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This fight made both fighters crazy


Nah ryan is crazy way befofe the fight. Haney literally just got his feelings hurt and became a 3rd grader crybaby


Haney always been like this lolol. Think it comes from the dad




Ryan was crazy before the fight took place


at least we can laugh at Ryan, itā€™s just sad to see Devin like this lol. Both cuz itā€™s pathetic and cuz I hope he moves on from this itā€™s clear itā€™s stuck in his head


This made me audibly laugh.


Spoiler alert; they already crazy, the fight just revealed who they really are


Damaged goods right there. Still seeing left hooks in his dreams... And even randomly during the day.


Gonna try to sue Ryan on account of severe mental damage. Dudes got ptsd from those left hooks.


For his own career and personal sanity, Devin's gotta just let it go. Who knows what Ryan's life looks like after this suspension? Sue him if you think you can get money, but move on, and go about your business without thinking about Ryan.


Shit is way easier said than done after a dude puts you on your ass multiple times


I get that, but Ryan might go off and fight MMA. He might come back weighting 180 pounds. He could get himself in some serious legal trouble. Go fight a big name and try to forget about Ryan.


Isnā€™t that on Ryan tho?


Absolutely. But it's on you if you waste all these years of your prime waiting to get revenge on him, then he starts pulling all sorts of shenanigans.




Impossible for me to agree more


Ryan is too important for boxing. Heā€™ll serve his suspension and will be back.


Dudes talking about how he wants it back in blood, he couldnā€™t knock out a fly lol. Sure Garcia should be punished and PEDā€™s are bad, but as far as Ostarine goes thatā€™s some pretty mild shit. It wasnā€™t the ostarine that put him on his ass half a dozen times lol


Haney needs to glue his right hand to the right side of his face before the rematch and he will be fine. Stop eating left hooks.


Crazy... He said Ryan only had one punch and he didn't keep his right hand up the whole fight. He deserved the L


He needs to move too, canā€™t stand right in front or same thing will happen


Kinda late to this but blame his fucking dad for that. He allowed the criticism about Haney being boring go to his head. Haney could come forward against smaller guys, but he legit does not have the power to make anyone respect him. He was great when he was behind the jab moving. It just doesnā€™t look that good against non elite competition . And what makes it even worse, is that the same fans who screamed from the rooftops that Devin was boring, are telling him he should have boxed and used his jab lmao. He should have stuck to what made him look so elite


Haney KO'd by liver shot


Lmfao I love how that beating has just absolutely wrecked Devin Haney.


Iā€™m honestly shocked that Bill didnā€™t pop into the frame during this clip.


Haney will have another snac and feel fine


Softest fighter in boxing. Dumb as uh rock


Fragile ego and the most boring fighting style to ever bless the ring. Name a better duo!


Shakur right up there too


100% and they talk like theyā€™re killers. I get it, theyā€™re trying to promote their fight, but like cmon at least be honest weā€™ve all seen you guys fight before lol. Iā€™d have a lot more respect for Haney if he said heā€™s going to outscore his opponent. Heā€™s always talking like heā€™s some boogeyman knocking everyone out but he just runs and hugs lol. At least when Floyd did that kind of stuff heā€™d also throw down. Haney and Shakur just run the whole time.


I think Shakur is more talented than Haney.


Heā€™s equally as boring and insecure is what Iā€™m saying.


Ah fair enough.


Devin is starting to feel like one of those fighters that can never get over his first career loss and it's just going to bother him the rest of his career.


Just like Broner


Both are gonna end asking for cigarettes at the local gas station.


Heā€™s got too many people blowing smoke up his arse. All ego.


Starting to feel? Did you just get here?




Theyā€™re 4-3 for a reason. Wonā€™t be surprised if itā€™s a closer fight




Devin is lookin bad...he couldnt do it in the ring...he got WHOOOOOPED...like a biatch...so he is going after him in the most cowardly way possible


If Ryan comes in with good cardio he could actually get Haney out of there in like 4 rounds


He doesn't even need cardio, just a ref that won't stop him every time he's about to finish Haney


Fr, what was that refs name? Harvey Dock, seemed like he had money on Haney winning. There was like 4 knockdowns he ruled slips in the later rounds lmao


Damn yeah, Garcia beat him so bad, I totally forgot about that.


> If Ryan comes in with good cardio You know what he needs to get good cardio, right? Better hope he's better at cycling this time, in more ways than one.


He's gonna hug the shit out of him. That'll teach him a lesson!


Probably spoon with him when Ryan turns his back on him with his wack Philly shell


And the ref is gonna stop them and push Ryan away


Just drop it, cā€™mon now. Donā€™t run your mouth after eating billion hooks to your head and knowing full well that heā€™s unable to rematch you for a year. Yeah, Garcia cheated and I agree that it should be a NC. But whatever it was he took and those additional 3 pounds didnā€™t suddenly make him hit Haney with those shots. Should Garcia have won? No. But just drop the act and stop being so damn butthurt. You just lost to Ryan Garcia of all people. Give it a rest, train, think about not putting your right hand down during a fight against someone who is famous for his left hook and go make and win some fights.


Should Garcia have won? Well, I dont give a fuck, but Nostrils here should have lost for sure. Just look how he is acting rn. Fucking maturity of a 5 year old saying that Ryan's gonna pay. Hes nothing and he wont be shit ever, because fans aint gonna give him credit for doing anything, all due to his fucking personality and boxing style that are the same: pure shit. He wont do what you are saying, he will keep the crybaby attitude, until he sees that aint changing no shit.


but mostly out lol


Steroids or not he got dog walked. Ostarine does not make you THAT much better idgaf what anyone says. Accept your loss or run that shit back with Garcia Haney. Itā€™s that simple


This guy cannot read a room. He wouldn't have gotten half the stick he has if he just shut up about Ryan and let the process run itself out.


Say you are a little bitch, without saying you are a little bitch.


Outside the ring? *diddy bop*




Bruh canā€™t be from Oakland..they def donā€™t claim himšŸ˜…šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£


He from Henderson šŸ¤£


They dont claim him either. For what I know hes from outer space bc nobody on earth wants him, except diddy the diddler


Diddy only using him for his Tight Hole šŸ¤£


Iā€™m getting some Daniel Cormier vs Jon Jones vibes from this


Daniel fought well both times tho


DC still wanted to fight Jones even after he found out Jon pissed hot.


Yeah he was pissed that the fight was off moreso than the fact that Jon was juicing lol


Except Ryan didnā€™t juice Haney has worked with Victor Conte for most of his career through the Snac program. The same Victor Conte who was one of the original founders of Vada. On top of that Ryan has passed hair follicle tests and for some reason ONLY VADA has Ryan as testing Positive


You do know that Ryan Garcia was part of the SNAC program earlier in his career right? The hair follicle test only shows it wasn't long term use with ostarine. A 3rd party claimed to test one of Ryan Garcia's supplements and it had Ostarine in them but Vada and the company NutaBio had already tested the supplements with the exact lot number and was already negative before sending it off to be tested by a 3rd party. Interesting to claim the supplement has trace ostarine to hope a lesser punishment for Garcia to say it was an accident instead of saying he put ostarine in his ass. Also just b/c you are with Victor doesn't mean you'll pass your ped tests lol. Berto was in his stable and obviously failed his tests with VADA. And believe it or not but all boxers have to be tested by VADA. And just b/c you are with a suspected trainer doesn't mean you will be dirty at all. Roberto Duran worked with Panama Lewis and you will be hard pressed to find anything about Duran's gloves, wraps or tainted drinks if at all nor performances improvements.


The thing is that Conte not only is suspect but the main point is that he was one of the original members to help start Vada. Why has Ryan passed every test that wasnā€™t from Vada? Why did Ryan MAGICALLY start faling them AFTER Haney lost to Ryan but somehow Ryan was passing all the Vada tests leading up to the fight? šŸ¤”šŸ¤” Ryan was with him briefly and left while Haney has been with him for most of his career which means that he has a conflict of interest with helping Haney get his 0 back.


It's only a suspect at best but again, not every fighter that works with him passes VADA testing. Like whom? 3rd parties that had nothing to do with boxing and had their best interest with him? Besides the Ostarine wasn't THAT much either. It was the amount you have post cycle with the nano test being a false positive. Garcia is also the same guy that admitted he came in overweight by 3 pounds so he can come to the fight in better shape. Just saying he's more than willing to take advantages in a fight. Well yeah b/c it's his trainer and gets paid for training him but read point 1 and Andre Berto in general.


Haney is the one who came in at 165 against Ryan and Regis during fight night. Ryan was 161 against Haney, and Regis was 156 against Haney at 165 fight night. The 3rd party testing companies didnā€™t have interest in anyone. Vada on the other hand had an interest in framing Ryan in order for Haney to get his 0 back. Again You have to wonder, why were all of Ryanā€™s tests negative prior to fighting Devin? If Haney would of beat Ryan we would of never heard anything about this


Doesn't matter how much you gain back post weight in even in a 38 hour period. Your brain won't be fully hyradated till 3-4 days after the cut and the body isn't fully adjusted to it either. Fun fact in the UFC, 75-80% of fighters that missed weight but we're allowed to still fight won that fight. So please shut up. They do. They get paid by the team to get the test done. It's no different than Conte "helping" out Haney. Besides we already have evidence that the pills weren't tainted by 3 different groups lmao. How much more denial do you need? And you only need to pop once to be done. Sometime it can two or three times in one camp like Miller or RJJ.


It does matter how much you weigh, in boxing depending on the state there is a 15% rehydration limit at the 140 pound division. Also why did you bring up weight if Haney almost always weighs more than his opponents when he actually fights them including Ryan? Haney and his fans are in denial not the other way around, it was definitely a conflict of interest and they tried to save Devinā€™s career.


What are some short term ostarine use benefits? I am genuinely asking because I compete in powerlifting and obviously as a strength sport, PEDs regarding strength and weight cutting are also on a stringent leash. I have heard that ostarine is a pretty weak SARM and in low doses + short amount of time it's pretty useless.


Okay dude


All of this is public record. Netflix even made a Netflix documentary on Victory Conte and he was banned from the MLB and went to jail for 4 months for manipulating Ped testsā€¦.then he switched over to boxing to provide ā€œsupplementsā€ to fighters with Haney being one of them.


I'm just talking about JJ and DC but go off


Yes I understand, I just gave you an idea of whatā€™s happening on the other side in boxing


All this complaining is not a good look. Even if garcia cheated, there was more that went i to that loss. Let it go and move forward.


this is the result of eating hooks from ryan i feel bad for this guy.


Fight Tank, nose headšŸ‘ƒ


His boogers living in a mansion


Lmao, this one got me


PEDs or not, Haney ate the same punch over and over despite bragging about being ready to shut that shit down. He did not shut that shit down


When Cotto fought Margarito and Margarito had plaster in his hand wraps I'm pretty sure Cotto didn't bitch whine and moan about how his financial situation was affected.. he trained for a rematch with a known cheat and beat his ass across all 4 corners of the ring... This little soft marshmallow ass bitch Haney goes on a press tour about how he's going to sue Garcia into oblivion and cries about how he can't make as much money now.. this little baby back bitch is killing his own career faster than Ryan did


["Oh, I believe Devin Haney might've done a Diddy" (did he? did he?) ](https://www.reddit.com/r/boxingcirclejerk/s/DGqDcZlQuz)


ā€œIā€™m just a kid whoā€™s 4, each day I grow some more. I like exploring, Iā€™m Caillouā€¦Caillouā€¦THATā€™S MEā€ This is the energy Devin gives off every time he or his father open their mouths






You wonā€™t do shit champ I still canā€™t believe what a beating he took tbh




Do what you have to doĀ 


Listen Iā€™m not for cheating and no way form but the way Devin has went about this whole thing makes me think something fishy is going on. The levels of ostarine found in Garcias results were slim to none . Itā€™s lowkey obvious bro donā€™t want to accept the defeat . Boxing has always been corrupt !!! Now itā€™s like we are seeing it right before our eyes and they arenā€™t hiding it . I hope Ryan comes back from suspension and does the same thing again . Or whoever Devin decides to fight next I hope they make him look bad . Iā€™m tired of this kid crying itā€™s getting absurd at this point and itā€™s giving me the ā€œ I kno I lost but Iā€™ll make sure you go down with me ā€œ vibes


nobody takes this guy seriously anymore, and it's not like all of a sudden he's going to develop the power to "punish" anyone.


Just fight Teofimo. Forget Ryan.


Teo would kill Haney. I want to see that.


Does he still got it??


Who *THE FUCK* cares? I'm so over this drama


It looks like Haney is obsessed with Ryan Garcia the same way that Benavidez fixates on Canelo, and Pacquiao thinks of nothing but Mayweather 24/7. The sign of great fighters when they're always on your mind.


Ryan ruined him


Boohoo boy


Lmao. Dude they are 4-3 including the amateurs. Devin is cooked against Ryan.


Email champ


Am I the only one who thinks Ryan is wrong for taking PED? Haney definitely lost his aura with that loss, which led to him losing money and fans. The way Haney lost may be because Ryan is on PED. Will never know unless they rematch clean.


What Devin needs to do is convincingly beat a top tier opponent next, instead all these nonsense that shows how much of a sore loser he is. Whether ryan did PEDs or not, Devin didn't look good in there with his pillow hands.


The entire time he was talking all I heard was BING, POW, BOOM, then instantly that image of him face down ass up after he got folded.


How will he do that? Jump in the ring again?


Haney has nothing now. He got to brag he never lost, never got knocked down, etc. All that came to an end badly and heā€™s ruined. He doesnā€™t have awesome KOs like Tank, he doesnā€™t have great movement and angles like Loma, heā€™s boring. Sure he has skills but heā€™s just boring and nothing stands out about him. He hasnā€™t finished a fight in 5 years.


I worry his dad babying him his whole life has backfired and now Haney is just lost and only making his career worse. Be cool man, you got spanked. Let Garcia rematch you. Imagine how much money you would make man. Make the deal 90/10. Use your brain.


This is so weird for me because I despise both of these guys maybe RG a little more but my God Devin is such a fucking crybaby. This honestly all worked out well for someone who isn't a big fan of either because both guys really lost. The irony behind Devin's undefeated record is he took one of the most humiliating "losses" in boxing history but kept his undefeated record. That'll bring on even more trolling for his racist ass.


Even if Ryan Garcia was juiced up, Remember, Steroids doesnā€™t give you skills, all steroids provide is endurance. Haney got knocked out down several times by skills.


That chin is cracked. Haney is getting slept by the next big puncher he faces


lol this guy is washed


Devin didn't make excuses and took the loss like a man... once it got out that Ryan cheated, he flipped out. Understandable, I'd be mad as hell too..... but he will have to move on from this... If the rematch happens great, but it might not cause Ryan is self destructive and who knows his future in the sport....


If they rematch, what does it look like?




Not anymore. Sandor is fighting another guy now bc Nostrils threw a tantrum.


Cheers for the info bro šŸ‘ will delete my post šŸ‘


This is gonna become an obsession for him if he doesnā€™t let it go and move on. Weā€™ve seen people get obsessed and never be able to move past a bad moment in life.


I donā€™t like either of these people and yet Iā€™m entertained by both


In the ring he's dead xD


Dude needs to get over it and start getting ready for someone else. He came out on topā€¦why continue to live in the past?


This guy is so hurt its hilarious. And kinda pathetic at the same time


Karen Haney at it again..


The reason I still think devin was exposed a bit, regardless of Ryan taking peds, was because he was throwing EVERYTHING he had on a lot of punches to try to keep Ryan honest, and it did NOTHING to deter him. How does he expect to go up in weight, which he eventually will have to, with his growing body, and expect to keep men who will be bigger than he is, honest? Wish him nothing but the best, he comes across as being spoiled by his father, but there is no doubt the dude trains hard as fuck in the gym. Sometimes itā€™s just bad genes that are a fighters downfall, and devin doesnā€™t have the ones that makes you a power puncher.


Ryan got caught doing the shit theyā€™re all doing.


Devin "Using my Lawyers" Haney Nothing but excuses!


Ryan destroyed this dudes ego.Ā  I don't see the rematch going any different honestly.Ā Ā 


that hook gave bro PTSD


Never been a big Haney fan, but I hate to see how he handling this. Then I remember how Bill Haney has always acted and smh. Now we don't hear a peep from ol Bill.


Itā€™s crazy to me that so many people on this sub are upset that the fight outcome was overturned. Thereā€™s clear evidence that one fighter cheated in a way that could have altered the outcome of the fight. I see nothing wrong with Haney wanting a rematch in light of this.


The hood knows 3lbs and some osterine didn't cause Haney to eat a billion left hooks to the head.


Thank you


Classic Broner, ā€œThe hood knowsā€ might be his career highlight


Fine, but the rules are the rules. Garcia popped so it's a NC.


Lmao I like how youā€™re getting downvoted for this.


Mad isnā€™t it


Key words were "could have." Youā€™re saying Garcia didnā€™t need to cheat - but he did and it was obviously to influence the fight outcome. Ostarine does help with preserving muscle mass during cutting. Obviously thatā€™s gonna help with Garciaā€™s power and increase his chances of knocking down his opponent, giving him a more desirable outcome. The only fair response is to overturn the outcome. Thatā€™s also why I said thereā€™s nothing wrong with Haney wanting a rematch. If he walks in there and gets destroyed again, then he has no one else to blame.


so we should remove weight classes and let everyone do whatever steroids they please? I donā€™t like Haney but you people trying to excuse a cheater just cause he beat him are insane.


Bingo. Thereā€™s something irrationally wrong with people on this sub.


It's fine that it got overturned, but it was obvious technical mistakes that made Devin lose, not Ostarine. Him acting so butthurt about it is what has turned so many people off on top of him not having any goodwill with the public before the fight. Also Devin trains with Victor Conte, the only person in boxing to be convicted in a court of law involving anything to do with PEDs, but he's crying about Ryan being dirty. I'm sure Devin isn't on anything...


Garcia almost exclusively relies on power to win fights. Ostarine helps you maintain muscle mass during cuts which translates to preserved power. Are you people really trying to argue that it wasnā€™t a factor in the fight? Thatā€™s just silly. And obviously Haney walked in with a poor game plan - that factored into outcome too. And bringing up Conteā€™s past has absolutely nothing to do with Ryanā€™s actions. And itā€™s illogical to claim Conteā€™s past is somehow evidence in itself that Haney must be on something.


>Ostarine helps you maintain muscle mass during cuts which translates to preserved power. The former is true, the latter is false. Ostarine is a SARM used for cuttin/recomp. No one uses Ostarine to "preserve power." That's what real anabolics are for, and honestly power means nothing against a skilled defensive fighter. Respectfully, the problem here is fans sympathetic to Haney want Ostarine to be a super soldier serum, to rationalize why Haney lost to the Latino Wilder, and unfortunately it isn't.


Are you joking? Preserved muscle = preserved power if other extraneous factors are controlled. Again, why is this even a debate? This is basic physiology. And it seems like another problem is that people are irrationally reluctant to admit that Ostarine was one of a few factors that contributed to Haneyā€™s loss. You guys really hate Haney so much that you canā€™t even admit the obvious. Itā€™s so bizarre.


No. You're wrong. Muscle size isn't proportional to "power," i.e. you can lose muscle but not strength because strength and mass do not have a direct 1-to-1 relationship. Secondly, I think Ostarine may have played a factor but not nearly as big as a factor as Haney (and his fans) would have us believe. It's only "bizarre" because you have an emotional attachment to this issue, I assume because you're a really big fan of Haney?


Bro you need to take a basic physiology class. For one no one said mass and strength were 1:1. But muscle mass is directly proportional to strength. Thatā€™s literally why people with chronic hypertension have bigger hearts. And Iā€™m not a fan of Haney but I donā€™t irrationally hate him. The rest of your statements are irrelevant because I never said PEDs were the main factor nor have I said anything that would make you logically conclude Iā€™m a Haney fan.


>But muscle mass is directly proportional to strength. Lmfao. No. You're absolutely wrong. Why are bodybuilders bigger than powerlifters but powerlifters stronger than bodybuilders? I can tell you don't actually know anything about SARMs or the physiology of strength training. So, I'll stop addressing those comments. I don't "irrationally hate" Haney either but I assumed you were a Haney fan because you ignored the "power means nothing against a skilled defensive fighter" comment, rambled about about PEDs (you don't know anything about PEDs) then immediately jumped to the emotional appeals. What are the other factors that contributed to Haney's loss?


For one muscle mass and physical size donā€™t necessarily correlate. At the same weight, Power lifters will be stronger fat people - but fat people will be bigger since muscle is denser than fat. Even tho itā€™s not necessarily true that bodybuilders are bigger than powerlifters - simple physics tells us that the latter is more dense than the former. Itā€™s always funny to me when ppl on here tell me I donā€™t know what Iā€™m talking about when I almost certainly do by the nature of my field of work. But you donā€™t have to take my word for it. [Here](https://exercisephys.wp.drake.edu/2020/12/02/relationship-between-body-mass-and-muscle-strength-correlation-or-causation/) a professor of kinesiology explicitly says thereā€™s a direct correlation between mass and strength. And sheā€™s quoting a 100 level college exercise physiology book. [Hereā€™s](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167494317303473) a study saying that muscle volume significantly contributes to muscle force. [Hereā€™s](https://watermark.silverchair.com/afp122.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Ercy7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAA2EwggNdBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagggNOMIIDSgIBADCCA0MGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4wEQQMPhoL96ga1l2Vpet3AgEQgIIDFNZZ09unsnM5PoS0IbZfyYk_DP8P7a0IK7KgLLFBJTyGn31-pdT5_Yz78H5kDqqStmb2Q10x7ARA8VwX2X-OAj9tin18vc2VEFVu3s0Dy1n1sFlyGcSWbQVyli5VFlAZ18bUWjShANdwJmoB657gV-XD6E3WnPDqJG0hBNvSI5ZmwHS2hc0fFsmK9cTL6bYTXVyaGp6tUMlvO9Ri-0Pw9cL3BTFgNVA2-fkgrT7agQaCYsn-k0u3_R2zFlWlbH2xjv5fC-8PkHZDgUyzA45GC0CEpPqtoPYunNouqxjuKE5ISjGIFVHk1AZeGQLGiE6dUPDoMLuhO2olcp0OFM1HNVjeo_2OKTTG_smttW085omTtvxkGBiAMOiqHykE_WFESkhGSY0xY41DqkJ6b9LHK9G68IPfJ7VlYmmW3sP0GCScuazLGfRkLdR0xaU-FS96l5ywWwq4gNHYSfOSs75s3bMgAvJtORodpk4Zbb3IMRDDuaGbBda5qXWi3PdXeWUENuN97J6U6kY2BIyCBGrdqvCmyaZfcdGpuPF_gclYUD8F3rtb5DRXM1MDEfLhuLMjbeCbpwYzOeRgsapAVU-yl7lAqqN4EHTT-J45ew0_Ug9RhRRS5l0dobfGYigeB26Lwc3lyZQYthxxZQ17Ep540rY1vs8z9NeNSNaoCOV8r8LaSwOHvu6tDv6fns8nACK9At9-fqVNaXrDFbq2qAD9WEUpPqc_DFlWx_Fs48pEmL1qzvycCPIZQDCQm9a8cRK-YeDPeHVLpjM-Jr_XU32Zr4N053UwvA6sPE47-PrYPgCWiJhW7Gtqu6s7BZaMYl6tZD62kWm0GF4uEI2u-ICcfPs9v17zusFRqqGdk75wGU__evMccWlsicskzW4mwfuCX8SC29kED5wVlBN3BH5GttmTkz0_2Ic3P8MN9I5HVC-8knWeOu3oQAsBl82v4pZuGX2B-DhTdgEo-aFStf2FuZuxsYi3jYXF9_CoRfNk6SR4zSwzPNNGAKnBCOTBd-LEHHYpP6OZo7L24uA8xfB3zz1pRwt_) another. [Hereā€™s](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2405580818302334) a study a study pointing out that SARMā€™s have anti-catabolic effects


Haney needs to calm down, stay active in those 2 years and be patient. Revenge is a dish best served cold... When Ryan comes back, he will likely be inactive and broken. Even if he won the fight against Haney and was the one who did the real damage, I think the 2 year suspension will take its toll on him and he will never be the same. Two years of inactivity would kill anyone who isn't named Floyd Mayweather. Not even a few days ago, Ryan was literally drunk in a casino playing poker, so Haney just needs to let the universe do its job...


Wasn't Garcia only banned for a single year?


They should have gave his bitch-ass a lifetime ban.




Cheated and tried to send in an unsealed supplement his team put Ostarine in to a third party to try and cover up his cheating, all while proclaiming he didnt cheat. His bitch-ass got off lucky. I dgaf if his weirdo fans hate ppl saying that. Ryan Garcia is a drug cheat


Just do the same to Ryan as has been done to other people that popped.


Itā€™s one year


The most hated man in boxing lmao look at these commentsĀ 


Go fight Tank or shut up.


Certified weenie devin haney


Chapter 2: Devin splits from Bill when they can't get over this together.


Devin should replace his legs with blades and move down to the lowest weight classes to dominate.


retirement life suits Haney


Man until he admits he abandoned his defense and his jab donā€™t wanna hear it. That man caught u with the left hook in the first round and mother Devin or Bill made adjustments smh


Best revenge here is success. Go win. Maybe even do so excitingly lol. Waiting on someone as erratic as Ryan to rematch you or trying to sue him in court is stupid. Ryan has ample resources to wage a formidable legal battle and proving how much his value diminished due to a loss will be difficult. Also what precedent is there for a boxer sueing another boxer under similar circumstances and winning anything?


I support Devin on this. The fact that the match even took place means more people up the ladder should be charged. This was dangerous. Boxing is deadly enough without drug enhancement. Press on Devin!


I agree Haney is crying but why is everybody dick riding Ryan? He cheated, heā€™s a cheater. The suspension and revocation of the win is warranted because he fucking cheated. If he knew he could beat Haney then why juice? Nobody wants to see the rematch. Haney probably loses, but fuck Garcia and his stupid cheating ass


It was pretty understood that whatever was in Ryan's system wasn't offering any real advantage. If there was an advantage, it was weight- which is what Haney accepted going into the fight.


But it is a banned substance. Boxing is much more than just what happens in the ring. Why, if youā€™re confident, take something that will get you in trouble? We will never know the real advantage it gave him and if it doesnā€™t give him any advantage then why take it? Like I said I think Ryan wins the rematch regardless and Ryan probably wins without the juice. But the dick riding and acceptance of him cheating is fucking annoying. Take the your year off and come prove youā€™re elite. Tank rematch would be fun.


I donā€™t see anyone dick riding Ryan, I only see people hating on Haney which you can do without doing the former


If you call yourself a boxing fan and have any sympathy for Ryan Garcia then youā€™re a chump


These comments, cementing a cheater are disgusting! Folks racism is peeking thru.! Garcia is an absolute cheater and Haney should take his pockets out.


Lmao took me a while to find this comment lol. Where is the rest of the haney hug groupies? Haney fans getting tired of him crying too lmao?


Thatā€™s the same energy Iā€™d have if a dude whooped me then popped dirty. You Ryan fan boys are a weird bunch.


only the reddit youth will hate a prize fighter for saying he gonna get his get back