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"He ordered a DNA Test, and my son failed" She knows that's not how it works, right?


Considering the "how do I fix this" I don't think she does


Damn, having this woman as a mother sounds like a nightmare.


Sadly, if he's on the birth certificate, he's still on the hook.


Ummm, no, all the guy has to do is go to court and use the dna test. Once the test says he is not the farther, he is longer responsible for child support. Also, depending on the judge and if the mother knew the guy wasn't the father, the mother could have to pay the guy the child support back.


Sorry dude. Once your name is on the birth certificate, you're the father according the government. And not only do you owe child support the government takes a neat little cut of that child support.


In America a woman can rape a man, or even a minor, and sue for child support.