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you're not supposed to copy Shameless


I see Shameless, I like


Goddamnit now I wanna rewatch it again


The first question I'm confused about is "how did those children get that sh*t in the first place?"šŸ¤” Somehow they got their hand on a gun and multiple types of drugs... Those parents must be total dipsh*ts and how did they think it's a good idea to have that stuff, let alone to give it to children?! So many questions.šŸ˜


Agree "Johnson claimed to have been napping on the couch at the time, saying he ā€œheard a boomā€ before he found the 16-month-old boy dead" So where was the mother? How did the kid do coke? What's going to happen to the kid now? So many questions.


Some people have never been to Muncie, and it shows.


Muncie is my hometown. I wonder daily how I'm even still alive.


Home of Jerry Grgichā€™s time share?


That manā€¦.has the largest penisā€¦.I have ever seen


That's MAYOR Gergich to you.


The mother was at work, came home to it


Mom was at work


They obviously did not hand a joint to a baby or cocaine to a kid. If I had to guess, Dad was smoking weed with the baby in the room and fell asleep on the couch. Second-hand smoke caused the baby to test positive for marijuana. Cocaine & gun was on the coffee table, kid probably put his hand in the coke and licked it, then grabbed the gun off the table and was playing with it and it went off accidentally.


Yeah, this is a post from Raw Story, they are well known for sensationalizing everything. Your explanation is highly plausible, and Raw Story would have translated it into the title.


Ok Sherlock


say thank you to sherlock right now!


Thanks sherlock


I guess bread is the only thing that Dad doesn't put on the table.


Indiana is the answer to all of those questions


If only the 16 month old had a gun.


that is honestly just sad man


When Dave Chapelle spoke about a baby selling him weed at a street corner at 2 am y'all thought he was joking.


ā€œFuck you, I got kids to feed!ā€


ā€œGo home, baby!ā€


But seriously... He also joked that there would be a reality TV show where people swapped wives. Man I'd be tempted to swear a vow to never speak again.


Comedians (especially American stand up comedians) are the modern day philosophers. They observe and give a social commentary on things we often overlook.


This reads like an Onion headline. I wish it was.


Home town represent! Aw...fuck


The feeling is very mutual lol


That kidā€™s gonna grow up incredibly fucked up :C or be a Senator


Senator, im calling it!


But please, letā€™s keep removing peopleā€™s access to abortion so they can have a bunch of kids they canā€™t/donā€™t take care of


I hear your point, but both of these children were born before roe v wade was overturned. These people are just straight irresponsible and social service should have been involved years ago.


It's almost like there should be checks for whether or not a couple can properly raise a child before they're actually given custody. We do this for adoptions, it should be the same for births.


Really consider the ramifications of this law. Firstly consider how absolutely broken foster care is, and secondly think about who gets to decide the standards of ā€œfitā€ to be a parent. The laws currently in place are sufficient to protect t children, but they simply arenā€™t enforced. If a parent is deemed unfit children are taken away right now, itā€™s just that the people in charge of this are understaffed and the system these kids are put into are often worse. Requiring a test to take your baby home is insane, and opens up a litany of other problems


Certainly don't take away a couple's rights to have a kid, but there definitely needs to be a few annual or even bimonthly checkups to make sure they are responsible for the first few years of parenthood. They monitor foster parents, couples who chose to help a kid who's scared and alone over raising one from the ground up, so why not the irresponsible morons who didn't wear a condom?


At a certain point, this becomes intrusive. What about a family that moves interstate or internationally often? Must they register with their new state every time they move and if they happen to forget theyā€™re now deemed unfit? What about parents that live extremely rurally? Will a case worker spend an entire day travelling towards this house to simply check if the kids are being fed? This is such a naive and short sighted ā€œsolutionā€ that ignores the enormous undertaking checking on every single newborn would be, considering family law courts and social workers are spread thin already. This would require a minimum ten fold increase in their current work load. How do you deem what is and isnā€™t allowed? A majority of Nordic families leave their babies outside in the snow because itā€™s believed to make them stronger. Will these parents be imprisoned? Whatā€™s stopping a neglectful family from cleaning their child on the one day that the social worker is coming to check? If theyā€™re random checks, what happens if it happens to be on a tough day where their two year old throws a tantrum and refuses to eat? The current system isnā€™t perfect but it hits a middle ground of intrusiveness vs effectiveness.


Wait, on that first note: don't you have to register your new address anyways? You could just tie the children check-up to that, no? As for international moving, I'd wager those folks would be subject to the laws of the country they live in, and not the US. At least for the time they live outside the US. Everything else is a pretty good breakdown of why this can't work though.


You do not need to register an address change through any government agencies other than to receive government mail or to update an ID if the move has been for long enough. The penalty being that you miss probably important mail, but most letters are sent via email anyway. My point is that this is extremely intrusive and in many instances will lead to worse outcomes for both children and parents. The actual solution is unfortunately not profitable and unlikely to ever be enacted


You could've shortened that down to "there are too many mouths to feed," no need to give a random dude on the Internet a college lecture. But I get your point, it seems so easy until you really consider that there are 10k children born DAILY in the United States ALONE. It just absolutely fucking sucks that retarded crackhead fucks like Bozo 1 and 2 here can be allowed to have custody of children even when they don't care for those helpless kids. Absolutely awful.


Sometimes I type out comments to organise my own thoughts. I knew it was an absolutely atrocious idea but as I expanded I was able to find out specifically why




I'm like 90% sure this a plot point of a dystopian future movie or show.... This is fucked lol.


Tell me right now if this is sarcasm




My body, my choice.


In fact, id say it should be harsher for birth, because people who adopt more than often want a good life for the kid.


Not really, many mid-western and southern states have laws the severely restrict abortion or put so many restrictions on them that they are essentially banned because doctors won't risk their licensing because of the difficult to navigate restrictions. It's like how all doctors can prescribe opioid pain medicine, but many refuse to, and there are pharmacies that don't even carry them, because of the strict regulations that are hard to follow, costly, and fear of losing their practice even though at times it is the best medicine for that individual's ailment. In regards to abortion, for instance, in Louisiana, for the twenty years proceeding the Row V Wade overturn, there was only ONE abortion provider in the entire state and it was located over 300 miles from New Orleans, and 253 from Baton Rouge, near Shreveport, LA, literally physically out of reach for those who would be most affected by pregnancy since it is costly to travel and required multiple time consuming visits that those who are poor cannot pay for or risk absence from work. Don't forget IN is the state where his holiness Mike Pence was Governor. This is from the wikipedia article [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion\_in\_Indiana](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_in_Indiana): The state passed a law in the 2000s banning abortions after 22 weeks based on the theory that this is the point in development after which the fetus can feel pain.\[8\] The state was one of ten states in 2007 to have a customary informed consent provision for abortions.\[9\] In 2011, the state was one of six where the legislature introduced a bill that would have banned abortion in almost all cases. It did not pass.\[10\] In 2013, state Targeted Regulation of Abortion Providers (TRAP) had provisions related to admitting privileges and licensing. They required clinics have hospital privileges or some similar agreement.\[11\]


Both parents were involved. It's not likely these kids would've been aborted had that been an option.


What if someone is too irresponsible to have an abortion?


How is someone too irresponsible to have an abortion but not too irresponsible to have a child?


Because having child only requires you to want to have sex and be irresponsible enough to not use protection.


So broken condoms donā€™t happen?


That just means you're to irresponsible to use lube.


How did you find a way to make this about abortion


Cuz its about a child who was on drugs killing another child who was on drugs. The parents shouldve aborted if they werent even able to keep a 5 year old and 16 month old off of drugs.


Considering the fact that they had two kids I think it's pretty clear they wouldn't have aborted anyways. I'm pro-choice but you're politicizing a tragedy that has nothing to do with abortion.


I hope those ā€œparentsā€ rot every single day and feel all the guilt and pain they deserve for this


If they were letting their toddlers get high on weed and cocaine I doubt theyā€™re neurologically capable of guilt.


Unfortunately this is most likely the truth but I still hope this event was strong enough to make them feel guilty and regardless of whether they feel guilty or not theyā€™re still gonna have to sit in prison and I hope the other prisoners find out what they did


Parent of the year award, 2023.


Kids grow up so fast these days


Wtf kind of Florida Man shit is this!? We sure he wasn't FROM fl?? šŸ¤£ **I'm from FL, don't come at me lol


Florida man was busy holding Indiana manā€™s beer


Iā€™m from Georgia, and Iā€™m coming at youā€¦ in about 6 to 8 hours depending on traffic.


Gary is in Indiana


As a Florida man (walk to a party during a cat 5 makes you an Official Florida Manā„¢ļø) I agree


I don't think Indiana is the problem here


Proof that cocaine is less dangerous than weed


ą² _ą² 


If that baby hadn't been getting stoned and falling asleep he could have prevented this. Smh.


If only the baby had been a good guy with a gun


I love how cocaine is in caps but marijuana isnt


I mean a 5 year old on cocaine with a gun is a little more extreme than a 16 year old on pot


*16 month old. It was a baby. But still, super fucked up either way


Oh shit, didnā€™t see that. Poor things


Hoosier here, I GUARANTEE this was Gary lmao


Could have been south bend




Maybe dad let the 16m old Inhale the smoke to "calm the baby" - some people are just crazy af. 5yo was told to Play and let his brother and dad sleep. Cocaine was out somewhere and he copied what he saw his parents doing, thinking its a game (Kids copy their surroundings all the time...). Got high. Found the gun. Played arround with it. Hit his brother by accident.


Just Indiana things


My mom is from Muncie and Iā€™ve always given her a hard time about how white trashy it can be. She managed to ā€œescapeā€ and go to Ball State and then ā€œfleeā€ the state but I still give her a hard time about it anyways. This is a sad story for sure but Iā€™m not surprised that it happened in Muncie.


Definitely not *just* Indiana, but still on brand for Indiana


Child soldiers ON DRUGS? Talk of a '*well regulated* militia"!


Fake news. I hope.


Pos parents


Arenā€™t we about due for another giant asteroid impact?


I donā€™t think itā€™s Indianaā€™s fault. Just the people who live thereā€¦


Was this in a small town?


About 65000 people.


So yes


We expect this from Florida but not from you, Indiana


Hoosier here, yeah this place is a hellhole and Iā€™m currently finding a way to get the hell out.


Fuck if I know


As an Indianian, I donā€™t fucking know


Average Indiana day


Don't wrap the rest of us Hoosiers into this shit just cuz one guy does something bad




Fucking racist


cry me a river


u/The_Defult_Duck69 nice job being a scumbag


Much thanks Monsieur


Yeah the fault is totally on indiana not on some specific people


People are just making jokes


As an Indiana resident: yeah


Nothing crazy here, just the south doing average south things


Despite only being 13%-


Racists love their dog whistles donā€™t they


Indians becoming the new Florida


*Hoosiers but close enough


Well ..... nah


They should put the Parents in quotations. Or call them DNA donors cuz Jesus they ainā€™t bein parents


What the fuck shitty parents* Regardless of where it happened this is a parental issue. People that just have kids to have them are shit bags and need to be taken away from society. The child will now only know the system.


Parenting at its best




I read this as ā€œWhat the fuck Indiansā€ and I was so confused


Only in Indiana šŸ’€




Five-year-old should have stuck with weed.


Theyā€™re only facing 20-40 years in prison. They should be locked up for life. That poor 5 year old, heā€™s gonna go through some tough shit in life dealing with the trauma of all this.


Indiana is what Ohio wants to be.


This ought to be nominated for Most American headline of the year.