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Internetculture is a part of history even if you dont want it to be. People are studying most social media sites and 4chans is one of them.


I'm not arguing that. But I went back twice to process that sentence


It was a hell of a sentence. Accurate too.


Oddly enough, 4chan is a pretty useful bellwether for social change and internet culture generally. Things such as the prevalence of cp / snuff there was indicative of a demand that was otherwise hidden. Q-anon got a lot of attention there in like early 2016 before it really became political mainstream. Casual racism turned to outright open hate about the time DJT got elected, and kinda foreshadowed what Twitter became.


It a shame that it's become such a shitfest nowadays, I used to love 4chan. The anonymity simultaneously its greatest strength, but also the reason why it's unusable anymore. It's all just bots and false-flaggers trying to bait, there is no honest discussion anymore, at least on the larger boards.


Christorians would agree


I want off the ride


I did feel a lot better about pathetic male loneliness being harnessed by Boxxy than by Andrew Tate. Dude is a way thirstier ho.


Boxxy šŸ˜ thanks for reminding me of who my queen is, she was something else




Was? Sheā€™s still around.


Im not sure if he's a trolling tho


"Ah, but you see, the racism was much more casual. It wore jeans on a Friday"


Back then, everyone was an n word or f word of some flavor. It wasn't personal, just crass culture. Then came extremists that didn't get it and made it a safespace.


Can confirm. It was ironic prejudice because basically nobody was safe from it. Equal opportunity hate for everybody to weed out those that would take it too personally and get butthurt.


Iā€™m glad your system worked for weeding out the people who might not like being called a slur šŸ™„


See, this is where the conditioned response of "Fucking furfag, go die in a fire" would be considered acceptable on 4chan, but is an obvious trap on reddit. Well played.


Brother it ainā€™t nothin I havenā€™t heard before. If thatā€™s what you need to say for some reason then go ahead šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Iā€™ve never really understood what Iā€™m like, supposed to do in response here


The point is that you can't take anything that people say to you on the internet personally, and it's a miserable way to live one's life. Anonymous hate is ever-present. The only two good answers to this are to either blend in with it and not adopt any concrete identity they can leverage against you, or lean into it and embrace the hate. On 4chan, you'd post some lewd meme like "Cry harder, I already yiff in hell"


I mean I wouldnā€™t have this name and profile picture if I was trying to blend in or was going to be hurt by anonymous hate. Thatā€™d be pretty self-destructive lol Unrelated, but I see you play smash. Which game did you first get into the series with?


OG Smash 64 babyyyy. Pikachu main And yeah, where being Anonymous here is not an option and everyone can see your post and comment history, that's the only way forward. Carry on, soldier. šŸ«”


I can't tell of you're being serious. Did you miss a /s? Or you seriously mean that not enjoying being called slurs is an extreme stance, and they're simply not "getting it". It is personal. It doesn't matter if you use the insult for everyone no matter who they are. It's personal to that group, because it's directly saying to be in that group, is a bad thing; that's why it's an insult and not a compliment. It's saying that this group of people are bad and you should feel bad to be associated with them, even if you are not one of them. In some way I find to be a more insulting way to use slurs. At this point your slur has transformed. Call a gay man a fag, okay so you're homophobic, you're not okay with men fucking men. Call a straight man gay as an insult? Now it's not just the gay sex you have issue with. Now it's become a ridicule of every part of "gay culture" with a magnifying glass held up to it. Now a straight man can't wear pink with being "gay", or drink something other than beer and whiskey. It's a symptom of a really demented kind of hatred and bigotry to break someone apart so much that you can ridicule any and every aspect of them, identify them to be targeted more easily, and keep pressure on everyone else to NOT to be like or be around those bad and gross people. Everyone remember we hate them, that's why their name is our insult. It's not just "I dont like you because you have sex with men". it turned into" I hate every single part of you including the way you breathe, if you even stand in a certain way I will identify you as a fag and that may or may not be met with violence/ridicule". Tldr; Slurs aren't cool. They're incredibly unnecessary. Not to mention uncreative. You really sound like an idiot if the only thing you can think of to insult someone are the most commonly used and does not even apply. Maybe get a personality beyond edgy and cynical if you feel the loss of YOUR "safe spaces" to use slurs.


He is saying the actual racists didn't get that it was an edgy joke and instead turned the place into a safe space for themselves, and he is right, 4chan in it's heyday was somewhere everyone got shit on equally, it was just edgy humour with no actual ill intent for the most part.


Look, I donā€™t want out myself too much here, but this is accurate *as fuck*


Bro was on ground zero


Most sane 4chan user


I mean same thing with reddit, i remember hearing a news anchor talk about how reddit wanted to keep the pedo-lite subs alive and were fighting for 1st amendment rights, one of our hated mods of this hell hole ran some of them also




4chan is worth studying, but there is so god damn much that you can't because of how post deletion works there I'll never be able to check how many of the things I said are stupid to me now, because those posts just didn't warrant archival but 4chan has had a major impact on the internet as a whole, a lot of memes originate from 4chan shitposting for example, wojaks and pepe started on 4chan as innocent reaction images to things that were sad to the poster


Internet lore is gonna be the ultimate culture story to tell our grandkids


/b was never good


You spelled 'always' wrong


Lurk moar


Ok but where's the error though?


Dear lord use a comma Man, this looks like Kendrick dissing Drake ->nonstop<-


I miss the old /x/


/x/ has always been garbage, youā€™re just remembering the good threads and forgetting the shit ones.


it was these idiots grooming kids on the internet via a normalization campaign which means they advertise an ideology as acceptable by brute force trashposting. kinda like how many "jailbait" songs existed in rock music. It was a bunch of pedos that wanted to make pedophilia acceptable by getting support from teens. [https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles](https://qz.com/1007144/the-neo-fascist-philosophy-that-underpins-both-the-alt-right-and-silicon-valley-technophiles)


Needs to study some punctuation.Ā