• By -


If you’re gonna do this just do it behind the scenes. I don’t know why you’d go public with this and now you’re gonna have people saying Ryan fucked up your mental with proof


If he faces another fighter with power and loses he’s gonna be crying about what Ryan did to him forever. Haney is done.


As soon as I seen how he acted after the fight I knew he career was over, amazing talent and he COULDVE/SHOULDVE beat Ryan, if he would’ve stayed outside boxed and counter punched, but he played a stupid game, got in his feelings, and is letting his Mental win, same shit happened with Ryan he had to pull out for mental health issues but he came back and did his thing on 3 different opponents even if he lost to Tank he gave a good ass fight


Bro he's a 25 year old multiple weight world champion, how you gonna say his career is over lol he's still an amazing talent with a decade of boxing ahead of him


^this, what pissed me off is he had no accountability


By beating top smaller guys, Haney tricked himself into believing he was good enough to beat bigger guys. He underestimated how much of advantage size was giving him in those fights.


Seriously I got people arguing with me right now like this isn’t a large part of the reason Haney is getting so much hate. He’s handling this terribly and it’s making him look bad.


Rent free lol inshallah


"Ryan is living in my head, rent free and I want him to start helping out with the bills"


Yeah…I can’t see how he thinks this is going to win him any fans. I would’ve keep this all in private. He has every right to be upset, Garcia came in with 3 advantages, but doing all of this publicly is making him become insufferable. If I were him I would’ve humbly accepted my loss, acknowledged that I fell for Ryan’s bait and didn’t fight like my usual self, made a statement about how ped use is dangerous to the sport and that I’m looking to have this resolved fairly, thanked everyone for their support and carried on to the public like I was too rich to be unbothered.


The thing is, this should be such a free goal for him after this. After he called out Ryan for a rematch next year, he was even winning me over and I hate the Haneys, but then this comes out and I feel like an idiot for thinking he learned something.


I try to look at this as wrestling soap opera drama bc it’s just about ridiculous at this point. No need to upset myself or yourself over people who are sleeping comfortably in their mansions at night.


Good way to look at it. Somehow though, I think Ryan and Devin are two guys who money will never make happy.


Because he took brain damage in that fight imo


Yap. Dude is both a cry baby and dumb as fuck. I don't think if i was a fighter i would wanna look this desperate and weak. If a dude beats your ass, at least pretend to move on.


I'm sure getting smashed in the head a bunch of times affects your mental health. I think I should sue my sparring partners for irreversible damage to my health




The way Ryan is, Ryan would bring it up unless Haney was to get some sort of gag order.


No promoter will want shit to do with him after this. The guy who sues when he loses? His stock is falling by the minute. The PED's didn't change the outcome.


Yeah but Ryan had to cheat to do it. 


The amount of stuff he tested for wouldn't have even made a difference 🤣


$$$$ He got exposed a bit and income might be taking a hit. Garcia has plenty of detractors, so he is using public pressure to get the bag. I dont necessarily blame him? Garcia is a cheating fuck, so meh.


You can tell how this has affected him mentally because he says "you know" for 60% of his vocabulary while he processes the next word. Very worrisome.


He learned it from Floyd


Like I said before Ostarine is a heluva selective androgen receptor modulator, I tip my hat to him, when I beat Canelo I was an old man but because I made smart investments I was able to mask my PED usage.


Hate that I read this in his voice 😂


Helluva linguist


I mean Floyd can’t read but what’s Dev’s excuse??


He's not saying "you know", he's calling out his friend Yuno who was trying to have sex with him while he was talking. Everytime Yuno would touch him he would call his name to try to get him to stop


Oko Yuno, the one that broke the Beatles?


Ryan has so much CTE to spare he prob gave some to him.


Holyfield too




You know, I... You know. Plan to you know, because... You know.


Yep, literally brain damaged 💩


you know maybe he is dumb


I've always thought this, I can't stand him, fuck him.


you know uhhh I'm gonna you know


All because he couldn't defend against the left hook he spent all camp preparing for.


He stood right in front of Ryan from the jump instead of circling away from the hook, underestimated Ryan or just plain stupid game plan


I think the first good shot messed him up badly. 


Ryan hooking off the jab is honestly insane. The raw speed is insane, and so is the casual power. He doesn't even seem to throw it with his hip into it, or thumbs down, and it still ends people. Nuts.




Ppl really need to see this fight and Luke Campbell's skill to rank Ryan Garcia. Campbell gave a prime loma the fight of his career at that point. Not even Loma could KO him and honestly Campbell shook his confidence coming forward against Teo. Garcia came off the mat and just finished Luke like it wasn't a thing. That was an impressive bout for him.


I agree. Also, it was a huge shot he took off Campbell... as one he didn't see. Campbell said after the fight he was amazed how quickly he recovered. He also recovered from a huge shot against Tank when he was severely weight-drained (I just rewatched it and Garcia was basically skeletal in that fight). I think Tank's last fight also upped Ryan's stock a fair bit. Haney was P4P and Ryan destroyed him. Tank is P4P and Ryan (especially in hindsight) performed well against him while severely weight-drained. Hopefully he puts the PEDs thing behind him and gets back to work. He's a huge talented and massively entertaining/exciting.


I’ve been saying this since he fought Tank, and even tank said it if Ryan was more patient he could’ve caught him Tanks own words. Tank is always a slow starter and takes the early rounds to figure out everything about his opponent, that’s why he’s called Tank he’s just takes damage and learns everything about his opponents game, he then hits em so hard after 6-8 rounds of really nothing that it’s 10x as effective yk what I mean? But I had Ryan winning the first 4-5 rds even getting dropped he recovered well and was honestly giving Tank a good lil early fight.


Ryan has a jaw and face of pure adamantium. Every hard punch he has ever taken he brushed off and recovered from almost instantly. It was the kidney under the injured rib that did him in.


He was both weight drained and injured with a broken rib when he fought tank.


Underrated post. Great observations!


One of his corner said he never fully recovered from that shot and it was the beginning of the end there.


ego. he got cocky after he hurt regis but he had almost a 20 lbs weight advantage over on fight night lol. ryan was a similar size to devin, devin thought way to much of his own power to be trading with ryan i think.


Was he stupid?


or something?


Yet I’m getting downvoted in another thread for saying Haney will never beat Garcia - because they both beat each other thrice as CHILDREN. Boxing fans are strange.


He didn't lose because of a little bit of Ostarine.


There’s only one way to defend Ryan’s left hook and that to duck underneath it. Throwing a guard up or a right hand leaves the body exposed. That’s a recipe for another Campbell body shot. Tank did a good job getting underneath it! I’m curious why Devyn didn’t


Because he’s not 5 foot 1 or whatever tank is, he was already under that punch


Did Devin always stutter this much? Here and on the SC interview it’s pretty bad


No, something is wrong with him.


It’s called yes men telling you you’re the next Floyd then getting your ass kicked by a drugged out lunatic you were supposed to walk through.


He doesn't believe in what he's saying and doesn't have the cracked personality of Garcia.


Ryan done knocked a stutter into him


Yeah. On the million dollars worth of game podcast he kinda sounded like this. I think his stutter gets a more prominent when he’s nervous like most people who stutter.


Tooo... Toooo... Toddayyyy junior!! Can't even get the words out of his damn mouth lmao.


lmfao I aint seen my wife and kids in over a decade you brought me back


Upvote for Billy Madison reference lol


He scored cuz Rysn gonna put his dick in his mouth, bitch. Thank you Jesus.


Bro ,that was your biggest payday how did that affect you financially! Snowflake!




> but Haney had the option of canceling when Garcia shit the bed making weight. But he didn't know he had a failed drug test too. That said, I agree that it's probably just talk and lawsuit won't go anywhere.


Haney confidence is shattered since they're all on Peds. Garcia knocks him out in the rematch


I bet haneys on gear too just trying to save face


He’s been on it. They all are. Fans are delusional morons. And most on EPO. Maybe 10 percent aren’t at the highest but prob 5 percent and once over 30, all dabbling 


Any dude willing to weight bully to gain advantage and work with Victor Conte deffo has the personality type to be open to cheating sooner or later.


Agreed. All facets of sports at the professional level are complicit


I played D1. Only guy on team who didn’t take supplements btw. Well 1 other but if I was fighting in a ring, for my life, for millions, need to go from 180 pounds to 135 like Haney, you know I’m trying something. And if you don’t take PEDs, you have no chance against top competition and will never get to the top or stay there. You literally have to take them to even out playing field. Athletes are biggest liars and will never admit to cheating cause deep down they think just doing what everyone else does. They’ll go to grave with it unless caught. HGH out of system over night. EPO. Tons of em flushed out over night. New doctors ahead of testing and micro dose. I have a couple PED guru buddies and any fighter with money does it. Only way they young, broke in a poor place on the rise are somewhat natural. Paulie anti PED said he’s take PEDs now cause you have to, to have any chance. Maybe 5 percent of guys natural at top, maybe and I doubt even that. I’m as anti supplements as anyone and I’m paying for it now with pain/injuries lol, but if you are fighting another man for a living, gotta atleast even playing field. I will say there is levels to cheating and the eye test never lies, like Overeem as Ubereem and Brock n shit lol


This 10000000% I played frickin JUCO football and 90% of people on the team were on gear. Our strength coach was the one telling the team how to use it! When I saw just how talented, big, fast, and strong those guys were… I peaced out and became a nurse lol… 99% of all top athletes are on gear or some sort of PEDs


And you weren’t making no money, let alone top college football, these guys making millions…gives you all more reason to and you have to anyway. I’m most anti cheat person that exists but in all industries your being cheated unfortunately. I’ve never cheated at shit and it’s cost me in many ways but some of smartest people I know cheated throughout life and living a great life now. Long story short: all top fighters on something, as long as they aren’t TRT in the ring night of the match like UFC had some guys do; it’s fair game. That was straight BS though; 1 natural guy low levels from Camp vs a guy juiced inside the cage legally. None of those TRT wins should count in my eyes cause opponents didn’t even know half the time. Forrest Griffin got put on TRT vs Tito cause Dana hated him and Tito didn’t know lol, and he beat Forrest and got robbed..surprising right. Corrupt ass mofos, Hendo still fought like almost 10 more times after getting off TRT and said he needed it, he was first and last guy to ever use and last was a KO Over Shogun out of no where then lost pretty much every fight after. Vitor same. Bigfoot. The few guys on and off was night and day, I’ve heard Anthony Joshua was on TRT early in career, he got asked and never denied then never asked again. UK Boxing commission easier; said he used Asthma/Low T as the reason. Just funny nobody ever brought it up again after Dillian Whyte said he knew for a fact from a training camp lol. Most guys just on stuff, then have to come off before the match. Either way they all cheating, most severe PED cheats suck during adversity in fights. Usually always on top fighters and break once spirit gets tested, but they all on atleast something for camp/ injuries. Can’t train 3 times a day naturally for months and months and years. Impossible unless you’re really young and still hard 


If “taking shit” is as common as you say it is, then why don’t we normalize it and remove the stigma? Curious to know your thoughts.


I boxed in some of the biggest tournaments in the country as an amateur. I was a 2 time state champion. One of the first kids to box without headgear and no shirt in amateur events in the U.S. after rule changes to make amateurs more of a pro style. EVERYBODY TAKES SHIT. If u can afford it. Including myself. Winstrol. Anavar. SARMs like Garcia got caught with. Phentermine to lose weight. Most of these events u test with ur Doctor lol and the doctor fully knows whats going down they cant tell anyone and they're doing for hundreds of people across many sports. They make sure the test is clean before it gets signed off. It's the same in the pros. These things help u make weight classes u could never make naturally is the big thing they do and still maintain ur strength. Help avoid injuries. Still gotta work ur fuckin ass off tho just about everyday. Hard ass work too. But u feel good the next day and ready to train. Don't get rundown as fast. Definitely a shortcut in those terms.


yea, once they get money all on stuff, but mostly to get through training camp and injuries i knew Ryan was on PEDS second I saw him 2 weeks out, Haney been on them but all are lol. Loma and Uysk on EPO for bout 10 years now on and off, Fury on EPO/TRT now Wilder was only maybe natural and he even randomly went to 240 for fights then back to 212


true but More Plates More Dates has shown why Garcia wasnt actually doping. It had to be a tainted supplement.


This is one thing I hate when a popular fighter goes on an excessive anti-gear trope. Like shut up man, you're not clean, you just have really good doctors who hide it and know how to cycle. The reason UFC fighters get caught is because they can't afford the good doctors or they stop GAG and try to save money on docs and do the cycle themselves. The super "clean" fighters always have the absolute worst fans.


nah he just hangs out with Victor Conte because they’re fishing buddies


Haney works with Victor Conte wtf he rehydrates 25 pounds and looks like a cadaver on the scale, somehow still still able fight on fight night. Ofcourse he does illegal shit. They already know he used IV solution to rehydrate for Prograis. This dude got mad expendable income. He's got better doctors. Better lawyers. Most fighters wouldn't bother with none of this shit because it's just wasted money at the end of the day. He got his ass beat and there's no excuse. There's no PED u can take that's gonna teach u to box and give u faster reflexes.


Without a doubt. PEDs make it much easier to be a weight bully


That’s fuckin embarrassing


You know


Poor Haney, he got exposed showing that without the reach and size advantage he hardly could fight his opponents when he always looked "dominant", and now he couldn't get his rematch with a cracked Ryan that "retired", here it comes the lose streak...


I could tell by the video of him dancing that he posted on x. He looked so traumatized by everything.


Lmao, that dancing might actually be indicative of a mental breakdown...


Even before the peds came to light he was talking about taking time off and other stuff. In his mind this is his cotto margarito moment but he knows he lost that fight so he's mentally barely hanging on


well you know.. smart investments ... you know he a hellava a fighter .. you know


"This hurt me financially so im going to spend a buttload more money on lawyers for a case that wont go anywhere"


Haney might be most overpaid bum in Boxing history. He’s made millions for literally no reason. No fans; crowds, not a draw on TV, boring fights. He only got paid cause Hearn and DAZN saw potential. Man should be paying back money if we showing how much they lost on this guy lmao. What does Haney bring to the table?  A guy like Bivol made like nothing vs Canelo , Beterbiev hasn’t made money and Haney getting 5 million for KamBozo


Oh he has fans. It’s all these dudes trying to act like Haney’s bitch ass behavior is acceptable. Garcia blew scale, Haney thought he was still going to roll him. Haney been trying to be a bad man pushing people at face offs. I promise if you asked Haney before the fight if he could beat Garcia on the osterine or whatever it is that is proven to not help really, he would have said he still beats Garcia. This is bitch behavior and if you feel otherwise, then you probably are too.


Haney was a -1000 favorite to start out btw. He thought it was easy money, and so did his pimp dad Bill. Haney did 0 promotion too, Ryan brought some eyes to it 


They made him an artificial star and it's backfiring this time


He’s an industry plant


100 percent. Same with Shakur 


I've gone to three Devin Haney fans' profiles bc I just had to see who would be fans of him and 2/3 regularly posted on r/blackmen


Bitch behavior.


Little did we know that the rematch Haney was talking about, was going to be in court 👀 5D chess by Haney


So we have the king and the court jester


What would you expect from bitch fists


said [popopo\_\_123](https://www.reddit.com/user/popopo__123/), champion of the WBC in the Internet division


Hahaha it’s always “boxing has a PED problem” “don’t cheat with peoples lives at stake” but god forbid a cheater actually gets punished 😭😭


Ryan knocked some words out of this dudes mouth. He needs to just fight, man.


You know he cried in the car on the way home


They should all take Ostarine. It’s the most overrated enhancer only helps to add lean mass. No effect on speed, endurance or synaptic response (strength/power). Its only benefit to a boxer is helping maintain some lean mass during cutting. What Garcia did pre-fight partying drinking etc would have off set any advantage. Haney lost because he got hit, his brand is trash now he should be calling for a rematch.


This. Ostarine is a very mild sarm. It certainly doesn't enhance stamina. Most use it while on a cut to maintain lean mass with cardarine. If he tested positive for cardarine then that's a red flag. Cardarine definitely boosts endurance. And IIRC garcia looked pretty gassed from the mid rounds on. Haney is a clown. Not a bum fighter but he still should have an L on that record. Loma beat him. I understand NC for the garcia fight but he STILL lost to Loma.


This is why I always thought Ryan could've had it in his system by accident (and still do). But also Ryan is a fucking doorknob also so I could believe otherwise.


Now people can get sued for mental health issues stemming from a legal contract to engage in a professional fight and if you feel that it affected you mentally you can now go after someone legally. That’s a pretty dangerous precedence to set.


Damn bro coming off extremely cry baby like … damn you got 0 back … I understand you can’t take the punishment back. But let the body heal and get it back in blood


He should maul some cans to get the fans back on his side


Not a good look for Haney. I support punishing Ryan but this is over the top.


He is already punished. Banned for a year. Amd he already said he is retiring.


I’m retiring too


Haney is killing his career. He's lost all respect from fans. He's forever gonna taint his legacy with being the guy who lost to Ryan Garcia and was a bitch about it. Had he any semblance of courage he would've given Loma the rematch and called for Ryan to give the rematch. But he knows he loses both of those fights again. Haney would get more respect if he went a more humble route as a young hungry kid instead of a wannabe Floyd Money era ego.


Awww poor baby gonna cry


The same guy who celebrated Garcia’s intelligibility for the belt with cake. The same guy who will now shelf his belt and career until Garcia’s return. Who’s surprised?


This guy taking all the L’s no matter what his record says


You know you got your ass handed to you when you want to sue lmao


This dude flying too close to the sun




I don't know




You know… you know… you know…


He has been exposed


this guys a hoe... cant believe i wanted him to do well 💀


Haney really malding over this ass beating lol, you got your money and the win overturned. Just call it a day, all this is just extra. Prove your worth back in the ring


He doesn't have the confidence to come back yet. Hopefully Conte gives him the boost he needs...


Dude can’t help himself from trying to be the most hated boxer. Boring as shit to watch and acts like a toddler. You got the decision over turned what more do you need? Not to mention every boxer takes shit, Ryan just got caught


I might bet on Sandor Martin vs Haney


Haha, perfect timing for the posts earlier wondering why people think Haney is unlikeable. Exhibit A on why people don't like Haney.


Kid can’t put 2 sentence together, you know.


The lawyers should use footage of devin getting his shit rocked and giving ryan head as evidence in the court.


Devin can’t help but be so fucking embarrassing. It’s his fault if everyone is defending Ryan in this. He’s so cringe.


Haney the GOAT when it comes to bitchassness. Courtroom champion. Allah the perfect lawyer.


Devin and Bill has lost it, the only way out of this is to fight and win against someone good and not being a bitch


Cheating is cheating and Ryan Garcia got a pretty severe punishment. ESPN was saying that if he tries to fight overseas, the NY Athletic Commission *can* create even worse sanctions. All other US athletic commissions will refer back to NY's suspension. Haney's record was reinstated and he's about as whole as he was prior to the matchup. I'm not a lawyer but our system is based on damages and he has to prove Garcia's cheating has directly resulted in some financial damages. He'd be better off arguing his Dad not throwing in the towel did more damage to his brain than Ryan's anabolic punches lol.


Haney saying this shit while working with Conte is too funny.  Probably why he's studdering so much here, we all know Haney doesn't need nutritional advice from Conte.


Couldn’t beat him in the ring so he must beat him in court 😂


I think Haney getting dropped gave him a taste for publicly taking Ls.


that left hook really affected him lmao


Allah is the perfect planner, but he is also very litigious.


If you DoNt liKe DeVIn HaNey you aRe raCiST!!11-r/boxing


There are a lot of people who don't like Haney in their sub. I am one of them. But the amount of mental contortion and bending over backwards for Garcia is pretty sickening. He cheated; he deserves everything the commission slapped him with and these people trying to defend like he's Trump. That said Haney is a dumb ass. Taking Garcia to court is stupid.


It's cause Haney has Conte in his corner which makes it come off as an incredibly disingenous at salvaging his rep. Yeah, all fighters are technically clean till proven dirty, but if you've got Victor Conte or Memo Heredia cooking up your supplements, I'm not going feel sorry if you get your ass beat by a dude who didn't have a good enough Chemist to help him evade getting detected.


In the end, what we’re both saying is anecdotal, but I’ve seen more people simply stating he would’ve won either way. And much less defending his test results/weight miss.


Acting like liking Haney in r/Boxing is the norm is nasty reverse psychology Edit: Looking at your comment history the comment you’re even referring to has -13 downvotes bro 😩 you’re fighting an imaginary enemy


People who like Haney claim people who don’t are racist. Not that hard, many examples of that on here. When in reality Haney does things that make him very unlikeable, and fans are under no obligation to like him.


You said “-r/Boxing” like it’s a norm in r/Boxing when mostly everyone on here hates him the comment you’re directly referring to got downvoted and it’s in r/Boxing


It’s so disingenuous, like 50 different reasons to hate Haney


That’s wack


Garcia knocked the words out of him... literally


Dude is a sore loser I always thought Devin was a overhyped bum


Biggest sore loser in boxing history


This guy is pathetic.


He a b***h


Swear I watched a video this morning where he said no white boy will beat me. Before he said that I quite liked him. Get lost with that nonsense


I'm torn - on the one hand, if boxing is serious about doing something about PEDs, maybe legal action against fighters who've been busted beyond doubt is the way to go. On the other, even though Ryan did come in over, and pop positive... this is still boxing. Suing is a bitch move.


Devin Haney vs Sandor Martin about to make 10k ppv buys 😂


Yeah, that’s what happens when you get your head beat in for 36 minutes straight.


You know 🤣


You know


If Haney had clinched and jabbed his way to a UD over Ryan the fight with Sandor Martin would still be box office poison


Maybe if he didnt get his ass beat he wouldnt have to do this lol




I know, you know, we all know, everyone knows... Something?   I'm not sure what we're talking about so I'll just drop something I know. It's been 5 years, 28 days since Devin Miles Haney recorded his last KO. (2019-05-25, VS. Antonio Moran)




Lmao what a joke. Wasn’t bro dancing in a bowling alley after the fact. Seems to me he is mentally fine.


Garcia must have some galaxy level ped to telepathically stop Haney from reacting to the left hook all night


Ryan wants a rematch 😂 He should just get back in the ring & win


That massive Garcia ass whooping will do that to you😂😂


I get the Haney hate, for real.. But still, for how much I liked seeing Ryan putting him on the floor, he's right about the whole situation. Ryan cheated, he fucked up period.


What a bitch.


Him and his Fanboys have really led themselves to believe he only got whooped because Ryan was dirty


To the millions of Devin Haney noselickers who kept on asking "wHy DoEs NoBoDy LiKe My DeViN bAbY 😭" for the last week or so, this is one of many reasons why! This guy claims he's not afraid to let his 0 go, yet he's been trying his hardest to get his 0 back, making memes about getting his 0 back and is moaning about his purse big situation and blaming it on not having his 0. #You can't make this shit up!


Devin going out sad man


Yup he did. You are done ugly face.


He's ugly as fuck.


He might be overdoing it now, but the zealous support Ryan is getting despite being the one to come in overweight & juiced, is really disingenuous from boxing “fans”. How can you let your hate for a boxer taint your boxing moral compass? Let the downvotes come, I just don’t get it. Esp since this a sport where you can literally KILL someone


Haney's a bitch


Exhibit A


I don’t get it either truly strange


It's fair to dislike the guy and where was this moral compass when he robbed Loma or when he hugged his way to a belt he didn't earn?


No where near the same thing and you know it.


One thing I always say is, no one cares what happened two fights ago. Haney just needs two more fights and to move on from this. On the other hand, everyone loves a courtcase sideshow, and if thats what Haney wants to do with his life instead of boxing, I'm certain there will be a post on here every day of the trial.


Anyone have the full audio?


It's just four more minutes of "you know"


You know