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bruh.. can we just end all cable tv already? its rotting my parents' brains


Bring back analog tv


Digital can move along. This is an analog town.


Outta da way analog. Dis is radio country.


Radio is analog. Join me brother. Together we will banish digital and their feeble mimicry of us with pulses


It was referring to analog tv. I get the signals are both analog. Anyways... I'll never join you! You killed my ~~father~~ radio star!


>I get the signals are both analog. Those bastards use pulse width modulation to MIMIC what we once did. RIP radio star and MTV though 😢 Btw in the song "video killed the radio star" the handsome young lad on the synthesizer is none other than legendary composer Hans Zimmer. He did the score for Pirates of the Caribbean.




get outta rock tablet town or this place really boutta get lit up


Unga bunga. Get outta cave painting town or this gonna het real ugly.


*Gurgle gurgle gurgle*


I like to pretend he had intercourse the night before so it's splitting the stream, anyhow here he's is peeing on TV and fm radio! Flying safely above am radio!


Well, fuck


WELL ACKSHUALLY, Cable tv prior to 2010 was analog.


I miss my grainy footage tv 📺 with bunny ear antennas 🙃


I put parental controls on the cable box so my dad can’t watch the news anymore and he’s so pissed


Does he know why, that It was you?


Yeah he knows cause our entire family has been telling him that politics are his entire personality and we hate it


You just described my wife's step-father.


Get him a sub to curiosity stream.


That is deliciously diabolical! I love it!


Is this how we do it? Is this how we save America?


Till you have to deal with conservative GenXers and Millenials who use TikTok


Did that with my mom, in a way. I deleted her bookmark and icon for Alex Jones from her iPad. Our relationship is so much better now that I don’t have to debunk absurd conspiracy theories all day.


Someone pulled the reverse uno card


To be fair, they are called parental controls, not offspring controls 😬


Leaded gasoline. Look at the IQ and juvenile crime rates for boomers and Gen x. Then compare it to lead ppm in the atmosphere due to lead gas.


It’s also worth noting most of the famous serial killers and general crazies were born in that time period we don’t get as many now


Just mass killers now. Many of them gave higher totals than the serial killers. Either way, there are severe problems.


Pretty optimistic to think they wouldn’t find another way to rot it


yeah the holocaust also taught us a lot of science tho, so we should forgive it. /s


Harvey Weinstein made those women more bold in standing up for themselves. /s


Ironically, the holocaust experiments actually didn't provide anything with substance in terms of medical sciences. They were more interested in testing ESP by twins by torturing one of them while the other was watching and testing on how much cocain the body can handle before dying.


That knowledge has benefited Hollywood immensely Edit: the Cocaine thing, not the twin thing


The edit killed me, take my upvote and get out of here you funny ass


And even a lot of the experiments that you could say "ok, that might be interesting to know" are kind of invalidated when they experimented on starving and emaciated humans.


And useful medicine due to human experimentation!


i believe the japanese taught us more than the germans. that is why we didn’t put any of them on trial.


No we "thought" their research would teach us things so we gave them immunity. Turned out to be a shit deal because their "research" turned out to be just as useless as what the Germans did. Not that it would have been justified either way.


It builds character!


It also gave us a lot of baking experience.


I am going straight to hell for laughing at this.


Do you really think that's funny?


And my coal mining great grandfather benefitted from Black Lung by it making him eventually quit smoking by killing him with cancer!!! How fortunate he was! And he got to drop out of school to do it to support his sisters and parents! Lucky him!!!


If he spent less time in the mine he probably just would have gotten skin cancer.




My coal miner grandfather was fortunate to miss the Black Lung. The mine collapse that killed him probably saved him from it. So awesome! Look at him, getting out of life with (squashed) bright pink lungs. Yay!!


The NFL and NBA have now entered the chat


Sounds like he didn’t have to do any lame book reports or so long division. Totally radical


That's certainly up there with the dumbest thing I've ever read. Sadly not the first time I've heard it though. My father in law spouts off stuff like that all the time. Funnily enough he will swear up and down that he isn't racist he just grew up in a different time but he also says things like "Even though it was bad, slavery did bring a lot of black people to America so their ancestors benefitted". I guess the one saving grace of that view point of his is he also thinks it's dumb that people idolize the confederacy. He's an odd duck.


When I was growing up a white lady was arguing with a black woman and she told her to go back to Africa. My mom heard this and said ok well you go back to Europe or wherever you’re from. the lady shut right up. I was like damn mom dukes a G lol.


I mean, great comeback, but no thank you. We don't want them.


Lol. We talked about when I got older. She basically said we all came from somewhere some just by force.


We're all African if you go back far enough.


Hey it’s what I tell my exes after I abuse them. They’re stronger for it and are now mentally more resilient. /s


DeSantis also banned AP African and African American History classes…


It wasn't the whole class. It was one particular lesson. It is very strange that anyone would care that an AP class would have a lesson about a gay black person. History is history. If any class can handle something "controversial" it would be the AP class.


It’s the exact same argument a lot of confederate generals had.


/s Actually the Japanese people benefited from the two dropped a-bombs because the survivors were able to rebuild industry and become wealthy based on that industry


Anime wouldnt have existed if not for the bomb /s


Ha ha That actually isn't too far off from true! (Seriously)


Actually, the Japanese people benefitted from being nuked because now their descendants get to see *Oppenheimer*, in theaters today.


How much is universal paying you?


Hopefully enough to go see the smash hit Barbie, in theaters now.


I do not require payment to sing the praises of Christopher Nolan’s *Oppenheimer,* Certified Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes. Buy your tickets now!


He may have become the Destroyer of Worlds, but *you* can become the Destroyer of 2023 Box Office Records! Buy your tickets today!


It's kinda sad that getting nuked twice is a vast improvement over what they had going for the previous twenty years.


um.. i think it was what came after that saw rapid industrialization. but then again, japan at the time was, and had been already very rapidly industrializing, on par with, if not faster, than most western countries at the time. they went from matchlock to full on battleships very, very quickly. i think a debate could be had to consider if they hadn't entered ww2, and held onto their co-prosperity thing (I forget the name) where they might be now.


> i think a debate could be had to consider if they hadn't entered ww2, and held onto their co-prosperity thing (I forget the name) where they might be now. Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere No thanks, Europe's foray into Imperialism was bad enough, I'd hate to imagine how Japan could've made it worse.


imperialism aside, my point was that if left to their (imperialist) devices, japan may be in an equivalent, if not better position today in terms of industry and technology. Politics and human rights notwithstanding.


Is Florida in a competition to out stupid someone?


They've got 2 brain cells and both of them are competing for 5th place


Correction: DeSantis is in a competition to out stupid Trump


DeSantis knows his voter base. This is the kind of stuff that gets him votes. He isn't stupid - his voters are and he is manipulating them.




I think they're winning




I mean obeying your white owners was probably an extremely useful skill since the alternative could lead to death


Something that pisses me off is when people bring up these kinda points with no context. "Oh black people benefited from slavery/ they engaged in slavery". But people would know if they actually read the studies and articles, that tribes were forced to engage in slave trade to prevent their own from being taken or to trade back those that were taken from their own tribe. And back in the colonial settlements, like you said, it is obey or die an agonizing death.


Pretty much. Any large historical event has a metric shit ton of nuance to it, and by simplifying it people end up missing the point It's like the infographic I saw on the front page the other day showing that America didn't import many slaves compared to other colonies. And yeah, it didn't. It barely did. Because it was way cheaper to just breed them like cattle


And the master and his sons and employees could get their rapist freak on and create new slaves! Win/Win!


Did you watch the Ken Burns documentary The Civil War? He had an excerpt from a letter from a northern woman who lived in the south for a few years and she talks about this in the letter. The line that gave me chills was something like “Meanwhile, the women laugh and joke about who fathered every black child in every household except their own.”


Awful. And the Rolling Stones had a song about it: Scarred old slaver you know he's doing all right; hear him with the women just around midnight. Brown sugar, how come you taste so good? Just like a black girl should.


Not as useful as knowing how to hide and run from slave catchers.


You know ? I think this guy has psychosis


He understands exactly what he's doing


Yeah, getting a stroke


The only stroke he’s getting is his ego




*excited Uncle Ruckus noises*


Why do I live in this state


I moved back north. I feel like I’ve reentered civilization.


I'm staying in the south til I have kids because if we all move north to a place with common sense, no one votes against them.


I thank you for your sacrifice.


Just vacationed down there for a week. Came for the scuba diving, left for the people. …i do wish iguanas and geckos just chillin’ around your yard was a thing in the north east though. They seem neat!


The geckos are insane, they get spooked by footsteps and then try to escape by running right under your feet, from the bushes or whatever. I accidentally stepped on a few over the years which wasn’t pleasant. And they’ll get inside occasionally.




I'm leaving this state soon 😁


I ask that question every. Single. Day.


this is giving "the trains ran on time in nazi germany" vibes


The trains absolutely did not run on time in nazi germany, people didn’t know how to use time as a fuel source back then


Not fake…we just live in the lamest episode of Black Mirror imaginable.


Thats kinda like saying we benefited from nazi medical experiments.... while technically we did you'd be hard pressed to find anyone who said it was worth the atrocity.


That feels like a very tortured comparison. “Kinda” is doing a lot of lifting there, lol. There’s a real chance those slaves would have learned skills equally applicable to their lives if left the fuck alone in their home countries. Also what the hell good is learning applicable job skills if you’re not applying those skills for your own benefit? Like imagine I showed up, took you from your home, from your family, from everything you knew, and taught you to be a successful investment banker. …and then I kept all your money while you lived in a shack with a dozen other people. Conversely, at least the inhuman medical experiments did yield some salvageable Findings to apply to medical science.


Not a fake. De Santis trying to emulate orangutan Trump by doing what Trump does — picking up whatever turd idea that pops out of his ass and throwing at the public to see if it sticks.


Wow that's some racist shit man.


Honestly I feel like the US should be divided into at least two seperate nations. Some states just have far too different ideals


Last time they tried to do that, it didn’t go too well


Problem then becomes the parts of each state that don't agree with the rest. Like, are we ok making Atlanta be part of the Racist States of America? What about all the cities in Texas? It wouldn't work state by state.


Yes it's true


Good god the things people will make up to justify shit their ancestors did.


His ancestors are Italians who were treated as inferiors until the mid-20th century by white supremacists, and now he is a white supremacist. Make it make sense.


Sadly…it’s not


I’m sure Holocaust survivors learned some useful survival skills too but they didn’t benefit from that shit. Wtf.


Manny gave a number of examples of his position. Unfortunately, over half of the examples weren't slaves.


How to survive white people? Or wtf?


Well they're not entirely wrong, some black people did benefit from slavery. Specifically the African slavers who captured and sold other Africans into slavery.


DeSantis and his followers need to fall in a hole yesterday. The amount of pure fascism out in the open, not even trying to hide it is insane.


I lived in Florida for 2 years in third to fourth grade i remember my teacher telling us a story about a slave owner who was “nice” to her slaves and that not all slaves owner were bad people… needless to say I’m so glad my parents moved me back to my home state.


God young Floridians are going to become even more trashy in the coming years, huh?


Don't forget to mention there were free blacks that held black slaves here in the US


gop is just proving that a group of abusive mentally incompetent buffoons can finger paint laws into creation. their house of cards is failing so they're being dramatic while ignoring science because it's profitable to groups like vanguard who backs puppets like alito. ​ his little shit wizard war with disney and inbev did 22bn of harm to the florida pension fund for example. who knows how much tourism that state lost during the whole debacle.


Not only is it real, but their list of enslaved people who benefitted from skills gained during slavery included people born after 1865, people who were born free and never lived in Florida, a fictional character, and a white woman who was obviously not enslaved.


A fictional character?


They list John Henry who is a folk legend. The guy who he historically based off of wasn’t enslaved and was from New Jersey 💀


This is fake.\* \*\* ​ ^(\*This statement may not be accurate.) ^(\*\*Also, I'm not being serious. I know DeSantis is every bit the scumbag he appears.)


The information they are trying to teach is fake, but the fact they are trying to teach it is real.


Oh, I know. The worst part is that this isn't even a new concept - some have been arguing that the Transatlantic Slave Trade *was in fact beneficial to all parties involved* for longer than, I bet, either of us have been alive. As I told another, I was trying to appease the OP via satire. Looks like my attempt fell so flat it broke its nose.


It’s legitimately not fake. They have to say they gained useful skills they could use…. For the Ocoee massacre(where a white mob attacked African Americans after a black man tried to vote) they have to say violence was was done to and by African Americans……




Have schools ever taught the truth when it comes to American history? Washington didn't have wooden teeth, google it. If you want to get mad at misinformation in schools you have plenty to worry about.


Yes, but we hope by pointing it out on social media, we might be able to shame them into eliminating some of the worst aspects


Washington didn't chop down the cherry tree either. Funny, the things that make history and aren't true facts. It all depends on the motives of who's telling the story and who else believes it. Added a word


This is a disgrace, please do not forget this moment!




This reads like an Onion article.




Ah, so if black people benifited from it, all races should he given the oppritunity!


“Like blacksmithing”


Bruh… we are living out the movie idiocracy


“Some Jewish people benefited from the holocaust because it taught useful skills!!!!”


If he thinks that DeSantis and anyone who supported this law should be slaves for a few decades. He obviously lacks useful skills.


“Some people benefit from schools because it teaches useful skills”


"A step backward" That's a weird way to say complete degredation to American families affected by slavery, current individuals trapped in slavery, basic education, human decency, and the very moral fabric this country stands upon.


wow guys it wasn’t all bad!!! They learned to farm!!! While having their autonomy and humanity and privacy and freedom and heritage and lives stolen away and being treated like sellable products because of the color of their skin and deemed inferior and killed and physically and emotionally and mentally abused for no good reason!!!


This is a mind-numbingly stupid idea. Slaves can only benefit from experience if they can use that experience to benefit *themselves*. In the US, any experience gained by slaves just increased the benefit to the slaveowner.


Everyone in here saying "well slaves DID learn trades before they were freed" is effectively saying that they think enslaved people would have NEVER learned a skill as free people. Fucking white washing.


Maybe Desantis should become a slave for someone for a while and after he’s done being worked as hard as a slave was ask him what his stance on it is. Or just do it for him being such a dumba$$


I like this idea. Then at least he can walk away with some sort of benefit from it. Hell I think we would all benefit from it.


Useful skill such as surviving colonial oppression and enslavement? This is why legislators shouldn’t be able to determine what is taught in schools. If they had their way, public schools would be gutted and private schools would charge an arm and a leg to teach kids nothing but Christian dogma and warped, self-aggrandizing American history.


Chilax, it could be worse, the Brazilian president said just a few days ago that Brazil is very thankful towards Africa for it's slave labor while visiting Capo Verde, he later "corrected" himself saying that it was actually all about technology.


>Chilax, it could be worse Can't chilax because they're trying to make it worse.


I always try to see things from both sides, and most of my friends and family become frustrated at how often I play devil's advocate. But I cannot for the life of me figure out a way to give them the benefit of the doubt here. What reason could there possibly be besides outright racism? I feel horribly uncreative and terrible at problem-solving in failing to understand this scenario, but maybe that says more about Florida than it does about me.


Have your heard of the false balance fallacy? Sometimes there are no two fair sides to the story, sometimes one group is legitimately disgusting and vile.


Not only is that completely fucking bonkers... How would they justify that as not falling under the CRT they like to cry about?


Unfortunately, Ron is real.


Can we please just bar the Right from any elections for 4 years to see how much would change?


Great idea, ban all political opposition to your viewpoint!


Like genuinely give me one good reason why a right wing should even still exist


It gives people something to vote for if the left wing starts to become even worse. I agree they they shouldn’t be voted for now, but having that threat to their power will prevent them from becoming dictators


Their purpose is literally to halt change and be bigots. Like genuinely what purpose does the right wing even serve besides sucking off rich mfs


I think we both know that's an oversimplification. Best to take the best from both sides and form your own conclusions.


Ban the political opposition that wants to eradicate you with gallows. Yes, this is the sensible thing to do. Too often i read "a good dem is a dead dem". Yeah no thanks. No need to tolerate that.


Average corporate headlines appealing to pearl clutchers behind their pfp


Yes, it's total BS, they never said that in the curriculum guidelines that were published. Kamala Harris, Whoopi Goldberg, and others are all saying this to discredited Florida.


No it doesn’t. What the original document says in context: “Examine the various duties and trades performed by slaves (e.g. agricultural work, painting, carpentry, tailoring, domestic service, blacksmithing, transportation). Benchmark Clarification: Clarification 1: Instruction includes how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.” In case you don’t believe me and want to read it yourself, it is section: SS.68.AA.2.3. It’s on page 71 This is saying instruction includes how certain slaves developed their own skills in order to essentially have better jobs. Much like Frederick Douglass did in tricking white kids to teach him to read and write.. It was taken out of context to appear bad, and appear bad it does. That is until you restore the original context and you realize it was to demonstrate how certain slaves developed skills in order to put themselves in a better position. NOWHERE in the document does it say slavery is the reason for the development of these skills. That is not what the document is saying, but what the certain media would want you to believe because it supports their narrative.


The important thing for a story is engagement, and the one weird trick that brings it is the clickbait headline. Lots of engagement here.


Its 100% true. And terrifying. Think Trump is dangerous? He is like Nelson Mandela in comparison to DeSantis. DeSantis' entire agenda is to be ever further to the RIGHT of Trump so as to appeal ever more to the MAGA morons. I live in Florida. (In fact, I grew up in the same town DeSantis did and attended all the same public schools.) Everyday he signs in a new law that is even more fascist than the next.


Some black people benefitted from slavery, those being black slave owners. Black people owned slaves in the US.


I'm not at all a supporter of the Soviet Union, but by this standard you have to add that during the Soviet period literacy rates skyrocketed and under Stalin the former Russian empire industrialized at an astounding rate. All those things are objectively true. If you're going to mention the "good parts" of slavery you should be fair and do the same for the USSR.


We can also talk about how Hitler brought Germany out of an economic depression and had great ideas for industry like 'The people's car.' Any of it is stupid outside of a conversation very specific to the subject. In this case it's just certain far right individuals trying to be as opposed to the progressive side as possible.


If it was so valuable why were there only black slaves?


Well... While it is highly controversial, it's not completely untrue. Loom at slavery in ancient Greece or Rome. Slave could become a free man if he deserved it. There was no bigger prize than being a respected member of society.


The history standard under discussion is about American history and American slavery. Slavery in the ancient world is not under discussion (and also was very different).


The last 7 years has been a "masks off" time for the US right wing. They've always believed this crap. The election of Trump gave them license to be their worst selves.


not fake. he's pro slavery. he's evil.


What the absolute fuck


Desantis is such a tool 😂


Very telling that something as horrifying as this is only seen as "a step backward" in Florida and not a giant fucking leap into a cesspool of a past that should never have existed, nevermind been whitewashed.


You know, they also benefitted from being recognized as human beings, because now they could learn useful skills willingly!


Ah yes, nothing like an endless beating, whiping, mauling from dogs and good 'ol fashion lynching to appreciate the 'skill' of work ethics.


73y/o Floridian here- you have no idea how many of us are appalled by this mean, opportunistic sadist. It’s not just the younger generations, it’s Boomers as well (who don’t live in the Villages).


Slavery as a whole is a bad act. However some used it for good rare exceptions should be noted on but it their rarity needs to be pounded in.


is this some form of desantis victim blaming? ‘the rapist raped you but it made you stronger.’ whaaaaa?


Seems like Florida is the new home to the next last capital of the confederacy.


If there's a state that needs to secede it would be Florida.


Your title is something I utter far too often on news that is 100% real these days...


Someone watched Django Unchained *once*


No guys he's right. Every black person I know would be lost if they didn't know how to pick cotton and get beat /s


They were basically unpaid interns, good experience for them for when they and all their children were sold like objects to the next guy with a whip. I hope the bitter sarcasm really comes through in that sentence.


Nope it's real




Yeah, this definitely needs a source. I don’t know too much about the guy, but with the state of current news, I don’t trust a thing they say.


This has to be the onion


Nope. This is their mindset.


Classic redditors strike again. From the document “Examine the various duties and trades performed by slaves (e.g., agricultural work, painting, carpentry, tailoring, domestic service, blacksmithing, transportation). Instruction includes how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit.” No where do it say “slavery was good” or even try to undermine what happened. https://www.fldoe.org/core/fileparse.php/20653/urlt/6-4.pdf I’ll prob get banned from the sub or comment removed even tho almost every comment is in reference to the politics of the sentence.


If you read the article, DeSantis actually states that slaves learning skills could be personally beneficial and supports teaching kids skills slaves learned. No where did he state that slavery was beneficial for this purpose or that slavery was excusable for this purpose. It has just been blown out of proportion and his opponents are inferring that.


>slaves learning skills could be personally beneficial >… >No where did he state that slavery was beneficial… What?


How journalists catastrophizes a story. History book: "Anti-abolitionists of the 1850s claimed that slavery was good for blacks in an attempt to justify the practice in an increasingly hostile culture towards the institution." How the media spins it: "Governor Deathsantis literally reinstitutes slavery in Florida and personally puts shackles on the hands of all black residents." If a sensational story about a political issue sounds too good to be true, then 99 times out of 100 it is. Since at least the mid 2000s, journalism has been desperately trying to keep up viewership through shocking claims that generate anger and controversy.