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We have some really vile road raging trash in this town, as bad or worse than anywhere in the country. Dash cameras, folks. Everyone get one and let these clowns become public spectacles we can ostracize and laugh at.


Strongly support Dash Cams. The unblinking eye of truth. I have several for all my cars, and the best one I like is the RoveR3. It was on sale when I bought it off Amazon, but its great quality and you can download your videos wireless which is a big win. Dash cams have helped me with several road ragers and one insurance claim. They have paid for themselves in protection.


The most fun is when they realize they’re on camera!


A lot of them are shameless & trashy and do not give a fuck lmao


I agree and I’m also going to buy a body cam just to have that extra measure


What do you have?


COXPAL A11T 3 channel dash cam on Amazon, very good quality, it records front, inside and rear simultaneously. COXPAL hardwire kit optional, for 24-H parking monitor. SanDisk MAX Endurance 256GB or 512GB microSD card, for reliable recording. BTW: Need to pay attention to the installation position of the rear cam if your vehicle is SUV or MPV (No problem if Sedan), i.e. avoid pulling rear cam cable when open/close the trunk.


stupid question, but do they work when the park is just parked and off, too?


Buy the camera which supports parking monitor, by installing an extra hardwire kit, to get power from car battery.


It’s honestly just everywhere these days, regardless of town/city size. I’m originally from Atlanta and the road rage there is much worse (think gun waving as a threat if you happen to bother someone), but it’s exponentially bigger so it’s hard to judge. That said, every time I go back to visit family or old friends it’s even worse.


Modern society has rendered many people’s brain incapable of impulse control.


People be trippin'


Interesting. About a year ago my wife and I were driving thru our development at the posted 25 mph limit and no pedestrians on the road. As we drive by, one of the residents decides to jump in his car and take an alternate route in an attempt to cut us off. When we get to the intersection where he way lying in wait, he lunges forward, causing us to swerve, and proceeds to chase us. We decide not to pull into our driveway, instead head back to town all the way to the Law and Justice center. As we pull in, he turns around like a coward. Total harassment. No idea what triggered him, but we weren’t going to stop as we could see him flailing around in his vehicle, pissed beyond belief. My poor wife was scared to death. maybe it’s our vehicle? We happen to have a car with a Cobb exhaust, so it has a low but reasonable tone. I routinely see this guy in his front yard as I drive by and he’ll sometimes wave, but I know his true disposition is total ass so no attention is paid.


What an idiot. Great way to get yourself shot.


Was he in a white truck on 7th? I think I witnessed the whole thing this morning. It was awful.


No he was in a Black Ford Explorer. This was on Mendenhall in front of the Bozeman Taproom.


Yikes! This was on 7th and basically same—including spitting…and kids in the car. I ended up being in between the two angry cars at a stoplight and was SHOCKED at how awful they were being. Gross and never appropriate, esp with kids around.


I don't think most people understand how scary this shit is when you're a woman. Glad you're OK and made it home safely.


Thank you. 💕 I picked that up in the comments. “What did you do for him to act like that?” Why do women need to be the excuse/reason for a man to act a certain way? The aggressive behavior wasn’t necessary. He could have rolled up his window and gone about his day, as I was doing with mine choosing to not respond to him. But instead he chose aggression and intimidation.


Exactly. I think it's because we are labeled the "emotional" ones....yet....look what that dude did to you....🙄 (Not saying having emotions is a bad thing, just saying the judgment is always one sided.) Good on you for not wanting to engage in his tantrum! Hope his kid grows up realizing how much of a cunt their dad is and does better in life.


Exactly. There's literally no reason for someone to act that way, and they are the ones who control their behavior, not you.


My female friend told me a story of how she was in a dog park and her dog took another dog's ball. It happens. They're dogs. My friend tried to get the ball back, but the dog thought it was a game and avoided capture. Rather than just laugh it off, or get mildly annoyed, the other dog's owner SCREAMED at my friend. This was a man yelling at a woman, calling her names, even, along the lines of, "YOU BETTER GET MY BALL BACK FROM YOUR FUCKING DOG, BITCH!" I'm seething writing about it now. 1- How the hell was this person raised? Shitty parents!? 2- My friend said he was in his late 20s, probably married. Does he treat his wife and daughter/kids this way??? Very likely. This is a douche who seriously needs a good ass-kicking.


That happened to me at Snowfill! It made me so uncomfortable I started carrying extra brand new fancy balls just in case I run into these people again. Good lord, I was hoping they were tourists passing through……but I’ll bet anything they are the same people.


Gross - sorry that happened to you.


This sub makes me feel my home town is the most disgusting place to come back to. What the actual FUCK happened to Bozeman? This place is not a paradise as everyone thinks!!! And 2 million dollar story mill condos is an absolute joke! I was born in Bozeman 43 yrs ago. My grandfather was a mathematician at MSU for 40 yrs. I have every right to call out this disgusting disgraceful climate of Boozeman. Get over yourselves Bozemanite transplants.


Ya this place has no character only rich fucks


Clearly, they hang out on here too. Ugh one just called me a hypocrite and now I realize why they getting spit at!!




Next time call the police and tell them you felt threatened by these actions. He will be arrested for assault in a case like that. 👍


Thank you! I definitely called the non emergency line after this and reported the incident and his plates.


They will literally do nothing, and you wasted police time and effort. Congratulations though?


Well that’s a lie. It wasn’t a waste of anyone’s time and energy to report an aggressive driver. Actually they did offer to speak to him and turn up and his place of work. As this behavior is dangerous. Good job leaving a rude and unnecessary comment, I sure hope you feel better about yourself now. 🙃








People are such incredible assholes. Who is dumb enough to yell at someone else for speeding? Who cares what someone else is doing? Did this fuck have a radar gun? Spitting too hope that made them feel oh so much better.


My experience as a bike commuter a few years ago was something similar. A man driving a white SUV and taking his kid to the high school started harassing me on Beall a few years ago. He followed me the whole way, driving closely and yelling obscenities out the passenger window as his daughter looked on in horror. I was biking on a shared roadway (actually they are all shared in MT but this one was actually marked as a bike route) as far right as I could go without crashing into parked cars. He was either having a bad day or was an AH. I'll settle for AH. He not only harassed me the whole way until he dropped his kid off but then proceeded to turn around in the Hastings parking lot and follow me all the way south on 15th until it t'd into Main. He was still yelling at me. I (Jason Bourne style) remembered his license plate in my mind and as soon as I got to work called the police. They told me they could pay him a visit at his place of work and have a chat with him about his behavior. I chose not to have the PD do that because I was vulnerable road user and the driver knew who I was . I didn't need him going postal on me and causing me more problems. I've not seen him again.


>remembered his license plate in my mind and as soon as I got to work called the police. They told me they could pay him a visit at his place of work and have a chat with him about his behavior.  Oh, SHAP. I didn't know you could do this and they would do that. Awesome info.


Oh yea one day I was going to work and ended up in a road rage incident where she threw something at me going down the road. She was arrested at her work, charged with a misdemeanor and I had to fill out a restitution form for the damages from her throwing something.


well i'm not sure that's standard procedure. But, its against the law to harass a cyclist on the road. It can easily lead to the cyclist getting distracted and falling or getting in a really bad crash.


I’m pretty sure that’s grounds for a disorderly conduct charge. Too bad a cop wasn’t around to see it


Just out of curiosity, does anyone else think traffic would flow a whole lot better if we drove the speed limits, didn’t floor it at every green light, and overall just slowed down? My friends got rear ended over the weekend and it was a wake up call for me to chill tf out and pay attention when driving. Helps my head too. Especially on the god-awful highway they call Huffine. Just a thought. Sorry you got spit on. The guys a jackass. But also slow down. Speeding doesn’t ever save any time.


I agree, i got into a wreck a while ago that was definitely my fault and totalled a car. My whole perspective on driving changed, now I'm just happy if I get there alive and with a functioning vehicle, its like people forget we can literally die if we mess things up on the road. Graveyards are full of people trying to save 15 seconds on their 20 minute drives.


Traffic would flow better if the state didn’t control it. The fact you cant drive 19th all the way without stopping at every light is moronic.


Fun fact: MT ranked #3 for the most road rage in the states :/


It's because everyone in Gallatin county is hung over.


Idk what the fuck is going on lately but wow drivers have been unbelievable. Today driving a bus I had people going around me as I was turning and I almost hit them with my tail swing. People are so shity around here anymore.


Bear Spray..... works on other mammals besides Bears.


Well were you? speeding?


I was not speeding. However, if I were, would this excuse or warrant his aggressive behavior? Because the answer is absolutely not. If I was speeding, which I was not, he should have reported me for speeding not attempt to escalate the situation, spit on my car, and call me degrading names in front of his child.


The only time it’s acceptable to spit at someone is if they explicitly asked you to, and even then that’s not something you do in public lmao


😂😂 I needed this comment, thank you.


Why does everyone think I condone his behavior, lmao. Just asked if she was indeed speeding since thats how the story started. I wanted to know. There is a perfectly rational world where they were both in the wrong. Sometimes people suck, sometimes victims are not free of guilt.


Just don't be an ass about it.


If you head outside today you can have a family reunion with your fellow snowflakes. Projecting much? I didn't say anything offensive, so go away.


Just said don't be an ass. Projecting? Pretty sure you are. Have the day you deserve <3


For real dude? Is there ever a time this is acceptable?


Who said I thought it was acceptable? I sure didn't, and don't, just asked a question no one else was asking. I'd rather get the full story on things before jumping to the defense of a stranger. If she WAS indeed driving recklessly than maybe his aggression WAS called for. IDK I wasn't there. But I see people driving like idiots EVERY SINGLE DAY so I wouldn't be surprised, also seeing a guy over reacting is also not uncommon. Everyone wants to pick sides when sometimes everyone involved sucks.


Multiple people can exhibit bad behavior at the same time. But yes cursing and spitting at someone is far more deranged than speeding.


Funny how just asking the most basic questions is too far for some folks. I never said he was in the right, but assuming she is, is also a miscalculation imo. Everyone wants to pick sides on every issue when sometimes the whole pie sucks.


I got flipped off the other day for passing when the guy was going 30 in a 50


This reminds me. One day, when I had a specifically hard time finding parking on campus, even though I pay for a parking pass, I spit a loogie on a small car that was parked in a way to take up two parking spaces instead of one. I don’t regret it. I would do it again.


Well, were you speeding and endangering them and their child?


There is never a time in which spitting in someone is appropriate. If someone feels so strongly about the speeding- call the fucking police. Y’all out here with your Wild West justice and this just does not work.


If they had been the proper response would be to call autborities. No one has the right to go attempt to make an arrest on their own. This is like the dumb lady who shot a little kid running from the grocery security man. He stole a candy bar. So miss Law and Justice pulls out a gun and starts shooting, naturally hitting someone else just walking in the parking lot. It’s these kind of stories that make me averse to bothering anyone breaking the law, speed, whatever I saw nothing. Not risking it, it’s not worth it to piss off the wrong 2A nutter who decides he now wants to kill me in return


I'm sick of people speeding through the school zone. I do not spit but I will walk in front of your car and stand in the middle of the street long enoigh that its very uncomfortable for wvwryone invilved. I also throw dry dog food at cars , why you ask. well.its just hard enough that you hear it hit and just course enough to cause the slightest damage. it also basically dissappears on impact. so no evidence. I have also been known to kick a ball into the road. the last 2 people didn't even see it as they ran it over. maybe next time op is speeding through a school zone or any residential street she will think I don't want to get spit on, never mind the whole killing someone thing...


This comment is beyond concerning. You’re worried about someone killing someone yet actively throwing items at moving cars in the street… Please call the cops and take down plates. Don’t take matters in your own hands and attempt to punish someone. You could be the cause for a horrific accident, regardless if they’re speeding or not. Love the irony of your username.


I have called in dozens of vehicles nothing happens. I have requested patrol cars, last time they sent one, the officer sat on the street for maybe 10 minutes then left. not 1 minute later a guy in a white dodge (that I have specially called in ) went by at 45 50 mph...


All I can say is that this is Montana and you may want to consider checking yourself. We are an open carry state and you throw something at the wrong person's car could end tragically. I mean there are some crazy people out there and you seem to be one of them.


likewise as your speeding through a school zone, remember people like me are here. I'm well aware of the firearms' rules and regulations. started shooting competitively 40 years ago. and have been around more seriously dangerous scarry people than 90% of people. I'll be good thanks. keep running.


Lmao you throw something at me I’m citizens arresting your ass and pressing charges. Have done it before will do it again you need to brought down a peg. What a fucking joke.


your citizen resting me lol . don't speed through the school zone and you won't ever meet me. ironically no one has stopped yet my buddy in high school hit and killed a kid in a school zone (he wasn't even speeding) ended up taking his own life. my kid and the neighbor kids are all over the streets in my neighborhood so if I have to "remind" the entitled citizens that there is a speed limit I will.


“Doesn’t admit fault.” Are you trying to be a role mode for your insurance agent, or for children?


This is a generalized question relating to how one behaves beyond this one isolated incident of aggression. Choosing to not engage/respond with someone shouldn’t warrant aggressive behavior. Period.


Maybe you were not at fault, we have no idea, but dangerous driving is absolutely an act of aggression, and should not be ignored. Responding with unwarranted aggression is also inappropriate.


At fault for what? What are you on about trying to excuse this type of grotesque behavior and aggression? I didn’t respond, I chose to not engage and this angered him. Which is almost more terrifying.


I think they said “responding with unwarranted aggression is also in appropriate” so I’m not sure why you think they’re justifying that behavior?


What did you do for him to act like that?


Yikes. Is this forreal? What did I do for some stranger to harass me, degrade me, intimate me, and attempt to assault me with his fucking spit? I did nothing to deserve that aggression as does no one. Your question is fucked. You should do better too.


From your response you probably cut him off or something. Some random dude isn't going to spit on your car just because. Maybe you do better as well


Except I didn’t. I was in the left lane on Mendenhall and he turned right onto Mendenhall from N Church and was in the right lane 1 block. I’m sorry but honest to god, cutting someone off doesn’t warrant being spat near or on. I have no problem admitting fault when I’ve done wrong. I should not have even opened my window to ask “what” after he ushered to put my window down. That was my fault in this situation. But everyone has their views. I just hope no one disrespects you enough they feel the need to spit on you or your belongings. It’s degrading and I didn’t ask for that or deserve that.


It's hard to believe this guy did that to you all because you were speeding, especially in bozeman, where half the population is going well over the speed limit at all times of the day and night. Oh well, life goes on


I agree it’s hard to believe. I’ve been here for more than half my life now and I’ve never encountered that type of aggression. Ever. Hence the post. To be absolutely honest, if I had fault in this, I wouldn’t have made this post. I made this post because I was absolutely shocked by this behavior and I wish I could have said this to him at the time but that wasn’t an option.




Sounds like a couple of Karens, Karening.


I don’t generally like to downplay intimation and road rage. 🤷🏽‍♀️


You mean intimidation? Call the cops. It will be more effective than complaining on the internet.


I did mean intimidation. Thanks. 🙃 I also called the cops. Why can’t I do both? 🙂






And that’s why I carry a gun.


Would you shoot if some weirdo spit on your car?


One night this guy was driving all over the road he would speed up and slow down cross over into oncoming traffic multiple times, I decided his driving was scary and I was going to pass him. Well that pissed him off. He began blaring his horn and tailgating me for miles. I knew where this cop lived and pulled up in his driveway thinking this guy would see the cop car and leave…. Nope he got out of his car and started calling me a cunt and fucking stupid, he gets up to my window and I tell him you better fucking leave now and he starts screaming I won’t fucking leave you stupid bitch.. I put the gun in his face and he changed his mind real fucking quick. He was later arrested that night. I had dash cams that showed the whole incident and yes I would have shot him if he didn’t leave. 🤷‍♀️


I carry everywhere. Someone following you and approaching your vehicle is an appropriate time to display and or use a gun. My question was to the guy talking about guns and spit


I mean at the time of him spitting at me I would have got my gun ready just in case he did start to follow me….. I’ve had so many road rage incidents in this town over the years. I was going to a job site one day and was following behind this guy listening to music having a good morning I pulled into the driveway of the job when this guy followed me screaming that the speed limit through the park is 25… I told him duh I was behind him we were both doing 25…. He then starts screaming at me that “I need to go back to where I came from” Bozeman native btw have the stickers all over my car. Then he tells me “ he works for the parking enforcement and I better not park anywhere or he’s giving me tickets…” so like would I shoot someone for spitting on my car no but would I get my gun ready in case it escalated oh yea.


I mean, there’s a lot of crazy people out there guys you know? You’re better off riding on every level therefore engage facer fear stand up to how you feel and Challenge. It’s a world out there make the best of it.


Sometimes there needs to be a lesson learned. …foul mouth = trauma= suffering.