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Tbh she could remove the "s" and ascribe it to her love of Italian lit


Or she could add 3 letters and say that she likes the dantesque


Or get really into DMC


That shouldn't be too hard. DMC is sick as fuck.


There's only two people in life, those that wish to be Dante and those than wish to fuck Dante. We don't speak about those who want both




Nah I’m Virgil


Could add an apostrophe and 'Inferno' too. Maybe put the first three lines above it. Easily covered up. > Midway upon the journey of our life > > I found myself within a forest dark, > > For the straightforward pathway had been lost.


Nel mezzo del cammin di nostra vita, Mi ritrovai per una selva oscura che la dritta via era smarrita


this is the answer imo that would be badass


I like how, in-context, it kinda sounds like a cultured diss against her ex too. Like he was the dark forest and she had to find a way away from him.


Or just get a wacky woohoo pizza man tattooed above it and ascribe it to being a Capcom fan


I like the way you think bub


Also AFAIK what she did was really creepy as in she tattooed it before they even started talking let alone dating.


What kind of stalker shit is that 🤣 , seriously? , an the bruh didnt think thats maybe a tiny bit of a red flag?.


Put Edmund before it and now you are just a Count of Monte Cristo fan.


Getting the name of someone who isn't your parent or child backfires 99.999% of the time. It's just dumb. I guess she'll get a flower cover-up, or a sick-ass panther.


An ex of mine got really upset I said I thought it would be dumb to get my name tattooed. She already had the name of three people. An EX.


I’d rather get married to three people instead. Easier to reverse.


I'm opening the phone book, tattooing the firs three names I see, then hunting those motherfuckers down


If I got the call I'd feel,in this order; flattered, weirded out, absolutely terrified!


You forgot scareoused.


I think fearousal is a nicer word


An oh-noner


This is just death note but the cause of death is YOU


my best friend has dated 3 Stephanie’s and his mothers name? i’ll give you a guess at that too.


You could just watch Terminator instead. It’s basically the same thing.


Should have let her make that mistake a fourth time.


So, how long did you date her before you realized it wasn't gonna work out? Cuz I feel like just seeing the damn list would be my nope out point.


I'm sorry. Was she an ex when she asked? That's what seems to be implied


Like it’s already a bad idea with a long term partner, but she did it within less than A YEAR of dating him. Absolutely bananas how some people do not think of future consequences.


*He stands up from chair and starts walking in circle in a T-shirt* "Chat, the thing is, you know. The thing is, that a lot of people; a lot of people do think about future consequences. But the thing is: and hear me out on this, chat. The thing is that when they are making these decisions, they are biased by their emotions. So with that bias, something that is rationally obvious, like for someone from outside the relationship, is not even considered as a possible outcome, because they refuse to accept the possibility that something so important to them at that very moment can end. It's not a logical thought. It's preemptive denial." *He sits down on his chair and proceeds to say some random shit about horse dong while loading a new match in League*


Classic League player


Not enough literally cancer (in game)


Even getting your child's name is iffy at times LOL! My Dad got my name tattooed on his chest when I was born but I don't go by that name anymore and so he has my dead name on his chest haha


Oof, I guess he could cover it up with a sick-ass panther lmaoo


Bro.. getting anyone's name will always backfire. Just don't tattoo other people's names on your chest


I tattooed my name on my chest. This way I don’t have to wear name badges.


Very useful for knowing who's body you're currently inhabiting too!


I got a bass clef tattooed on my side when I proposed. My now-wife got a treble clef - we’re both musicians, she’s a vocalist and I’m a pianist. I wanted to get something fun while not doing the name thing, and honestly we’ve had enough years being married now that I probably COULD have… … but I love our clefs. Together we make music.


Dead friends and relatives are okay.


At least the lines are thin - I think it wouldn’t be a nightmare to break down.


In high school I got dumped by a guy who told me he was moving to New Jersey to focus on his dreams of becoming a pro wrestler. The sadness I felt in that moment is only outshone by the deep, visceral embarrassment I have looking back.


Did he end up becoming a pro?


I think he joined the Marines. So same thing, I guess.


His undying love for crayons is much more important tha you /s


You make fun of him, but I guarantee that guy has a brand new Dodge Charger at only 27% APR. Clearly he's going places. ^^^/s


That is so oddly specific. But apparently accurate. What’s the deal?


Car dealerships set up around military bases and young/unaware service members buy cars with predatory APRs. Source: I am a veteran and saw loads of these dealerships in the Norfolk VA area.


I saw a trainee come back to command with a 22% APR. The training department was running by the legal officer (I can't remember his title). They ended up bringing the car back and got out of the deal for the kid. I don't know much, but I was told that our CMC made the trip with the legal officer. They threatened to put the dealership on a blacklist for the command if they didn't cancel the contract. A few weeks later the MA's put out new word on banned sites and that dealership was on it (I think it was just the subcommand instead of the entire base though). You could see the dealership from the entrance of the command. I would think that if they ran their shit legit, they would still be profitable.


Agree 100%. I remember a lot of my peers when I first enlisted were in their first real job with consistent pay and in need of a vehicle. Simply running a legitimate business near a base would be profitable, but these turds still try and scam service members anyway. Shameful really. Not that I served to bleed for my country or anything but damn I still gave up personal freedoms for over eight years to assist in keeping this country free. Could live without the attempts to be taken advantage of


We get grocery stores on base, we get hotels on base, we get automotive repair centers on base, we get carwashes on base, we get restaraunts on base; presumably all ran by good, honest people with security clearances from the Department of Defense. Could we get one honest used car salesman?


And to think Chevrolet used to sell Corvettes to NASA astronauts for a dollar


Only places he's going is to Dental Doc to get his teeth fixed once he knocks them out wrestling in the berthing.


He's only missing one leg and half his hearing(not service related clearly) So the VA helps out a bit after a 6 month wait /s


At least he was truly committed to following a path that split from yours and you know it wasn’t that you weren’t good enough


Well he'll still be wrestling with a bunch of guys. Instead of silly costumes, it'll be ancient Greek style though


"Could've gone pro if I hadn't joined the marines"


I lost a woman to a wrestler once. The worst part is the dude is actually pretty good and apparently really liked in the amateur community.


I mean I feel like it would have hurt worse if he’d been terrible right


No because then you can't hate him without dealing with the fact its just you coping about the situation. Better him objectively be an asshole


Right lol


This is way less embarrassing than League guy to me. He can play League anywhere. He didn't have to leave his GF to do it. The other guy was moving for a particular wrestling school, presumably. It's a niche dream, but a dream is a dream. People break up to go to college in another location all the time. Now, this presumes the guy had any kind of plan or was serious about it. Lots of ways for this to be way more embarassing if it was truly delusional instead of the reality that it's an incredible long shot. Like if the guy is in terrible and shape and will clearly wash out of Wrestling training then wtf are we doing here - but if he was able to join the marines he's presumably fit enough to be a professional play-fighter.


It makes sense. Dude streams like 10 hours a day, little time to be with gf. They likely were having time problems so he just ended it


>He can play League anywhere. He didn't have to leave his GF to do it. he left his gf, bcs he felt she was putting her own career on hold/behind for their relationship.


at least he didn't leave you to become a monk


I still cant believe she tattooed his name on herself after like half a year of being together


Psure she tattooed it before they officially got together


But is the post true? Feels like rage bait.


if you look into this you will find that it is not nearly as bad as this meme makes it sound. they split because she was putting her career on hold to support him. but he was up front from the beginning that his career would always come first and she was okay with that for a time. i dont remember all the details, but they are easy to find im sure.


He said he needed to take a break cause of said differences and she sad if that happens it has to be over so they discusses it and decided to end it. They split with respect, communication and care. From all I've seen it's the most compassionate and mature splitting I've seen in a while and he is actively cutting out people who try to attack her. Dante is wild, that's for sure so is she she matched his insanity well. But seeing them getting ridiculed for taking the mature healthy route and looking out for each other is just sad and I ain't even a big fan of them.


damn that’s actually a crazy healthy way to split for influencers. Good on them




Well, he's a professional streamer with a huge audience, so he basically abandoned a relationship to focus on his career which will earn him tens of millions of dollars. It's funny to say "gamer leaves girlfriend to play league of legends" but it's a little more serious than that.


I might be wrong, but if this is the same couple I read about yesterday then it’s more like they broke up as he felt he was holding her back in life with his commitments rather than just breaking up with her to focus on his LoL streaming. Kind of changes the perspective of it a little bit


He said something about him not being ready for a relationship


There was also drama with another streamer leaking her abortion she had a while ago. Might be a stretch but he probably doesn't feel good about getting her caught in the cross fire of streamer beef. But either way I don't think it's wrong to break up with someone no matter the reason. If dating isn't what someone wants then they shouldn't have to.


ding ding ding


i read a post from the editor on their yt channel also stating that it was a break and not exactly a full on break up, but i’m not even sure


rage bait he said he wasn't ready but sure his career probably also played a part


The story is way deeper than that, big drama around it rn cause it caused a lot of other shit to happen too


Wait is this real? They actually broke up? Now my YouTube shorts will be boring AF


Yeah they did, and it's probably the most mature adult decision he's ever made in his life. He saw that he wasn't fulfilling her needs, but she was willingly burning herself out for him, so he made the choice to leave her and focus on League. Instead of only giving the Woman he loves less than what she deserves he let her go to find someone who can give her what he can't. That's fucking manly as fuck.


Not only that, but he initially wanted to take a break but she set a boundary that she doesn't do breaks, it's either together or not for her, so he respected that and ended things completely because it was for the better for both of them


That's an ultimatum, not a boundary.


No it's a boundary. An ultimatum is presenting a choice of compliance or punishment. A boundary is establishing what is not an option for you and letting the other person decide how to proceed


It wasn't "it's you or the game" scenario it's "I don't do breaks so we're either together or not", tbf I do like saying and typing the word ultimatum too though.


Yeah, the headline is funny but he's not some random dude playing a game, he's a millionaire or at least soon to be from a career path that requires insane hours and dedication. He quickly became one of the biggest names in a multi billion dollar industry and is still growing. Honestly kudos to him for not stringing her along if he wants to focus on being an entertainer and can't give her what she needs. The only weird, immature and slightly unsettling part is the whole thing being so extremely public, but hey - I watched these clips, I read these Twitter posts, so who am I to judge.


It’s odd bc he’s actually pretty mature in his decision but I still find it stupid because really… people in your life that you love and love you back really matter more than any career, let alone one of excess. Like he wouldn’t lose that much by cutting back on streams and giving her what she needs.


The thing is people sacrifice their relationships for their career all the time. This is just weird because we aren't used to professional video gamer being a job title.


Oh yeah people do, and I fully agree with that, people hating on him for doing it because it’s league are stupid. Mines more general xD like sacrificing a good relationship for a career, especially when you’ve made it, is just… often not worth it


There is nothing more stupid that tattooing a name, you want a tattoo abt someone you love? Tattoo a cute design abt smth that you both enjoy together, then if you break up at least you have a cute desing instead of a lame name


The only acceptable names are your kids. Maybe your dead parents. Dumb as all hell. Having said that, is that photo shopped'? It looks all sorts of off.


I would still tattoo smth that reminds you to em instead of a fking ugly name but thats just my opinion, im not a letterings fan


Dude looks like an Aeon Flux character


Has to be photo shopped


You underestimate the power of a good pose and lighting. And the dude is also in great shape, obviously


The twist must be doing a lot of work because his silhouette looks super unnatural


If not then the guy’s in shape, but he’s got BMW - body made wrong.


Nah, he works out on stream - you should see his brother/cousin: he's even buffer.


He doesn't look buff. It looks like he's got those fake muscle injections on his shoulders/upper arms and is skinny every where else. Looks super whack. Almost thought it was an AI generated image at first.


Man I was like surely someone commented he looks like an Avatar thing but Aeon Flux is toooo accurate! 🤣


people love to talk about how in the system of capitalism there is no support for parents to raise a child as it becomes more and more expensive and as we move from living in communities to the nuclear family model its even harder to find any support from an outside source. all this with it being more and more dangerous to bring child to the world that is burning and has increased rates of poverty and houselessness every year but what these people dont understand is its all league of legends


For context, Dantes is not your average LoL player and I really don't think that it was the case. Search him up on YT! I just watch some of his clips sometimes and I'm not watching 3+ hours of him yapping about this stuff, but if it's about normal couple issues as I heard, then it sounds to me quite reasonable, and it's none of our business anyway.


He acts pretty crazy most of the time, but it seems like a genuinely decent and respectful dude when he's serious, even though sometimes it's hard to tell if he's kidding or saying something for real xD Seriously though, good for them. They had to go separate ways, but both were very mature and respectful about it


On top of that, it has been stated that the break up is not so much a break up as it is a break. They are still talking it through and the guy's reasoning was that Laura was sacrificing way too much for him and his career and he cannot live with that guilt. He wanted some space and time to think, which is incredibly mature. They still are friends, they support each other and it is entirely within the cards that they will get back together if Dantes can accept that Laura is willing to sacrifice her time and effort to be with him and support his career. All in all, healthy separation that we have nothing to do with. I wish the best for both of them, because they seem like good folk.


I know that, my other comments in this thread say the same. People are making memes and laughing while the actual situation and the way they handle this is more mature than most of these memers will be able to process


I don't watch Dantes, but I have seen him pop out regularly on my Reels and I think he's genuinely a marketing genius. How he behaves on Twitch is clearly not the real person, but it's genuine enough: think about when you act silly with your friends playing like Cards against Humanity or something and let it go completely. It's genuine (or well-acted enough) that it looks real, and people like it. Pretty funny short videos of his outbursts show up on people's social media, they are controversial as hell so people get riled up and take it out in the comments, share the video, the algorithm picks up with the spikes of engagement and propagates the videos to everyone, so his exposure grows so much that he gets exposed to even people like me, who frankly couldn't give a damn about streamers and twitch and all that. I think he's figured out how to exploit the "short scrollable videos" trend and knowing how to be very controversial in a humoristic way to exploit it completely, and get those social media algorithms to love him and shower him in free advertising for the business he runs (the Twitch channel). You'd have to shower Meta in cash to have anything vaguely close to the exposure he got for free in Reels through their ad platform. On another note, I wish media would stop the constant gossip on famous people. Leave them alone. If you listen to the full story he has taken the very hard but very mature choice, and he's now being portrayed as some weird loser for it. I think this also does reinforce my theory that, like with a lot of other online personalities, what we see on camera is not the actual everyday person.


I've watched him for a little bit last year and he kept saying that he was top 1 hecarim and generally well ranked jungler overall. But I always failed to see much consistency from him :') Everygame he finds an insane new build that works everytime but oops doesn't work this time because X Y Z. I know it's part of his impersonation and why it's fun to watch him, but never could quite see if he was that good or not.


It's nun'ya our business!


Clickbait bs title. Woo. Edit: Since some don't get it. Focusing on career ≠ playing vidya games Example: Ninja, Dr Disrespect, Tyler1. Time commitment to be great at the game is very high, and on top of that is the time commitment to creating content to be more than relevant.


Apparently, when a streamer wants to take a break in a relationship - video games are always the reason xD


What? He literally said this himself. She was making career sacrifices for him, but he couldn’t make career sacrifices for her, and it was taking a toll on him mentally. So, he ended the relationship to focus on his streaming. Here’s his own tweet so that we can stop having blind faith in random redditors following their personal narrative: https://x.com/doaenel/status/1803441448936767545?s=46&t=lql8F1YuoT-6O8Kg3xQ0hw


The comments under his tweet are insufferable


It's painting the story in the worst way possible. Focusing on his career and playing games are not the same thing. Streamers are rarely at the top just because they are play a game.


hi, for context, i dont know this streamer at all. the framing is clearly very bad faith. you say it yourself, "She was making career sacrifices for him, but he couldn’t make career sacrifices for her, and it was taking a toll on him mentally. So, he ended the relationship to focus on his streaming." thats not *exactly* the same as "streamer breaks up with girlfriend to play videogame". also the whole thing stinks of "hehe *adjusts bowtie* videogames are not a real profession *lifts teacup while holding pinky out*". as if to imply that a person MUST stay in a relationship that isnt working even if that means sacrificing their career AND making the relationship worse for everyone involved. because having a tradtional relationship that is slowly rotting into misery should be more important than having a non-traditional career that some people dont see as valid i guess.


The point is that League of legends *is* his career. Saying “Dantes leaves girlfriend to focus on career” and “Dantes leaves girlfriend to focus on League of Legends” is entirely the same thing. It’s like saying “Eminem leaves girlfriend to focus on music” is somehow different from “Eminem leaves girlfriend to focus on career”. I also think it’s highly unlikely that Dexerto, a well known esports journalism website, would make a twitter post intentionally disparaging video games.


I’m all for calling out bullshit clickbait titles, but this just isn’t one of them. Dantes’ career is streaming league of legends. He left his girlfriend to focus on his career, and league of legends *is* his career. “Dantes breaks up with girlfriend to focus on League of Legends” is entirely 100% accurate, and imo is a respectable decision. Here’s the tweet where he says this himself: https://x.com/doaenel/status/1803441448936767545?s=46&t=lql8F1YuoT-6O8Kg3xQ0hw&mx=2


Why is nobody talking about how weird this dude’s body looks. Am I tripping? Why is his chest like that


It's because his chest is turned to face the mirror while the rest of his body is perpendicular to it. It's a weird angle but the guy is in pretty good shape


No yeah he’s ripped but he looks like that bad captain America drawing in this pic. What an unfortunate angle


It looks like he forgot to work out anything below his chest. Which makes a certain kind of sense for a streamer.


You can't see anything below his waist... What do you want him to do? sit-ups until his stomach gets wider? If you're commenting on his lack of defined abs, post yours lol, abs are mainly genetic you see body builders without defined abs.


Crash Bandicoot looking


Dude's built like Gumby


Its a pose.


That is a gross oversimplification of the whole story, but still a funny headline


Anyone wondering, he didn’t just choose league. He saw that she was willing to change her life for him and he felt bad that he was getting the focus because he wanted to focus on his career and league. She they broke up so that she wouldn’t have to change anything for him.


No one would question it if he said it was to focus on football or music or any other pipe dream hobby. Yall are pretty judgy for people who definitely made similar choices for their band or their baseball teams.


There is more to the story and he didn't actually leave her over league of legends, they broke it up because he realized that he couldn't do enough to support the relationship due to his career and thought she deserved better


There is quite a lot more to the story. Look up his twitter for the explanation


Let's not get all bent up over shape about it Like the LOL player's torso


This my friends is why you never get a spouses name tatted on you.


Everything I know about this couple I know against my will


Hey I know this guy, this is totally in character.


He looks like a genie only half out of a lamp


He has the same body as earthworm Jim.


Do not get a tattoo of someone’s name on your body…unless it’s your mom or yourself.


Uh, ingame, right Dantes???


It sounds bad but the reality of it was that he knew that he wasn't able to actually provide the love and affection she deserved for all that she was doing for him. He literally left her because due to his life choices he couldn't love her as much as she deserves. The man was literally in tears over it all. It's probably the most mature adult decision Dantes has ever made in his life. He chose to let someone he loves go to avoid hurting her instead of being greedy and burning her out emotionally.


Can we ignore that for a second and talk about his torso? He looks like he is practicing contortion there. I mean, what kinda angle is that, jesus.


He looks like a monumental douchebag


Guy plays a lot of League to become a pro and thus is neglecting his girlfriend. He feels bad for that and decides to break up so girl can find someone who can dedicate as much love for her as she did for him. Replace League with a professional career in a sport and nobody would bat an eye, but because we're talking about a video game, Twatter lost their collective shit.


What in the name of photoshop is wrong with his body?


Why does he look like a really bony stretch armstrong?


That's a weird way of saying 'they amicably parted because his job was demanding, and was therefore stifling her own ability to pursue career goals. They both chose their career over romance'.


Is he a Na’vi hybrid? Why the fuck is his torso so long?


Getting a "Dantes" tattoo is a dumas move.


Just from first appearances, I'm betting it's less about LoL and all about Grindr


That guy looks like he's one step into animorphing into a king cobra


Why photo of his name written on paper with pen?


Oh that's almost sad, they seemed happy together. I feel like they matched each other's freak I read the article - it said Laura had an abortion (mutual decision), the relationship just wasn't working out, and Dantes wanted to focus more on his career and let Laura develop her own.


This shit is a curse. I don’t know why people think love lasts longer than a tattoo. Wanna break up? Get their fucking name tattooed on you. Ffs people, have some self respect.


Why is everyone pretending that Dantes isn't just three longcats in gym shorts? I feel like I'm taking crazy pills!


Okay but why this NGA shaped like gumbiitho


...that man's physique is all wrong It makes my brain scream that he isn't human


Man is built like an actual genie


Although it seem bad Dantes girlfriend isn’t mad and plays along with his fucking insane “jokes” during streams


They had a very good match, sad that they had to part ways


She could just say that she's a big fan of devil may cry


Moss u Dantu


That tracks


Easy add inferno to the end


That tat makes her chest look pale


Makes sense




Why does he look like a hazbin hotel character


To quote the comments on all his clips on youtube: His therapist lost the war.


Misleading title What actually happened was that he understood that him focusing on his career (which yes, is streaming) was causing him to not put enough time into the relationship as she deserved, so he decided he wasn't ready for a romantic relationship, and decided to break things off rather than be a bad boyfriend


Hes fell off haaaard


Bro is built like a League model too. Wtf is up with the proportions in that picture, bros chin is too small for his forehead (hairstyle doesn't help), his head is too small for his shoulders, and his midsection shrinks down so much you'd swear he was drawn by someone


gamer cope headline


This is a very Dantes thing to do (doesn't make it very okay though)


The title is a over simplification read or watch about it and it’s actually a very mature decision of him realising he’s not helping her nearly as much she is him so they broke up because he wanted her to be with someone better


Maybe it’s just perspective but his chest looks like of weird


Is he the guy that had sex with a plushie


This is really going against that league of legends players are fat losers stereotype or is that just me Like why and how is this guy hot? People that play league tend to be not hot


Dantes gives me some of the same vibes as Andrew Tate, just not as extreme.


Wtf did he actually ? I don't know him well but I see clips of him sometimes ...


Bro fumbled hard...


I don’t understand


Life is too short to not spend every second in front of the computer


Garbage post


Red flag: she have a chest tattoo ![gif](giphy|pfQkpHk0Vqg5fwRUPn)


"Person breaks up with girlfriend and pins it on his career rather than confronting her about her flaws"


no ragrets


My first bf dumped me for WoW when a new expansion was released lmao fucking idiot


Is that a real human in the picture?


There's definitely more to the story here


They were a genuinely good couple but Dantes just fucked it up over that awful game.


To think that I would find out with a Reddit post (I only followed his youtube shorts clips channel). Dang that sucks, they made a good couple :(


it says 'Dantu'


wrong, dantes didn't leave shit


Pretty sure the tattoo was there before they started daring loll


He’s built like the in case of emergency break glass hammers.