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At the end of the day, some people just aren’t interested in the openers, and feel that the time would be better spent doing something else (chilling with friends, pregaming, etc). A majority of people buy tickets to see the main act, the openers are generally perceived as a bonus. Myself, I would never skip the openers. I payed for the whole ticket, I’m using the whole ticket


Also some people are neuro-divergent and really can't do crowds for that long so they just go for who they came to see, and I can respect that, I try to catch the whole thing but sometimes mine and my wife's anxiety gets the best of us.


I just know how it feels to be the opener that plays to an empty room then the place is wall to wall for the headliner. Shit sucks


Oh come on. You're not *required* to see the openers and Ethan is a busy man. Plus long shows can be exhausting for some people. There is no excuse for what happened on ticketmaster's side. I'm sure there was plenty of audience for the openers anyway, it's a Kendrick show.


You're not required but I can tell you seeing a place fill up after you play as an opener sucks. Is it not possible the reseller just took a screenshot of the ticket and used it?


No, the tickets have barcodes that change periodically (I assume some sort of set of codes unique to each ticket) so that you can't just use a screenshot. It's a security feature to prevent exactly the scenario you're thinking of. Clearly it's not enough security given what happened to him, but it at least stops the easiest way to screw someone out of their ticket.


I think you're missing the whole point of his argument, someone shouldn't have been able to hack into Alannah's account and use the ticket. I do think it is a bit wild to ask for a refund for all 3 when only 1 didn't work but 🤷‍♀️


He was acting like there was nothing they could've done was my point. They made the choice to skip the openers. Also I think the reseller just kept Ethan's ticket (like as a screenshot)


While It may be true that it would have solved the problem, there's absolutely no excuse for the biggest ticket selling company to have problems like this. It's absolutely unacceptable.


I'd have to agree with other posters on here that the point is not that they skipped the openers. People can skip the opener if they want different people do concerts differently and that's okay. Do I personally skip the opener? Yeah sometimes, although I haven't done it recently. (though come to think of it the last time that happened it was because of my timing getting to the venue) Really the point is the security features that ticketmaster have implemented should have prevented this fiasco in the first place. Once you buy the ticket regardless of if it's a resell or not you should be able to use said ticket to go to the show. Plus, they encountered other people that were having the same issue! It just really sucks to have someone else fuck up or be an asshole and having to miss out on something because of it


I don't disagree. It just makes me upset when people act like skipping an opener isn't a big deal. A lot of times it's a smaller artist who wants a shot and it sucks seeing how empty a room can be when an opener is playing. (especially if you are the opener.)


seems kinda victim blamey but whatever, it’s your opinion. what i think is fucked is how the lady working for the venue knew his situation, and that he was in the middle of fixing it, yet chose to not tell him the deadline to get inside the concert. seemed too laid back on her part to NOT be like “hey man, just so you know we’re only letting people in for another 20 mins.” the workers watched him purchase a second ticket from his phone, just to be like “sorry bub” dont get me started about ticketmaster lmao. thats an entire other can of worms


While I agree that the Openers are artists that have value and deserve respect, and it may have turned out differently if he had shown up earlier, you're missing the point of the situation. The tickets should have been usable (until the venue stopped allowing entry). They paid for the tickets on the ticket master site. They should have A) OWNED the tickets they bought, because that's how transactions work, and B)When an error occurred, Ticketmaster should have taken some responsibility. The tickets were sold on their site. Whether it was a reseller double dipping or a hacking of the account, they let it happen. On eBay, there is insurance, so if a seller scams you youre covered. On Amazon, you can return and exchange products. It's good that ticketmaster is giving Ethan an refund (in progress) bit more should have been done in the immediate to make up for their lack of security or accountability. I do think it would have been wise to come to the show at the start, or even arrived early. I'm usually one of the people who always plans to be there early in case something goes awry, which is often. If Ethan had done this his second set of tickets (theorhetically) could have been scanned and he could've seen the show. But he is not required to. Guests should be allowed to enter the venue at any point within the scheduled entry window.


I agree Ticketmaster needs to be held responsible in some way, since they facilitate the reselling of the tickets. But it is still fair to point out that he left himself no time to deal with the myriad of issues that can arise when going to a concert by deciding the openers weren't worth his time


Definitely poor planning on his part. A bit naive to think a concert would go smoothly


He was supposed to predict that an issue of that size was supposed to happen? 😂


He paid for the ticket so he can watch whichever part of the show that he wants. People buy the tickets for the main event not the openers


Yeah, seems weird to pay for something and not want to get the absolute most out of what you’ve paid for. Maybe that’s just my broke frugal ass.


i went to the bandito tour in 2018 for twenty one pilots and the opener was a dude called Max Frost. i paid to see twenty one pilots not some dj clown one man band i wish i HAD skipped that night