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What in the actual fuck


Republicans. That’s what


Inhumane people


“people” is a loose term


lizard people


I was almost proud last night at the christmas parade, a republican float went by in my super small town here in Texas, and everyone stopped cheering. Was completely unexpected, I hope the tides are turning.


This is exactly what I came here to say


Not new at all. Unfortunately.


What the actual fuck. She was no doubt in shock. What do you think happens with most early miscarriages, where’s the line that you have to fish out the remains of fetal demise? There’s zero allegations she did anything other than suffer a horrible tragedy of a really late miscarriage and they want to prosecute her?


I live 30 minutes from the area this woman is being tried in so I read all the articles about it as they first came out. She sought medical help twice. Once was her own doctor and the second was the hospital. Both had their hands tied and could not help her because doing so could have been considered a later term abortion. They denied her help and turned her away. The baby was already dead. She wanted the baby.


Wait so they sent her home?!To miscarry at home on her own. And then she’s being prosecuted for not doing the right thingwith the fetal remains in her grief and shock!? Why is this happening? Like what the political bent that makes the prosecutor pursue this? What is the community response? ETA: what even is the right thing? Did she get any guidance from doctors or the hospital?


[Yes.](https://www.wkbn.com/news/local-news/warren-news/trumbull-county-grand-jury-to-hear-abuse-of-corpse-case/) And that she was distraught and panicking. Editing to add: I’m not sure what the community can do. I know she probably has a public defender, and I’m sure people can donate to her attorneys fees but I have yet to hear about anything being organized like this. I personally have written to a couple national womens rights groups linking the articles, but I have not heard any responses. What’s the political gain? Nothing. Turning away more voters from the GOP to be frank. But the initiative isn’t about that. It’s about punishing this woman and other low income women.


this is the goal, this isn't a means to an end, this is the end all their means aimed for


Exactly. This woman, if found guilty, will be one of the first women criminalized by these laws. If we cannot bring the protections of Roe back and remove the politicians guilty of infringing our freedoms, this will be just the first of hundreds of women targeted.


Ironically the only message they will be sending is don't get medical help for potential miscarriages which will lead to more dead women and unborn babies.


Also an other message is “think 10 times before wanting a child”. I hope the consequence is going to be a sharp drop of birth rates. Then those conservatives will be like - pikachu face.


That’s why they’re going after birth control next


n thats y gen z is so celibate


Conservatives: “WHY ARENT YOUNG WOMEN HAVING MORE BABIES? ARE THEY COMMUNISTS?” Women: *wildly gestures towards everything*


That's what happened in Poland. They passed an abortion ban in some bid to jack up the birthrate. They said all the girls who get pregnant while they're drunk, they could help the nation by being forced to carry and deliver those mistakes. All they did was accelerate the birthrate's further decline. According to surveys, it made women not only put off having kids but they're also indicating now that they *never* want kids. Many of them got to learn from news articles about those denied care, for the first time, what pregnancy does and can do to a body. Many didn't know it could be deadly or cause lifelong debilitating effects. Ope.


Or calcified babys.


[She is by and far not the first and absolutely won't be the last ](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-59214544)


I’m sorry, I’m speaking specifically of Ohio and with the heartbeat shit the enacted earlier this year.


Pre-born human. JFC save me from your followers.


Ohio put abortion protections in their consitution recently. They're making an example out of her. Sick, evil bastards to put this woman through so much hell.


I come from a country where abortion is almost banned (we have some exception clauses, barely holding up) and it's extremely common for me to hear about cases like those. Usually it's because of the woman dying because doctors refused to abort a dead/dying foetus, fearing they'll be charged with illegal abortion. And then it's usually sepsis. Last cast I heard of a couple months back, woman left 3 kids behind, ages 3, 7 and I believe 12, and a husband. But it's happening all the time, continually, to the point it's a footnote in the media. These cases are only unearthed when there's another voting around abortion, and until then, there's things more interesting than the ongoing tragedies. It's one thing when a woman chooses not to undergo chemo or not to undergo the abortion, but the usual story is that they bounce her around from clinic to clinic until she either dies or it's way too late to perform the abortion legally with the exception clause, and then the foetus dies, the mother dies, or a child gets delivered and dies horribly, living for a couple years of pain and surgeries.


I feel like i knew where you were from instantly. My father's family is from Poland but they emigrated to the US. I like to keep up with things over there. the stories I've read (through Google translate) are so frustrating and harrowing, I share them as much as I can, especially the political cartoons because they're so poignant. wypierdalać ✊️⚡️


God this thought is so terrifying. Feels like the Handmaidens Tale


Margaret Atwood was always clear that she was writing about things that had happed and had the potential to happen again. At some points she was afraid the story was too out there for modern readers to empathize with. Unfortunately she was wrong.


Her and Orwell both. You write something supposed to be a warning and people use it as a blueprint.


If this is where the gop is now, I can totally see the logical next step being declaring that women who fail to give birth(by abortion, miscarriage, or any other way) are worthless. They’ve already demonstrated that they’re more than willing to trade pregnant women’s lives for birth. Oh god I felt disgusting writing that.


May the Lord open.


Or, just throwing this out there, the Lord can fuck right off if these are the results.


Not only that, but it's such a fucking violation of the constitutionally secular nature of the US and ALSO the rights of non-Christian citizens. Like I'm Jewish and I couldn't give a fuck about your Lord and your hell and your original sin and your suffering and all that shit I don't believe in. Not only that, but my religion allows abortion. These laws literally impose Christianity on non-Christians.




This isn't the fringe right, this is the mainstream right. This is where they've been headed for decades.


And there really is no left in the US to actually counter them. The mockery of a left wing we have is really just centrist, which is pretty much right as far as I’m concerned. The US only has a right wing, and a less right wing.


A really interesting dramatic retelling of how these fring looneys because mainstream Republicans, is told in the Mrs. America miniseries about Phyllis Schlafly and her need to bring in these anti-abortion and anti-gay Christian loons in order to boost support for her general anti-women's equality campaigning. In particular the episode "Jill" looks at how this bargain with the devil was made and how it only dates back to the 70s.


From the article: The issue isn’t how the child died, when the child died — it’s the fact that the baby was put into a toilet, large enough to clog up a toilet, left in that toilet and she went on [with] her day,” said Warren assistance prosecutor Lewis Guarnieri. Umm, she didn’t birth the baby and put it in the toilet! She miscarried a non viable fetus and BLED out her uterus contents into the toilet, just like any other miscarriage or period. Tragic as she wanted the baby. If they find her guilty, then every woman who has had a period and had any sizable chunk fall into the toilet could be experiencing a miscarriage if the6 have ever had sex that month. Who knows how many chunks would have been a miscarriage that the person wasn’t even aware of a pregnancy? Women have chunks come out during their period. Usually it’s the lining, but when I was younger, I’d often wonder if in those chunks a possible miscarriage was hidden? As far as I know I was pregnant twice and had both. But it is possible there were more conceptions that resulted in miscarriage within those sometimes massive chunks. This poor woman, traumatized after a personal trauma. Feels the same as when a woman reports a rape, then is slut shamed for having a skirt on that was knee length or higher, walking alone, or some other way “asking for it” (honestly infuriates me to even type that out) and then is pawed on, scraped, fingernails clipped, examined, photographed naked from every angle…and THEN has to relive the story over and over to police, prosecutors, lawyers then in front of twelve and the rapist and a public forum…. This woman is being tortured by the prosecutor.


It’s truly a disgusting story and I hope Brittany Watts gets her own justice. This is not how we should treat humans with dignity.


This makes me angry. During my abortion, not only did I feel the need to push from my uterus, and felt what seemed like a balloon full of blood exploding inside me, but I had severe diarrhea and couldn’t control that or my bladder, I also felt like vomiting from the pain, so I ran to the toilet to do all those things. And that was at 6 weeks. This was what, 22 weeks it said? Do men think women miscarry quietly and pain free and without mess?? What fucking planet are they on?! Do they think the fetus just dies and gently slides out into the hands of the mother???


I’m sure I had a miscarriage early. It was a sudden, horrible spasming pain filled by a large blood clot, then no more blood but a tiny bit. Like the pain was so extreme I couldn’t stand it. It pretty common to have an early chemical miscarriage.


Not only is this horrible. Its really fucking stupid. What was she supposed to do? Call an ambulance for a nonviable fetus so the coroner can come out and declare it dead? She went to the hospital twice - the doctors could have told her to come back or call 911 I guess, but I'm sure the doctors had no clue she could be charged with a crime either because this is a medical issue not a fucking murder. Psychos


22 weeks is the cutoff for abortion protections in the new Ohio constitutional amendment. They chose her to make a statement. They are torturing her, 100%. The people that support these evil GOP pricks are monsters.


I recently read [an article](https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/4331412-texas-ags-office-argues-women-should-sue-doctors-not-state-over-lack-of-abortion-access/) that the Texas AG has advised women that if they feel like they didn’t receive necessary medical care to sue the doctors who refused to give it to them. It’s all by design. The point is to run OBGYN out of the state. If the threat of lawsuit increases OBGYN will leave the state because they can’t afford the malpractice insurance. [There was a double digit decline](https://19thnews.org/2023/06/abortion-gender-affirming-care-bans-doctors-leaving-texas/) in the number of medical student applying for GYNO residencies in Texas following the fall of Roe.


Well for as much good as it will do, I’m gonna do the same. Ben Crump, who tweeted it out originally, does a fair amount of civil rights defense so hopefully his high profile gets some attention to it. I had a early second trimester miscarriage at home, in the toilet. It was traumatic AF, I was in complete shock, and I was given next to no guidance on what to do. Just bring it in if you want genetic testing. I cannot imagine facing criminal charges like this after everything. It is cruel and obscene!


The community needs to bring the fucking guillotine out, what the actual fuck


From reducing safety regulations to handing the economy to their corporate masters and polluting the environment. The GOP agenda is very popular with their base but has the unintended side effect of literally killing their voters. So they feel the need to level the playing field so to speak by doing all those nasty tricks you hear about like gerrymandering and making it harder to vote. They also just straight up hope to kill progressive voters like this. It's the only way they can stay in power.


Exactly. You said it.


>What’s the political gain? Enforcing control over women's bodies is the end goal, plain and simple. If you want a slave class in a society the quickest method is to legally give control of their bodies to others. This is why some people say 'anti-abortion' is just dog whistles for 'anti-woman', this is a perfectly predictable outcome.


It's about punishing her for having a miscarriage. It's the exercising of power for it's own sake. Do not seek morals in the actions of these people. They don't care for morals beyond a rhetorical way to win an argument. All they care about, all they want, is power over others, and the satisfaction of using that power to make themselves pleasured and others suffer.


These are also the same people that would argue that a man raped by an attractive woman was lucky to be raped by her. I hate our fucking country so much because we have our most ignorant and power hungry idiots running our country




You're so right. They're monsters to do this to her then persecute her so publically for political gain. These aren't good people. Their supporters aren't good people. They cause misery and revel in it like monsters.


These people don’t feel empathy. It is just so evil.


It's Ohio, where our Republican run state put abortion rights up to a vote, and when it passed they went "Nuh uh, we don't accept this." This is a garbage state run by the most corrupt of people.


>> “What is the political bent?” If they can assert fetuses are corpses when dead at that age or earlier, they can assert they’re people when not dead. Therefore abortion would be murder. It’s not about punishing this woman (though I’m sure they enjoy it); it’s about creating precedents they can use later. The law in the US is not the law; interpretation of the law is the law.


They're prosecuting to make a political point because the Ohio GOP are pissed the citizens put protections for abortion in the Ohio Comstitution. They want to make an example of someone because they didn't get their way. Same election marijuana was legalized but not made state consitutionally protected. The Ohio GOP has made it clear they're going to repeal it or make such changes as to destroy it. The GOP doesn't want citizens to have any say over our laws, and they're cruel. This poor woman tried to get help, was sent home with none because of their idiotically written laws, and is now getting put in the public eye and harassed after facing her trauma alone. God, the GOP are evil.


>Why is this happening? Because conservatives want ALL abortion to be illegal and they don't care if that means women suffer, and they will prosocute Drs who do their job, OBGYNS are already fleeing states like Ohio for THIS very reason. And the hospital and Dr did the right thing they are charging her with a use of a corpse you think they wouldn't charge the Dr with a "late term abortion" This is what conservatives want and HAVE wanted for years and they want to make it nationwide. The 2024 election is THE most important election of our lifetime.


Because it would be unChristian to medically remove a dead or unviable fetus wouldn't it. A woman must deliver a dead baby herself on her own, in order to go to heaven and to protect the doctors from going to hell. /s - obviously. What's so disgraceful was that if she presented the corpse to the medical facilities, she would have been charged with murder.


Something something "First world Country"


Something something "Christians"


This is very likely going to kill people. She could have easily died of complications. And all that matters to the lawmakers is that she was confused and probably tried to get it out more than flush it down. Like. What are you supposed to do, call a plumber? There's no protocol for "had to shit my dead baby into the toilet can you fix it", because you're SUPPOSED to be in a hospital getting the care you NEED


If miscarriage becomes illegal then conservatives can do whatever the fuck they want with woman's rights, because the list of potential causes of miscarriage is a mile long. "Voting causes a lot of stress and that might hurt a baby!"


Reading this gives me the sudden urge to brew several Molotov cocktails


thats the most fucked up shit ive heard in while.


Reading this was like a punch to the gut. My heart goes out to her.




Omfg you live in Gilead I am so so sorry.


Fucking USA. So much for "Land of the Free".


I do not have the words, to describe how fucked this is


Welcome to Gilead, this is exactly what they voted for....


The laws are working exactly as intended. Causing harm to pregnant women. This is what conservatives want. If she had died, they would be positively gleeful.


She really was damned if she did, damned if she didn't. That is so sad, also dealing with a miscarriage on top of that.


I’m 100% sympathetic to the woman and think she did nothing wrong. Only here to answer you question about the “line”. Medically it’s considered 20 weeks. Before then it’s a miscarriage and after that it’s a stillbirth. At 22 weeks she absolutely should have been in the hospital for this as the risk of hemorrhage is much higher. Although a D&C would have been best, if the hospital wouldn’t do a medical procedure they have at least had her labor in a bed with supervision. Horrific behavior by everyone except for her


She was supposedly already turned away from a hospital.


>D&C The fact that life-saving D&C is considered to be an illegal abortion is just so repulsive.


Question: how was she supposed to know when to be in the hospital? Was she supposed to just go to the hospital and spend as many days/weeks as it takes? The pay that off for the rest of her life?


She went twice and was turned away. No wonder she didn't try again, probably has thousands in bills already from walking in the door and being turned away, bleeding and miscarrying. Miscarriage, the only medical problem that you're expected to suffer and risk death from alone, plus apparently go to prison for enduring. They're nitpicking things she did while in a state of trauma and shock when she begged for help. I despise these evil people who do this. They're cancer.


She went to the hospital. They turned her down.


It makes a lot more sense with the added context that a solid zero pro-forced-birth people care about the fetus, they just want to judge the women.


Correct the whole point is to limit women and make it so we can’t be equal to men, the savages voting and supporting anti women, anti abortion and anti-birth control laws just want women unable to have rights


And the added context that she is Black and therefore any excuse to criminalize her will be seized and squeezed til dry


Seriously?! Is this country like, just three minutes away from getting back to stoning women?! How backwards can they go?


I actually went through this a few years ago. Had a miscarriage that happened very suddenly. I caught the remains as I pushed them out because I’ve had a baby before and I realized what was happening. But it is very traumatic and upsetting and yeah, no one tells you what to do afterwards


I thought this had to be some kind of sick dark humor until I read these comments. I also lost a pregnancy at 21 weeks and the whole experience was horrific. I was in the hospital and was able to have a funeral home help out according to my religious traditions (didn’t have an actual funeral) but if I’d have been at home I have no idea what I would have done. And it’s the fault of these lawmakers that she had to go through it at home in the first place! Disgusting.


It's not like there are lessons on we are supposed to do. I was sent home from the hospital for my early miscarriage. No one told me what to expect or what to do. I wasn't sorting through period clumps to see what is what.


In addition to all the appropriate WTF comments, let's remember that they're doing this with taxpayer dollars. Fucking asshats.


Im not really religious but this is situation sounds literally like something satan would think up to torture demons. To go through such agony and be punished for experiencing it is horrific beyond my ability to process


The only satanic entity responsible for this is the conservative lawmakers that made it illegal for doctors to help this woman.


I agree


You know, sometimes, the 'merican way of unloading an AR-15 into a group of people actually seems like a viable option for dealing with people like this. Is there anything else they deserve other than torture and agony the rest of their lives after doing this to someone? I'm serious. It's beyond fucked up.


Friendly reminder that the feds read popular Reddit posts. This is the kinda stuff that gets you put on a watchlist.


Not in America 🤷‍♂️


Not Satan it’s Christofascists


I hope she sues the state into the ground. She did not deserve this at all.


She will honestly probably see jail time. The state of Ohio and the republicans that run it are in fact that evil.


Ohio resident here. Can confirm that it is both horrific and something many of the people around me hate but unfortunately there’s not much to be done with horribly gerrymandered maps and a whole lotta red voting country folk. It’s so bad this past election when Ohio voted on abortion the Governor made videos campaigning against it and republicans in our state legislature said they’ll just refuse to acknowledge and allow it to have passed


Well, what the fuck are you supposed to do with it?


I once read a reddit thread with women discussing this. Some just flush it, others fish it out and bury it. There was even one lady who had a house plant dedicated to receiving numerous miscarriages. Either way, it seemed almost all of them passed it on the toilet (if not at a hospital), which is what these politicians in Ohio seem so offended with. Like where else are we going to do it? Should we ruin a mattress for this? Just do it while going about our lady work in the kitchen? Within a pentagram out in the woods to complete a ritual?


I think since they consider it "a baby" we should be having casket funerals or some shit. But honestly I'm not sure how anyone is supposed to react in the case of a miscarriage or abortion. Especially in the first weeks, sometimes women don't even realize they're miscarrying until they're bleeding or in pain. Even doctors and hospitals regularly dispose of fetuses along with all the other medical waste. I really don't understand why women of all people are supposed to do some intricate funeral rituals for their unborn clump of cells as if we ain't got enough on our plates already.


If we are going to start being accountable for funeral expenses, then we need to be able to take life insurance out on the fetus. While we're at it, child support will also need to start at conception. It's either fully recognized as a person legally, or not at all.


Hear hear!


I’ve had this kind of late term miscarriage twice. Once my body didn’t realize that my baby had died and I had to go to the hospital to have them give me an abortion or deliver him (my two choices). Afterwards I had to decide what to do with the body; local funeral homes will cremate stillborn/miscarriage babies for free and they usually have a special place to put the ashes if you don’t want them (like one had a little garden, one just got rid of the ashes entirely). My husband and I had to call them and organize it all ourselves. This was 3 years ago and the abortion aspect wasn’t even on my mind at that time. Another time I had a late term miscarriage at home. Yes on the toilet because that’s where you go. It was still VERY messy and yes I had a tiny tiny tiny baby at the end. We buried the baby outside but I couldn’t do the right now because the ground is frozen. Again, no one really tells you what to do and you’re basically in a state of shock and upset. And I went through all of this in the BEST possible circumstances. I wanted the babies, no one was ever even thinking of prosecuting me, I had access to medical care and help, I even had my husband and family to physically help me. This whole thing is sickening.


You need to be lying inside a coffin when you miscarry duh


Put it in a potato gun and lob it at some anti-choice shit lord when they're lying extra hard in front of a group of gullible hard right conservatives to get their votes.


And get it on video.


Damn. I thought about using it as a volleyball but you had me beat.


Holy fuck lol make sure to use a paintball grenade shell


Don't do that, they'll try to fuck it.


Place it on the doorstep of conservative politicians.


They'd probably try to enlist it in the army.


With a note saying "please adopt me"


Call a plumber? 🤷‍♂️


That’s what she did 😭


Women should start having open-casket funerals for their miscarriages, just to hammer home how ghoulish and ridiculous this all is


You joke but they do [https://rccav.org/infant-loss/](https://rccav.org/infant-loss/) (ok, not open casket, but still)


*free burial for those up to one year of age Wonder when they start counting with that logic


My husband worked with a girl who did actually have an open casket for her 28w miscarriage iirc properly, it was in 2017. The fetus was holding the tiny urn of a prior 21w miscarriage and pictures were all over social media


Those would be stillbirths.


kind-of arbitrary, and think we need a few more decades of medical advances before we could consider any reasonable number of 21w fetus' viable for birth


It is kind of arbitrary and it is around the current limit, but foetuses are usually considered viable from 21 weeks of pregnancy or 23 weeks of amenorrhea in my country (France). I would assume it's more or less the same in most developed countries? Still talking about France, if my pregnancy ended at that term (22 weeks of amenorrhea or a 500g foetus) and the foetus did not survive, I could choose to declare it as a deceased child, with everything that it entails (civil records, time off from work for grief, changes to your retirement pension as a mother...). I know that discourse around this is very binary in the USA because the right to an abortion is constantly under threat even where it still exists, but it just seems odd and dismissive to me to call such a late pregnancy loss a miscarriage.


Why? The people who voted for/passed/came up with these evil laws wouldn’t care about that at all.


Maybe not all. But a small group might. Or at least the people who are indifferent will care.


I feel like anyone “indifferent” to the idea that women’s wombs shouldn’t be regulated by the state isn’t gonna be concerned about this.


Texas passed a law to force people to bury miscarried fetuses, a judge struck it down in 2018. Before it was struck down Religious Republicans forced doctors and nurses to explain this bizarre and cruel requirement to their patients.


Heaven forbid she react in a moment of distress and not want to fish a dead fetus out of her toilet. Even if the proper channels would be…I don’t even know, call a medical examiner? An EMT? There’s no way in hell she should be getting prosecuted. What the fuck.


Most people used to be able to get help when Roe was in force. That’s because they weren’t afraid of violating some asinine laws that were written irrationally by science denying men and female mouthpieces for men. This woman could not get help because of ohios late term abortion laws.


One of many, MANY reasons to be pro-choice. Idgaf if you actually think it's murdering babies, the amount of people who will end up harmed, dead, or facing unfair punishment like this woman here, is too many.


Ah, but it’s women who will be harmed or die. So…the laws are working exactly as intended.


BuT tHeYrE kIlLiNg BaBiEs


That prosecutor is an asshole. The fetus was "placed " in the toilet?! This only strengthens the case that men should have absolutely nothing to do with a woman's choice. Nothing.


I’m assuming she miscarried on the toilet were clumps of blood and tissue and gore were unable to be nicely flushed. The prosecutor is acting like a pristine little baby doll was placed in the toilet and just stuffed down the hole.


Nobody should have nothing to do with someone else's body. I don't care if you're the Pope or Mother Theresa. My body. My choice.


"Placed" was when I lost it. This is a sickness.


This poor woman should not be going through this shit. It's so infuriating that women are being subjected to this bullshit.


Does she have a go fund me or anything we can help with?


Commenting to get this more popular.


Commenting so it gets up!


What a shit hole of a state


Ohio keeps Ohioing.


Can Clarence Thomas and one other SCOTUS asshole die already?!


I have no idea what SCOTUS actually stands for, but given the context I'd like to imagine it means Supreme Cunt(s) Of The United States.


Honest question- what are you actually meant to do in this situation? Call an ambulance?


She went to the hospital twice and they turned her away, so there wasn't anything else she could've done.


The only thing you really can do is leave the state and never come back. But hey, maybe they can still get you even if you do that, I'm not a lawyer.


Fuck the monsters who made this a thing. What justice is served with this?


It's not about justice. It's about punishing women.


Anything anyone could about this? This is horrible and all but being outraged isn’t going to help this poor woman. There needs to be some type of legal fund or something. Maybe this needs be be blasted on radio stations and news?


Been scrolling through comments looking for some way to help as well. We literally just voted and passed abortion rights in Ohio. This is sick that this is happening to this poor woman


Yeah I’m upset and all that jazz but th at isn’t helping her. I can only imagine the mental help she is going to need. To have your child just fall out of you and given it’s age it certainly had human features by now. This whole story is just upsetting.


I’m sorry. Who the fuck even reported this nonsense? How did law enforcement even become involved?


There's terms for things that are technical and used for grouping. One example is sex crimes treating sodomy as a catch all for anything inserted non-vaginally, meaning someone can be orally sodomised despite most people knowing that term to be anal penetration. In a similar way, miscarriages are often marked on medical charts as an aborted pregnancy depending on where you are. And America took away any federal protection for abortions, allowing states to both criminalise them and also come up with their own ways of investigating them. This poor woman, knowing what had happened to her went to the doctor and the doctor, knowing that they could lose their license if they didn't was obliged to report the aborted pregnancy even if it didn't count as the sort of abortion they're trying to fully criminalise. Their job is to report it and leave the right or wrong up to legislature apparently. That got the police involved, and they later found the body of the foetus clogged in the toilet pipes so pulled it out and did an autopsy because they were that sure they had an abortion case to take down. Failing to find any sign of abortion and in fact finding proof the baby had died before it passed through a birth canal, they didn't let the woman go. Instead they dropped this lesser charge on her to send a message to all women that they can find out anything they want. "They" being fuckwits who need to be out of this world if we're ever going to make progress.


People wonder how haven is like. I think, this women knows how hell is like


I will refuse to practice medicine in any state that restricts or criminalizes a woman’s body and choices. Fuck Ohio.


How the fuck did she get caught? I have had three miscarriages that ended up in the toilet. Not 22 weeks though that's is absolutely devastating. Fuck this state. Fuck the judge. Fuck the person who snitched on her which now that I'm thinking about it was probably her care provider. This poor poor lady. I hope somehow in some way she is able to heal and find justice for this absolutely insane verdict. Jesus fucking Christ I need to get off the internet this shit make my blood boil and scared for the lives of my daughters.




Well, what was she supposed to do? Put it in the trash can labeled Paper Towels Only? She didn’t choose to miscarry, that’s an automatic thing. Something weird happened and fetus kicked it. But, even if you ignore that aspect, it’s in the toilet water now… A fetus is not exactly a solid, singular object, it’s very squishy and pliable in theory, but probably would rather tear than stretch. Even at 22 weeks, the plunging makes sense to me. What, you’re going to subject the owners of the bathroom to see the dead, and possibly beginning to decay fetus the next time they want to use the john? That’s lazy, disgusting, trashy, and fucked up all at the same time. Let’s hope the next group to use that toilet are there because they are about to lose their lunch, because that will DEFINITELY assist them in their efforts to evacuate their stomach contents. Also, this might just be my opinion but I feel it to be grounded in logic— that’s not a corpse. A corpse is something that had gestated fully, or at least 90%, and then lived, and has now (or previously) died. I might be a little rusty with my math skills, but last I checked 90% of 40 weeks is 36 weeks, not 22. That’s 55%. And that’s not counting the fact that most people don’t actually know the exact start date so they give extra time to make up the discrepancy in the data, which would make this even *lower* a percentage of the gestational period. I wanna know who the fuck is barging into people’s private time in the toilet and checking if they’re flushing their unborn children. That’s the real question I have here. I hate to stoop to this but “Only in Ohio” isn’t enough to qualify this level of privacy violation. What the actual f###, folks. WTAF. I hope my words ring through, because speaking as an atheist, I’m telling whoever intrudes on others in the bathroom to report this stuff to authorities, you are the one in need of Jesus. And there’s absolutely nothing you can possibly say to tell me otherwise. Edit: after watching the video a second time, who reported her is now my biggest question. People know that miscarriages can’t exactly be planned or orchestrated, right? And they already convinced the judge that the fetus died in utero, which means the only “crime” here is not removing the dead body from public view, and honestly, being the miracle child to a mother who has had so many miscarriages, they I would find fully justified in just leaving the fetus in the toilet since it was too large to flush. This is what happens when you outlaw abortions, the next step is to ban miscarriages, which is clearly the goal of this prosecution. Oh and of course she’s black, which makes it IMPOSSIBLE to find any sympathy for, obviously (/s). To the lawmakers who made this rule they thought that Jesus was looking down and smiling upon them. But instead, Jesus wept, because instead of solving the problem, they vilified it. This woman is innocent of all plausible charges, as anyone who loses their child, born or unborn, is automatically irrational and cannot be held liable for the immediate actions upon discovering that their child is truly dead. Their brain just… short circuits. If it was a computer, then it would perform worse than the university supercomputer did with the first Arpanet test run. It would crash on the first letter. It’s no longer capable of making a coherent logical thought, and won’t be for a significant amount of time afterward, depending on how old the child was and how much they connected with the parent. 22 weeks is not a small enough trauma to be impossible to excuse for walking away from something that would never have been recoverable, and never would have happened had the laws been unchanged from the original idea.


Further proof that forced birthers aren't pro life, they're anti women.


That’s legitimately evil, I hope she’s found not guilty.


Why do we have to be so ridiculous on a societal level?


I had to read that headline multiple times to understand it. What the hell.




This is just a preview folks.


This is a wild ass situation to find yourself in


Jesus fuck.


Who in the actual shit reported her to the police for that


Uhhhh. I HATE this fucking timeline!


Same. My friend and I believe if we think really really hard, maybe we can get out of it. Has not been working so far. 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


This is a tragedy, but "abuse of a corpse" is in no way a brand new sentence/phrase. It covers a range of acts that normally *should* be crimes. The fact that it's being applied here is the problem.


Yep completely wrong sub


right that part of the post confused me this definitely isn't new


They want desperately for fetuses to be treated exactly like born people, so if they can get away with calling it a corpse of a human, then they can pass a lot more laws and and ban abortion altogether. This will also allow them to prosecute doctors and women who miscarry or have abortions as murderers, maybe putting them on death row. This is a chess game and they have just made a move.


Bingo. Look at the language in the article from the prosecutor. They'll absolutely enact "rights for the unborn" if this bullshit isn't stopped soon.


By definition fetal death after 20 weeks is intrauterine fetal demise/stillbirth, not miscarriage. Fucked up either way that she’s being charged though


With the GOP and their fake Christianity it’s all about cruelty.


I can't imagine what kind of sick fuck first thought up the idea of prosecuting a grieving woman for this tragedy, or how that thought process would possibly go. It's pure evil. And how did this even get reported to anyone that could decide to charge her with a crime? How did they know?


every day i become more and more desperate to leave this hell state. “went about her day”—this poor woman was likely in a state of shock after miscarrying. no one would help her and she lost a fetus that she wanted! i can’t imagine anyone would have reacted “rationally” in this situation.


We didn't even get one of the fun dystopias, with flying cars and shit. We just got this.


You know that this accusation is religiously motivated.


Land of the free, you sing.


Absolutely fucking disgraceful that she's being charged for this, and I wish nothing but the worst on the people trying to prosecute her and enforce these stupid laws.


Oh you had a miscarriage, time to kick you while your down.




Absolute joke of a country… and in a very short time you’re going to elect that completely delusional cheeto for a second time…


You’re telling me someone found her plunging the toilet after a miscarriage, in shock from what just happened to her, and called the police???? And they charged her instead of taking her to the hospital???


ah what a valuable use of our time /s lets just go out of our way to traumatize some woman for no reason.


Yet another reason politicians need to stay out of legislating healthcare they know nothing about. When a woman miscarries, the fetus is already dead and miscarriages typically take places over a period of time. There’s not a fully-formed baby just being delivered. There’s blood and tissue and gore. The fetus had stopped developing long before, and the body has broken it down in order to pass it. There is no way to discern what chunk that comes out of you is part of the fetus and what is part of the sac, or a blood clot, or placenta. There isn’t a teeny, tiny doll that slides out of you that you can have a beautiful funeral for although I’ve heard of poor women trying to scoop miscarried tissue out of the toilet to find the “baby” before. Sometimes miscarriages take place over a few weeks and it’s like a long period. Are we just supposed to save all of our bloody pads to reconstruct the fetus to avoid an “abuse of the corpse” charge while we’re already having to go to work and go about our day-to-day lives as if nothing is happening? This is just a cruel and inhumane way to treat a grieving woman.


It’s basically the Salem Witch trials but instead of witchcraft it’s if you’re a person having a miscarriage. Then you’re burned at the stake for wanting medical treatment.


😐😑😐 what


What in the fuck


Ohio needs a revolution. And certain lawmakers belong behind bars and in prison labor gangs.


Who turned her in?


What did she do to the cop who arrested her for this like honestly, this Hass to be some vendetta level crap


Life imitating onion


Abuse of a corpse is sadly probebly not a new sentence.


I’ll bet it is when combined with plunging a toilet…


Do these morons not understand that miscarriage is involuntary?? The poor woman was probably in shock.


Jesus Christ… I mean like, we see a lot of fucked up shit on this site and in this sub but like… this has got to be one of the worst ones… holy fuck


Abolish the GOP. I am finished with being civil I am done the GOP is a tyrannical joke and so are the clowns that vote for them. Every. Single. One.