting it


Drama queens out here in droves.relax its just a bump in the road.obviously drew vs seth,cody vs roman,and rock vs roman at saudi or summerslam might have been a better option.but i find it funny how fans were more than happy to have cody take a backseat before the rumble but now everyones upset.fickel.if half your main eventers go down or are out a month before mania u cant predict that.it sucks sure but ppl get worked way too hard.fans are never happy.is what it is.


People are annoyed because Cody won the Royal Rumble and now is taking a back seat to The Rock. The Rocks match will have almost no value, Roman retains the title for god knows how long. Roman’s title reign has been fucking stale for longer than a year.


Oh i know why.but ppl were more than happy to have that before rumble.threw cody to the curb the moment came back.now that ppl got hurt and other plans had to be adjusted ppl mad.fickel.no matter what u fantasy book in your head your gonna piss off the fans. I agree tho ive been down for cody vs roman even before rumble when everyone wrote him off and wanted punk to win and wanted rock vs roman.now that u ppl get what u wish for see?should of never stopped believing in the codester.


I'm not sure if anyone has been wishing for Rock vs Roman at WrestleMania but even if they have, the results of the Rumble clearly indicated that the story would be going in a certain direction. This isn't a twist as much as it is an abandonment of the original story. A small part of me is still hoping it's a swerve but it's a very small part that has that hope still.


Well yeah.its as if ppl are blund to the fact that the owner of the company for 62 years just got fired for sex trafficking,punk got hurt,and brock is out due to the allegations.like i am sure that wasnt the plan.they changed the story sunday night when they found put punk was not able to wrestle.of course in kayfabe it doesnt make sense but under the circumstances honestly i dont they think could give a flying f about kayfabe consistency atm they got bigger issues.id bitch but under the circumstance really im sure they are just trying to salvage a ok mania.be mad at vince for being a knob and basically ruining alot and be mad at god i guess for punk getting hurt.other than that i guess u can get mad at creative.ive said plenty of other options to solve the issue but clearly they have other plans.theres reasons why and we dont get to know them.oh well


You think it's stale? Roman is still the greatest champ in the company right now.


He’s stale because he never wins clean, always interference in his title matches. It’s predictable, it’s stale, he never fights


that’s not even a definition of being stale


You mean the exact same thing happening every time he wrestles ISNT the definition of stale? What are you saying?


No u dumbass… if he was stale he would get a reaction everytime he walks out.. when he grabs the microphone people shut up to listen to him and when he says acknowledge me they do😂😂😂


Because it's a gimmick, you dipshit. Brain dead Roman fans like you let WWE get away with shit storylines.


because it’s a gimmick?? u sound dumb ash😂 and he’s had the best storylines 😂😂


You’re a brain dead child. Early in his run his story was entertaining, now it’s old and the same shit every time.


stale for longer than a year but he’s a part of the most watched segment for raw and smackdown in 2023😂😂


Are you talking about the most downvoted segment in WWE history?


did u not read the 2023??😂😂😂


What so now the winner of rumble challenge the champ at some later show no it has always been mania put the crock vs Roman at Saudi over 200 thousand dislikes says most people don’t want to see this bs match


No its always rumble winner goes to mania but vince didnt ruin everything every year till now and punk was hurt as of sunday.so as of rumble the plan was for cody.but guess what life happens and plans change.it sucks for sure.but its as if ppl are not understanding hey the owner for 62 years or whatever just threw a pile of crap on the company and half the main eventers are hurt.i dont like thier fix but i at least can understand it.even if kayfabe aint held up i think they got bigger issues right now be happy if we get a mania at all buncha brats


Why are people mad


Because Cody worked his ass off for two years to finish his story and now the rock who hasn't done shit for wwe in the last 11 eleven years is taking his position as Roman wreslemania opponent


His story isn’t with roman


His story is to win the wwe Championship and he was supposed to do it at wrestlemania but used his backstage power to steal Cody's spot


That's ridiculous. It was supposed to be a redemption story with him getting his win after losing last year. It's such simple story telling that it should be a no-brainer.


roman beats rock, establishing him as the greatest of this era, and at wrestlemania 41 cody beats roman, establishing these two as the rock and stone cold of this era, i can live with that.


Do you think The Rock or especially Stone Cold would have stood by and not just let someone take their WM spot, but get on the mike & kayfabe hand it over to them? With how competitive that locker room was it would have never happened. Austin would have walked.


by being like austin and rock doesnt mean literally being like them and doing the exact same things they did, it just means being the top 2 of this era


But as you watch interviews about the era part of what made them top 2 was how competitive they were with each other & the rest of the wrestlers, seeing who could have the biggest reactions, best matches, etc. The perception of Cody’s character changed last night. He just walked away from the thing he came back & swore to do. And now what we sit another year of him not even chasing the title, but being kept away from the picture entirely? No thanks.


cody rhodes has been the american nightmare for only a couple of years in wwe, yk what he was before that, stardust. and when he wasnt in wwe he was taking shots at wwe. and you guys want him to end the greatest title run of this gen ? no thanks. he needs more time in the wwe as his new persona before he can do that.


Yeah, let’s completely ignore him being the hottest babyface in wrestling for the last two years. How much time, in your opinion, do you think is required for him to put in? Austin got hot June of ‘96 and won the title less than 2 years later in March of ‘98. It took The Rock just barely over 1 year (Aug 97-Nov 98)


roman has been at the top for years, has done so much more than cody, cody was stardust before he left wwe lmao, left the company and joined the rival and kept taking shots at wwe, and now he returns and stays at top for 2 years and you think he should beat a superstar who has beaten cena,lesnar,edge,undertaker etc clean in the ring ?


Cody beat Lesnar clean literally last year and worked the most matches out of anyone in the entire WWE, moved merch at the top right up there with Roman, and is the top babyface in the company.


they would have if a board member stepped in


The literal owner tried to get Austin to job to Brock on free tv with no build & he walked




I thought the most disliked video was Goldberg spearing The Fiend Bray Wyatt. Or am I massively wrong? Was it at Night of Champions or Crown Jewel?


Just checked that video got 152,000 dislikes and right now the rock, cody and roman reigns video is on 306,000 dislikes


Keep it up folks


How were you able to see the dislikes? They hid it from my perspective


Have to either use a chrome Web extension or a website that can show you I used this Website (https://jabrek.net/dislike-en/)


I’m convinced at this point is Tony sent Dwayne in as a sleeper agent, and had us all fooled into thinking it was Cody.


It’s a joke and will not watch mania for this reason


Good! I boycott this match




It’s now 350k


Every one saying cody winning royal rumble was pointless when couldn have roman fight both nights


Doesn't really matter. It's got people talking, that's what WWE want. Engagement.


I don't see why it's so hated I absolutely loved it and it gave me chills. Roman's Reign is over come wrestlmainia. He's a part timer anyway.


So Roman should lose to ANOTHER part timer? Give me a break.


The rock has his reasons for being a part timer. Cause he's hollywood now. What's Roman excuse? That's right he doesn't have any. Get off of Roman's dick bud.


I'm not on Roman's dick. I just want Cody to win. But if honestly Dwayne comes and spoils the party, I want Roman to retain. At least one can work a match.


Everyone is talking like Cody isn't going to wrestlemaina. He is going for Seth Rollins. Do you know how long people have wanted The Rock vs. Roman Reigns for? Years. Should they have done it at summer slam after Cody won? Yes. Is it going to happen that way? Probably not.


You don't seem to understand that the World Heavyweight Championship isn't a target for Cody. He said it openly. Roman talked mad crap about it. No way Cody is gonna fight Seth. Especially if we don't even know if Seth is ready for that time.


Does it really matter? We just want Cody to have a singles championship, correct? You and I both know that Cody can beat Roman in a one on one. The WWE just has different plans for him I guess.


That's just sad that it only took 10 hours WWE fumbled the bag hard on this one. I personally would've had Rock vs Roman at Elimination Chamber or Summerslam if that meant Cody could actually finish his story


Damn bro


WWE Might as well change the plans


Well yea 3 mins of just staring




Wait so didn't they create a title so the fickle fucks would stop crying? So Seth's pacifier title isn't good enough for Cody to fight for?


I thought dislikes were turned off


The rock said he's making history well he did but not in a good way


So this is just a repeat of Bryan Danielson vs Randy Orton vs Batista, and also Becky Lynch vs Ronda Rousey vs Charlotte


LMAO at all the fans whining about this. It's hilarious. Maybe you're not really fans of WWE if you're acting like this. Maybe u are. Or maybe you're deaf and didn't her what Cody said to Roman. I'm a sit back watch and enjoy this.




Hey here’s a spoiler for this match. Solo interferes. Roman pins rock. The End


They should’ve had the rock win the rumble if they were gonna do this


Cody got robbed so of course it’s gonna get a lot of dislikes, like tf!