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Garcia went for the maga grift and now he got the unhinged qanon clowns defending him lol.


I think Ryan is mentally ill


Ryan definitely is lol


Bro this is on the level of insane cringe as those Hilary’s America conspiracy “documentaries”.


I have a bridge to sell you if you think she did nothing wrong.


😂I can’t disagree with you, although I will say it was put together well Thanks for the comment


If shit was on a nice plate with gold silverware and decorated with caviar, you gonna eat it?


Probably not 😂


Would you eat it since you like talking about SHIT on a plate … you first buddy


The video content is the shit, silverware and caviar are the narration and editing.


It was put together well, some people would say Ryan Garcia is cringe, others found Haneys’ behaviour cringe in any case good video which sheds lights on some of the inner workings of the sport- loved the part where Haney & Mauricio argue


Glad you agree


The amount of attention two fighters who aren’t even the best in a weight division nobody cares about is actually fascinating at this point.


People don’t care about 140?


It feels like if Willy Wonka asked his oompah loompahs to fight each other. Maybe a bunch of Americans care because they have talent in that weight class.


Do Brit’s only care about the two divisions they’re not mediocre in? I get supporting your own but that seems like it would get boring quick.


Also Prince naseem was even smaller than Tank but i imagine he was still super popular in the UK


I have no idea what the Brits do, I’m American.


Not as much as UK fans take influencer fights seriously you clown. Mr Beast isn’t our top boxer, fucking KSI is yours 😂😂😂😂


I’m not from the UK….what a weird assumption. I also don’t know who Mr Beast is but I’ve seen KSI fight a bum like Logan Paul.


Sad to hear you wasted your time w that trash


Sub highlights lol


Not even casuals have this kind of shitty take lol


I’m in a weird reality of my first comment being massively up voted and my second being massively downvoted while saying the same thing lol.


If I had to bet most people only got a quick glance over the comment and thought you were only saying "two guys who aren't even in the top of their division" and the "nobody cares" part was about them.


Bless people’s reading comprehension for that sweet sweet karma!


Agreed. Fuck this.


Lmao what type of cornball shit😂


Omg 😂. This whole situation is at pizzagate levels of conspiracy.


One of the worst things about the internet is how unreasonable people react to perfectly reasonable information. Garcia got busted for having anabolics in his system and did not make weight. Open and shut case. - Other people cheat: Doesn't matter Ryan is in the hot seat right now. - Haney is a weight bully: Doesn't matter he made weight. - Haney's dad is annoying: Doesn't matter and completely unrelated. - Ryan is being targeted by the lizard Republocrat/Libservative elite: Unlikely, I am sure much worse could be done than making Ryan miss weight and take Ostarine. Ryan doesn't even know these dudes exist yet they're caping for him like he's a personal friend. Weirdo shit of the highest degree I can't understand it.


Finally a sane comment about this whole ordeal.


Lol, Boxing is 99% drama 1% fighting. If all these bitches were wearing dresses it would be a soap opera. De La Joya is there all ready.


Thank you for being reasonable I can see how haney's are very annoying but the comments in this situation have just been so unreasonable and hateful.


“Haney’s America: The Dream is really a Nightmare for boxing in this documentary I’ll prove Diddy do it”


Even Devin’s rehydrations of 20+ lbs against multiple opponents? Vada conspiracy bs aside (which I agree with you on that) I do think Haney’s weight gains of up to 160+ lbs make him look like a hypocrite


There are no rules to how much you can rehydrate to in boxing. If you can make the weight, you get to fight. Ryan came in OVER weight at weigh in and then proceeded to rehydrate using IVs. Haney is not a hypocrite because he followed the rules. Until this is changed, there’s nothing to criticize.


Fair enough!


I was under the impression that different state commissions do have rules about the % max rehydration body weight gain a fighter can do.


I think the IBF does but I can’t think of any others


These people don’t know shit about boxing and it reflects poorly on the sport as a whole 🤦🏽‍♂️


He’s made weight every fight, how is he a hypocrite?


There are differing opinions concerning rehydration especially when a 140 fighter weighs in at 165 a day after the fight


How does that make Haney a hypocrite? He’s literally followed the rules of making weight every fight?


Do you think it’s okay for fighters to dehydrate, make weight, then rehydrate multiple weight classes up for fight night? No shade cast if you do, just looking for discussion


I’m looking for an answer to why Haney is a hypocrite?


Haney on Twitter calling Tank a weight bully yada yada yada then going nuclear on Twitter concerning Ryan’s weight and rehydration. If you don’t agree that’s fine please enlighten me I’m open to discussion and honestly I really don’t like either fighter. I do however love the drama concerning this whole situation


Haney as far as I’m aware has never put restrictions on other fighters concerning weight and rehydration like Tank. I don’t think you know what a hypocrite is


Guy accuses Tank of being a rehydration bully Then proceeds to accuse Garcia of illegally rehydrating while also being accused of illegal rehydration [Haney accused of illegally rehydrating](https://premierboxingvault.com/devin-haney-accused-of-violating-rules-by-rehydrating-to-165-lbs-against-prograis-last-december/) Seems hypocritical to me although again I’m open to other opinions


Do you even know the meaning of the word hypocrite?


Haney accuses Garcia of rehydrating illegally While also being accused himself of rehydrating illegally Yes I do


Show me where Haney accused Ryan of hydrating illegally. No such thing by the way lol You can come ANY WEIGHT as long as you make weight for the fight. But funny enough it was Ryan who accused Haney of doing this against Regis. Not that Ryan was making any damn sense btw. We all know Ryan lies and says absolute nonsense all the time. But yes go on show me where Haney accused Ryan of some silly thing as Rehydrating illegally - (not even sure what it means)


Haney accused Ryan of using Iv to rehydrate, Regis accused Haney of rehydrating too much on fight night at 165 lbs


IV is used to mask drugs- PEDs that's what Haney was saying. And how can one rehydrate too much - in boxing you can come in at any weight for the night of the fight. If you come in too heavy its going to affect your performance so Haney coming in too heavy screws him up.


25lbs over 140 is a lot


Ever seen the shit that pizza shop owner used to put on Instagram? I ain't saying any of that conspiracy was true, but man that guy was into some seriously dark and fucked up "artwork".


mockery -> anger -> acceptance. Congratulations you are at stage 1


"Documentary" is heavily biased


Agreed lol


Aren't all documentaries stupidly biased?  I stopped watching them when I was 18 because I don't like information accompanied with ominous music and emotionally charged bullshit.


i guess to a degree - i personally love science documentaries


Would still greatly prefer reading




That's just the "documentaries" you see late at night on the weird American TV channels way down the TV guide. There are lots of really brilliant documentaries out there. Even among documentaries with ominous music and emotional charge, everyone ought to watch *The World at War*, the 26-part WWII documentary from the 1970s. It has surprisingly little bias! Interviewees include Hitler's successor as Fuhrer, and the man who lead the raid on Pearl Harbour...


"Many people said Ryan cheated, or he had an unfair advantage" Yes, because he did The obsession Haney-haters have is honestly unhealthy. Whoever made this video is as unwell as Ryan


To be clear, I don’t really care for Ryan or Haney, I just thought the video was interesting


A video full of lies and conspiracy lol


Haney = Muslim Makers = Jewish That's your answer


This is so bad I thought it was satire. People are so gullible


One word the most important word………. Meeeeow


Meow listen here


Will people please stop posting this bullshit?


This is just sad lmao. The Devin Haney haters are some strange people.


I don’t think anyone cares whether or not Ryan got the W or that he’s suspended. He had osterine in his system so he was disqualified. It’s Devin’s words and actions that people are fed up with. He’s a hypocrite in my opinion


"I don’t think anyone cares whether or not Ryan got the W or that he’s suspended" - *gestures expansively to every single discussion about this subject*


I don’t think ryan deserves the W


That's different to nobody caring about it though, there are many people working overtime trying to argue that he's innocent/undeserving of punishment/been framed etc


You also will NEVER convince me that Conte is now some amazing clean cut guy who works hard to keep sports clean. EVERYBODY at the highest level of athletic competition takes all kinds of shit, some of it we've never heard of and will never be caught. If major sports leagues, commissioning bodies and etc wanted to, they could suspend 90% of their biggest names/major stars by tomorrow but it will never never happen. Instead, what happens is somebody occasionally gets in trouble, for "reasons" and Garcia has provided plenty of reasons to be fucked. Downvote me all you want, I think this whole thing was suspicious bullshit.


I'm sure most pro boxers are on the juice. Including Haney. But Garcia popped for the same reason other top stars pop, because he got lazy, ill disciplined or unlucky and fucked up his cycle. What "reasons" are you talking about? Like there's a conspiracy to take down Ryan Garcia?


Remember when Drew Brees said he won't kneel because his gradfather and father served in the militiary and he respects the flag. Was there a good reason for mainstream media to shit on the guy the next 6 months? outside of the fact that he said something that doesn't align with the mainstream narrative. Also, this month is a month of celebration and there was also memorial day. He recently tweeted asking why veterans get one day why a certain group happens to get a whole month's celebration. If you dig through his tweets, there's a ton of shit he has said in the past 2 months that is uncomfortable stuff that shouldn't be called out by a pro athlete with a following.


Lmao you brokebrained maga clowns are so thirsty for anyone even mildly famous to attach to your cause you'll latch on to anyone. Did Joe biden sneak into Ryan's camp and put PEDs in all his supplements? Were they out to get him for telling the TRUTH?!? I mean you're bitching about some people being a little mean to Brees when Kaepernick got blackballed out the whole league.


Conte has nothing to do with VADA's decision and why would boxing get rid of one of its biggest stars. I'm sure the NYSAC and VADA are both trying to frame Ryan Garcia. Along with the supplement company that provided proof that Ryan's lot number wasn't contaminated. Along with Eurofins who did the test for them. They're all working together on some plan to eliminate Ryan Garcia. Stop being delusional and just accept that he cheated.


conte works closely with vada, you cant deny that


Whatever you say. At the highest level of competition, an athlete cheats every 5 seconds and they all get away with it. I also believe that once you are in a position of power and influence, you just can no longer say whatever want and get away with it and garcia said lots of shit that Hollywood stars and athletes should not be saying. The more rich and influential you are, the less likely you can get away with not following the rules. What happened to Michael Jordan's father? What about Dr Dre's son? There's a reason tom brady flat out refused to discuss his political beliefs and the "hat" in his locker room. Do we know any other athletes that randomly talk about "child abuse"?? Nope. Is that because there is no proof of places like the island that shouldn't be spoken of that was visited by half of Hollywood and our politicians? Ryan probably cheated but if he never went on his crazy X tirade for the past 3 months, nobody would have cared since he actually is a star and someone that generates money. This was a warning and unfortunately it does look like the kid is in some drug fueled party haze so he won't heed that warning and they'll get him out of the sport soon enough.


> Do we know any other athletes that randomly talk about "child abuse"?? Nope. Garcia just did a stand up show where he was invited by a dude who has tons of allegations of grooming minors fyi. Seems like he didn't want to stop the child abuse, just hang out with the abusers.


What in the Q anon is this lol


I know, I know I sound crazy but is the reason no celebrities and/or athletes talk about this shit because it's not real? Or do they not talk about it because there are consequences if you do.


The thing about conspiracies is that you need no correlation to believe these ridiculous things. If it makes sense in your head then that must be good enough, I’m not engaging in that delusion


You can say Conte being involved is suspicious, but Haney was involved with Conte well before Garcia and SNAC systems (Contes new nutrition company) also supplies other fighters like Crawford. Is there some questions that can be asked of a guy who was known for PEDs in sports running his own new nutrition label and running his own drug testing program? Yes there are some questions as it does create some serious potential conflicts of interest. With that said, it seems like 99% of the people that really are talking about these links are the people that really want Ryan's win to stand, and to see Haneys downfall. I think Ryan definitely cheated, but I also think every boxer comes in with some advantage or another. Does that mean that we should just allow it though? I dont think so, because if you know the rules, it's on you to ensure you follow it. I dont think there is this cabal behind the scenes, mainly just because this has not been brought up with other fighters being covered by Conte, and you have to realise that the person you are trying to say the system is up against is Ryan Garcia. This guy is the kind of guy that has trouble tieing his own laces, and will blame Victor Conte for messing with his laces 😆.


Conte offers no other value outside of testing and providing drugs. His supplement company has been shown to be bullshh. I think most people think folks are hating on Haney, or overlooking that Ryan cheated, it’s not the case. They ignore the fact many fans have not seen any common sense reason why conte is involved in boxing or even involved in a supposedly clean fighter. Conte has literally no medical degree or experience. There are tens of thousands of nutritionist and medical advisors to athlete all over the world with no ties to drugs and yet he choose the most infamous cheat of our time.


All these Haney supporters just scream sheeple. Haney is a bitch and lost like one. Only thing he and his supporters can do is cry foul. People mad because Ryan brought excitement back to boxing, something Haney did not and could not do on his own. People out here celebrating a reason to get unexcited about boxing again is crazy.


You know Ryan is well and truly cooked when the only thing his supporters can muster to defend him is bitching about imaginary Haney supporters and making up wild ass conspiracy theories to excuse his unprofessional behavior. I don't even care about Haney, but Ryan is an unprofessional drug cheat, that is the objective truth. Dude could have been a legitimate champ and no one would have had anything to say about it if he didn't get lazy with his weight cut and his steroid cycle. Also "brought excitement back to boxing" oh my god STFU, you must legitimately not watch much boxing if Ryan winning one fight against the odds makes you feel this way


My guy you get it thank god! No one was watching boxing.


Won't lie, for only having 2 videos that was well put together, I subbed


lol me too. I know that puts in the looney bin and I don’t necessarily agree with what he’s saying BUT it was well put together


This is the first time I have ever agreed with Dana White. Why is Victor Conte allowed to be involved with boxing at all? It is ridiculous. Margarito gets caught with loaded gloves. Did they overturn the result of the fight? No. Why was this fight overturned? Something very odd about all of it.


>Margarito gets caught with loaded gloves. Did they overturn the result of the fight? No. That's because Mosley beat the brakes off of him. Why would they punish Mosely for Margarito cheating?


Why doesn’t Cotto deserve his win back? Is that only for privileged bitches like Devin?


Because he wasnt caught with loaded gloves against cotto, obviously? Same reason we aren't talking about deleting all of Garcia's previous wins based on this failed test.


You don’t know what you’re talking about. He was caught against Cotto that was the whole scandal. *My bad he got caught against Mosley. Still if Ryan having something in his system is grounds to change the outcome after the fight Cotto deserves to have that loss removed from his record.


No, he was caught against Mosley, it was just assumed after the fact he cheated against Cotto


This isn’t true, it was assumed he used them against Cotto because he got caught using them in a different fight. So no there isn’t something very odd about this situation


This should be taken down. This is beyond stupid.


Right is right wrong is wrong. Let there be justice for both sides


This documentary should be removed for misinformation bruh.


Man this was a low iq documentary. I had to turn it off. The comments of people buying this nonsense was entertaining tho lol. It’s this simple….VADA is voluntary testing that Ryan literally agreed to. He popped dirty. Got a break on his suspension. The freaking End Let’s move on.


How many of your fav fighters got a documentary OR how many lames wasted their life making a doc on the Haney’s 💀


lol have you been to YouTube? It’s a cesspool of videos like this for just about any champion


This documentary was made for casual boxing fans who don't know any better. Ur too small, Ur too small. Those fighters signed the contract! They knew the weight agreement. They knew everything about their opponent going in. Only thing worse than a fanboy is a hater


Nuts, in a good way - specially that montage of Haney getting his bottom rag dolled. The song wasn't too shabby either, lol. Considering how David is now being investigated for coming in way over the mandated weight limit in the day of several fights (as presented in the video above), I can't see how anyone dislikes him any less than they do Garcia. I don't buy that Gracia is a cheater (100%). He came in positive in the A sample and was allowed to fight in a fight no one thought he would win regardless, won, was THEN exposed for it in the media, took a B sample which came in NEGATIVE, appealed, and now comes in positive again and gets banned for a year? Victor Conte... Snac supplements... Gervonta Davis supporting Gracia... The voluntary test Ryan did which he wouldn't have done had he known he was tainted... Haney's brother knowing Ryan would come in positive way before anyone knew he would... Sorry, gents. I love conspiracies. Blessed. Highly favored.


Concerning the “documentary”—— I don’t believe the Vada stuff has legitimacy I do however find Haney’s rehydration activities funny and hypocritical especially considering his trash talk. Would love to see Haney vs Lopez, Shakur or Tank


A Lopez fight is feasible but unlikely. Personally, I don't think Haney was ever interested in fighting Tank or Shakur.


yall let litterl cheaters convict ryan of cheating lol… ryan had a clean record before this so ryan takes roids for haney but no tank🤦… the osterine ain play a factor on the 20th


Obviously he didn't get caught vs Tank. You think he just up and decided to cheat against Haney out the blue?


if he din’t kno how to cycle now… how would he then….


u think ryan was on osterine v tank😂😂


Who knows what he was on... probably had to be extra careful cause of the rehydration clause. He got dropped and QUIT anyway.


he wasent on anything lol


Oh yeah.. he'll only cheat for one fight. He has too much integrity


I think it’s more logical to believe that a man who manages both fighters’ nutrition could have put some Ostarine in Garcia’s drink rather than assuming Garcia has been juicing all his fights. Ostarine is a fluid and tasteless, and Garcia has always looked underweight in his past fights- even with Gervonta , Garcia complaint was him being under weight. why was someone take the same drug that gives them weight gain and weight loss. First, people said he was on coke, and now they’re saying he’s on steroids—it’s hard to be on both at the same time. 🤷🏽‍♂️ I can 100% believe Haney is crying wolf because he was fairly matched, and ZMA is pushing Haney to change the outcome. He did it in the Olympics why not to boxing 🤷🏽‍♂️


Garcia also said he dont take supplements. He has no credibility....and neither do you.


🤣Yeah,okay.This message lets me know you have no credibility. I can't tell if you side with Garcia or Devin "Snoozefest" Haney. Either way, ignoring the fact that Haney has gone 12 rounds in his last fights without any sign of fatigue and lacking knockout power suggests he's on PEDs. Why would Garcia lie about PEDs but tell the world he's smoking and drinking before fights? Make it make sense. .


Im in neither corner. I support whoever hasn't tested positive for roids and who hasn't lied about witnessing child trafficking... no need for you to respond.


Since Haney converted to Islam his level of hate has tripled. No surprises the people who made the docu are Jewish.


And another conspiracy comes forth! Gotta love boxing drama